• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.


Echoni E-4 Operations Manual V3018.81

-Echoni Special Operations Bio-Weapon Unit, Model 4-


Interface, Maintenance and Customisation Manual
Manufactured by Sylphian Biomechanical Industries,
Concourse Alpha Sector Blue #115 (Planet Hawking)
Date of Issue; February 6th, Year 2318 CE


-This manual is to be distributed ONLY to SEER personnel with an authorisation level of RED or GREATER. Viewing or copying this document without authorisation, or allowing the information within to be distributed to other non-authorised civilians or organisations, is a matter of planet Hawking national security and will be met with LETHAL FORCE.-

-Authorising a newly manufactured unit for field duty? Please use the Echoni Unit Registration Template!-

Section One: Operational Parameters


Example Unit; 515 "Tsuguka"


The E-4 is a series of mass production organic weapons, fabricated for use in association with the Hawking Military Special Operations Division, as well as research by Project SEER themselves into the effects of Exophages and other alien bioweapon systems.

If you have been assigned one as an operative or test subject, or are an independently operating model yourself, please take a moment to read this manual to avoid undue damage to persons and property!

Default Configuration

The general appearance of the E-4, commonly known as an 'Echoni Unit', is that of a lithe but muscular human female, though numerous experimental mutations and defects may alter this. There is intentionally a vast diversity in design, in order to maximise adaptability and experimental design evolution.

Common xeno-biological alterations include pointed ears, horns, and animalistic tails; Though first and foremost, all posses the sphere-like Exophage Colony Organ mounted upon their solar plexus. Skin colouration is typically human-standard, but can also range from a pale ivory to dark grey, or sometimes dark red to stone-blue. Cyborgisations are not strictly necessary, but very commonly utilised in order to improve the operation of the unit (See the cyborgisations section.)

An identification barcode is mounted on the back of the neck for organisation purposes, and the unit may be gifted with geometric facial markings if it possesses powers that require special containment procedures or corporate oversight. Please do not deface or remove this material, as keeping track of active units prevents enemy factions from reverse engineering the technology. Units known to have issues with aggressive tendencies or unpredictable behaviour may also have additional markings added to advertise this fact.

All of this comes with the addendum that all units are effectively experimental, and there may me many additional quirks in the design (See the mutations section).

Intelligence Configuration

The E-4 was designed to be a loyal and stalwart clone-based weapon system first and foremost. From the date of it's fabrication, every unit is implanted with artificial memories of training, and thus it should have no issues forming adult conversation, applying advanced mathematics, or even operating firearms with a minimal degree of oversight.

However, there is currently believed to be a bug in the memory formation process, with subjects impossibly remembering certain small fragments from the lives of the cloned original. This undesirable result is believed to be a side-effect of the Exophage microbes in their systems, and it is the recommendation of SEER administration that such effects should be suppressed, both to alleviate the stress levels of the unit, and to maximize the performance of their duties.

-If the unit experiences excessive flashbacks or mental instability, please report them for recall back to the SEER MANUFACTURING AND MAINTENANCE FACILITY in CONCOURSE ALPHA. The unit will undergo mental realignment and gene therapy to return it to factory specifications.-

Performance Statistics


Echoni E-4 Standard Uniform from 2319

(Based on default equipment setup without add-ons.)
Maximum Running Speed: 42.2 mph
Maximum Jump Height: 21 feet
Maximum Ground Carry Load: 320 lb.
Operating Temperature Limits: 18 °C to 65 °C
Normal Internal Temperature: 36.5 °C to 37.5 °C
G-Force Limitations: 24g
Maximum Submerging Depth: 280 meters of water in 1G.


Development History


Sylphian Biomechanics Industries was founded in 2250 CE on Earth, an independent producer of niche power solutions such as solar powered organic batteries. Their self-replicating and low maintenance technology soon led to them becoming a staple of cheap consumer goods throughout human space.


It was not until 2288 GSC that they expanded onto hawking, where the situation with the increasingly aggressive alien Grawla was getting out of hand. The government there offered a contract to any independent companies who could support their forces in an affordable manner. Spotting the potential to examine some interesting ancient alien technology, Sylphian jumped at the chance.
What they discovered buried in those forbidden ruins was several orders of magnitude more important than they expected.

Exophages, tiny microscopic and extra-dimensional bacteria, infested the corpses of ancient bio-weapons the Grawla had once nuked their own planet to repress. Moreover, this invisible power source was apparently found in varying quantities throughout all living things in the entire sector.

