• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Gentle Breeze New Player Guide


"Ara-ara, what's this I have here?"
- Sakamoto Hina, Commanding Officer of the Wéifēng


I'll try and make it quick. Still, try hopping onto Our Discord for more answers to those pesky questions - don't forget the Starter Guide Either!

The Gentle Breeze is a plot centered around my ship, the Wéifēng (微風). It's a vessel of the Empire of Daqin, and focuses on exploration of the setting, handling hot-spots, and interacting with and hopefully not killing various life forms and peoples in the setting while trying to unravel its mysteries.

Still, it's only natural that those living inside The Empire of Daqin enjoy a standard of living never before seen by humanity. But even so, there's the haves and the have-nots. You're unfortunately the latter, being either second or third class citizens. Of course, that means you have less rights and a lower standard of living, but if you listen to me, we might just be able to fix that. All you have to do is sign on the dotted line here. Don't mind the small print about death, dismemberment, mind-break and so forth. Just savor the view as I lean across the table - like so - to offer you this pen and sign!


You're a part of the auxiliary forces now, since you're not good enough for the real military. But don't worry, you'll get to fight for your rights, privileges and freedoms. Soon!

Plot Style and Expectations

Players make single posts on the forums during most instances, though Joint Posts made through use of a multi-user text editor are accepted for 'asides' that do not take place within the main story thread. The player characters preferred are 3rd Class Citizens, meaning that species wise, they are anything that is not Daqinese, and are citizens of the Daqin Empire. The reason for this is that they have the most room to grow, and are more familiar to players. It turns out that playing a trans-human doesn't come natural to most, since they're more than human! Still, characters that are 1st or 2nd Class are permitted, provided that you're persuasive.

Overall though, things are focused on my home, the high-tech, trans-human Empire of Daqin from the perspective of (mostly) 3nd Class Citizens who are striving for equality as soldiers and citizens. Though the rating is 333, the focus is not on swearing, hyper-violence or sex, though I'll allow it. At least, if it makes sense in the context of the story. We have this rating so things can just 'happen' and avoid holding back roleplay, but if you want to do lots of really, really indecent things, I'd recommend against it in the main thread and have an aside instead.

Especially something as degenerate as hand holding!

Major Factions

Naturally, there's quite a few major factions that you need to know about, though not all of them are nations in and of themselves. Even looking at humanity, they're divided into all sorts of groups, but I'll keep things simple and focus on the big players that you might come from.

Empire of Daqin

The Empire of Daqin, or Dàqín Dìguó (大秦帝国), is home sweet home. At least for me anyways. You're probably immigrants, but we'll make you presentable in no-time at all. You likely think I'm talking down to you, but it's coming from a place of most sincere honesty. Most areas in Daqin may look cold, sterile and utilitarian, but the truth is, we're practically living in cyberspace all the time anyways. Meatspace is where we do all the hard work, but we absolutely know how to live the best of lives in The Great Network.

However, our wonderful lives are under constant threat from, well, probably the countries you came from.

Being an artificially produced slave-species meant for labor and pleasure that escaped, we don't have the best of relations with our makers. We inhabit just one solar system, and haven't even bothered expanding into the one habitable planet there, Tiāntáng (天堂) . Though, you'll be going down there from time to time to look around for us and say hi to the locals. That 'magic' stuff that the natives have small hints of isn't something we like all that much after all.

American Union

The American Union is the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave! At least, that's what they are on paper. These days, the Americans have gone a little funny in the head. Then again, colonizing a Death World like New Austin with all the super flora and fauna takes a rather radical mindset, and it's most certainly seeped into them. Still, you'll tend to find the most reasonable of them back on Earth itself, though the folks in South America are still a bit 'salty' about North America 'flexing' on them or otherwise having to kowtow to get certain perks, though I'm of the mind that it's just business. Hilariously enough, you'll also find Japan and South Korea as part of the American Union. Most humans would have lumped all peoples of different ethnicities together since they don't know better, but that's not how it works in real life!

I'd say that they're the Number 1 threat to The Empire, being the biggest, strongest human nation around, but they've definitely had it too good for too long. A bit of clever misdirection, careful political maneuvering, internet trolls and E-THOTs will go a long way in keeping them a non-threat.

Gemeinschaft der Welten

The Gemeinschaft der Welten, or Community of Worlds in English, is honestly best described as what happens when Germany wins without goose stepping. Their standard of living and technology is superb, with a moderately small but robust and competent military to fight against piracy. I'd even say that they're more threatening than the American Union simply due to having a more level head overall, but they aren't for a few good reasons. They have to keep all their various states and the peoples and cultures in said states working together in harmony. On top of that, there's lots of business-types that like to call the shots and tell the government what to do. Of course, human business-types are as short sighted and greedy as 5 year olds, so that means the whole country can can get dragged around. If not by these inferior human business-types, then by the American Union like a little boy and the giant mastiff he has on a leash.

So, number 2 for them!

