The UG-12 is a weapon family developed by the Magnetic Assembly in 2316 and would be entered into the American Union inventory as the UG-12 in 2317. Variants of the weapon system were widely deployed throughout human space and have a wide range of civilian versions for private ownership.
In 2316 the American Union started to deploy handheld directed energy weapons to the majority of its personnel. This would cause problems for American Union Marines in Green Squad assigned to the Edward Deming who would find themselves unable to get ahold of the variety of specialty guns that they were used to operating. The expeditions of the Edward Deming also required a range of smaller personal defense weapons that were easy to operate by non-soldiers who might find themselves in harms way.
To resolve this problem, Green-Squad would collaborate with Heram Wazu to develop a reliable, conventional, gun system with a variety of interchangeable parts that could fit a wide range of uses.
By late 2316 the various versions of the weapon were in use throughout the Hawking System and the Magnetic Assembly. The wide scale use of the weapon would then cause the American Union to formally add the weapon to their arsenal in 2317.
The weapon system is primarily made from a generic handle grip with a battery in the hand grip, and a fire control assembly slightly above it with a safety/single/automatic fire select option. This electronic fire control system can then be mated with a range of stocks, barrels, receivers, and other equipment to create a range of other weapon systems.
Weapon Types

The UG-12 is a weapon family developed by the Magnetic Assembly in 2316 and would be entered into the American Union inventory as the UG-12 in 2317. Variants of the weapon system were widely deployed throughout human space and have a wide range of civilian versions for private ownership.
In 2316 the American Union started to deploy handheld directed energy weapons to the majority of its personnel. This would cause problems for American Union Marines in Green Squad assigned to the Edward Deming who would find themselves unable to get ahold of the variety of specialty guns that they were used to operating. The expeditions of the Edward Deming also required a range of smaller personal defense weapons that were easy to operate by non-soldiers who might find themselves in harms way.
To resolve this problem, Green-Squad would collaborate with Heram Wazu to develop a reliable, conventional, gun system with a variety of interchangeable parts that could fit a wide range of uses.
By late 2316 the various versions of the weapon were in use throughout the Hawking System and the Magnetic Assembly. The wide scale use of the weapon would then cause the American Union to formally add the weapon to their arsenal in 2317.
The weapon system is primarily made from a generic handle grip with a battery in the hand grip, and a fire control assembly slightly above it with a safety/single/automatic fire select option. This electronic fire control system can then be mated with a range of stocks, barrels, receivers, and other equipment to create a range of other weapon systems.
Weapon Types

The pistol version of the UG-12 is the smallest package that the firing system can reasonably be put inside. This is generally the best thing that can be said about the pistol version, as it lacks sights and is generally not very ergonomic making it unpopular.