• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.


====Personnel Registry====

Heram James Wazu

Biographical information
New Cambridge, Hawking
2278 CE
Physical description
6' 2"
Political Information
The Magnetic Assembly
Engineer, Scientist, Renaissance Man

Out-of-Character Information

-Physical Description-

Heram usually has a driven, efficient, and minimalist appearance about him. He usually prefers well fitting clothing suited for the task at hand with no embellishments. He tries to maintain a lean muscle, and has the build of a runner. He is usually clean shaven and has his hair pulled into a ponytail.

-Personality Description-

Heram is very careful when outwardly expressing emotion, and tends to give a lot of consideration before acting. He has few real emotional connections to people, and sympathies heavily with the more secluded members of the Magnetic Assembly.

-Advantages & Disadvantages-

+ Experienced in science, management, and technology
+ Well Traveled, Well connected, Well Funded
+ Clever

- Quick to escalate a situation
- Only Human

- Not bullet resistant


Heram has done a lot in his life, starting out as a guarded prince-ling on Hawking and developing into a modern Renissance man.

Heram was born on New Cambridge to Parents that had left Earth to get some space from their families, and would be the eldest of many children. He would go both the Union School System and the automated learning systems.

Once he was old enough he would join the American Union's Engineering Corps, and continue his education bouncing between various American Union colonies before ending up working with the Empire of Daqin's military. During this period he would enhance his body with extensive cybernetics while making numerous small contributions to science, engineering, and technology. His interest in trying new things would see him push for assignments that were increasingly away from the design desks, with Heram being embedded as an engineer in long range expeditions and military operations.

After a major falling out with Daqin he would flip from being a mostly pro-establishment figure to one who focused on working mostly with non-government groups. While his engineering output would drop considerably he would start to focus more on science, traveling throughout human space and participating in a wide range of discovery projects.

The excitement of designing starships and weapons would eventually bring him back to the discipline of engineering, and infrequent consulting work would soon transform into full-on starship production, creating a staggering amount of star-ship designs, components, gear, and weapon systems to the point that many starships now carry equipment that was designed by him. It was around this time that Heram crossed paths with the Magnetic Assembly, seeing them as 'his people' he would end up joining with the Machine Cult and helping them develop in the Hawking System. Around this time he would start de-converting his body, switching back to more human components and reducing his dependence on machinery.

By 2310 he would find himself more often onboard the Edward Deming, a survey ship operating out of the Hawking System that would often be the ship assigned to solving difficult problems that arose for the Colony.

Edward Deming, Book 0: Redux

CE 2318,

Heram Wazu uses his own money to fund an expedition to [REDACTED]. The expected duration of the operation was 6 months, with most of the time being devoted to travel. The Science team and their marine escort would be kept in Cryo-sleep for the majority of the trip. Eager to get started, Heram would take a small unit to the surface that included his sister Quarum Wazu, where they would first encounter [REDACTED].


Dr. Dorris Muller would come to the aid of those onboard the ship, overriding the acting captain, Callsign Green-Thumb, and successfully landing the Marine Group on the surface.



Their actions would result in the destruction of [REDACTED], and considerable loss of life including [REDACTED], and [REDACTED]. The American Union Office of Intelligence Services Counter-Conceptuals Division have lodged a formal complaint and still wish to interview all involved.

Edward Deming, Book 1: Being Diplomatic

CE 2319,

Upon return to New Cambridge from the previous Expidition, Heram Wazu would start to organize a diplomatic summit onboard the Edward Deming between the Major Powers in the area to assist the American Union Diplomatic Core. During this shore leave there would be an abduction attempt that would be foiled by Green-Squad. Heram blamed the American Union Office of Intelligence Services Counter-Conceptuals Division for the attempt, but an internal investigation has cleared them of the charge.

The abduction attempt would happen at the same time as the New Cambridge River City incident. A local Grawla warlord would use burred nuclear weapons to divert a river into New Cambridge and cause extensive damage to the city. After Heram's rescue by Green-Squad, he was able to use orbital weapon-systems to re-divert the river away from the city.

Despite these issues, the diplomatic conference between major powers would be organized and held onboard the Edward Deming. Despite his best efforts, the Union Diplomatic Core would horribly bungle attempts to create defensive agreements with allies, and would allow the representative from the Empire of Daqin, Hoshiko, to threaten and goad newly discovered allies and friends into dangerous positions. They would threaten some, and launch the outright invasion of others.

In one instance, Wazu was able to negotiate an agreement with Hoshiko to tour the low-technology world of one of his allies. Resulting in the two of them briefly being lost in the wilds and held captive by a primitive civillization.

In the other instance, The Empire of Daqin goaded an ally into attacking them and used it as pretext for invasion. Wazu would lead a relief effort to the high-gravity colony world with Geiben Folami acting as commander of the ground team, and an old friend Somnya Srilin helping bring some discipline to the Edward Deming crew. They would find the disastrous invasion leading to high civilian casualties, but the accidental bombing of civilians by a Mercenary Group escorting the Edward Deming would end up causing a massive political disaster for the Union and the Edward Deming's crew, resulting in Geiben Folami being forcibly retired from the military. At the same time the Union would attempt to punish New Cambridge and the Magnetic Assembly by retiring the majority of ships developed used by the Magnetic Assembly, including the Edward Deming.

Edward Deming, Book 2: Operation Trustfall

CE 2319 to early 2320

Not one to let a crisis go to waste, Wazu would spin the incident to showcase just how bad the situation had gotten when the Union and Daqin were allowed to run things. Geiben Folami would become the poster-child for just how much of a failure the Union was at protecting its own. In the next few months opinion on Hawking would rapidly shift against the American Union.

The Magnetic Assembly would spend the final month of the year preparing, and would end up winning the elections at the end of the year in a landslide victory, giving them more than 50% control of the New Cambridge Executive Council and over 90% control when including their various coalition groups such as the SEEKs.

As the election results were being announced, security forces would be rounding up members of the Union as the Executive Council met to dissolve the ties between Hawking and the American Union. Wazu would personally assist Geiben in reclaiming his old ship, the Edward Deming, and would see him promoted to Captain!

Edward Deming, Book 3: A Matter of Scale

CE 2320,

A starship the size of a small moon is detected heading towards Hawking, and the Union rushed to prepare an invasion fleet to start retaking the Hawking System.

Wazu would organize the defense of Reiss, the outermost planet in the Hawking System and necessary bridgehead for any invasion. At the same time he would also be preparing for the expedition to the newly discovered planet-ship named 'Azathoth' and assisting with the development of the Echoni project.

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