Soyuz Sotsialisticheskikh Mirov

Remember how awesome the Soviet Union was? Pepperidge Farm remembers. The same goes for the Rus apparently, but returning to 'the good old days' is mostly for show. Sincerely though, they're huge but are a paper tiger spread too thin. As for the people, hardy and no-nonsense, so they don't smile unless they have an actual good reason to, which is quite refreshing. They're also relatively traditional, and value families, have lifelong friendships, and are very loyal. Of course, this also means they don't like outsiders, don't trade, and consider everything coming from outside of their mother nation taboo. I have to sell them things under the table! Absolutely awful. Did I also mention they hate The Empire for destroying their Communist neighboors? Imagine that!

Of course, that doesn't stop a merchant like me from selling the most elite members of their society the finest of Chongwu.

Tian Zao Gongheguo

So, a few hundred years ago, the Communists running China didn't think brainwashed people were loyal, hard working or making enough babies, and so made our precursors, the Zhùlǐ (助理). That's pronounced "Chu-li", as in "Chu-li, do the thing!" all day long. No happy end though, since we networked-schemed a rebellion, stole all the goodies not bolted down and left them out to dry. You should try reading about Zhōngzhǐ (终止) some time. Either way, some mass starvation, an international land-grab and a reunification later, and the Tian Zao Gongheguo, or Heaven Forged Republic, is what's left of the Han Chinese. And all wrapped up with everyone else that decided to leap on the big opportunity that showed itself when China died. Of course, the Han Chinese are still the majority followed by the Indians, but they're both being kept in check by each other and the various powers from South East Asia. Of course, that's with South Korea and Japan's tentacles buried deep in there despite being in the American Union!

This might blow your mind, but there's all sorts of different types of Asian humans, and they all hate each other too, even after all these hundreds of years! Some cities and their planetary holdings are tolerable, but many other places are a special kind of hell that they most certainly deserve. A completely laughable 'nation' that is waiting to live, die, and repeat like it always does.

The Magnetic Assembly

Well, I suppose I have to mention them now. Long story short, they're this religious organization lead by engineers and scientists that like to become cyborgs and also have a fetish for toasters. The reason why they even matter is that despite being very small, they politically took over the American Union's Hawking System and split off. So far, they managed to ward off the first big counter-attack meant to bring the system back into the fold, but I'm quite sure Japan knows how this is going to go! That aside, the Magnetic Assembly is currently the only ones with technology that even comes close to the glory that is The Empire of Daqin! But without any of the good looks. They're a bunch of ugly cyborgs and such.

They just want to be advanced for the sake of being advanced, and have no sense of substance or style! Definitely bad for business. Maybe. I think I can come up with a few uses for the mess they've made.


Imagine what happens if useless Italy splurged its seed into the stars at the Pope's prodding, except with lots of noble houses, games of thrones, and giant robots. Reservoir has been separated from the rest of humanity for a while due to the wild ride out into their area, but has recently gotten back in contact and started to trade. I honestly can't wait to start selling them the finest of wares from The Empire! Hopefully, their religious traditions and values won't get in the way. Did I also mention the giant robots that they like to have tournaments with? Knightly honor included!


Can you believe it? Humanity has survived long enough to get to this point! We're all still in the general neighborhood around Sol System, but already, things are getting complicated. As someone who isn't a human, I can definitely tell you that! Naturally, you're going to have to pick a species to be, and more importantly?

Are you a boy or a girl?


Oldies but Goldies, am I right? Playing a human is relatively straightforward. They're typically found almost everywhere in the setting and are the easiest species to get into character with. The only real issue is whether or not you're familiar with how their upbringing has shaped them. Besides vanilla, cinnamon, brown sugar and chocolate, they come in High-Cyborg and Low-Cyborg varieties too! Though slightly superior to their common brethren, they're still most certainly lesser than someone like myself! And they don't even look good.

That aside, their origins and backstory are pretty flexible. The standards of living in the human controlled nations can vary quite a bit, but are nothing unfamiliar. Humans from The American Union for an example, are most likely to come from either Earth, New Texas or Atlantica Systems. An American from Earth is probably the most recognizable, though South America, Japan and South Korea are part of the American Union due to their political ties. Meanwhile, the Gemeinschaft der Welten's citizens either come from a relatively united Europe, or one of the space habitats in Silbern System. No planets, just a bunch of floating rocks! Though, that's better than what the Soyuz Sotsialisticheskikh Mirov is dealing with. Besides coming from Mother Russia and the neighboring areas, you can find these humans over at planet Kitezh in the Yazney System. Though, watch out for the zombies in the snow! You'll also find humans in the Tian Zao Gongheguo , but I don't really care for what's left of China or it's planetary holdings. Nowadays, it's India and the South East Asia vying for power, with the Han Chinese taking a backseat despite being the majority.

One thing is certain though - they deserved it.


