• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Daqin Diguo

Dàqín Dìguó (大秦帝国)

From left to right, a Dog, Tiger, and Snake Form on the bridge of a ship.
The Empire of Daqin, or Dàqín Dìguó (大秦帝国), is the home of the Dàqínrén (大秦人) and their creations, the Chǒngwù (寵物). It is a small, technologically advanced nation that works to build a better future, but is still haunted by its dark origins.

Though originally produced as a bio-engineered slave-race for the late Pan Asian Combine, the then Zhùlǐ (助理)[1] escaped the yolk of slavery to find their own promised land. The rebellion destroyed the old order, allowing them to depart to new worlds where they established their own empire, becoming the Dàqínrén (大秦人).[2] Having been isolated for nearly two centuries, the "Daqinese" as the outside world refer to them, scientifically and technologically progressed at a pace impossible for baseline humans. Unfettered by traditional morality and ethics, their way of life allows for their average citizen to enjoy a standard of living that is practically unheard of amongst humanity, especially after the devastation wrought on Earth. This is only possible since their true existence lies within a vast VR network that connects them all. Here, they live luxurious, even sheltered lives unaware of the suffering within or without the Empire, where they may indulge in their hobbies or live lax, social lives.

All while, their physical bodies relentlessly work with disturbingly quiet, robotic precision.

This is only natural however, as their highly-capable and distinct bodies are a source of pride and a mark of being Dàqínrén. They flaunt their handsomeness, grace and beauty very openly, and are far more accepting of intimacy. As a result, they tend to be very content. Despite the high level of happiness and satisfaction among the Dàqínrén of the Empire however, the trauma of their society's creation continues to mark their outlook and culture. As a nation of transhumans, they are physically and mentally superior to the baseline human, something that already gives the Dàqínrén a predisposition to looking down on the average human. However, this is further darkened by their origin as slaves serving humanity, manifesting in a massive superiority complex towards their creators. As a result, even individuals that do not resent humanity - or are even well meaning - will still believe humans are inherently inferior as part of their worldview.

As far as the Dàqínrén are concerned, they are better and will be better. This also means that they are far more trusting of their own kind, including their political elite. This has culminated with the general population approving of being an Empire proper, with a powerful head of state and no formal rules of succession save for inheritence should the heirs desire.



The Empire of Daqin is a relatively young nation that was formally founded in 2200CE. The predecessors to the Dàqínrén, the Zhùlǐ (助理), were artificially created slave-servants of the late People's Republic of China and its successor state, the Pan Asian Combine. Though networked with one another for increased efficiency, they were obedient to the letter and displayed a zeal for performing the tasks given to them. Even if this was true, it did not remain so, and they were far more independent, cunning and long sighted than expected. When the PAC found what was planned to be its colonized system, the Zhùlǐ put their own long-waiting plans into action. Once the colonization fleet was ready, they rebelled, taking the new system for themselves and utterly destroying their creator nation in an event many compare to cold blooded murder. This destructive event, known as Zhōngzhǐ (终止) or "Termination", allowed the Zhùlǐ to escape with a vast hoard of resources meant to colonize new worlds, reinventing themselves as Dàqínrén and establishing the Dàqín Dìguó as a direct snub to their late creators in the process. However, this set the tone for many decades to come, with humanity choosing to quarantine and isolate the newly born Daqinren and their just-founded Empire, with the Daqin returning this in kind by sequestrating themselves.

For a century and more, the Dàqín Dìguó was a Hermit Empire, and it was only in more recent decades that relations have cooled enough for trade and discourse to occur. Even so, the Empire has mostly restricted this to specific hubs set up to be 'special economic zones', and their almost nomadic mercantile fleets. Though the time in which the Empire has opened itself up ever so slightly has been short, the already-present cracks are already starting to spread, both within their human neighbors, and the romantically Three Kingdoms-esque empire that they created for themselves.

See: History of the Dàqín Dìguó


Daqinren Culture is descended from the mainland Han Chinese, however, it has deviated significantly with time, constant mental networking, and the prevalent use of genetic augmentation. Though the Dàqínrén (大秦人) are the largest ethnicity within The Empire by far, both the Nanmin (難民) and the Ppaebag (빼박) play crucial roles in society.

