• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.



A review was done of the various super soldier programs being run by many various organizations. One of the benchmarks reviewed by the organization was the Epsilon super soldier program. The Vereer Vesting(might change name) organization wished to make super soldiers at the least able to keep up with the Epsilon soldiers if not surpass them. After all, in this world and at large the galaxy would have various threats who surpassed human limits every way based on their physiology alone without even need of augmentations. More so in the hopes of being able to stand a chance against the Daqin if possible.


The various augmentations are for the most part done with various chemical treatments that are to enhance the body through pushing of and breaking limits with a training regimen. There are a couple of surgical procedures to increase night vision in the subjects and to increase their reaction time.

Their various capabilities put them above humans in their peak. Their strength is enhanced and with this enhancement leads to stronger bone structure to withstand the pressure of more powerful muscles. They can reach speeds 25 to 35 mph in a short sprint. Their reaction speed through surgery is enhanced, which leads to fast reflexes. Zeta soldier’s bodies are maintained in at least peak human health even without the maintenance to keep their physique.

They age at a far slower rate than a normal human and they heal at an accelerated rate of half the time of a normal human. A wound can heal in two to four weeks.


There are a couple of drawbacks to the Zeta augmentation. One of the drawbacks or at times advantages is that the results of the augmentations are not consistent. Some candidates have been far stronger than others, while others have been able to sprint faster and react faster to combat dangers and trials. Another drawback is the training required for the chemical treatments to take effect it is required for candidates to be constantly training under stress to break limits and surpass them.

Other Tidbits

Although a little inconsistent, most candidates have a height increase that can vary from two to eight feet. Many capabilities can be passed onto the offspring, but they can be inconsistent depending on the parents. If both have augmentations then there will be a greater chance that offspring will have received many enhanced abilities.


An extensive review was done on the failed XM132 Laser Rifle. A special request was made by the Vereer Vesting organization to acquire some of the rifles for study. They looked over the schematics and went to work on their own laser weaponry. They created the Drake Vuur (Dragons Fire). A heavy laser rifle built with heavier materials to protect the battery. A bigger battery pack was built to fire 500+ rounds. The control interface is in the helmets HUD, along with physical button controls near the trigger guard of the weapon. The Drake Vuur was made with the capability to do burst and automatic. The options for infrared, UV, and visible lights of various colors. The layout was changed from a bullpup rifle to a normal rifle and extra plating around the battery pack to protect it from most gunfire. There were complaints about it’s weight from extra plating being unsustainable, which it can be used and setup as gun mounts atop vehicles or defensive positions.

The Vereer Vesting organization has its own three-part PMC (Die Drie Diere [The Three Beasts] or Vile Vile Vitatu [The Three Blades]) and one particular part The Fangs are comprised of the augmentations a small battalion. It depends on each members specialty in combat, but most are given customized IVA’s built with extra armor plating to be able to defend against more heavier projectiles. Their weapons primarily contain heavy weaponry, one of them being a portable and experimental rail cannon, accompanied by an LMG that fires a new .30(7.62x63) round with the effectiveness of a .338 round with choices of FMJ rounds or HP rounds depending on the mission parameters and opposition. The parameters of a mission can dictate changes to their weaponry at times having to go with an heavy assault rifle instead of an LMG or at times other changes depending on personal preferences of the soldier.

Research was done with input from their three-part PMC concerning the ammunition of the .338(8.6x63mm) and hence the ammunition casing was cut down to be smaller and just as efficient at the new reduced size(7.6x63mm) with using more advanced gun powders to achieve similar results, with a reinforced base. This led to the development of the LMG Vuis Van Toorn (Fist Of Wrath) used with the new .30(7.62x63mm) rounds of telescoped ammunition, which allowed the weapon to be far lighter. All the while keeping far range capacity of effectiveness at 2000 meters and delivering terminal effects on target similar to the original .338 ammunition. It can have attachments such as a bipod, various sights of choice, and various grips.

Another weapon was made along with the Vuis Van Toorn and that is the assault rifle Gemeet Vuis (Measured Fist), made with the new .30(7.62x63) ammunition. It was created with the capacity for burst and semi-automatic fire. The benefit of the Gemeet Vuis is the ability to use more heavy firepower attachments, such as a grenade launcher or under-barrel shotgun. It allows by design more versatility in combat.

Sometimes to fight in the future, one must look back into the past.” Extensive research was done looking into weapon designs of the past and one thing found was work with Fletchette ammunition into rifles. There were various diameters tested for penetrative power in terminal effects of the ammunition. Three types were developed, one as an all-around round to replicate most modern rifle weaponry, with perhaps a little more penetrative power. Another type was developed, made narrow with materials to improve its penetrative power, used against heavily cybernetic combatants. The third and final type lessens the structural integrity of the fletchette round, as to cause it instead of penetrating through, but penetrate into a target and expand hence shattering inside an combatant to wound their internals.

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