Yours truly! We, the Dàqínrén (大秦人), are superior to humans in every single way that matters. We are gorgeous, strong, intelligent and are even wi-fi compatible! Many of us come from production facilities and are raised in crèches, groups of a dozen children with more than just two 'parents'. Of course, more traditional families exist too, with all the spicy implications. We have a planet under our control, but we don't bother with it and live in grand space stations in stead. The quarters are cramped and efficient if it's not the areas made to look fancy and extra-nice, but we're all living it up together in a virtual reality paradise anyways, so that doesn't matter! Though, you're probably more interested in our most unique features.

Tiger tails, floofy ears and feathers the colors of the rainbow! First Class Citizens like myself strictly adhere to the 12 Animals of the Chinese Zodiac, but you'll be glad to know that people who have cast away their human inferiority to become Dàqínrén get to look however they want! Second Class Citizens can just as easily have calico cat or wolf themes if they'd like. Naturally, all this better-ness doesn't come naturally to former-humans, but that's why we have different classes in society.


Humans might have dogs and cats, but the Empire of Daqin has Chǒngwù (寵物), which are superior in every way possible. Originally, the Type 1s were simply smart-pets, made to be intelligent, easy to track, obedient and loyal, as well as wi-fi compatible! Though, this expanded into the Type 2s, which are essentially still pet animals, but bipedal, even more intelligent, capable of speech, and with the most important thing ever - opposable thumbs! Have you ever been served tea by a Panda? Or maybe a Shiba Inu dog wearing a bow tie? You should come to my tea parties some time. Of course, our products are all the rage, and humans most certainly want some of our Chǒngwù.

This naturally lead to our production of Type 3s, which are taller, with intelligence to match their new homosapiens customer, and features adjusted just for their particular tastes.

Aos Si

The first aliens met ever! The Aos Si are best summarized as humans but better, while still being inferior to Dàqínrén like myself. Faster, stronger, smarter, and more long lived, they're everything the humans wished they were, just like Tolken foresaw through the palantír. Of course, there aren't any unwashed masses of them, or any masses of them at all you could say. They don't make more of themselves very well though, and their civilization is in shambles for some reason. It might have something to do with magic, or specifically, the deficiency of this reality bending force. It's a bizarre, irritating thing to deal with, but that's why you're here!

We'll get to the bottom of this together, I'm sure of it! And by together, I mean you, on behalf of lovely me!


Grawla are, well, I guess....goblins? Er, maybe not. Sort of? They're definitely an excitable, scrappy bunch. These natives of Hawking System are a very peculiar bunch and are most certainly humanoid though, and come on all sorts of shapes and sizes with different skin colors. Gray skinned, with floppy ears, tattoos and piercings, they're a rather primitive and unruly people. But despite that, they seem to have a history of fighting off "Alyum" invasion after invasion with copious amounts of nukes. Which, would also explain a lot regarding their mix of everything from the stone age to the industrial era. They have their own going-ons, and even have the humans of Hawking all stuck in just one colony-city, but there's most certainly a few curious or cultured individuals who want to take to the stars.

How else are they going to kill the things up there? A fine opportunity for me to sell guns and ammo of course!


It's widely theorized that Caelumar are the reason why the concept of Angels came to being amongst humans. Though, not everything lines up, and some things are completely questionable! There's plenty of mystery, and the couple dozen that bother to venture out don't know much themselves either. But what is certain, is that these humanoids are drastically superior to humans and even Dàqínrén like myself in some ways, as much as I dislike admitting it. Their affinity to magic is even stronger than that of the Aos Si, but their population is even more sparse. Perhaps 500 or so at the very least by our estimates? But what makes them special is their strong moral values and almost universal support for law and order. They're a prim, proper and very devout bunch, that's for certain.

Unfortunately, I don't think taking on any more is even possible, let alone a good idea.


On the other side of the coin are the Infernumar, and one look at them tells plenty! Impossibly beautiful or handsome, they're a lot that revels in pleasure and excess, as well as the energy that it gives them. Bat winged and spade tailed, they're probably the very few that a Dàqínrén such as myself is jealous of, at least when it comes to looks! Freedom is the name of their game, but this hasn't helped them much at all when it comes to knowledge of their own past. Probably too busy doing 'this and that' if you know what I mean! But that's not a bad thing. Like their traditional nemesis - and I really do mean tradition, it's practically a ritual or habit now - there aren't that many of them. Naturally, I'm sure I can sell them something to help them.

Obviously, taking on more of them is off the table!


Naturally, there's certain skills that I need for this 'super elite outfit of imperial soldiers' to work. The very first would be military basics, which I'll make sure to provide training for if necessary. This includes things such as the operation of your weapons, bodysuits and so forth of course. It's the absolute minimum, though I point out we already have a 'medic' on board for the time being, a little bit of extra help doesn't hurt if you'd like. Though, field scientists, engineers and the like are also welcome too. This is primarily a military exploration plan after all, so specialties that can help with this are always a boon. Don't be afraid to make suggestions either!

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