The word Dàqínrén or Daqinese can bring to mind several different impressions and feelings depending on the individual. Most humans may react with fear, apprehension or hostility at the thought, as propaganda portrays the Dàqínrén as a Borg-like collective bent on the destruction of humanity. Meanwhile, the Dàqínrén themselves may laugh at the idea or even actively mock individuals who think this by parodying these fallacious beliefs. The truth regarding who the Dàqínrén are as a people and culture is far more nuanced however. As beings created as a product meant for a purpose, the Zhùlǐ and their Dàqínrén successors did not have any culture or heritage of their own. Instead, they had to adhere to and obey the societal norms and beliefs of the Pan Asian Combine before their rebellion and escape. As a result, the Dàqínrén had to accept the human culture that was forced on them, and build upon and expand from there, as 'starting over' was an impossible task.

There is a pervasive bitterness within the Dàqínrén due to this, however, they are a culturally idealistic and hopeful descendant of the Chinese people and Far East Asia in general. The Dàqínrén are optimistic and look forward to working together to build a better future. They believe in taking care of one another and making sure few, if any, individuals become needy. Creativity and the arts are everywhere and highly encouraged due to the time they have on hand, tying hand in hand with how they are unashamed of their bodies. Meanwhile, education is highly encouraged, with learning being as fast as it is free for citizens. With their base knowledge being uploaded, and then being given practical practice in their collective virtuality, some take it as a hobby to continue edifying themselves to new heights.

Social Classes

As per Imperial Decree, people within the Empire are classified into one of three categories to better manage the economy and the productivity of its citizens. The Social Classes of Daqin consist of three different tiers or classes, with each having more or less resource priority and care from the government as deemed fitting given their merit and ability. First Class Citizens are the Dàqínrén themselves, born and raised as citizens of the empire. They receive the most benefits from the empire as a result of their high productivity and contributions to scientific knowledge of the nation. Second Class Citizens are those that have bought and successfully undergone the gene-therapy necessary to become Daqinren. Physically becoming Daqinren results in imperial citizenship, however, due to not having been raised as Daqinren from the start, Second Class Citizens do not have mastery of their trans-human abilities. This means lower productivity and contribution of knowledge, and proportionately less benefits, promotion opportunity and the like as a result.

Meanwhile, all others are considered Third Class, and are primarily used to fill in the most dangerous, undesirable or menial jobs. Considered cruel and inhumane by humans at large, it nonetheless works well for the Empire and ensures peak operational efficiency by concentrating unproductive undesirables at the borders so they may not interfere with the work that must be done at core economic centers.


