• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.



"If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing." - W Edwards Deming

If you're interested in joining the plot, join our discord and a GM will help you

When you're done here, you should also check out The Edward Deming ship page.​

Plot: The Edward Deming

The Human Colony on the planet Hawking is beset by dangerous native species, hostile human governments, aliens, ancient interstellar planetoid-ships, and internal politics. The Edward Deming and its crew are the ones tasked with keeping it all together.

The RP takes place in google Docs, and generally has 1-2 rounds of posting each week. The action tends to bounce between combat, adventure, and politics with slice of life sections in between.

The Setting

The setting is sci-fi, and tends to be a bit harder than most. There are lots of real-technologies and science in use but it isn’t required that you learn orbital mechanics. This universe is also has a high amount of alien species in it, and Humanity is finding they aren’t alone among the stars.

Humanity itself has been capable of interstellar travel for hundreds of years at this point, and has managed to colonize a handful of worlds. Even so, Humanity is still new tot he universe at large, and the population of their home system is still many times greater than those of all colonies combined.

The Major Players

The Magnetic Assembly

What started as a small group of humans using cybernetics to make life easier in space, has grown into a large cyborganization who’s members are often more alien-looking than actual aliens. The Magnetic Assembly's enthusiasm for technology includes letting an AI, the Machine Exemplar, act as their government, and their work has laid the foundation for human life in the Hawking System.​
Despite their work, they have traditionally been marginalized by the powers that be until the 2319 elections on Hawking which saw a political crisis propel the Assembly into power. Now free of the constraints placed upon them by the Union, the Assembly is free to show the rest of Humanity what it can accomplish.​

The Union

The American Union is the largest, wealthiest, and technologically advanced block of nations known to man, and includes offworld colonies, space habitats, and large sections of Humanity’s homeworld. Powerful internal interests dominate the political landscape of the Union, and here it is said that wealth comes easily for those who have the talent for it.​
Though the Humans in the Hawking System have legally separated themselves from the Union, the current Administration can not accept this outcome. The Union military has been directed to conduct the largest military operation in recent history to retake the Hawking system.​

New Cambridge

The largest and only human city on the surface of the planet Hawking, New Cambridge started as an initial colonization point for the earth-like world. Discovery of the local population of Grawla changed the colony’s plans and instead of building outward it would build upward. The towers of New Cambridge now house some of the best universities, research institutes, and development facilities anywhere.​
The city itself has an uneasy truce with the local Grawla. Currently the Magnetic Assembly has majority control over the governing body of the city, but not everyone has come around to their way of thinking. To make matters worse both Daqin and the Union are looking to make their own inroads into the city any way they can.​

The Grawla

The race native to the planet Hawking, the Grawla are a clever and resourceful humanoid race that has survived a number of alien invasions from different races throughout their history. Though often disorganized and scattered, it is every Grawl’s duty to come together and fight Aliens when they appear!​
The humans who have come to their planet are different though. Some Grawla think they can be friends (or at least keep the humans around to pay tribute) while other groups want to destroy the humans. Others want to cling to what they know and remain hidden on the planet the humans have named Hawking while others wish to venture into space despite the danger it poses.​


Another group of transhumans, and the first of Humanity’s colonial holdings to declare itself independent. Though originally built as servants and slaves, this group now sees itself as a major power both politically and economically.​
They no longer see themselves as slaves, though they are quite happy to press others into that role. With the Union having been evicted from the Hawking System, Daqin sees its opportunity to extend its influence over the system.​


Azathoth, a warehouse the size of a small planetoid entered into the Hawking System in 2320 full of Aliyum robots. Automated factories and systems abound but no one appears to be home. It is clear they belong to the Aliyums: A race of Aliens that came to colonize the Hawking system only to be wiped out by the native Grawla. The specifics of this place remain unknown, but everyone seems to want a piece of it for themselves.​

The Story Thus Far…

The Hawking star system has developed itself into the main hub for humanities further exploration into the stars, becoming increasingly multi-racial as it accepts refugees from other races while also launching deep space exploration expeditions.

The American Union's continued lack of support and foresight was a cause for tension with the Hawking system's inhabitants and when the Union abandoned the more primitive races that the Edward Deming had befriended to the Daqin these tensions came to a head ending in the New Years Revolution in 2320 where the Magnetic Assembly and its allies took a dominate position in the elections for the New Cambridge Executive Council and withdrew the system from the American Union.

Now the Edward Deming must manage two empires looking to carve up the Hawking Star System for their own benefit, while maintaining an uneasy peace with the local Grawla population and facing an ancient traveling moon arriving in the system at the end of a multi-century long journey.

Joining the Plot


Geological Survey Ship Edward Deming

So you're interested in joining the plot? The first thing you should do is join our Discord and talk to the other players and GMs. You can find our discord here: https://discord.gg/6AUappr

You will also need to create a character sheet for your character. The rest of this guide will cover that.

