If you're interested in joining the plot, check out the Gentle Breeze New Player Guide, and if it sounds like something you'd like to hop into, join our discord so a game master can lend a hand.

The Gentle Breeze is a plot centered around the Wéifēng, an aging cruiser of the Empire of Daqin, and focuses on exploration of the setting, handling hot-spots, and interacting withand hopefully not killing various life forms and peoples in the setting. Expect action, adventure, and the downright weird! Why? Citizens of The Empire of Daqin enjoy several freedoms granted to them thanks to the glory that is the Empire, but are perhaps not yet fit to have them all. Though allowed to serve within the auxiliary forces of the Imperial Military, they may not advance too far, let alone into the lower offices of civilian governance! More importantly, there's no way any of their kind are capable enough to serve within the imperial military itself, and even second class citizens - those who have become their betters by casting away their humanity - are limited to only being in the less well equipped auxiliaries. However, there is a slim chance for change. An ambitious first class citizen wishes to see the mettle of the lowest citizenry. As a provisional soldier of the imperial military, the question is, will they be worthy?
Game Master Characters include Sakamoto Hina, Sif Jomdottr and Viz Istenno, played by CadetNewb. Current player characters include:

The Gentle Breeze is a plot centered around the Wéifēng, an aging cruiser of the Empire of Daqin, and focuses on exploration of the setting, handling hot-spots, and interacting with
Game Master Characters include Sakamoto Hina, Sif Jomdottr and Viz Istenno, played by CadetNewb. Current player characters include:
- Rikka Destiny Araqiel, played by Sageshooter
- Dante Magdrenoch Drikoth, played by Helios
- Jayden Swolcat, played by Edto
- Brigid Peitho Lilfaris, played by Arsenic John
- Xiao Laohu, Played by Cora
- Royama Dai, Played by Noodles
- Zhang Wu, Played by Uso
The Story So Far
In Chapter 1, most if not all of the key players were hand picked by a certain Rooster Form, and assembled together in the spaceport to be shipped out for basic training. However, it quickly became apparent just how unusual this entire affair was going to be when a talking chicken strutted in and introduced itself as Sakamoto! Initially snatched up by the none-too-bright Viz, it soon became clear that shenannignans were involved when said chicken turned into Sakamoto herself. Rare and fleeting, she had used magic in a none-too-subtle hint that the strange and weird was to be expected. Just in time for a certain saber tooth ligeress of a Chongwu to come barging in and beg for the same chance the rest of them were getting. Tossed into some quick basic and then hurriedly shipped out to do Sakamoto's bidding on the surface of Tiāntáng (天堂 ), the unexplored but habitable world within the core of the Empire.
Local adventurers and mercenaries were missing, and though found, the plot quickly thickened. It soon turned out that they were all protecting a 'little girl' by the name of Ellie, however, as the squad found through careful investigation, she was actually a part of a tree that makes fruit. Very specifically, the type of empty-calorie fruit that makes people high off their rocker, and willing to do anything to protect her. And worse off, underneath Ellie's roots were the the remains of her previous protectors! Fortunately they had deduced, Ellie was ultimately a tree, and a person needed to be stupid enough to fall for her charms and eat her fruit. Naturally, it was best to take this specimen in for research. Following the mission, Ellie was last seen in the courtyard of Yánjiū Jīdì 001 (研究基地零零一 ). Having been replanted, Ellie is now doing live streams of various activities including mukbang with some aloe vera. Whether or not this is cannibalism is a large debate topic across the internet it would seem.
By then, things were heating up in Chapter 2 as Sakamoto sent the squad out to further explore the planet and aid the locals of a very peculiar nation-state in the process. They've apparently been having problems with the undead?