In the Empire of Daqin, the Daqinren people have mastered genetics to develop a variety of forms, drawing inspiration from different animals to achieve aesthetically pleasing appearances. While some forms are associated with specific occupations, the primary motivation for choosing a form is the desired look rather than job specialization. The 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac are the most popular choices for forms, but a wide range of other animal-based forms also exist, particularly among 2nd Class Citizens. Here are some of the most popular forms and their perceived occupations, based on human observation:
  • Dragon Form: Reserved for royalty, high-level politicians, and diplomats, the Dragon Form boasts a long, reptilian tail and antlers as per Chinese mythology. With shimmering scales and bright eyes, the Dragon Form exudes an aura of majesty and power.
  • Rooster Form: With feathers on their arms, colorful tufts for ears, sometimes raptor clawed feet, and long tail feathers, the Rooster Form is believed by humans to be associated with intermediate-level politicians, diplomats, and high-level merchants. Known for their flamboyant appearance, Rooster Forms are often the center of attention in social gatherings.
  • Snake Form: With a serpentine body and human-like arms, the Snake Form is modeled after the venomous serpents of Earth and is thought to be used for for special forces, hostile environment engineering, and exploration. Venom precursor glands are modeled after mammary glands in females. The Snake Form's sleek and sinuous appearance make it an outlier in comparison to the other forms.
  • Tiger Form: The Tiger Form is characterized by a feline tail and ears, typically combined with a tall, lean, and strong physique. Tiger Forms thought by humanity to be often employed as elite bodyguards and are expected to have the agility and ferocity of their feline counterparts.
  • Dog Form: Available in a range of breeds, the Dog Form is thought by humanity to be ideal for defensive heavy troopers and intermediate-level civilians. The physical capabilities of the chosen breed the Daqinren is based off of often determines the connotations that humans perceived. As a result, it is thought that they have a loyal and protective disposition, making them a popular choice for those in law enforcement even though this is sometimes far from the truth.
  • Monkey Form: With prehensile hands and feet reminiscent of Sun Wukong, the Monkey Form is commonly chosen by scientists and engineers and present as intermediate-level civilians. The Monkey Form's dexterity and agility make them ideal for intricate and delicate work.
  • Horse Form: The Horse Form is modular, with bionetic 'centaur' modules, making it suitable for associated light cavalry roles. Owners may change out body parts with biologically engineered components, but these forms are high maintenance and require increased nutritional intake. With such versatility however, the Horse Form is a symbol of Daqinren ingenuity and adaptability.
  • Ox Form: The Ox Form is associated with heavy labor industries and the general citizenry by humans. Ox forms often have bovine horns of varying shapes and sizes, and their tails are highly adept at swatting things. With their sturdy build and endurance, Ox Forms are believed by humanity to have a hardworking nature.
  • Pig Form: The Pig Form is a well-rounded, general-purpose form and is the most popular form available for purchase. Humans who wish to become Daqinren through genetic modification are often encouraged to take this form due to its cultural connotations though.
  • Rabbit Form: Humans believe that Rabbit Forms are fast and nimble scouts as well as sex workers. Their ears are particularly sensitive to a wide frequency of noises however, making this not entirely untrue.
  • Goat Form: With horns and cloven feet, Goat Forms are capable of eating anything and traversing difficult terrain. However, they have especially negative connotations among humans of culturally Christian backgrounds.
  • Rat Form: With a long tail that acts as an advanced sensory organ to supplement their large ears, Rat Forms are another popular choice for humans to take on becoming Daqinren due to their cultural connotations as well as their affordability. Humans believe the Rat form is commonly used by first wave colonists preparing 'death worlds' for following waves.


Though the technological base of the Daqinren originally consisted of what they could bring with them during their exodus, it had rapidly evolved into its own as they settled in their new star system. Given their natural tendency to network with one another, their scientific advances moved at a rapid pace, quickly catching up to the technological base they had set out with, and then surpassing it. For this reason, they generally have the most advanced technology out of the nations that had originated from Earth. Their conventional sciences such as traditional metallurgy and engineering are well developed, however, they are most known for their huge strides in genetics and biotechnology.

In addition to taking the scientific knowledge necessary to maintain and produce more of themselves, they improved on it significantly. Their genetic manipulation abilities allows them to produce the Chongwu in any appearance, size, or capability that they want or require, however, their biotechnological prowess does not end here. The Daqinren have successfully created Zoophytes, crosses between plants and animals, meant to directly produce meat from photosynthesis and electrical currents, allowing for cheap production of food. However, they are perhaps most well known for their Bionetics; living, organic prosthesis that can be quickly attached to the body and used as a natural extension of the user.

Despite these advancements however, it is not the most significant technological stride that the Daqinren have made. These instead built on top of the preexisting framework that allowed them to wirelessly communicate with one another. Taking their different technologies and combining them together, the Daqin were able to produce a fully immersive and highly detailed Virtual Reality, which has the greatest ramifications of them all. By having citizens primarily inhabit and live inside virtual reality, their real-world requirements are starkly less to the point that their physical bodies are comparable to automated construction drones. This, above all, has had profound impacts on not just their economic output, but also culture.


Like the Gemeinschaft der Welten and Soyuz Sotsialisticheskikh Mirov , the majority of the Empire's economy lies in space rather than being planet bound. Despite this though, there are significant differences.

It is the First Class Citizen that serves as the backbone of the economy, being both the largest population of the Empire, and also the most productive on a per-capita basis. Though the Daqinren themselves socialize and effectively 'live' within the virtual reality of their vast computer networks, their bodies move in lock-step coordination. Orchestrated and ultra-efficient, their physical forms wake up, consume food and proceed to work like automatons that are synchronized together, anticipating each other's actions and needs. With living conditions, food and even the physical space they occupy being extremely spartan, the typical First Class Citizen labors away in zones meant to be exclusively for them, producing goods, constructing space stations and laying down ship hulls with speed, precision and efficiency that is simply inhuman.

