
Outremer is about the exploration of the frontiers of human space. Starting in the Outremer_System, the plot follows a group of AU (American Union) military personnel as they work to uncover alien artifacts and take what they learn to benefit the Union. First goal is to sort out where and when the artifacts came from and what purpose they served. While the scientists sort that out, the military garrison keeps them safe, especially as tensions are further strained by the nearby Magnetic Assembly succession.
Plot Style and Expectations
Plan is to have a similar vibe to Stargate: SG-1/Atlantis. Go where no human has gone before, meet aliens, be the shining example of the AU by making friends and shooting enemies in the face.
As GM, I promise to move the plot forward in a post at least once a week, but will go faster if people post sooner. However, if a player hasn't posted for two weeks, they'll be considered inactive. Nothing will happen to the character, they'll just be moved to the group of NPCs that surround the players and the player can jump back in and be active whenever they have time to post.
As GM, I promise to move the plot forward in a post at least once a week, but will go faster if people post sooner. However, if a player hasn't posted for two weeks, they'll be considered inactive. Nothing will happen to the character, they'll just be moved to the group of NPCs that surround the players and the player can jump back in and be active whenever they have time to post.
Plot Roles
Squad Leader - Major Caleb Schembri
Scientists -
Squad Members -
- Captain Elizabeth Bakarra - Guns
- Kapitänleutnant (Captain Lieutenant) Arachne Panagiotopoulou - Xeno-virologist, Psychologist, etc.
- Oberstabsgefreiter (Technical Sergeant) Safaa El Fassi - Expolsive Ordinance Disposal/Demolitions/Field Medic
- Astroneer Kat Frezno Clarkson
- Astroneer Vinsue Smith
- Theradectan Liason Thakozois - Spider-boi
Inactive characters -
- Doctor Maksim "Max" Sedova - Anthropologist
- Doctor Benjamin Hase - Linguist
- Theradectan Mage Camelia - Thaumaturgy
Scientists -
Squad Members -
- Captain Elizabeth Bakarra - Guns
- Kapitänleutnant (Captain Lieutenant) Arachne Panagiotopoulou - Xeno-virologist, Psychologist, etc.
- Oberstabsgefreiter (Technical Sergeant) Safaa El Fassi - Expolsive Ordinance Disposal/Demolitions/Field Medic
- Astroneer Kat Frezno Clarkson
- Astroneer Vinsue Smith
- Theradectan Liason Thakozois - Spider-boi
Inactive characters -
- Doctor Maksim "Max" Sedova - Anthropologist
- Doctor Benjamin Hase - Linguist
- Theradectan Mage Camelia - Thaumaturgy
Suggested Character Origins
Most of the base is going to be AU personnel, so that’d be the easiest origin to go with. GDW (Gemeinschaft der Welten) personnel and scientists would work as well, due to the close ties between the two nations. If other origins are wanted, will work out on a case by case basis.