• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Stein Krieger

Stein Krieger

Biographical information
Moscow, Earth 2244 2316 77 Lebediny Pokrov, Kitezh
Physical description
Synthetic Sentient Android Male 6ft 2in (190cm) 661lbs (300kg) White White Pale (Alabaster)
Political information
Soyuz Sotsialisticheskikh Mirov, Magnetic Assembly CCM-MA Envoy, Ex-Intelligence Operative Professor
Out-of-character information


• [Body Structure]
Slender, but of remarkably robust build. The design of the endoskeleton is based upon that of a human but is not fully identical. There are areas where some ‘bones’ are missing, and others contain additional parts which are uncharacteristic to the typical human specimen. Conventional organs are not applicable.

• [Skin Complexion]
Pale white/grey. Skin has no pores, and is generally cold to the touch. Stein does not possess body hair save for that on his head. His face is slim and somewhat angular, with high cheekbones and slightly gaunt disposition.

• [Eye Description]
White, opaque irises. No visible pupils. Not very reflective.

• [Hair]
Medium in length and white in colour. Divided short sides and back, neatly combed over the top, backwards. Silky texture.

• [Apparel/Outfits]
Base - A charcoal grey skin-fit jumpsuit, with softly glowing cyan lights embedded into the sides of every mobile joint. Covers the body in full save for the head, with integrated boots and rubberised palms. A segmented hexagonal icon is engraved into the jumpsuit between the shoulder blades, and on the left pectoral area. The unit either wears additional clothing atop the jumpsuit or in place of it.

Skills and Abilities


Static charm:
Stein's internal varying electrical potential draws on ambient electrons. This process allows him to charge continuously in most places without input provided he does not exert too much energy, albeit very slowly. This effect however makes him a magnet for electrical phenomena, akin to a lightning rod. Excess energy stored triggers the 'Omega Loop' function, which discharges electricity continuously or immediately to avoid internal damage.

The nature of Stein’s engineered Brain module allows for remote interfacing with most electronic devices using electromagnetic signals. This can range from influencing the operations of circuits in common household appliances, to direct coded ‘conversations’ with Artificial Intelligence. This ability can also be used to wage cyber-warfare against other networks regardless of complexity, and can result in the remote takeover of machines, robots and systems. Stein changes up the encoding of his signature frequently to prevent such attacks against himself.

Enhanced Vision:
Stein designed his eyes to be far superior to that of a standard human. Capable of magnification of up to x10,000, with the quality of magnification deteriorating after x6,000, Stein can use his eyes to track multiple objects at the same time, and have a full 180 degree vision cone with no peripheral blurring. Additionally, Stein’s vision interfaces with the module, allowing certain points of interest to be pointed out, as well as a method of directing activity manually.

Vectoral Awareness:
Stein’s spatial awareness is based on precise mathematics and mapping of the surrounding area, which is etched into memory. This allows reaction time to be significantly improved, as every object and movement for Stein is based on vectors. This means that hand-eye coordination becomes flawless, and trajectories are planned with extreme precision. It effectively allows Stein to throw a sewing needle between the teeth of an individual, or catch one between his own teeth.

Stein designed nanomachines that are affiliated with each respective unit, and stored in a special container within the chassis. While this does mean that these nanomachines will have the same effect across all Stein units, only their specific host unit is able to exert any control over them. They were designed to act as rapid response ‘stem cells’ for a mechanical organism, and in some limited cases, organics. Their primary function is regeneration of damaged modules, parts and membranes. This is done by the nanomachines joining together and assuming the properties of the target part in perfect detail, as according to schematics. The devices cannot disassemble matter, though they can disassemble items that they have morphed into. Nanites are fixed in supply, however, and once all are used, more must be manufactured externally.

Superior Memory:
The human mind is extremely capable at storing information, but it is limited. The effectiveness of memory can be reduced by external influences, though this is not the case with Stein. The unit stores information within an upgradeable capacity, allowing every single detail to be memorized, and recalled with flawless clarity later as if he was viewing it again. On occasion however, data is recorded in a flawed fashion which leads to corruption, and that particular memory becomes hazy. It can be repaired however, by extrapolation of data, namely the input of others. Though it is an overall improvement over the human organism, some similar flaws are pervasive.