Slyphian used this knowledge to found an official bio-weapons branch on Hawking, known as S.E.E.R. (Sylphian Exotic Elements Research), cementing it's headquarters in a place called Concourse Alpha.
The first official products of the Echoni series were more primitive biomechanical forms, stopgaps to keep the Grawla at bay whilst the exact properties of the nigh-magical Exophages, and their relation to other alien races, could be developed upon with more finesse. The development of the Echoni E-4 took until 2310 GSC, now a clone/cyborg weapon system that includes a classified mixture of both human and alien DNA.


The New Years Revolution on Hawking would add additional complications to S.E.E.R.’s operations. The organization would already find itself heavily entangled with the Magnetic Assembly, with many of its members being highly respected within both organizations. The severing of the relationship between Hawking and the American Union would also drive a wedge between S.E.E.R. and the Earth-Based Sylphian Biomechanics. This would create a lot of uncertainty between the group itself.

Even with this uncertainty active development continues, with the difficult raising and education of such powerful (and experimental) creatures remaining a major problem in raising an army of significant numbers. Their effect on the battlefield has indeed been positive, but S.E.E.R.'s method of getting there hasn't exactly gone without raised eyebrows in the rather more traditional-minded American Union forces, either…

Section Two: Individual Attributes & Customisation Options

Basic Attributes (Name, Age and Gender)

The name can be almost anything, from a simple nickname or rank title, to an actual given name gifted by a specific factory worker, tutor or friend. Being artificial beings, sometimes they simply choose to pick a name for themselves. Others may even prefer to just be called by their model number, holding disdain for the idea that they should hide being what they are.
Their physical age, on the other hand, is almost totally irrelevant. They are all fabricated to immediately look like adults, even though the first models were only produced ten years ago.
E-4 units are typically female in appearance due to a preference for less independent genetics, through they are sterile and cannot produce offspring as a biological corruption safety measure. Males actually do exist, but outwardly look quite feminine regardless.
The body general type of 'lean' is universal due to the necessities of combat utility, but some might be more bulky or muscular than others. They are organic and can gain and loose weight, just like any other creature.

Personality Type

In order to best categorize and stabilize individual Echoni units, their personality is best defined as one of the following types;

TYPE AFriendlyOverly Possessive
TYPE BCautiousParanoid
TYPE CLogicalCold
TYPE DSpaceyOverly Delusional
TYPE EAggressiveSadistic
TYPE FTacticalPowerless

Psychology Rating

At the start of an Echoni unit's commission, it is recommended that you observe their memory fragments carefully. They are not supposed to retain human thoughts or data, but it is apparently an irreparable defect of their design. Units under great stress or hardship may experience mental deterioration.

(Every unit starts at a grade of A+. The mission administrator will inform you if the unit has acquired any psychology damage and lowered it's grade. If it reaches grade F, their personality type will become unstable.)

In order to keep one's Psychology grade in check, nothing is better for the unit than simply talking and interacting with other Echoni units in the same situation.

Corruption Rating

Echoni units are experimental and physiologically unstable, part alien-derived biotechnology which is not entirely understood. Every time they use Aberrant Powers, or are exposed to outside sources of Exo-Phage corruption, they are at risk of randomly developing extra mutations.

(Every unit starts at a grade of A+. The mission administrator will inform you if the unit has acquired any corruption damage and lowered it's grade. If it reaches grade F, they will spontaneously record a new bodily mutation!)

In order to keep one's corruption level in check, constant medication and maintenance is necessary.

Unit Sub-Class

The closest thing these units have to a rank or position. It organises them based on power v.s. potential contamination risks.

—E-4-1 “MID-DEVIL”—

A standard, physically and psychologically stable unit without any glaring defects. (It has no more than three customization points upon creation. However, if it has any of these customization points 'left over', it can spend them on extra skills instead.)

—E-4-2 “HIGH-DEVIL”—

A unit gifted with extra powers, but also more genetic instability. It likely has facial markings to separate it from others. (It has access to five customization points upon creation, but will be easily visible and perhaps distrusted by others.)

—E-4-3 “LOW-DEVIL”—

The unit is defective, with highly unstable powers that immediately and uncontrollably mutate it's flesh. The powers have been locked away, and large quantities of cyborgisations attached to replace appendages distorted beyond use.

(It has seven customization points upon creation, but cannot use Aberrant Powers.)


These units have suffered a catastrophic mental and physical meltdown in the field of duty. All public data regarding to the unit is to be reformatted, and the unit itself is to be sealed away within a secure containment facility for future study. Personal interactions require a security clearance of BLUE or GREATER.

(These units should not ideally be used for field duty. If a unit gains more than seven mutations, it will modify it's classification to this one.)

