In the popular culture of humans, beings very much like the Infernumar have traditionally served as the sometimes sexy, sometimes horrifically demonic keepers of Hell, the Netherworld and so forth. Just as often, they are antagonists to the heavens and mortals in general. In truth, observation has suggested that they are simply a different people with their own set of unique strengths, flaws, and all the other things that come with being just another person. However, they are also noted as being a people that are most often found worshiping and/or serving the interests of their own God, Goddess or Pantheon, which coincidentally happens to oppose any the Caelumar may support. They are often seen acting as various types of agents of their faith, carrying out actions in their people's interest. As a result, they can just as often be found acting in their classical role in a holy site, or working as someone's literal agent as part of a studio. Knowledge of them is often wide, but their presence very small, with their population being a tiny minority.
Though reality is a let-down for many would-be cultists, it isn't for all. Physically, they are everything that is expected of them, and then some, "if you know what I mean". They are absolutely flawless specimens of near-human beauty despite their more vicious features, and should enough magic be present, have abilities that can rival legend.
Perhaps the most consistent, near-universal regarding the looks of the Infernumar is that they are flawlessly beautiful or handsome examples of near human or Aos Si. Any deviation from this is considered rare and abnormal, though not impossible given their close association with magic. In addition to this, it's worth nothing the presence of horns, a spade-tipped tail, eyes with slit pupils and sometimes even goat-like feet. This is often accompanied by a reddish skin coloration, though various shades of grey and similar exist as well. These features however, vary with the degree at which the individual is attempting to use magic or otherwise conceal their appearance, and can be hidden completely if they so wish. Finally, and in stark contrast to their 'classical' depiction on Earth, their ethnicity can vary greatly, with regional differences occuring on the same planet that a given population may inhabit. Meanwhile, red is a common eye color alongside yellow or gold, however, many others exist as well.
Anatomy and Physiology
Though the Infernumar share many anatomical and physiological features with the average human, they are markedly superior in many ways, and in addition, have unique features of their own as well. They are faster, stronger, and possess senses that are heightened in comparison. As a result, the average Infernumar's baseline closely matches humanity's pinnacle, obtained only with the use of genetic engineering to refine and obtain this upper peak. As a result of this, the Daqinese have made ample use of certain gene sequences.
An intimidating sight, the full wing span of the average Infernumar easily measures 7 meters or even more, and can easily propel an adult through the air at considerable speed. Bat-like in shape and form, the wings are leathery, with a color that is often a shade of black, red, or matching with the individual's skin tone. Strong, light and fast, the wings have a surprisingly wide range of motion, enabling high speed flight and various aerial acrobatics. However, this is a tiring affair, and in order to compensate, the Infernumar prefer to glide, using drafts and air currents to ease their usage of energy. Surprisingly, the metacarpals of these wings are sophisticated enough to roughly hold large objects, and though they lack fine motor skills necessary for hand work, often have a sharp talon at the end that can be used with accurate, lethal precision.
Every Infernumar has some form of horns, with their shape varying from individual to individual. Composed of keratin surrounding a core of living bone, the horns themselves are nothing spectacular save for the fact that they are conduits for their magic. Like the Halo of the Caelumar, their size indicates an individual's magical potency, and can be summoned and unsummoned like their wings. However, unlike the Caelumaric Halo, the horns of the Infernumar are true, physical objects that are part of their natural anatomy when their presence is not dispelled by magic.
An Infernumar's muscles do not atrophy from disuse and remain well toned regardless of physical activity levels, and are noticeably stronger than an equivalent human's build. Unlike the Daqinese however, their musculature is not abnormally dense to the point of changing their buoyancy as a trade off that enables flight. Other improvements over baseline humans include improved oxygen storage and efficiency of use, allowing the Infernumar to sprint for far longer periods of time, as well as sustain their flight. Their muscles also have a faster contraction time and precision, better allowing their bodies to keep up with their improved reaction times.
Unlike with humans, visual acuity for the Infernumar does not suffer with age or with to living in small, confined spaces for extend periods of time. To aid in flight though, their eyes have enhanced peripheral vision, and can make out details much more clearly than the average human should something be at the edge of their vision. This helps them navigate the environment more easily when in flight, but perhaps just as important, is their ability to see in low-light situations. In addition to having rods and cones with an adjustable sensitivity however, their eyes have a retroreflective layer, a type of 'tapetum lucidum' that can be mentally controlled to toggle in activity. When in use, their eyes will shine if struck with a light source. The most visibly striking feature they have however, would be their nictitating membrane.
These clear and translucent membranes slide over their eyes from the sides to act as protective covers when flying at high speeds, and like second eyelids, can blink to sweep away dust and tears as well.
Circulatory System
The Infernumaric circulatory system holds a number of improvements over that of the baseline human. In addition to being in peak physical condition throughout their lifespan, the circulatory system prevents aneurysms and the like through having more durable, elastic arteries, veins and capillaries. Perhaps most importantly, the Infernumar are also more resistant to both positive and negative g-forces, especially due to the addition of specialized valves. Located in key places, these help to prevent the loss of or excessive blood pressure changes during high-g maneuvers or even acceleration during freight transit. As a result, the Infernumar are known to be some of the most capable fighter pilots, making moves that would otherwise cause a red-out or blackout in humans.