Temporal Processing:
The speed of data transmission, encryption, decryption and interpretation in a Stein unit are tailored to take as little time as possible. This means that a Stein unit perceives the world around it at extreme speed. In turn, time appears to be significantly slower to the eyes of Stein if he focuses on his perception of the environment. Thinking is also accelerated by this technology. Mental activities are effectively sped up to such a degree that it is far above and beyond standard human capabilities. But this is not without its inconveniences. Thoughts that would take an average human a minute to process rush back and forth within Stein’s head in millisecond intervals, which often results in hesitant speech as he tries to slow it down and articulate it to a level that an organic mind would understand. On the other hand, machines can understand his thoughts without need for dilution.

Having mapped his consciousness and encoded it from a series of biological impulses to a data form, Stein discovered the ability to duplicate it. Years of experimentation and R&D have led to him being able to transpose his consciousness on other machines. Robots, androids and AI environments capable of handling his dataset can be made to host a separate version of him which remains connected to its counterparts. It is not uncommon therefore for Stein to build an identical copy of himself, or be in multiple places at once in different bodies. Such duplicates are referred to by him as 'Analogs'.

Other base characteristics which are applicable to mechanical organisms such as superior strength, durability and precision apply.


Field Manipulation:
Stein has extensive control over electromagnetism, and limited influence over other quantum fields. One enables the other, and it comes into action due to the nature of Stein’s electrically powered body and the manual control over the power banks. Therefore, Stein is able to influence electrical current, voltage, direction and spin of electrons, which leads to the production of controlled magnetic fields produced by his body. In appropriate circumstances, this can allow him to demonstrate pseudo-telekinetic abilities with objects containing metals, and self-levitation using objects much heavier than him.

Stein is able to accelerate Static Charm at will, resulting in direct siphoning of electrons from the local area. This attraction is more aggressive and indiscriminate, as it damages electrical technologies from which the electrons are pulled. It most commonly causes fuses to rupture from overwhelming current, short circuiting, and explosive failure (which is usually exclusive to appliances with screens). Consequently, such damage can cause fires in multiple areas simultaneously. Siphoned electrons can be coaxed out of organic beings as well, which can result in severe bouts of dizziness and confusion as the activity of the synapses is disturbed. Unlike Static Charm, Siphoning requires much more energy to accelerate variation in electrical potential – but the rate at which the power banks are replenished is ultimately greater.

Targeted Discharge:
Stein can use energy flux capacitors attached to his power bank to discharge controlled amounts of electrical energy in the form of arcs, surface static or bolts. Field manipulation is also a form of discharge. Such functions allow him to use his body as a taser, power source, and an absorbant via Siphon. Conversely, he can share energy as well as siphon it, meaning that he can temporarily power and jump start other devices. This can allow him to enhance the performance of weapon systems, engines and other hardware installations. Though it takes its toll on his own core power. The effect of Targeted Discharge is magnified under 'Omega Loop' to quicker stabilise the energy storage.


Human emotion was seamlessly integrated by Stein into his synthetic platform, leading to a full array of expression. However, digitisation of the self provided more than just emotional emulation.

Primarily highly inquisitive and brooding, Stein has a habit of trying to understand everything he encounters. This can lead him towards interrogation-like questioning of others and ruthless pursuit of knowledge.

Though he tends to keep to himself and inhabits the most remote places, he does enjoy a good laugh and meeting new people. Most are exposed to Stein's friendly side by default.

Stein is calm most of the time, even in the face of provocation. He has a limited capacity to display bouts of aggression. Though he prefers to avoid confrontation, he will fight as necessary.

Though he has moral standards, doing what is necessary or the long-term concept of the greater good typically trumps morality for him. He is capable of action that others are likely to view as cruel or worse in order to achieve a goal that is 'right'.

Digitising his brain and its processes has allowed him to retain emotion, but also the ability to manage it to an absolute degree. He can deactivate emotional responsiveness as if they were applications, thereby moving between human thought and machine thought at will. This also includes emotional impact. As a result, Stein can be friendly in one moment and entirely unfeeling the next, which helps him carry out darker deeds and objectives with cold efficiency.


Much of Stein's early life remains patchy. Intelligence files mentioned a nameless blond-haired, blue-eyed child being orphaned in his infantile period by an industrial accident that remains redacted from the records. He was subsequently placed under State care. After having showed a consistent proficiency in foreign languages, high intelligence and a bond to Soyuz culture, Stein received a grant from the State to pursue higher education in St.Petersburg. With a passion for understanding the world around him and harnessing it, he opted to study physics and mechanical engineering. He proved to excel in the subjects, completing full courses in under half the proscribed time, allowing him to opt in for additional studies in electronics, advanced systems and medicine. With State attention already warranted, Stein was taken to the side from his graduation by recruiters in order to offer him employment under the Foreign Affairs department. He accepted the offer.