Unit Known Skills

Every unit comes with four pre-programmed skills to perform their duties, taken from the list below;

  • Hand-To-Hand Combat
  • Acrobatics
  • Melee Combat (Blades)
  • Melee Combat (Blunt)
  • Melee Combat (Wire Weapons)
  • Ranged Combat (Pistols)
  • Ranged Combat (Rifles)
  • Ranged Combat (Heavy Weapons)
  • Explosives
  • Weapon Maintenance
  • Drone Operation
  • Robotics / Cyborgisation Maintenance
  • Land Vehicle Operation
  • Air Vehicle Operation
  • Vehicle Maintenance
  • Hacking
  • Stealth
  • Acting & Subterfuge
  • Interrogation
  • Medical
  • Science
  • Battlefield Strategy
  • Aberrant Power Focus
Note that a unit actually can still attempt a task in a skill that it does not have, but the success rate will be 50/50 at best. As the unit gains experience, they may learn additional skills of their choice; Even doubling or tripling up on a skill they already know to increase their success rate.

Clothes & Armour

Echoni E-4s tend to operate in small makeshift units, and are allowed personal clothes in their spare time. There are still official uniforms for them to chose from, however, including several advanced combat armour systems designed to push their abilities to the limits;

Standard Issue E-4 UniformContains kevlar panels and a built-in radio headset.
Dress E-4 UniformA formal bio-plastic uniform with a hat, collared shirt and a skirt.
Reactive Polymer BodysuitA skin-tight bodysuit that changes colour for a chameleonic effect.
Heavy Assault ArmourA version of the standard uniform with larger pauldrons and a more robust vest.
Exophage Transmission SheathA skin-tight bodysuit that transmits Abberant Powers more effectively.
Standard Issue E-4 VoidsuitIt's a space suit, twelve hour air supply. Also helpful against chemical gas attacks.
Anti-Grav Vernier SuitA lightly armoured suit with anti-grav wings. Allows personal flight up to 40 MPH.
Direct Oxygenation SuitA form-fitting wetsuit that supplies oxygen directly to the blood. Air supply lasts 30 minutes.

Unit Equipment

The unit may pick up to four of the following items upon their assignment to field duty;

Hand to Hand Weapons

Explosive-Capped GauntletNeeds reloading with a free hand.

Bladed Weapons

Combat Knife
Combat Machete
ZweihanderLarge, two handed sword.
Superheated CleaverA rectangular blade that is electronically superheated to cut through sheer metal.
Plasma TorchAn over-sized blowtorch, retooled for melee use. Powerful, but prone to dangerous mistakes.
Power DrillIndustrial drill for punching through armour.
ChainsawIndustrial chainsaw retooled for anti-infantry use.
Power ShearsA clumsy industrial grasping/crushing tool. Powerful but hard to use.
TomahawkSmall throwing axe with a magnetic grip. Good for small spaces.
Giant BoomerangSpecialised throwing blade with a magnetic grip. Large blade, but cumbersome to use indoors.

Blunt Weapons

NightstickIt's a metal Tonfa.
NunchakuTwo metal bars with a chain in the middle. Requires skill, but difficult to block.
Combat HammerReinforced metal war hammer.
Anti-Personnel SledgeBasically a huge, angular lump of metal on a stick. Extremely heavy and used to outright crush foes.
Jack HammerHeavy pneumatic chisel. Rapidly hammers angular tip to drill straight through solid objects.

Wire Weapons

RazorwireSubtle weapon with a blade only a few molecules thick. Needs skill, but can be used to slash or garrote.
Barbed FlailA metal whip, built from sharp chains not unlike spearheads. Difficult to use, but inflicts hideous slashing damage.
Molecular NetA version of Razorwire formed into a deadly net. Highly incapacitating, and deadly when thrown at an unarmoured enemy.


Heavy Weapons

Grenade LauncherHolds 6 rounds, two handed. See grenade types below for options.
Anti-Tank GunHolds 6 rounds, two handed. Long barreled weapon with high armour penetration power.
Heavy MachinegunHolds 64 rounds, two handed. Very heavy brute force anti-personnel weapon.
Missile LauncherHolds 2 rounds, two handed. Extremely long range, high power projectiles.
Flame ThrowerHolds thirty seconds of discharge, two handed. Flammenwerfer, it werfs flammen.
MinigunHolds 96 rounds, two handed. Extremely heavy, ridiculous anti-infantry weapon.
Repeater Laser CannonHolds 32 charges, two handed. Extremely high rate of fire.
Sonic CannonHolds thirty seconds of discharge, two handed. Weakens metal through intense vibrations.
EMP ProjectorHolds sixty seconds of discharge, two handed. Fries unprotected electronic hardware.
Microwave ProjectorHolds thirty seconds of discharge, two handed. Cooks target from the inside.
RailgunHolds 6 rounds, two handed. Barely portable, but extremely powerful long-range weapon.
Magnetic BowSingle fire, two handed. Basically a bare-bones railgun that is rather dangerous to use.


