• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.



Biographical information
Tribe Nuniq Kireama 2294 27 years
Physical description
adlet n/a? male 6ft 8in 235 lbs black and white. chocolate brown Tan
Political Information
Magnatic Assembly. Nuniq Kireama Tribe. doctor/healer Toklo (True name). Healer. Doctor.
Out-of-Character Information
Readlliea he was around before this but his current form was started on 3-7-21

Zenigata is a medical doctor from a more primal world than the technological marvels that populate the galaxy. A good man with a desire to avoid causing death and pain, he’s gone through some things that have him different from how the people he met remembered him. Zenigata is rped by me, Readllia and his art is also created by me.


Zenigata prefers to think of more peaceful solutions but has come to learn that even all the talk in the world might not avoid a fight, thus he’s become more willing to partake in the fight. This doesn’t make him hungry for glory or anything like that, it’s more of a survival instinct. Using your head is needed in order to strategize and work on potential solutions, however the physical aspect to fight is sometimes needed. He has a bright mind and is open to learning about new things

For those who might remember him, Zenigata was a much different person. While he had a small fire to him, he found himself overwhelmed in the world outside of his tribal life. A nervous man who would prefer to only do the healing over everything yet he had bouts of bravery and determination; such as standing up against Hoshiko though he did lack the knowledge of who that person was at the time. Zenigata has grown since then, having a better hold on his nerves. While the adlet still has doubts on some things and no desire to take over his father’s place one day,


  • Build: muscular build, Zenigata has put on more muscle since his last appearance. Some would remember him as an averagely built looking individual, now he has a great deal more defined muscle but it isn’t too much or obnoxious to see.
  • Facial Features: Square chin and jawline.
  • Hair Style: Long, sort of fur like when messy but it’s usually well kept and put in a pony tail.
  • Distinguishing Features: the lower half of their body is that of a dog’s, his legs are built like a canine’s as is the trademark of his species. Adlets are designed for their speed, thus their long bodies and powerful legs grant them this. To get additional speed, their spine allows for them to temporarily go on their hands and paws for a extra push. Their senses are that of a humans since it’s only their lower half that holds the traits of the canine counterpart. He sports thick black and white fur with a straight very bushy tail, it’s markings bare a resemblance to those of a husky.


Born to one of the many tribes on the homeworld of the Adlets, Zenigata was the only child of the Kaskae Taqukaq; chieftain of Nuniq Kireama. With his birth name being Toklo, the young adlet never desired to take up his father’s role. Instead he ended up becoming apprenticed to the healer of the tribe. At one point as a young man, a ship came to their world and it had Mr. Wazu on it. A sort of deal was struck and Toklo went with them, however he took up the name Zenigata in hopes of it being easier for people to pronounce and sound less weird.

Zenigata’s time of the Edward Demming was a strange one. From meeting Hoshiko, River City incident, and the diplomatic confrence, things came to a final straw with having to deal with Hoshiko on his homeworld. Viewing it best he stayed behind and made sure his tribe would be okay, granted he more so decided to handle this by being a healer still.

During the time he was away from the Edward Demming, Zenigata had to resume life was Toklo despite having grown a dislike for the name. His father was still determined to make him the next Chieftain and continued to try and influence his son. Zenigata has changed in some ways but it might be hard to say just how much he’s changed. Changes happen in more than just the physical.


First aid kits
Medical supplies
Extra bandages
A knife; made from a large fang of an animal.


Da art is mine

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