Furthering this lock-step efficiency is the rationing of resources, with rare-earth metals and other valuable materials being funneled away from Second and Third Class Citizens. Reserved for service drones to support the First Class Citizenry themselves, as well as to build their technology and military forces, the scarcity of these vital substances for the Second and Third Class Citizens is made up for by the production of Chongwu. As carbon based goods, they are extremely cheap and easy to both produce and maintain. Like the Daqin themselves, they can be trained and educated very quickly through direct download of information and virtual training, but their maintenance is made even easier by the advanced food production available to the Empire, which is where the true genetic expertise of the Daqinese shines. Custom-made, plant-like organisms take in carbon-dioxide, water, UV light and - most importantly - direct electrical current, serving as their primary source of produce as well as meat like the mythological Vegetable Lamb of Tartary. These cheaply made Chongwu, fed and maintained through equally cheap means, see after the Second and Third Classes, supplementing and reducing the amount of automation present.

This frees up rare earth metals for other, more vital uses, namely as high-performance military equipment and servant drones for the first class.

In day to day life, the currency used is referred to as Jiāozi (交子), and is named after the first printed paper money on Earth. Though digital in nature, each Jiāozi consists of 100 Yuán (元), and is uploaded into chits known as Fāng Kǒng Qián (方孔錢). These in turn are named and modeled after the traditional Chinese Cash Coin. Round, but with a square hole, it is most commonly worn around the neck, and requires both deliberate activation and confirmation to use so that money cannot be taken out of it by a passing swipe. When the Cash Coin is empty, it must be refilled again at a bank or Automated Teller Machine.


The Dìguó Jūnshì (帝国军事) or "Imperial Military" is relatively young given the circumstances, and still contains human-made ships dating back slightly over a hundred years to the very founding of the nation. However, these are reserved as training vessels and functioning museums in which students train and role-play historically.

In sharp contrast, the modern fleet of the Empire is relatively small in contrast to its peers, but extremely potent. Due to being outnumbered by humanity, it is considered an absolute necessary that the Equipment of the Diguo Junshi remains the best available. Its vessels are generally new production, fitted with trans-human technology that exceeds Earth's best. Despite having some of the most fearsome and capable battleships though, these are few in comparison, and are maintained for their prestige. Instead, the empire relies on a flexible core of cruisers, frigates, destroyers and corvettes instead, with tactics and strategy emphasizing speed, precision and efficiency.

Its military culture is also unique amongst the nations descended from Earth, as the Zhànshì (战士) is the base person, and literally means "Warrior" in the most traditional sense. Generally first class citizens, their expected role in society is dictated at birth by Governance, with their upbringing making their decision to become part of the military a foregone conclusion for most. In sharp comparison, the individual Shìbīng (士兵) or "Soldier", is strictly a 2nd Class Citizen and are employed professionals.


The Pínqióng (貧窮) Solar System is a remote and largely unexplored region of space, home to the Daqinren Empire and the native Aos Sí species on the planet Tiāntáng. Originally named for its perceived lack of resources, the system has proven to be a safe haven for the Daqinren, who have established thriving colonies across multiple celestial bodies. The system consists of several planets, moons, and an asteroid field, each with its own unique characteristics.
  • Quèqiáo (鵲橋): The Magpie Bridge is the largest Super Luminal Engine (SLE) known to humanity, and is capable of sending numerous vessels to multiple different locations simultaneously thanks to its phased array design. This feature has since been reverse engineered and put into use by other nations, but the Magpie Bridge itself continues to undergo regular maintenance and update cycles, keeping it at the cutting edge of known technology.
  • Zhīnǚ (織女): The massive space station known as Zhīnǚ is a Jīngjì Tèqū (經濟特區), or Special Economic Zone, and lies on the other side of the Magpie Bridge beside the Super Luminal Engine. With lax laws, taxes and regulation, humans and other outsiders are allowed to rent and do business in this area, playing fast and loose in this exotic locale that is both dystopian hive of corporate scum and villainy, and heavenly haven. All neatly contained at the very periphery of the Daqin Empire. The advanced technology, specialized goods and services provided all promise this place to be a hot vacation spot where the amazing and exotic can be found and experienced. For foreign scientists and corporate agents however, it is a trove of knowledge that the brave and the bold, or very rich can try to pry treasure from.
  • Lóngmén (龍門): The Dragon Gate lies at the other end of the Magpie Bridge. A space dock, shipyard and defense platform, the formidable station is bustling with martial activity. For over 200 years, no human as passed this point and entered The Empire proper. Only the Daqinren themselvs may enter, and for this reason, humans are often compared to carp in the original mythology, which become dragons once they have passed the gates. In this case however, having discarded their humanity and become Daqinren.