Fragmentation GrenadeBandoleer of six. Anti-personnel.
Fragmentation MineBandoleer of six. Anti-personnel, heat-based proximity sensor.
Smoke GrenadeBandoleer of six. Blocks visual contact.
Chaff GrenadeBandoleer of six. Has an ECM effect on unprotected electronics.
Paralysis Gas GrenadeBandoleer of six. Unprotected target falls over limp for two hours.
Poison Gas GrenadeBandoleer of six. Unprotected target suffers immediate nerve damage.
Incendiary GrenadeBandoleer of six. A fire bomb.
Acid GrenadeBandoleer of six. Contains a special acid that dissolves many metals.
Microwave GrenadeBandoleer of six. Heats up surrounding objects internally.
Anti-Aberration GrenadeBandoleer of six. Has an catastrophic incendiary effect on those with a high Exophage concentration.


Scout DroneA small floating camera drone. Feeds visual data to computer or headset units.
Maintenance DroneA bulky suitcase sized drone that folds out with many tools. Floats slowly, provides standard visual feed.
Gun DroneSmall tracked drone, remote controlled with camera feed. Can carry and fire one pistol or rifle weapon.

Utility Items

Portable Computer TerminalA laptop computer. Good for science applications, hacking, or just checking your emails.
Hand Medical-ScannerA small x-ray scanner with a pistol grip. Who needs a stethoscope when you can physically see the heart?
Portable Medical KitA handy satchel of bandages, painkillers, ointments, disinfectants, and hermetically sealed surgical implements.
Hand Maintenance-ScannerA small oblong electromagnetic visualiser, great for looking inside mechanisms without taking them apart.
Hand Multi-ScannerUseful visualising device that can change between ultrasonic, short-ranged radar, and density calculation modes.
Hand Exo-ScannerSmall oblong device creates a visual image of the area's ambient exophage density.
AutobinocularsAdjustable binoculars that has night vision, infra-red and ultra-violet modes.
AutomicroscopePortable microscope that can be adjusted to highlight specific DNA codes, pathogens, or other trace materials.
Micro-Tracking DeviceA tiny radio transmitter the size and shape of a poker chip. Gives off a unique tracking signal.
Back-Mounted Storage ContainerA huge armoured backpack. Can carry four rifles, or perhaps a very short person inside.
Grappling HookA twenty foot long lightweight metal cord with a barbed hook at the end. Used to climb sheer faces.
Suction Gripper (Pair)Large handles, with rubber pads that stick to glass. Can be used to climb buildings with many sheer windows.


The unit may have been created with several intentional or unintentional mutations. See the 'Sub-Class' section for their exact amount.

(Standard Mutations)

  • Elven Ears
  • Oni Horns
  • Mono Horn
  • Animalistic Ears
  • Animalistic Eyes
  • Male
  • Enlarged Fangs
  • Enlarged Claws
  • Animalistic Tail (Mammilian)
  • Animalistic Tail (Reptillian)
  • Animalistic Tail (Aquatic)
  • Flexible Joints
  • Enhanced Strength
  • Enhanced Regeneration
  • Enhanced Reflexes
  • Enhanced Exo-Phage Attunement
  • Wings
  • Miniature Body
  • Macro Body
  • Hibernation Adaption (Cold Blood)

(Concerning Abnormalities; Observe and record with care…)

  • Bony Spines
  • Poison Spines
  • Venomous Bite
  • Gills
  • Extra Arms
  • Extra Legs
  • Third Eye
  • Additional Sensor Nodes
  • Antenna
  • Armoured Scales
  • Retractable Tentacles
  • Chameleonic Skin
  • Aquatic Fins

(Extreme Abnormalities; Report immediately!)

  • Exo-Floral Growth
  • Exo-Fungal Growth
  • Internal Exo-Eyes
  • Ethereal Flesh
  • External Skeleton
  • Animalistic Body Plan
  • Exo-Vampiric Bite



Example Unit; z_9

The unit may have been fitted with several cyborgisations to increase it's utility. See the 'Sub-Class' section for the exact available amount.

Discrete upgrades, can be hidden under clothes.

