• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Book 2, Chapter 1: Approaching Darkness


Staff member
Wiki Moderator
MAS Azathoth’s Wave
Exemplar Knowledgebot’s Room



"Honored Exemplar! There is an emergency situation that needs your attention!"
The nearly foot tall Guntrinker had returned, and it seemed this time Knoweldgebot's attention was desperately needed. It wouldn't waste time with waiting for Knowledgebot to actually open the door OR for him to inform the rest of the crew. Digital signals were being sent out to all involved with the Guntrinker streaming the situation to everyone on the ship.


The MAS Azathoth's Wave had returned from its previous mission, and was in orbit of Bruno, the gas giant in the Hawking System that supported many of the space colonies that supported the Magnetic Assembly. It seemed that in waiting to select their next mission, another operation would find its way to them first.

"Exemplar Heram Wazu also extends his apologies for not being here in person." Perhaps an odd thing to lead with in such an 'emergency' but that statement was what the Guntrinker started out with. "A large amount of money has been arriving on Fuminsho Station, and fighting as broken out between local Yakuza. Fuminsho station is only partially affiliated with the Assembly, as the local government pays for them to operate the life support systems of the station while internal governance is handled by the local council. This would mean their problems are their own, except for this."

The Guntrinker would hold up its clamp-hand, raising up a display pad for Knowledgebot to see. On it was a picture of a blonde hair'd woman...

"Hilda Olander, a Gunsmith that Exemplar Wazu has had dealings with in the past is onboard the station. She was last spotted in the station's Grand Cabaret and disappeared.

We suspect this has something to do with the large amounts of money being sent to the station. Those monetary assets seem related to Stellar, and Ein Mithras.

American Union weapons and money entering the Hawking System like this can only be trouble!"
Dr. Knowledgebot had been trying to construct the plans for further advanced machines, which had taken far more time than he'd expected. In blissful creation he'd been left alone, on designs for a machine to assist in the theatre of war, when the tiny machine had rolled in. Knowledgebot looked down upon the datapad, and sighed tremendously. "A blonde bimbo has gone missing, and a potential suspect is the leech himself. How wonderful. Perhaps I will be allowed to kill him. That seems to be the best way to remove problems these days." He looked down at the little machine. "This mission seems... beneath me. More fitting for an investigator of some sort. And just what is Wazu up to currently? Is the Assembly still slaughtering people, and potentially innocents, from lightyears away?"
"A Blonde Bimbo who has ties to major manufacturers within the American Union and one of its most wealthy families." The Guntrinker responded, taking each point that Dr. Knowledgebot had and responding to them in order. While they were both robots, the Guntrinker wasn't nearly on Knowledgebot's level.

"Lethal force is allowed if you are in danger, however we are committed to only using lethal force when it is necessary to do so.

You were chosen for this operation for having some experience with Hilda previously, and for being the closest Exemplar with an available starship to Fuminsho station. It is understood that this operation many not be within your skill set, though you do have a Robotic Specialist onboard in Schwoomy who can provide less lethal options. You can also call upon the Assets of the Magnetic Assembly. Echoni can be requested to join you on this operation. If you prefer human special forces units Green Squad members can be requested to join you on the operation."

Heram Wazu is currently in negotiation on Mars, and is unable to see to this operation on his own.

The Assembly is still conducting combat operations against the American Union in the Hawking System. Additional operations are continuing within the Sol system. Current targets for lethal action are Legal combatants only."
"Yes yes," the machine doctor said dismissively. "Curse you for being robotically helpful. I'll ensure the relevant personnel are requisitioned, though the usual team may be... qualified for other positions. Regardless, we'll set out soon." He reached a long arm down and pat the little droid. "Thank you little one. As you were."
Approaching Fuminsho Station
MAS Azathoth’s Wave

"Hey KB, We're approaching Fuminsho station," Cad called out, the Azathoth's wave making a deceleration burn to bring itself in line with its destination, "We can dock with the station, but that'll take an hour or two. If you want to speed up the process we can get you onto the station with a shuttle in a few minutes. The Echoni and her support staff have also just docked with our ship and are waiting for you in the ship's shuttle bay."

