• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.



Food in space. There are special considerations for spaceborn populations beyond just the difficulty of producing or shipping food into space. Taste works differently, with many often opting to use various flavor enhancers. Packaging may often be edible. Calorically dense and ultimately 'lightweight' foods might be the norm in some areas which can feel unsatisfying to eat.

You might want to see the discussion about this here.

Breakfast Cereals

  • Captain Crusher's Cinnamon Cannons - A Crunchy cereal that has a cinnamon toast taste to it. Boxes are often decorated with a cartoonish Hoshiko look-alike.


  • Gunfire - Rum and Black Tea/Coffee, typically served by officers to their men.
  • Rainbow Texasaurous - Layered, colored, fruit juices with Vodka
  • Sweet Soyuz - A sweeter version of a White Russian

Survival Foods

Lightweight, shelf-stable for years, nutritionally balanced. These foods are designed to keep you alive when you're away from home for long periods of time but might not be the most palatable over the long term.

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