Unbeknown to Stein, the recruiters were plain-clothed case officers for Soyuz Intelligence who had taken an interest in his capacity for State loyalty and foreign languages. The Foreign Affairs placement within the Central Government was genuine - enough to get Stein to demonstrate an aptitude in understanding the global situation, the nations involved and the drive to protect and enforce the interests of the CCM. After two years of being closely observed in the post, Stein was invited to attend a meeting in which he was selected as a candidate for joining the Department of State Security, namely the Intelligence division. He accepted the offer and subsequently spent a few years training as a deep cover agent. After this point, he was struck from State record to not exist, in order to protect both him and Soyuz from implications.

Following the conclusion of his training regime, he was assigned a case officer, Alexandr Kardanov, with the first assignment being to integrate into the Gemeinschaft der Welten as a citizen sleeper agent. Then, he was to begin entering deep cover on command of Kardanov as a spacecraft mechanic. Stein's academics were forged as having been obtained in the Commonwealth, but the knowledge of mechanical engineering, electronics and advanced systems really made the man a prized addition to the team. He was also a prized addition for the CCM. As the years passed, he was moved around different engineering teams - having worked on GDW military craft, power armor, space stations and habitats as well as weapon systems and defence grids; all the while passing specifications, blueprints, operation rumors discussed among crews and other intel to Soyuz through Kardanov. Eventually the case handler retired and a new one took his place, but by this time Stein was reaching his mid-40s. In the year 2291, he was instructed to exfiltrate from the GDW by means of faking his death, which he performed successfully by organising a few disguises and orchestrating a spacecraft fuel cell detonation in an area he was thought to be servicing at the time, leaving ashes in its wake.

Following his return to the CCM, Stein underwent another change of name and a substantial amount of covert award ceremonies which recognized his service to the Central Government of Soyuz. Thereafter, he retired from Intelligence as a veteran agent and pursued a career in experimental science and robotics. This involved special placement with the Soyuz military in a head researcher position for the supersoldier program, where he spent 20 years developing advanced cybernetics and enhancements.

As Stein hit his 70s, there was no denying that he began to suffer from an odd and undiscovered skeleto-muscular condition. His body began to degenerate at a slow pace, gradually hindering his movement and causing his internal organs to function unpredictably. Inspired by his work with the supersoldiers, Stein was not ready for his life to end - to lose all the knowledge and experience he accumulated would be a waste. The human body was weak, feeble, eventually decaying and becoming useless. If there was any time to evolve, it was now, nature was simply too slow to take the reigns and make the necessary change. He was disappointed at how fragile humanity really was when it came down to reliability and longevity. So Stein pulled up a side project he had kept to himself, something that would rupture the ethical world.

He commissioned some old Intelligence contacts to arrange for the construction of a facility on Kitezh, intended as a multi-story laboratory and technological development complex. The specifications detailed a central bore, a broad silo structure to be vertically embedded into the Lebediny Pokrov, a vast snow-covered ice sheet on the surface of the frozen colony world belonging to the CCM. From that silo followed an elaborate network of levels, the first beginning at -300ft, and 4 more following every -300ft thereafter, each with its collection of chambers and storage facilities, as well as sophisticated equipment and the necessary energy infrastructure. All that remained was transport.

The Soyuz military allowed Stein on board of a shuttle to the frozen world, ferrying a crazy old man to where no one wanted to go. Though Stein had a plan set in motion. After arriving, he made himself at home at the facility alone as a hermit, and spent the next few years performing self-surgery. Steadily, he replaced his body parts with mechanical prosthetics designed by him, converting into a walking machine that mimicked his younger self and extending his life by depriving the disease of its medium. Eventually all that was left was his brain - the last organic element, where the rest was replaced. The machine body was almost complete - there was only one more obstacle, the Ascension Procedure. Stein spent another year working on his technological magnum opus - the Brain module, an experimental synthetic crystalline container designed to host vibrating particles, ones that would replace the function of the human neuron network and be used in tandem with data writing techniques to mimic the brain and all of its sub-processes. It was the final ingredient in the theory, with the Ascension Procedure being the virtualisation and migration of the consciousness from biological to mechanical - a 50% chance of survival. Having come so far, Stein was determined to complete his objective. With the help of a specialised robotic arm meant specifically to aid with this surgery, Stein ran the procedure - and after a 6 hour operation, survived. His eyes opened with his consciousness in a full mechanical body, as if he was still waiting for the replacement to finish. But something wasn't right.