She was hoping that she'd not have to actually dock the ship itself. The Azathoth's wave was massive and not really built for that kind of delicate work. She'd also really hate to leave the ship, and was busy thinking of excuses for why she'd need to remain on the ship and not actually go down to the station itself.

Then again, there WAS gambling and stage shows.

Maybe she should have a look?
Schwoomy huffed as she came into the room wearing Pajamas made from her last uniforms and a soft knit fabric.
"Whats this mission notification about? Are we really fighting crime right now? I don't have a superhero outfit."
She stomped softly over to her chair and flung herself into. "I do have a new non lethal to test." She squirmed to get comfortable in her chair. Silence persisted for a moment "I'll do it if we install a new chair over here."
Cad was wearing the bright-orange compression-work suit uniform that was standard for engineers on the ship. Though despite the 'work attire' she did have her feet up on the table as she leaned back in her chair. "Just tell me what chair you want and I'll get it...."

The Guntrinker was now tugging on Cad's leg, indicating that it wanted to up. The engineer would end up having to get out of her chair just to lift up the relatively heavy robot, struggling to get it up high enough so that its treads could pull it onto the table in the center of the CIC. It would then turn to face Schwoomy,

"It is the responsibility of all to fight crime and follow the law!" The guntrinker said, confirming its priorities in a rather straightforward manner, "Unless the law is unethical, in which case disobedience is demanded of us!"
KB walked onward, allowing his presence to speak for itself as the tall, dark and robotic doctor made himself seen. Behind him was a smaller version of him, eyes dim, following like a puppet as KB looked about. "Cad, unless you want to spend hours getting it right, we will take the Shuttle. Much faster, and time is of the essence." He gave the little bot a pat, Guntrinker having the sense to spout philosophy despite being quite simple in other ways. Almost like a humanoid. "Schwoomy, crime fighting outfits are not encouraged, but remain optional, and the chair can be added easily enough. Let us be on our way, one of Wazu's girlfriends needs help, and we're going to inconvenience a leach at the same time."
The Guntrinker looked confused, turning to orient itself towards KB, then towards the Smaller KB, then towards KB again, then back towards kb. The Guntrinker would then turn towards Cad, extending its arms towards her.

The Engineer would grab hold of the Guntrinker, and strain as she helped it get back down to the floor.

"Alright! I will lead KB, kb, and Schwoomy to the shuttle!" The Guntrinker announced, its treads carrying it out the door and down the hallway as it made its way to the shuttle bay.


Approaching Fuminsho Station
MAS Azathoth’s Wave
Shuttle Bay

Right as the Guntrinker reached the shuttle bay the Azathoth's wave would be about to finish its deceleration burn.

"Warning, Zero G conditions will occur momentarily."

The Guntrinker would look around, as there wasn't much for it to really grab onto. The shuttle bay doors were closed and the bay was minimally pressurized. It would extend its clamp-arm out and grab onto one of the inset cargo-holding anchor points in the floor.

"Warning, Zero G conditions will occur momentarily."

"HI KAYBEE!" Z-23 would wave from her position stuck on the floor near a cargo container that was being unloaded by four legged drones. There seemed to be quite a bit of cargo that had arrived JUST to support the single Echoni. She had a new black vest, and a slightly newer thruster assembly in sphere's attached to her mechanical shoulders. The Echoni's heavy 'legs' if they could be called that kept her anchored to the ground by their sheer weight... at least for the moment. She was already enthusiastically waving to the approaching Exemplar.

Nearby the sleek red shuttle was waiting for all of them, side door opened up and automated pilot program ready to take them into the space colony when ready.

Then suddenly the ship's engines would stop. The low, barely registerable hum would stop along with it and the sensation of gravity was gone with it. Most everything was already tied down, though the Guntrinker and Z-23 both would start floating up off the floor.
The machine professor would have smiled if allowed the function, more than happy to see the Echoni. "Z-23," he said with warmth in the robotic voice. "It is good to witness your continued existence. Allow me, all of you, to provide the mission."

