Atlantica Electromotive
Majority owned by the Atlantica Colonial Administration, Atlantica Electromotive is the primary contractor for the settlement efforts in Atlantica, producing motors, vehicles, and a variety of heavy machinery.
The Prime Mover
While the first goal of the Atlantica Colonial Administration was to import resources from Sol to create a self-sustaining presense in space, the second goal was to start producing raw materials and infrastructure from native resources. Atlantica Electromotive was the first company founded in Atlantica, and exists to provide the infrastructure that the Atlantica Colonial Administration needs.
Founded in 2119, Atlantica Electromotive is a government owned heavy industry who's goal is to produce the base infrastructure needed to develop Atlantica. It exsisted as a small company, kept afloat by funding from the American Union, long into the settlement of Atlantica.
By 2135 it became increasingly clear that settling other star systems was a massive investment of resources with very little payoff for Humanity's home world. Atlantica lacked the cantonite that made settlement of New Texas so profitable. The rapid settlement of the surface of the planet also necessitated an increasingly large share of the resources produced in space which heavily bottle necked space expansion. The lack of cash flow caused The Atlantica Colonial Administration to open Atlantica Electromotive up for private investment.
The company would limp from crisis to crisis over the next century with many in leadership wiped out during the Zhongzhi in 2199 during an international conference on extra solar colonization. A few years later, a massive drop in extra-solar investment from the American Union had the company declare bankruptcy to try and discharge debts owed to organizations in Sol. A large purchase of Chongwu would end up becoming a major scandal in 2238, and then a mere ten years later non-daqin aligned members of the board were forced to resign during the 'Furge'.
Ultimately the combination of low offical investment from its patrons in Sol and the Atlantica Colonial Administration combined with the increasing reach of the corporation would see powers hungry for influence view Atlantica Electromotive as an easy target. Board Members of the company rarely were able to hold a position for more than a few years before their dirty laundry would come to light and they were forced to resign.
In 2321, the entire board of the company was let go after the attack on the AU senate, with control of the company falling directly to the Atlantica Colonial Administration under fears of Magnetic Assembly influence within the organization. Despite pressure to install Union loyalists, the colonial administration has largely held off appointing new leadership, waiting to see who ends up with control over the Atlantica system.
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