Retracting Jet ThrusterDouble the unit's speed with a short plasma burst. Located over the shoulder blades.
Metal Claws
Metal Fangs
Reinforced Skeleton
Retractable Metal TalonsSharp blades that pop out from the hands or feet.
Cyberized VoiceboxAllows the user to speak (or sing) in impossible tones.
Cyberized Ears
Integrated Communications SystemAllows the user to 'hear' radio communication.
Robotic Arm
Robotic Leg
Detachable Exploding Arm
Wire-Guided Rocket Arm
Hotwired ReflexesDoubles user reaction speed.
Electro-Conductive TouchMelee attacks gain an electric shock effect.
Retracting Mouth WeaponThe jaw can split open to reveal a small hidden blade or pistol.
Psycho-Repressive ImplantIncreases resistance to psychology damage, but numbs emotions.
Exo-Repressive ImplantIncreases resistance to corruption damage, but dulls Abberant Powers.
Direct Cranial Interface SocketsDirectly interface brain-to-computer with special devices.

Highly visible upgrades, cannot be hidden.

Prehensile Robotic TailCan hold up to 3KG, or one small pistol/blade.
Multi-Spectral EyeA camera that can see from the infra red into the ultra violet.
Exo-Detective Scanner EyeA camera that can see ambient Exophage levels.
Eye ScopeA camera with a zoom function. It also improves accuracy with firearms.
Anti-Grav Vernier WingsLarge oblong pods that attach to the shoulder blades. Allows flight at great speeds.
Cyberized LungsUser becomes immune to gas or depressurisation damage, but gains a rather unsettling mechanical voice.
Pneumatic Strength AugmentationThe body's entire exterior is reinforced with powerful jacks bolted in place.
Integrated Elbow or Shin BladeA close combat weapon bolted directly in place. User can keep their hands free for other things.
Integrated FirearmA pistol or rifle bolted directly to the forearm or shoulder. Keeps hands free.
Weaponized LimbReplaces entire limb with weapon. Can use the heaviest of armaments 'one handed', but can no longer use that hand for anything else.
Eye LaserA miniature laser pistol integrated directly into the eye socket.
Reinforced Skin PlatingComposite materials are woven into the flesh to increase physical defense.
Robotic Tentacle ManipulatorMuch like the prehensile tail, but they may have many at once. Tends to scare the pants off of people.
Integrated Communications AntennaA metallic antenna 'horn' on the head. Use to communicate digitally, or even jam enemy signals.
Prehensile Cranial Interface TentaclesMuch like the cranial sockets (above), but can interface with several devices at once.
Non-Humanoid Mecha-Arm SystemA robust industrial-grade robot arm, generally mounted with a powerful vice or pincer.
Non-Humanoid Bird Leg SystemReverse-joint legs, allows for incredible running speeds and jump heights.
Non-Humanoid Crab Leg SystemFour, six or eight heavy industrial legs. Greatly increases the max carrying or dragging weight of the user.
Additional Robotic Arm
Additional Robotic Arm

Aberrant Powers

The unit may have been created with access to several supernatural Aberrant Powers, either intentionally or unintentionally. See the 'Sub-Class' section for the exact amount they might have available.

Corruption Risk Level 0

Resist Psionics


Psionic Communication

Psionic Empathy

Psionic Detection

Energy Blade

Exo-Kinetic Levitation

Float or fly up to 30MPH.

Corruption Risk Level 1

Object Manipulation

Move an object up to 4kg with telekinesis.

Remote Viewing

Observe a far-off location. The greater the distance, the greater the risk.

Overdrive Regeneration

Overdrive Strength

Mental Obscuration (Try to make others believe they cannot see you.)

Temporal Shift

Slightly slow down time, from your own perspective.

Temporal Scanning

Detect time travelling effects.

Exo-Kinetic Energy Ray

Exo-Kinetic Immolation (Heat up object from the inside.)

Energy Needle (Impossibly sharp, highly focused energy blade.)

Wall Of Force

Use a form of telekinesis to attempt to deflect enemy projectiles in-flight.

(Corruption Risk Level 2)

Immaterial Transition

Phase straight through a wall of 1 ft thickness or less.

Immaterial Talon

Phase hand inside enemies' body, ignoring armour.

Extra-Dimensional Teleport

Rematerialise in a far-off location. The greater the distance, the greater the risk.

Exo-Kinetic Spacial Collapse

Delete a sphere of matter 1ft in radius from existence.

(Corruption Risk Level 3)

Multi Death Sphere Cascade

Create a massive pattern of lethal energy spheres.

Omni-Directional Annihilation Vortex

Create a rift directly to a dimension of pure energy.

Total Genetic Reconfiguration

Entirely re-arrange the creature's current mutations.

::OOC Notes::

This page was completed by the user LavaLung on the 24th of November, 2018.

This page has been seen 997 times.

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