• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.



The Zoomers

The River City agreement has its roots in the Second Aliyum Crisis triggered by the arrival of the planetoid Azathoth in 2320.

The launch of the Zoomer Clan's first spaceship Colhome was seen by many Grawl as a Harbinger of doom. Cultural taboos about not using radio waves, and not being visible from space ingrained in the Grawl from the first Aliyum Crisis would cast the launch of a Spaceship as something that would inevitably bring about the return of enemies from space. Coincidentally, the Aliyums were already returning to the planet for a second time, as a planetoid-sized shell-world starship that the Humans dubbed Azathoth had been heading toward the Hawking system for possibly hundreds of years already.

The arrival of Azathoth would coincide with the return of the Aliyums. Once again strange Grawla-like robots would appear on the surface of the planet to observe the Grawl and the skies overhead would occasionally see the flying black Triangles of the Aliyums.

While the Zoomers did not believe in the Grawla superstitions about hiding from space, they did subscribe to the Grawla cultural norms of survival of Grawlkind, and would land their ship on Azathoth with the intent to destroy it. The nuclear-bomb-powered-craft tearing a hole in the exterior as the Grawla landed with the aid of nuclear fireballs.

The Daqin Connection

While the Zoomer Clan started its exploration of Azathoth, the Humans were also approaching. Led by the Edward Deming, an exploratory group was placed on the suface along with a combat group in orbit to keep others away from the planetoid.

The Daqin Empire also sent an exploratory force, pushing through the defenses established by the Assembly and making a very one-way landing on the planetoid with the intent of seizing it for themselves or destroying it to prevent others from capturing it. The Daqin's operations would bring them into direct conflict with the Grawla frequently, and result in the deaths of nearly half of the Zoomer clan.

The Humans would end up fighting alongside the Grawla against the Daqin, and would manage to talk nuclear armed grawla out of blowing themselves up inside of the planetoid.

The End of the Second Aliyum Crisis

Further collaboration between the Grawla would lead the Zoomers and the Humans to work with the Grawlcom clan who had been responsible for the Grawla's co-ordination against the Aliyums during the first Aliyum Crisis. This would lead to Azathoth, heavily damaged by the Daqin, to be diverted away from Hawking. With the currently danger having past, the Flying Mountain Clan would call together the other Clans with the intent of returning to the old ways, hiding from threats in space and to call for the removal of the humans from the surface of the planet.

The Grawl Clans would largely reject this approach, with the Zoomer clan making the case for collaboration with the Humans being the way forward.

While the Flying Mountain Clan would disagree with this approach, they would agree to go along with it so long as they would be the ones to run the resulting organization. Their goal shifting from getting the Grawl Clans to remove the humans, to being the ones to monitor the Grawl/Human cooperation.

The River City Agreement

The specifics of a cooperative venture were worked at the River City, a Grawl city north of New Cambridge on Hawking and also the largest city with proximity to the Human City. Input would be provided by the major Grawl clans present, as well as the Humans, leading to the creation of the River City Agreement that would outline how cooperation would work in the future between all of these organizations. Though it doesn't assure the Humans of safety while traveling on the planet, it does provide for Human expeditions to incorporate Grawla while traveling, to allow for Grawla to join the Humans on their expeditions into space, and to expand cooperation on technical works like star-ships and infrastructure.

Interplanetary Collaboration

Leveraging the connections of the Magnetic Assembly, the River City Agreement would reach out to other Human Organizations to arrange for knowledge exchanges. This would result in a mission by the Edward Deming to bring Grawla researchers into the HFR.

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