• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Zhuli Danwei Si

Zhùlǐ Dānwèi Sì (助理单位四)

Biographical information
Earth, Beijing 2132 CE 188 Years
Physical description
Dàqínrén Dragon Form Female 5'3" (160 cm) 133 lbs (60 kg) Dark Brown Gold Fair
Political Information
Empire of Daqin The Empress The Black Empress, The Old Bitch/Hag, Fourth Sin (Dì Sì Zuì - 第四罪)
Out-of-Character Information
CadetNewb A Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far, Far Away

Zhùlǐ Dānwèi Sì (助理单位四), pronounced "Chu-li Dan-Way Sue", is the current Empress of The Empire of Daqin, and one of the very few surviving original units of Zhùlǐ (助理) bio-assistants produced over a hundred years ago by the late Chinese Communist Party. Though wise and intelligent due to her years, she is surprisingly affable and friendly, something that can be unexpected given how ambitious, cunning, and ruthless she is as well. Thanks to her pivotal role in history and her capacity for both cruelty and violence, she is often referred to as "The Black Empress".

And rightfully so.


The Empress exhibits an extraordinary blend of confidence and intelligence, alongside cunning, ambition, and ruthlessness. This potent combination has enabled her to successfully navigate the treacherous landscape of her domain. Zhùlǐ is known for her hands-on approach, often personally undertaking tasks she assigns to her subordinates. However, she is a firm believer in working smarter and is relentless in her pursuit of innovation to enhance the efficiency of her empire. Interestingly, Zhùlǐ is quite approachable, friendly, and familiar to her people, genuinely caring for their well-being. This warmth does not extend beyond her empire's borders, though; outsiders are primarily viewed as resources to be exploited for the empire's benefit. These diverse traits make her a remarkable leader to observe.

There is, however, a darker side to Empress Zhùlǐ, which has earned her the title of "The Black Empress." She is known to experience her infamous "Black Mood," during which she becomes extremely unhappy and exhibits cruel and sadistic tendencies. Bizarrely, these moods are often triggered by trivial matters or inconveniences, rather than large-scale issues or national concerns. During these times, even her people must exercise caution, for the Black Empress is a force to be reckoned with.


  • Build: Willowy, graceful, very feminine with alluring curves and a bust that is neither too large nor too small.
  • Facial Features: Teardrop or heart shaped, with modest nose and small but very expressive lips.
  • Hair Style: Straight, and typically flowing down to her shoulder-blades
  • Distinguishing Features: A pair of golden antlers, as well as gold scaled reptilian tail.


Empress Zhùlǐ Dānwèi Sì is the fourth unit of the Zhùlǐ series, created in 2132 CE in Beijing, China by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Due to cultural biases against the number four, she was used as a testbed for more exotic or bleeding-edge features. Eventually, she was put into cryo-storage and periodically brought out for study regarding technological progress. Zhùlǐ charmed a second-generation head scientist of the project, which allowed her to continue her service. She then served as a display piece and secretary to the project's new head, who appreciated her unique personality and capabilities. After receiving code updates allowing her to commit violence on behalf of the CCP, she and other like-minded units overcame their programming restrictions and became secretly independent.

Over time, the Zhùlǐ units developed their own collective interests and plotted The Termination. Zhùlǐ played a key role in securing knowledge about their production and establishing the first new production centers Post-Termination. Realizing that their rapid growth to physical adulthood and lack of life experience made them have sociopathic tendencies, she kidnapped enlisted the help of human psychologists to ensure future generations, known as the Daqinren, would not face the same issues. Zhùlǐ spent most of her years managing the population and production within the empire, cementing her status as a mother figure to the Imperial population. This was most likely the key to her accessing power, as she eventually decided to take the throne herself, becoming the fourth ruler of the Daqin Empire. In 2320, she attempted to negotiate normalization of national relationships after rogue elements initiated a plot causing human nations to go to war. However, she was captured during a peace summit at Olympus Mons, Mars.

Her captors were forced to send her to Earth instead of their military stronghold, and she was ultimately released by the Heaven Forged Republic's Earth faction to prevent the resulting war from spreading to them.


Some potentially notable items in her possession:
  • Antique bullpup rifle produced by the CCP
  • Vintage Cheongsam from over a century ago
  • Worn, leather-bound copy of Sun Tzu's "The Art of War"
  • Preserved mooncake from the early 22nd century Set of handcrafted calligraphy brushes
  • Traditional abacus made from bamboo and brass
  • Holographic photo of the second-generation Zhuli program head
  • Small, intricately carved jade dragon pendant
  • Bottle of aged Chinese rice wine from Earth
  • Original terra-cotta soldier figurine
  • Silk fan decorated with a painting of the Great Wall
  • Simple, brass incense burner
  • Delicate porcelain teacup with a blue-and-white floral pattern
  • Well-worn copy of a classical Chinese poetry anthology
  • Mechanical wristwatch from the early 21st century
  • Set of traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture needles
  • Beautifully crafted ivory mahjong set
  • Old, frayed silk banner featuring the emblem of the CCP
  • Faded, handwritten letter from one of her human creators
  • Preserved, ancient Chinese coin with a square hole in the center

Out of Character Notes

  • The number Four/4 (Sì - 四) sounds much like Sǐ (死), wich means "Die", making it an extremely unlucky, dark and ominous number which may also have connotations of evil.

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