Regeneration and Immunity
Infernumar are capable of regrowing entire limbs and recovering from neurological damage that the average human would not. Given enough time, any injury will heal, with cosmetic scarring being the only indicator of any previous injury. They remain susceptible to diseases however, but with the very worst symptoms being far better managed as to almost never be debilitating or lethal. Additionally, the time being sick is usually cut in half at the very least, with the vast majority of diseases resolving themselves with enough rest and a proper diet. Perhaps most importantly however, is the unique medical properties that the Infernumar possess.
If taken directly from the source and used immediately, Infernumaric body fluids can cure or at least alleviate disease in others, while completely preventing the spread of sexually transmitted infections during coitus. The method through which this occurs is not understood by science however, but has been confirmed.
Aging, Lifespan and Reproduction
Though major Infernumar of particular note have been documented to live for millennia thanks to the aid of magic, observation indicates that the average individual has a life span of roughly 300 years if the supply of magic is little to none. Most however, do age, but remain in their physical prime for the majority of their lives. Oftentimes, the youngest of Infernumar are affectionately referred to as 'brats', which posess sapience along with the ability to speak only weeks after birth. When mature, Infernumar physically appear to be anywhere from 18-35 and remain fit throughout their lives. Even as they come closer to death, it is only within the last 50 years that they show signs of aging, but these are typically limited to whitening hair and the subtle changes in personality associated with such age.
Despite the advantages they have over humans however, the periods in which they are fertile is significantly lower, and occur much less frequently. In addition, due to their differing genetics, they have difficulty producing offspring with humans, with only one out of ten being successful.
Unlike many other species, the Infernumaric metabolism is variable in accordance with the individual's needs. While others are more likely to starve to death or become obese from a lack or excess of caloric intake, the Infernumar are less prone to such conditions. When deprived of sustenance, the Infernumaric metabolism carefully slows itself down to preserve the individual without excessively interfering with their individual performance. When pressed with a fight-or-flight response in this condition, their metabolism quickly goes back into a heightened state in order to allow them to act accordingly without hindrance. Meanwhile, should an Infernumar consume an excess of calories, their metabolism will accelerate in an attempt to use up the excess energy, increasing body heat in response. Due to cellular limitations however, this increase is only modest, and as a result, an Infernumar can become obese with enough consumption.
This state will not last as they will revert to normal once their diet does as well however.
Remarkably, the Infernumar are one of few species capable of inherently harnessing magic. However, their horns manifest reflexively in the process. Additionally, their horns must manifest in order to use their full power, with the true size and complexity of their horns denoting their power when not deliberately kept small or hidden altogether. However, their ties with the ebb and flow of magic go deeper than most, and is only rivaled by the Aos Si and Caelumar for better and worse. With only a little magic, their greatness fades, falling into far more mortal limits as their strength, vigor, youth and longevity all come closer to rather human constraints. Worse, if deprived of its life-giving currents entirely, they will degenerate, aging much more rapidly until death takes them.
Tantric Conduit
Very few magically inclined species are capable of channeling magic into themselves to refill their reserves or otherwise bolster their strength, but the Infernumar are one of them. In order to do this though, they must enter an elevated state of mind that explores the self or another, producing gratification for one or both parties as a result, or, be in the presence of those that are. Magic of this nature is often referred to 'Tantric Energy' to signify how it is channeled into themselves. The most common methods include intense, intimate and personal coitus or torture. Typically, the former is used when all participants are working together to benefit, with conception producing a very sharp spike of positive feedback and a feedback loop that eventually levels out.
The latter however, is less effective, but can be arranged to have more sources with the appropriate logistics. It is preferred when only a select individual or group is looking to benefit, and can be maintained for an extended period of time with proper preparation.. Its effectiveness is based off of the own individuals' taste for schadenfreude however.
Unlike most winged species, the Infernumar are capable of stowing their wings due to their more magically inclined nature, with the very same going for their horns and slit pupil eyes. The transformation itself consumes some of their reserves of magic, but allows them to conceal these defining features and hide in plain sight among beings such as humans or elves. Alternatively, these features can simply remain in smaller, more convenient form if convenience and not deception is the intent. Despite this, the full 7 meter or more wing span and horn size is necessary to access the full depths of their power. During their transformation, flashes of flame, sparks and black smoke can be seen, but these dissipate as quickly as they appear. Their pupils are the first to change with the invoking of magic - thankfully without smoke, sparks or flame - and is followed by their horns and wings in that order should they access it gradually rather than suddenly.
It is worth noting that old stories and legends speak of rare instances where sufficiently high ranking and powerful Infernumar transformed into completely otherworldly beings that were borderline maddening to look at, but no recent documentation currently exists regarding this.
OOC Notes
What would be called Devils, Incubus, Succubus, that sort. Derived from infernum which is latin for hell, the infernal regions or underworld. Also the suffix -ar, which means of, relating to, or being.
- Typically very handsome or beautiful humanoids featuring wings, horns, spade tip tail
- Innately magical
- Long lived
- Magic use typically has at least their horns come out and a fireball between them or above their head
- The most powerful can go into a combat form
- Infernumar Culture
- Believe themselves to be the guardians/administrators of Hell or a place of punishment for wrongdoers
- Reward the clever, the strong, the accomplished, those with strong wills, etc
- The bigger the powerplay, the more lauded it is on success, but also more heavily punished on failure
- Culture is passionate, not ashamed about gaining power
- All about earning or winning things, everything is fair game
- Values intelligence as much as brute force
- Power is a tool to achieve an end
- Pleasure and Punishment are both important