KB extended their arm, letting information take form in the datapad there, recalling with accuracy the mission from the little droid with them. "Hilda Olander, a Gunsmith that Exemplar Wazu has had dealings with in the past is onboard the station. She was last spotted in the station's Grand Cabaret and disappeared. It is suspected that this may have something to do with Stellar likely moving money into the system." Lowering his arm he gave a robotic sigh. "While my one meeting with Ms. Olander was annoying and accomplished nothing, the chance to potentially stick it to The Leech is worth the trouble. Besides, I get the chance to give my child a test run."

KB stepped aside, letting the smaller unit move forward and give a wave. It said nothing. KB continued. "My most recent attempt to replicate my sapience parameters in another such as I was unsuccessful. KB-231 went insane, and became a space pirate. And I am attempting to teach a new Me to think as one would a child. This was in no way influenced by me reading the old Earth book Frankenstein and attempting to replicate it with positive effects. It is only because I am a gift to The Universal Understanding, and must be shared. Thus, KB-544 is born, a mote of infinite possibility."
"OOOOOoooohhhh." Z-23 sounded genuinely impressed by the Exemplar's words, and that he'd made two more KBs! She didn't fully understand what the universal understanding meant but she was sure it was important. She would then give him a determined nod. She would then look at the new, smaller KB "Hi KayBee Five Four Four." She would then follow up by waving her arm at the newcomer. Free'd of gravity, Z-23 was now far more nimble. With some small *PUFFFFTS* from her shoulder-thrusters she'd easily align herself towards the shuttle door and start slowly floating in that direction while keeping herself facing towards the KBs and Schwoomy. She was also now floating away from her small scooty-wheel-thing that was no longer supporting her weight... Z-23 then connected two important dots of information, the exsistance of KB-544 needing to be taught and the presence of her own tutor, "OH! KB! Tall-sister is here. She helps us with the learning... I mean, not as much as 444 does... and she doesn't run the lessons... but she does all the other stuff and she's super helpful!"

Tall-sister was unloading equipment from the ship that had brought Z-23, along with the E-2 drones


She was easy enough to overlook, she was quite tall as the name implied, and she seemed to be wearing an outfit made out of parts from the E2 drone. She wore their leg pieces over her own legs and her arms were covered by 'gloves' made from the arm sections of the E2. She even had a hat on that was circular just like the E2's head just with the electronics removed. The muted grey tones helped her blend in with the other E2s as if she had the same sort of mechanical authority that the drones had. Once Z-23 called her out, she would turn her attention to the approaching group, "Greetings Honored Exemplar." She said, before turning her attention to Schwoomy "And other Creators."

She was an Echoni too, just like Z-23.

She also looked like she was caught not knowing what they should be doing, and she was currently bracing herself against the ship and the floor to remain in position while carrying one of the now 'weightless' crates of cargo for Z-23's support equipment. "Exemplar Caxia requested I come with Z-23 to help take care of her. I will endeavor to stay out of your way during my time here."

"The shuttle is ready for you Exemplar!" The guntrinker would call out, the small robo-thing just sorta clamped onto a mounting point in the floor, but otherwise free floating without the ability to move around as gracefully as Z-23.
Schwoomy batted her wings rhythmically to stay steady even generating thrust to glide forward. She sort of "paced" in flight as the conversations continued. Kb 544 had never really left her sight however as she kept a stern gaze afixed to the child bot.
Trying to shake her alien fixation she made introductions with the others. "I have never really met with an Echoni. You seem lovely." She spoke seemingly to both Echoni presents.
Z-23's eyes went wide as she saw Schwoomy floating around using her wings, "Hi..." She would pause for a moment, her electronics pulling the name of the person she was looking at so she could address them properly, "...Schwoomy!" She would give the Chongwu a wave before addressing Tall-Sister excitedly, "I didn't know the creators had wings! OH! Can I have wings?" She asked excitedly, small puffs from her thrusters turning her towards her caretaker.

The Tall-sister would pause for a moment as she checked the inventory list, a flurry of wifi signals bouncing around before she responded, "We don't have wings for you Z-23. Please try and make do with your thrusters." Tall-sister would then approach Z-23, leaving the cargo she was carrying for another E2 drone to carry while she floated over towards the shuttle, grabbing ahold of both Z-23 and the shuttle to steady herself as she came to a stop, "Schwoomy is a Chongwu. She is like us, though her creators are the Daqin."