Reaching up to touch his opened skull framework, it became clear to him that the Brain module was installed successfully. But he couldn't remember what he was doing before this, or what he spent the last few decades doing. He was able to recall his technical knowledge, that which he used to work on mechanisms, ships, himself - he could even recall how the Ascension was to be performed. However, much of Stein's life became a blurry memory to him, save for some of his Intelligence work. Entry history on a nearby support terminal detailed a brief fluctuation in power output - undoubtedly leading to the corruption of multiple memory chunks during the transfer. His biological brain lay dead on a nearby surface - there was no recovering what was lost. If only he himself knew, what exactly was lost.

It has been a year since Stein awoke in the chair, a spitting replica of his younger years - albeit with white hair, pale synthetic skin and unpigmented mechanical eyes. With no defined life expectancy and an interstellar community to rediscover, the android has since been putting his skills and time into freelance science and technology work, mercenary contracts and black market operations, particularly in the cybernetic and weaponry spheres. Having rebuilt many of his connections in the Central Government, he remains loyal to Soyuz Sotsialisticheskikh Mirov - though his purpose remains unclear to him. Stein's activities are wide and varied, his ties with the CCM not inhibiting him from venturing out among the other colonies for one reason or another, be it scientific study, joining other vessels or combat.

Story Progress

|Green; Shore Leave
|Blue; Onboard the Edward Deming
|Gold; Field Operation
|Violet; Character Arc

  • Invited to the Hawking system by the Magnetic Assembly for expertise on mind/machine interface
  • Proposed solutions to combating Grawla raids at Concourse Gamma, Hawking (Arts & Crafts)
  • Inducted as combat engineer for the Edward Deming (B.3,Ch.7)
  • Participated in discussions of evacuating Union prisoners from Reiss (B.3,Ch.8)
  • Attended briefing regarding Azathoth (B.3,Ch.10)
  • Produced conceptual propulsion matrix for the first Magnetic Assembly zero-g drone (B.3,Ch.11)
  • Reassigned to Roboticist of the Deming Science Team
  • Accompanied Geiben to New Cambridge for a meeting with Somnya Srilin (B.3,Ch.12)
  • Optimised personal suit for combat, adding armor and storage in preparation for Azathoth Op
  • Boarded Azathoth as part of the first contact team (B.3,Ch.13)
  • Encountered Grawla and Alien machine negotiator MKI (B.3,Ch.14,15)
  • Communicated with alien machines and routed a Daqin operative before leaving Azathoth (B.3,Ch.16)
  • Discussed follow-up steps to Azathoth Op; Relayed CCM request for scientific partnership with Magnetic Assembly (B.3,Ch.17)
  • Attended the international negotiation regarding Azathoth (B.3,Ch.18)
  • Descended to Hawking to intercept Azathoth machine activity (B.3,Ch.19)
  • Delayed Azathoth machine attack on Grawla compound with partial Edward Deming team (B.3, Ch.20)
  • Attended briefing for an anti-Daqin assault within Azathoth (B.3, Ch.21)
  • Fought in anti-Daqin/Grawla rescue operation on Azathoth (B.3, Ch.22)
  • Debated with Wazu, Ein, Dr.Knowledgebot, Echoni 515|Tsuguka and Z-23 at a social gathering on Hawking (B.4.Ch.2)
  • Toured Stein's compound on Kitezh with Wazu and Dr.Knowledgebot (B.4, Side Story: Cerebrum)
  • Attended a meeting on Azathoth to discuss a Grawla/MA joint op to the Hyperborea system (B.4, Ch.4)
  • Touched down on Leif, Hyperborea with the Edward Deming team to investigate disappearance of Adla locals, met Zenigata (B.4, Ch.5)
  • Participated in skirmish with rogue Adla Kaskae faction, discovered Daqin interference with team (B.4, Ch.6)
  • Relaxed with the Edward Deming team, Grawla and the Adla tribe at a post-op feast (B.4, Ch.7)
  • Attended briefing on an upcoming Grawla clan forum (B.4, Ch.8)
  • Repeatedly rolled eyes at Grawla populism in concealed mountain bunker (B.4, Ch.9)
  • Strapped into Iconman gunnery station (B.4, Ch.10)
  • Took on an old alien tree god with Deming crew and Grawla clan support (B.4, Ch.11)


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