• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.



As told with a Bias towards the Human version of history, with a focus on the Eras as defined by their historians.


Written history only covers a few thousand years for Humanity, and many of the formative events for other species have occurred during this time period without being recorded by Humanity.

The Collapse

The 2000s were marked by the degradation of Earth's biosphere, including massive biodiversity collapse and insufficient efforts being made to preserve animal and plant life. This collapse was best weathered by the major nations with the technology and resources to adapt. The increasing disparity between the wealthier nations and those ravaged by the collapse resulted in widespread absorption of the smaller nations into the larger Super-nations.
  • ~2000 Attack on the Grawla Crater of Planet Hawking by excessively large creatures.
  • ~2000 Aliyums leave robots on Azathoth
  • 2060 Fusion power becomes commercially available.
  • ~2060 Generally agreed to be the start of The Consolidation by the great powers by historians
  • 2070 First FTL effects isolated in labs
  • 2089 The Height of the Global Biodiversity Collapse on Earth
  • 2090 First interstellar probes sent out

The Scattering

The discovery and adaption of exotic materials into devices that allowed faster than light travel began The Scattering: A gold rush of settlers looking to colonize new worlds. Much like the Gold Rushes on earth, few of those looking to settle new worlds met with any success while those in control of the technology profited handsomely from individuals turning over all they had just for a ticket out of Sol. The majority of settlers found themselves with a one way trip to a new solar system that often contained no habitable planets. Colonies often perished in transit or shortly after arrival. The exposition of research into space-colonization helped fuel many of the technologies that could also be applied to helping the environment of Earth.
  • 2090 Religious zealots sent to modern day Reservoir system to test human survivability during FTL transit
  • ~2100 Aliyum Invasion of the planet Hawking
  • 2102 Superluminal Engine Construction begins with plans to colonize New Texas in mind
  • 2115 First Large Scale Superluminal Engine completed on Pluto
  • 2116 First extra-solar colony established on New Texas
  • 2117 Extra-solar colonization race starts
  • 2117 The Scattering Begins
  • 2117 Kitezh colonized by the Soyuz
  • 2118 The PRC Colonizes their first system
  • 2119 Atlantica Electromotive Founded
  • 2123 Gemeinschaft der Welten colonizes the Silbern System
  • 2124 Kitezh granted the necessary party delegates to function as an extension of the CNS
  • 2124 The 'New Restructure' occurs within the CNS to create the Soyuz Sotsialisticheskikh Mirov
  • 2131 First colony founded on Atlantica
  • 2132 Creation of the Zhùlǐ, the precursors to the Daqin
  • 2135 Atlantica Electromotive opened up to private investment
  • 2135 The end of The Scattering

Transhumanist Era / Pre-Zhongzhi Era

By Space colonization 2154, space colonization had become a more mature process with major nations sponsoring expeditions to the few habitable worlds that had been found during the Scattering. The Earth's biosphere had been stabilized by the abundant energy and life-support technologies created during the exploration of space. Human science increasingly started to look inward, with cybernetics, transhumanism, and other dramatic technological advances were made. Many considered this a Golden Age where Humanity could do no wrong, every investment or political decision seemed to pay off without repercussions.
  • 2154 PRC Colonizes their second system
  • 2156 Smaller scale ship based FTL systems become practical
  • 2165 Statesmen class warship developed as part of early star-mobility doctrine for ISOC
  • 2175 AUS Edward Deming's first expedition, mapping of the planet Hawking
  • 2179 PRC Colonizes third system.
  • 2179 Construction of the Ur SLE is completed.
  • 2180 Formation of ISOC
  • 2180 The 'Cybernetic Revolution' starts in Soyez.
  • 2181 Humans Start construction of space Habitats in the Hawking System
  • 2188 First Statesmen Class Warship constructed
  • 2190 Human Colonists arrive on Planet Hawking
  • 2195 The Tycho Crater Agreement is created
  • 2191 CGRC formed by the American Union

