• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.


Everything, Everywhere.

The goal is in their name. Stellar, by many metrics, is the single largest corporation, with products and ownership spread all over human space. Through strategic licensing agreements and providing ownership shares to earth corporations, Stellar has a massive catalogue of products and services across all industries that can be provided to nearly anyone, nearly anywhere in human space.



Stellar has its roots in various north American aerospace companies of the 2080s as space infrastructure was being setup for the first SLE systems. At the time the population who lived and worked in space was expanding far beyond the handful of scientists and engineers that occupied space during mankind's early journeys. These people wanted luxury goods, and giving a personal space allotment on launch for luxury goods was simply not enough however sending these supplies instead of the essential life support systems was prohibitively expensive.

In 2090, The Union Launch Alliance spun off its luxury goods transport section into its own company. This group would partner with financial firms and be rebranded as Stellar. Using long term loans backed by the resources being slow-traveled back to earth from space would let this company sell expensive launch space for luxury goods to consumers in space immediately using money they would otherwise have to wait possibly decades for.

Stellar would then purchase IP rights from earth-based companies to sell their products in space in exchange for ownership shares in the company. This would greatly expand their product offerings and increasingly let them get buy in from companies that would otherwise be their competitors. Specific market sectors would be targeted by spinning off subsidiary divisions, and the primary company would specifically handle relations between governments and other corporations.


Unlike many corporations, Stellar does not have a majority owner, with no single organization holding more than ~15% of the company.

This is in part due to Stellar's preference to issue new ownership shares of the company in order to secure the support of earth based corporations, often with an agreement that Stellar will not pursue competing offerings and avoid selling competing products. This has resulted in many companies having part ownership of Stellar, as well as many subsidiary companies beholden to the overall Stellar leadership structure.

Board meetings for Stellar are elaborate affairs with many interests represented, and the large amount of money at hand makes them highly competitive.

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