Hello there and welcome to Nobles of Null! As this is likely the first page of our wiki you are looking at, We would like to take this opportunity to say we are ecstatic to have you come aboard with us! This guide is likely going to be the shortest of them all, explaining the most basic information you need to function on our website! We want to get you into the action as fast as possible!
Getting Started
In order to RP with us, first you need to decide who you want to RP with! We have a multitude of plots, each run by a Plot Master. The game master will be responsible for helping you setup your character and get started in the RP.
Then find a plot you want to join: Plots
And create a character.
Then find a plot you want to join: Plots
And create a character.
Finding a plot!

Nobles of Null is a Sci-Fantasy website with an overarching plot line. This means that roleplay is a little more structured than most websites do. First of all, plots are managed by Plot Managers. Plot Managers are players who have been approved to run a Story Line that other players can participate in. Think of them as a Dungeons and Dragons Dungeon Master. They are the Dungeon Master, you are the player!
So to join roleplay, all you need to do is speak with a Plot Manager who runs a story you might be interested in, to find out if the character you have in mind will work out! We are all committed to making sure our players feel like they are making an impact on the stories they are a part of, which means we try to avoid bringing in Characters that won't mesh well with the story at hand. No point bringing a Daqin Imperialist who is rabidly fighting to keep their right to own Chongwu, into a plot filled with Chongwu
Making your Character
Obviously your can't roleplay without a character! On Nobles of Null, creating a character is a very simple process.
Step 1. Go to the Characters tab of the Wiki.
Step 2. On the right hand side of the page you will see "Create New." Click that, and hit "Page."
Step 3. Copy and paste the Template below into the text box of the new page: for a simplified version, try the Character Template
Step 4. Fill in the information as required. Any slot that is not needed, leave blank.
Step 5. Title the page, and make sure the "Save To" drop down says "Character."
|group_1=Biographical information
|group_2=Physical description
|data_2_6=Hair color
|data_2_7=Eye color
|data_2_8=Skin color
|group_3=Political information
|group_4=Out-of-character information
|data_4_2=Created on
Appearance Here
[h=2]Skills and Abilities[/h]
Skills and Abilities
Personality goes here
Biography goes here
Links to credit the creator of any offsite references used with explicit permission.
Everything Else
Those are the basics for joining the website! There are other guides on the website, and this one just gives enough to get by. If you have any questions, make sure to join the site Discord and someone there will be happy to help you out!
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