"Oh...OH" Z-23 responded, slowly coming to realizations. She would look at Tall-Sister. Then Schwoomy. Then Tall-Sister again.

"We do not have to fight Schwoomy. You are supposed to keep her safe too." Tall-Sister finally said.

Z-23 would smile and give a determined nod, then turn her attention back towards Schwoomy and KB and Small-KB.
KB-544 stared back at Schwoomy, their head tilted to the left. Three eyes stared ahead at the bat-form, information being slowly (for a machine at least) fed to them by their creator on the nature of the Chongwu. Eventually, a cheery voice that mimicked the utter excitement of Z-23 spilled from the machines speaker, as it waved. "Hello all. I am KB-544. I will be accompanying you in place of Unit Prime. I assure you, I will be of the utmost assistance, and I will be able to take mission orders from Unit Prime."

Dr. Knowledgebot gave an approving mechanical noise as he stepped forward. "I will remain in the shuttle, but I will still be with you. Many things will be tested, but I will be available if ever you need assistance. Call upon me, and I will be there. We will not be fighting amongst each other. Quite the contrary, I'm glad to have the lot of you on this. Do try to stick together, unless required otherwise. Should things become terrible, return to the shuttle and we will leave the mess behind."
Z-23 nodded enthusiastically as she received her instructions. She would float there for a moment before Tall-Sister would speak up, "Please get in the shuttle now Z-23."

Z-23 would nod again, and the small thrusters on her shoulders would puff once more. This would bring her to the entryway of the shuttle so she could squeeze in through the side door and position herself inside. Tall-Sister would follow her, grabbing onto the side of the shuttle and ducking inside, also having to squeeze herself in due to her immense height and long lithe limbs. She would end up attaching restraining devices to Z-23's body to get her hooked in so she didn't get tossed about the shuttle in an emergency. "The Hilda Olander was visited by a Lawyer when she first arrived on the station." Tall-Sister began to explain, "We could start by approaching her and asking her about Hilda Olander's whereabouts."

The Guntrinker also seemed to have ideas on how to handle the situation. "There was an altercation at the Grand Cabaret in the station that resulted in much property damage. Hilda may have been there as well. There are photos of her working there!"
Schwoomy fluttered away as fast as she could to find her bag before boarding the shuttle as she checked herself for basic gear and noticed she had none. She was wholly unprepared to leave and the embarrassment of that was obvious in her rushed actions and clumsy demeanor as she called back to the crew that she would just be a minute to grab an "Emergency Bag". Cursing herself out loud for becoming to relaxed in her new environment and detesting her own behavior today right afterwards when she thought she was out of earshot. Schwoomy eventually flutters back into the shuttle with a sports bag slung over her body. Still in uniform she undresses on the spot unembarrassed about the public attention she may receive and swiftly swaps apparel into a slim under suit. A pause overtakes her hurry and she glances up "what would be the most preferred disguise?" She askes openly.
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KB-120 gave a slow, practiced shrug. He had no issue with people without clothes, he was a doctor of half a dozen fields and among them was medicine. "Perhaps you'd prefer to lay low, to appear as yet another lost Chongwu on the streets of a station. Perhaps you want to pretend to be a secret agent. It's up to you, but do it quickly." KB-544 looked at Schwoomy with hidden surprise, looked to the other beings present, and subsequently assumed this was normal behavior as they followed the Doctor.

Dr. Knowledgebot and his progeny entered the shuttle, taking positions as KB spoke. "We will move to the Grand Cabaret first, while we confirm the location of the Person of Interest. Do not commit any crimes you are not 100% sure you can get away with."
With the last of the crew boarded, the shuttle's door would seal shut so that the craft could make its way towards the station. The sleek, slightly curved, walls of the craft would turn transparent as displays showed what was going on outside of the craft itself, letting them see as the landing bay was depressurized while the robots still worked.

and soon, the shuttle was away.

It would only take a few minutes for the shuttle to leave Azathoth's wave and reach the docking bay of the massive Fuminsho Station. The station itself wasn't much to look at, just a massive cylindrical tube out in space surrounded by silvery reflectors that were used to gather starlight. The docking bay was an opening in the center of the tube that housed some mechanical arms and once the shuttle was close enough the arms would gently grab on and guide it down into one of the landing docks, slowly spinning the shuttle along with the cylinder itself so that artificial gravity would return. During the entire ride Z-23 kept trying to get closer to the displays so she could see better but she was strapped down like cargo so her struggles got her nowhere.

