• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Social Classes of Daqin

The Empire of Daqin divides its citizenry into three distinct categories. This helps to organize the people from most efficient and productive to least, but in addition to this, is used to determine various other criteria. Depending on which social class an individual may have, they may not be able to travel into or live in the core areas that are the most productive and efficient for extended periods of time in order to avoid economic damage. Another example is how it is used to sort out the most efficient distribution of education, healthcare and so forth as well to ensure that the Empire remains competitive.

First Class Citizens

First Class citizenry within The Empire are composed of those who are both mentally and physically Daqinese, and is nigh impossible to rise into. Individuals simply must be Daqinese through and though. This is a task that is deemed by many to be impossible or nearly impossible for those not born into the class, though it remains open to newcomers on a very technical level. People within this position have the full care and support of governance, with their well-being and happiness being key concerns. Unlike other societies in human history, this upper section of society contributes the most to the Empire due to how innate their special abilities are to them, whether it be their mental acceleration, inhabiting both virtual and physical reality at once, or making full use of their education and training system. Naturally, its productivity is a key concern of governance. As a result, they not only enjoy the highest standard of living within the empire, but are also the most free, being capable of any sort of social mobility that they wish. However, due to the nature of the Daqinese themselves, they are often content, making this freedom very seldom used.

They are most typically found in space stations, ships , asteroid facilities and planetoids due to their relevance to the imperial economy. Perhaps more importantly, First class citizens essentially live a double-life. One in 'meat space' - composed of what their physical body is doing - and one in cyberspace, which is where their mind resides. While their bodies work hard, labor and eat bland food, they are keeping themselves entertained and eating good food in cyberspace instead, while being conscious of what is happening in both. The degree to which they may focus on one over the other varies from individual to individual, especially considering what is going on in either of their 'lives', but it is always something that is constantly occurring for them, especially when the equivalent of a 'call' can consist of a full-on meeting inside a room styled to their tastes within virtual space. This is especially relevant since their perception of time can be altered, their thoughts accelerated so that the world around them seems to slow. During these instances, they can be inside their virtual rooms or areas thinking or deliberating on what to say or do next.

Second Class Citizens

Given some grudging respect by the First Class Citizens and looked upon as stuck-up rich people or race traitors at worse by the Third Class Citizens, the Second Class is made up of immigrants and the like that have genetically upgraded to operational pariety with the Daqinren. In addition to gaining the benefits of their genetic superiority, such individuals have more access to the various rights, freedoms and services that are typically reserved for those in the First Class, such as the right to reproduce. Additional positions of power such as government and military postings are available as well. Though there are many benefits to becoming a Second Class Citizen, there are people who desperately wish they were Daqinese in full, and choose to do so for ideological reasons. Despite this, obtaining the genetic upgrade is difficult, as the Daqin do not give them out for free.

They can be acquired in various ways, but due to the stiff financial or political barriers present, the Second Class of citizenry is still a relatively small, but important proportion of the populace. Serving as a bridge between the masses and the Daqin themselves, Second Class Citizens often find themselves as a bridge stuck between two different worlds. For this reason, their relationship with the Third Class can be strained at times due to their own feelings of sympathy as well as contempt. In comparison, their admiration, envy and resentment of the first class can cause issues of their own as well. Due to their genetically superior bodies and abilities not being natural to them, second class citizens typically do not take full advantage of everything that they can do for one reason or another.

For this reason, they do not contribute as much to the imperial economy and receive less support accordingly.

Third Class Citizens

The lowest of citizenry, the Third Class consists of all individuals living within the empire that are not true Daqin or Daqin in body.

Considering the policies of The Empire, such individuals are either completely absent or an absolute minority within the core industrial and scientific areas, and cannot enter them under normal circumstances. Instead, they are typically placed out in the new and rapidly growing border regions or special economic zones that are meant to engage with foreign nations with diplomacy and trade. This is believed to better mitigate damage from potential rebellions, low productivity, crime, poverty and the like, and to provide the empire with some buffering should an invasion begin. Third class citizens have the least rights out of all citizens, and are not allowed to reproduce without permit. Despite this, they still possess their basic human rights, as well as the right to bear arms, without which, they would not function as an effective buffer zone.

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