Where your Character Fits In

The Edward Deming is a modified Survey ship used in exploration, military, and political operations. It is understaffed, and is always looking to recruit individuals with unique talents or skill sets to supplement its crew of scientists, soldiers, diplomats, and pilots.

Your Character’s Backstory

Many people and things come to the Hawking system for a variety of reasons. While you’re welcome to create your own backstory, a few common starting points are included below.​

Magnetically Assembled

You come from the Magnetic Assembly, having spent most of your life in deep space among other humans working on massive projects or your own personal interests. The Machine Exemplar has always been there as a guiding force, providing you with learning opportunities, options for cybernetic enhancements, food and air. You may look human, or you may have elected to have your form diverge from the typical humanoid shape. Perhaps you have additional legs, arms, or perhaps you have encased your body in a pod and elected to have a more purely mechanical form instead.​
Technology is omni-present, and your own personal AI can help manage communication with others, handling the load while you focus on tasks of your own interest. You can accomplish more work this way. You’re better than you were and you will continue to improve upon yourself. You may also have started using the word ‘Humans’ to refer to the others rather than yourself.​
The Edward Deming provides a great opportunity to work with the best and brightest, to make a name for yourself, and to further your own causes.​
Acceptable Species
The Magnetic Assembly accepts anyone, but so far their recruitment has been limited to the Hawking Star System and generally their members are also heavily cyberized.​

Former Union Soldier

‘The Greatest Military the Universe has ever seen’ also seemed to be filled with more and more political appointments. Every day it felt more like knowing the right people and towing the party line is more important than knowing how to do your job. When the Union was evicted from the Hawking System, you found yourself with a choice to make: Return to Union Space, or join the city of New Cambridge.​
The city has a police force, but no standing military. Their rapidly growing list of enemies means that your skills are in need. They appreciate you on your merits, not your political connections. The city itself provides a high quality of living, certainly better than your former cramped barracks.​
Making your talents available to the Edward Deming appears to be your best career move, and working for a boss that you don’t hate certainly helps.​
Acceptable Species
The American Union spans a massive amount of space and includes several billion sentient beings both born on earth and immigrated from other worlds outside of Human Space. Just about any race can be found within the Union.​
Aos Si (Elf)​

The Ivory Tower

The university at New Cambridge is one of the best anywhere, and you have spent your time developing your area of expertise. You know a lot, about a lot, and live a comfortable life inside of the walls of New Cambridge. You’re very aware of just how much automation has been increasing due to the Magnetic Assembly, and might be very interested in political discussion. Appointing an AI to run much of the government is certainly an exciting experiment.​
But you can’t live in the world of Academia alone. The native population, the Grawla, are constantly a threat and the aggression from other interstellar nations has been rising. The Edward Deming gives you the opportunity to take your knowledge and apply it in real-world situations.​
Acceptable Species
Formerly part of the American Union until the New Years Revolution in 2320, just about any race can have found its way to New Cambridge in the Hawking System.​

Childish Bioweapon

We have the Technology. We can build them better, faster, stronger. Echoni are produced to push the limits of what a humanoid can do, and harness the unique properties of the exhophage bacteria found on planet Hawking. They also have the emotional maturity of a newborn and have to learn everything from scratch!​
Considering joining Project SEER, and becoming involved in pushing the boundaries of humanoid physical limitations?​
Ask a recruiter for a copy of the E-4 Echoni Operations Manual today!​
Acceptable Species
Starting off only a few years old, having only recently learned to speak, and full of potential. The Echoni are very much a learning exercise for the Magnetic Assembly.​

Your Character’s Skillset

What does your character bring to the table? Generally it is easiest to get involved in the story if your character has some very generalist skill like being a soldier, a scientist, or an engineer. You can then add in whatever highly specialized talents that you want.​

Filling out your character sheet

The starter guide will provide you the template that you need to fill out.


Include a paragraph about your character's appearance. Be sure to include things like eye color, hair color, complexion, and build.​

Skills and Abilities

You only need to include a short, general overview of your character's skills here. Indicating what field they are experienced in is usually enough. It will be assumed you have a general knowledge of anything your character's profession would know about IE: soldier-types would be proficient with weapons, disguises, field-work, combat-engineering, and piloting while a Scientist or Engineer can be reasonably expected to know a lot about their field as well as any associated skills like survival skills for any scientist expected to do field work.​
If you don't know a lot about these topics then don't worry too much. You can always ask the GM for help during the RP.​


Include a small paragraph to describe your character's personality. The goal of this paragraph is to give other people a general idea of the character they are dealing with.​


You only need to include a paragraph for your character's biography up to this point. Since this is a new character it is perfectly ok for this to be bare bones. This is something that can easily expand from using your character.​

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