When the shuttle finally came to a stop, gravity was near normal and the Tall-Sister would get started with unfastening Z-23.

The Landing bay was a stark grey color, and the only thing in it besides the shuttle was a dual claw'd E2 model wearing a new Plastel-blue with red trim Magnetic Assembly uniform. "Greetings Exemplar. If you require anything during your visit we will be honored to assist. Before entering the station please surrender any projectile weapons or restricted materials prior to entering this station."

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"Greetings," KB returned to the greeter. Behind him his protégé and creation peered with unending curiosity at the station, taking in information rapidly to understand the location. KB kept talking. "We're on official business, my second," he gestured to 544, "Takes order from me directly. They speak for me." He turned to the others. "Turn out, agents, it's time to show your quality."

544 stepped forward, seeming lost in the information, before turning and speaking with an Echoni-like enthusiasm mirroring Z-23. "Much work to do! Little time to do it in. Onward then?"
Just beyond the E2 was an open doorway that led into Fuminsho station itself, with neon colors streaming into the grey landing area. The massive cylinder housed nearly 10 million people. The main walkways had a polished stone aesthetic that helped reflect the dim glow of the main overhead light in the central cylinder axis and the millions of neon lights that drenched the streets in bright colors. There was a distant small roar of people enjoying themselves. The whole place had a vibrant energy just under the surface and a surreal haze of light and sound that made it hard to tell exactly what time it was.

And the station was ALWAYS like this.

They didn’t even bother with a day/night cycle.

As soon as Dr. Knowledgebot entered into the station, they were barraged by electronic signals and displays. The tight restrictions on digital etiquette from the Assembly didn't apply inside of this station. Immediately dozens of different devices were trying to connect wirelessly, requesting access, requisition information, trying to get anything they could. Similarly the massive displays positioned on the fronts of structures, in the air, and even on the sidewalks were trying to display ... something. They seemed to be entering holding patterns, displaying solid colors as cameras inset into the displays saw Dr. Knowledgebot and tried to figure out just what they would want. It would take a few seconds, but soon they were being shown advertisements for lubricating oils of various types.

These advertisements were shown directly to Knowledgebot. As Schwoomy entered into the same space they were shown a completely different set of advertisements. The directional displays and audio systems letting her see completely different advertisements from Knowledgebot with companies selling genetic modifications and 'how to please your master' books.

Z-23 would enter last, being pushed along by the Tall-Sister. The advertisements would then suddenly change for everyone. Instead of being offered cheaper items, both Knowledebots and Schwoomy were being shown only the most expensive of advertisements. Special resort packages like the Diamond room at the Grand Cabaret complete with alcohol imported all the way from earth! The most plush and fabulous hotel rooms (to please your master with) for Schwoomy. High stakes gambling, elite prize fighting, even time meeting some of the most popular Chongwu entertainers around. Whatever algorithm was serving up advertisements had seen Z-23, and figured that if this group could afford to bring a person-sized fighter jet that cost more than the girls made here in 100 lifetimes, they could also afford the most expensive luxuries...

... They just needed to reach out to the add to have their desires fulfilled.

"Z-23, don't touch that. keep your hands to yourself." Tall sister said, as the lanky, armored, Echoni continued to push Z-23.


Fuminsho Station
The Grand Cabaret
Main Entrance

The Grand Cabaret was one of the main features in the station, and it wasn't long before the group would arrive. The front entrance had a massive neon yellow sign backed with lots of red coloring on the exterior. The large doors seem to have been caved and crushed, while tire tracks seemed to indicate someone had very recently slammed a large truck into the front doors. Crushed glass was on the floor and some small robots were cleaning it up.

There were also a pair of suit'd thugs out infront of the Cabaret, each armed with a sword holstered on their hips. The suits themselves were certainly 'stylish', with bright yellow undershirts and deep blue coats/slacks making them look loud. They were turning people away to keep them out of the Cabaret.