In the 24th Century, humanity is divided.
The American Union has spread across several worlds when it was youthful and full of vigor. Now, it finds itself bloated and corrupted to the point that the Magnetic Assembly has split off an entire system with its cybernetic extremists. Meanwhile, the Commonwealth of Worlds has leaped out from Europe and colonized a system of its own, but finds its ideals of freedom and utopia challenged at every turn. Worse still, the Heaven Forged Republic is only one in name only, its confederacy divided between those looking at the past, present and future.
Of course, humanity is not alone.
The Daqin Empire murderously sprung out of the body of the Pan Asian Combine, its once enslaved transhumans finding their own home in the stars. However, their grudges are deep, as are those of the Aos Si. Scattered across space, they are the survivors of a catastrophe of untold proportions, their star spanning hegemony collapsing into myth and legend. Once forced into hiding by the most ruthless of humanity and only recently reemerging, they are slowly building in influence and strength. Meanwhile, giant, space faring spiders the size of small bears known as Theradectans have made themselves known.
As has magic, its presence returning like the slow ebb and flow of an unstoppable tide.
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NoN is a Play by Post Sci-Fi roleplay site, a worldbuilding project, and general internet hangout.
This is our Wiki, and it contains all of our reference material.
You can find old Roleplay transcripts on the Forums.
Our Discord is used for general communication.
Knowing everything here isn't required for play.
Active Plots
Plots are where the roleplay happens. These plots are campaigns where people roleplay under a game master who runs the story. If you would like to join a plot, reach out to their GM on our Discord.

- The Edward Deming (Plot)
RP Type: Google Docs
A single star system has broken off from the corrupt and bloated American Union, and now one of few ships stands guard over Hawking System, protecting it with words as often as with bullets
- Outremer
RP Type: Publish With Me Pad
Explore the outer reaches of human space as a crack team of scientists and soldiers, meet new and interesting life, either make friends or shoot 'em dead... Also there are giant spiders.
- Echoni Stories
RP Type: Google Docs
Making weaponized creatures using barely understood 'exophages' seems like a great idea until you realize you've got to raise them! Echoni Stories follow various Echoni as they are brought to life and start understanding the world around them from inside of Alpha Concourse.
- Interpol
RP Type: Publish With Me Pad
Interpol - Interplanetary Criminal Police Organization/Organisation interplanétaire de police criminelle - has been in existence in one form or another for 400 years. Needing a team of troubleshooters to deal with problems that pop up in the Sol system, the higher ups picked the newly minted Captain Beatrix Simmons of Scotland Yard to head the team and to focus on the most thorny issues on their plate, from Chongwu trafficking to drug running.
- Escape from the Heavenly State
RP Type: Forum
War has broken out between the Empire of Daqin, and the HFR. Those caught behind enemy lines plot their escape to Earth where they can join in the fight. This plot will soon be replaced by: IDS Yinghua

- The Magnetic Assembly
Originally a small cult of technology and cybernetics, The Magnetic Assembly has risen to prominence having wrested control of Hawking System from the American Union
- Daqin Diguo
One hundred years ago, these creations of humanity broke free, and now, they have become a major player in the political landscape, their schemes and machinations ever-present
- Soyuz Sotsialisticheskikh Mirov
Born of 21st century strife, old Soviet territories reunited under old values to reach new cosmic frontiers alone; but their isolationism is challenged by ripples in external order
- American Union
First among super-nations, the American Union currently suffers a decline in economic and political influence, yet the old lion still raises its head high, proudly
- Commonwealth of Worlds
Saved through ingenuity and embracing the unknowns of the void, nation-states and station-states unite under a single flag, though cultural differences between the surface-born and the space-born tear at the cohesion
- Tian Zao Gongheguo
A phoenix rising from the ashes, the "Heaven Forged Republic" is made up of the many peoples of Asia coming together under a single banner, at least in theory
See: Species

- Human
- Low-Cyborg: Humans with some minor prosthetics or upgrades.
- High-Cyborg: Those that are barely recognizable as Human.
- Epsilon: A specific augmentation package for American Union Special Forces Soldiers
- Zeta Program: A competing augmentation package for American Union Special Forces Soldiers.
- Neptunian: Those truly committed to Neptunian colonization efforts. Their extensive use of cyrostasis has unmoored them from the normal passage of time.
- Loonie: A catch-all term for those who grew up in low gravity, resulting in taller humans with weaker bones
- Daqinren
- Dragon Form: Royalty, High Level Politician and Diplomat form, unavailable for purchase
- Rooster Form: Most famed as Intermediate Level Politicians, Diplomats and High Level Merchants, highest price
- Snake Form: Most famed for Special Forces use, as well as hostile environment engineering and exploration
- Tiger Form: Most famed for their use as Storm Troopers, commonly present as higher level civilians
- Dog Form: Most famed for their use as Heavy Troopers, commonly present as intermediate level civilians
- Monkey Form: Most famed for their scientists and engineers, commonly present as intermediate level civilians
- Horse Form: Famed for their modularity, bionetic 'centaur' module and associated light cavalry roles, commonly seen as intermediate level civilians
- Ox Form: Known for their roles in heavy labor industries, general citizenry
- Pig Form: Known for their role as third wave colonists with 'razorback' variant for hostile environments, general citizenry
- Rabbit Form: Known for their role as second wave colonists and their quick witted tenacity
- Goat Form: Known for their role as second wave colonists capable of eating anything and traversing difficult terrain, general citizenry
- Rat Form: Known for their role as first wave colonists intended to prepare 'death worlds' for following waves, most affordable form
- Chongwu
Superior pets for superior beings, they range from super-intelligent animals to fully anthropomorphized beings - Grawla
Primitive humanoid aliens native to the world of Hawking known for kludging together alien-invasion defeating weapons and war machines- Cave Grawla: Grawl who have developed themselves for life underground.
- Swamp Grawla: Populous and widely adaptable Grawl
- Ocean Grawla: Nomatic Grawla suited for living near coasts and islands
- Savana Grawla: Nomatic Grawla suited for living in hot environments
- E-4 Echoni
Humanoid creatures created by The Magnetic Assembly to harness discoveries on the planet Hawking. Often childish and starting with no life experience, often adorable. - Aos Si
Tall, graceful humanoids with access to reality warping powers, have to put up with being called "Elves" by humans - Robots
A catch all term for artificial life. While it is hard to determine just what makes something Sapient, it is virtually impossible to show that some robots aren't self-aware. - Theradectans
eight limbed spider-like creatures that have been discovered at the far reaches of Human space. Much like the Aoi Si, their society seems to have suffered a major collapse around the same time.

- Characters A listing of characters - make sure to press "View All Pages"!
- Character Template
- Daqinren Character Guide
- Chongwu Character Guide
- E-4_Echoni Manual

- Atlantica Electromotive
- Atlantica Petrochem
- Bishop Fusion Systems
- Caelus
- Domers
- Daqin Junshi
- Fiat Meccanica
- Gryphon Dynamics
- Hak Technologies
- Lada-Kamaz-Yula
- Olander Industries
- Nanotransen
- Red Planate
- Shen Zhou Industrial Group
- Stellar
- Sylphian
- Tran Areospace
- Tai Zong Dynamics
- Union Launch Alliance
Other Stuff
- Starter Guide
- Previous Introductions
- Corporations
- Blog : Discussion topics and other content
- Rules : How do you create stuff in the setting? What do you do if there is a dispute? Rules about such things are kept here.
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