Post-Zhongzhi Era

While many would say the Zhongzhi event was unforeseeable, it is now seen as the inevitable result of letting technology run wild, of abusing Aoi Si populations, and of letting Humanity expand in uncontrolled ways. Tighter government control and increasing paranoia mark this Era. Political dynasties started to calcify within the Supernations, and just as governments started to see Zhongzhi as a one-off event, a second round of more sophisticated Zhùlǐ (now Daqin) attacks tore through the Human Sphere. Increasingly distrust of other Supernations built up until they started to fracture.
  • 2199 Zhùlǐ bio-servant rebellion known as "Zhongzhi", destruction of CCP
  • 2199 Operation Heavy Chorus starts: The Joint AU/GDW peacekeeping operation in the former CCP
  • 2199 Operation Distant Flock: AU operation to secure SLE systems that were formerly under the CCP
  • 2200 The Empire of Daqin founded.
  • ~2200 The Age of Colonization comes to an end, with human nations focusing inwards after the destruction of the CCP
  • 2204 Atlantica Electromotive declares bankruptcy, and discharges debts to Sol
  • 2205 the Unity Party formed in the Li Ming system
  • 2210 Second Expedition of the AUS Edward Deming
  • 2211 2nd Cultural Revolution, leading to the formation of the Tiān Zào Gònghéguó
  • 2221 the Traditionalist Party forms in Beijing
  • 2223 the American Union intervenes in the Li Ming system and destroys four cruisers from the HFR Unity Party
  • 2226 Daqin Empress Wǔ Cíxǐ Assassinated in a shuttle accident, leading to a succession crisis in the Empire of Daqin
  • 2225 First Chongwu developed by the Empire of Daqin
  • 2230 Yelton Veda founded in the Hawking System
  • 2231 Zhùlǐ Dānwèi Sì convinces the newly crowned Daqin Emperor Bù Jiàng to push for Unity within the Empire
  • 2241 Bù Jiàng steps down as Emperor of the Daqin
  • 2248 The 'Furge'
  • 2249 Caelus founded within Jovian space
  • 2250 The Magnetic Assembly formed on Yelton Veda in the Hawking System
  • 2253 Vermilion Bird Promises signed in the Li Ming system, officially forming the Heaven Forged Republic
  • 2250-2260 the Soyez Microwave Beam Power Distribution infrastructure is deployed near Earth
  • 2299 Third Major expedition of the Edward Deming
  • 2310 Fourth Major expedition of the Edward Deming
  • 2317 Fifth Major expedition of the Edward Deming
  • 2318 New Cambridge River Incident
  • 2319 AUS Pandora Incident, responded to by the Edward Deming
  • 2319 The International Summit, hosted onboard The Edward Deming by the American Union
  • 2320 New Years Revolution on planet Hawking
  • 2320 The Battle of Reiss
  • 2320 Arrival of Azathoth in the Hawking System / first expedition to Azathoth / Second Aliyum Crisis
  • 2320 Second Line Diguo Junshi forces consisting of former humans attempt to capture Azathoth against orders, and are sentenced to continue their capture attempts without support from the empire
  • 2320 Reservoir system re-initiates contact with human interstellar community
  • 2321 Operation Troubled Waters begins, with ISOC forces looking to secure the Atlantica system
  • 2321 The Outremer acting as part of an ISOC exploration fleet discovers the Theradectan
  • 2321 Many members of the AU senate voting for the 2321-7312dz Security bill are murdered on the house floor via drone attack by the Magnetic Assembly.
  • 2321 First Battle of Atlantica
  • 2321 Official formation of the Provisional Fleet
  • 2321 The One Month War
  • 2321 Contact between local Aos'Si and government of Dawn Star System established (Tai Shun Jo)
  • 2321 Operation Moult Migrants
  • 2321 International Summit hosted at Olympus Mons
  • 2321 Armistice proposed by the HFR accepted by American Union and Magnetic Assembly
  • 2321 Armistice proposed by the HFR accepted by GDW and Soyuz
  • 2321 Daqin Empress illegally arrested by HFR's Shen Zhou System representatives during International Summit
  • 2321 Military Vessel with captive Daqin Empress diverted from Sol SLE by local Daqin merchant fleet and forced to take refuge in another confederate state of the Heaven Forged Republic, the United Republics of China on Earth
  • 2321 Daqin infiltrators and illegal vacation goers vacate Shen Zhou System
  • 2322 Battle of Pelagic (Vows #3)
  • 2322 The Martian Mecha Combat League is canceled for 2322
  • 2322 Mars host a greatly diminished International Summit with few attendees.
  • 2322 Formation of the River City Agreement between Grawl Clans and the Magnetic Assembly
  • 2323 First FTL Combat Action inside Shen Zhou System and Sol SLE (Assault on the Heavenly State)
  • 2323 United Republics of China Surrender Empress Zhuli to the Daqin Empire to protest being brought into a wrongful war by Shen Zhou System
  • 2323 Unofficial end of HFR/Daqin conflict
  • 2323 The Martian Mecha Combat League restarts with a reduced roster.
  • 2323 Edward Deming expedition to HFR Space
  • 2323 Second Battle of Atlantica (Vows #4)
  • 2323 Final Olympic Summit on Mars hosts few attendees
  • 2323 Ceasefire between the Heaven Forged Republic and Daqin Empire signed, Shen Zhou System sent no representatives out of protest
  • 2323 The HFR's national team wins the Martian Mecha Combat League.
  • 2323 Neptunian Summit negotiates a cease fire in Atlantica between the American Union and Magnetic Assembly
  • 2323 Magnetic Assembly expedition to HFR space triggers wormhole-like connection between Theredectan and HFR Planets.
  • 2323 Edward Deming crew makes expedition to the poisoned lands.
  • 2324 The island of Anivern disappears from the planet Hawking, taking the crew of the Edward Deming and local Grawl-clan with it.
  • 2324 The Martian Mecha Combat League restarts with its full roster
  • 2324 Empress Zhuli orders her daughters and their underlings to capture a magic wielding creature on Tiāntáng and extract its heartstone