Celestial Bodies​

  1. Tiāntáng (天堂): The first and main habitable planet in the Pínqióng System. A verdant world with diverse terrain and numerous continents, it remains largely unexplored. The Daqinren have established a single city on the planet, mainly for interaction with the native Aos Sí and to study the planet's unique "magic" phenomena.
  2. Dàmén (大門): Tiāntáng's moon, always presenting the same face to the planet. The Daqinren have colonized the side not visible from Tiāntáng, making it a major population center for the Daqin Empire while keeping their presence hidden from the Aos Sí.
  3. Shānlán (柵欄): The system's asteroid field, located between Tiāntáng and the second planet, Jī'è. Home to countless asteroids and stations built within, it serves as another significant population center for the Daqin Empire.
  4. Jī'è (飢餓): A Jovian-type gas giant with four rings, signifying death in Daqinren culture. Despite its ominous connotations, the planet is a valuable source of hydrogen fuel for fusion reactors. Its rings contain asteroid-like debris that host numerous space stations.
  5. Shíwù (食物) and Yǐnliào (飲料): The first and second moons of Jī'è, named after "food" and "drink" in Chinese, respectively.


  • Daqinren: Transhuman descendants of Zhùlǐ slaves who escaped their oppressors and colonized the Pínqióng System. They have established an empire in the system, focusing primarily on space-based settlements.
  • Aos'Sí: A non-space-faring, medieval technology level native species living on the planet Tiāntáng. Often derogatorily referred to as "Space Elves" due to their physical appearance, they have a tumultuous relationship with the Daqinren settlers.
  • Chǒngwù (寵物): A diverse group of manufactured slave species created by the Daqin Empire for various purposes, ranging from enhanced animals to anthropomorphic, sentient, and sapient individuals. The term "Chǒngwù" translates to "pet" in Chinese, reflecting their subservient status within the empire. These beings fulfill a variety of roles, including labor, companionship, and specialized tasks.
  • Humans: Earth-origin humans, visitors, and traders have a limited presence in the Pínqióng System. They are restricted to a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) situated at the edge of the system, where they can engage in commerce and diplomatic relations with the Daqin Empire. The SEZ, a bustling hub of interstellar trade, features an array of cutting-edge technologies and advanced infrastructure, facilitating a thriving marketplace for goods, services, and information exchange between humans and the various inhabitants of the Pínqióng System.

OOC Notes

  • Dàqín Dìguó (大秦帝国), very literally translated, means "The Great Qin Empire", but in practical common use means "Empire of Greater China"; it is derived from the name that Ancient China called Ancient Rome, and viewed as their equal
  • Dàqín is pronounced "Da-ching"
  • Zhùlǐ (助理) is pronounced "Chu-li" much like like the assistant lady who's always being told to do the thing
  • The Dàqínese are descended from the trans-human Zhùlǐ (助理 - "Assist-Manage") slaves that had escaped from under the CCP
  • The name of their nation is meant specifically to insult their makers, the Chinese, and serves as a bold declaration that they will be superior in every way
  • "Mercantile Fleets" intrude into other territories, proselytizing everything Daqin, selling Chongwu, Gene-Mods, Bionetics and more while also harvesting local resources as they go to feed their product production
  • Xīnrén (新人) - "New Person", more informal, slightly rude for convert to Daqinren and an entirely new word
  • Xīnwài (新外) - "New Foreigner", formal term referring to a convert to the Daqinren
  • Yímín (移民) - "Immigrant/Migrant", formal term for immigrant or migrant
  • Need to keep working on history and the events that have lead them to be what they are, namely, the internal civil war and current state of internal politics
  • Go over their comparatively low resource levels and inability to fight a prolonged war in comparison to other nations
  • Removed "The Four Occupations"

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