Out of Character Notes

Current year, plus 300 years, boom. It's currently 2324 CE guys! It'll only include events that are known at large in-character, so no setting secrets or mysteries. I'll hash out the details later, but a few major events in no particular order I guess:
  • CCP colonizes its first system, but quickly finds its population spread too thin, and working too hard to quickly colonize a second, leading to the creation of the Zhùlǐ
  • CCP targets a second system to colonize, and use the Zhùlǐ to suppress and hide the Aos Si present; the other nations receive intel on the Aos Si with time, but believe it to be an elaborate hoax until the Soyuz discovers them on another planet decades later, and after the Empire of Daqin shares its intel without being believed either
  • CCP creates synthetic 'not-humans', the Zhùlǐ , in order to offset their diminishing birthrate and lack of females in the population; the Zhùlǐ played ball for a generation or two, roughly 50 years, before rebelling and taking the intended colony system for themselves in an event known as "Zhongzhi", collapsing the CCP and leading to the creation of the Heaven Forged Republic
  • The Zhùlǐ rebellion has them become the Daqinese and establish the Empire of Daqin
  • The Empire of Daqin outs the secrets that the CCP had been keeping, mainly extraterrestrial life and the existence of magic, which humanity at large is very skeptical of
  • Germany becomes the predominant power in western Europe and reorganizes the EU into what eventually becomes the Gemeinschaft der Welten
  • Russia sets up its own colonial system, becoming the Soyuz Sotsialisticheskikh Mirov; the sole 'habitable' planet is a frozen wasteland, but during one of the few springs, the thaw allowed them to discover the snow elves, the zombies that plagued them, and confirm the existence of magic
  • The Empire of Daqin finally allows export sales of their Chongwu to certain demographics of humanity that are wanting, and sets up privacy respecting pre-orders for the release date. However, they did not tell their secretive buyers that they are reproductively compatible as part of an in-joke operation that was not expected to succeed by the Daqinese and chaos ensues when it does. The internet calls this event, "The Furge", a portmanteau of 'furry' and 'purge' considering some of the celebrities, military and government officials that were involved

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