• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

VotO Book 3: Fakelaki


Staff member
Wiki Moderator
In route to Atlantica Colonial Administration Head Offices

These days, it seemed like Atlantica was the center of the universe.

It wasn’t that long ago that the American Union hardly seemed to care about the planet as anything more than a rest-stop on the way to Hawking. But this rest stop was now the strategic point that decided who would be able to strike at their enemies and who would be stuck on the defensive.

The recent renovations of the Administrative Offices of the Atlantica Colonial Administration would speak to the newfound importance of the system. Political parties, empires, and assemblies were all eager to realign the administration toward the policies they wanted. This meant a lot of money had been flowing in, and not all of it had been properly reported.

Sakamoto Hina Nǚshì,” Present in the virtual space was a tiger-form Daqin officer, sword at her hip, and a darkly colored intelligence uniform clinging to her form. Her voice was formal, and she stood up straight as if she were under review. “I am here on behalf of Admiral Xian Leang, First of the Five Tigers and Fist of the Empress.”

She would pause, to give the weight of her mistress’ name the appropriate weight.

“I have been sent to ascertain your progress in securing the support of the local Humans in this system. My mistress requires their fusion fuels, and the lethargy of the American Union, if her operation to save the Empress is to succeed. Our former oppressors have launched a counterattack against us, and will arrive here in 283 hours, which means we are at a critical point in our operation.”

“Of course my lady,” the merchant-rooster in front of her gracefully bowed. “The moment our Mother-Empress became imperiled, plans have been put into motion,” she confidently smiled, tail feathers held bright and high. “Isn’t that right, Wu Xiǎojiě?” Sakamoto glanced at her secretary. The rather fluffy image of Wu would appear beside and slightly behind Sakamoto. The bright pinks and whites of her body contrasting heavily with the darker tones of the intelligence officer,

“Yes, mistress. We have funded the renovation of the board leader’s home, and three of his secretaries are second class citizens of the empire in your employ. We also have extensive recordings of his time with them in his renovated bedroom and hot tub if you wish to review the material we have been gathering. Similar overtures have been made towards - ”

“I do hope you are not planning to expose your Chongwu shooting target to the Humans. Even their depravity would find this offensive.” The officer said, as if Wu wasn’t there.

“Fūrén,” she formally addressed the woman, “As an expert to dealing with humans yourself, I do remind you of the viewpoints that they hold towards individuals such as Wu Xiǎojiě,” Sakamoto began to gently correct her superior. “To them, she is a tragic figure who was made-to-order for the most despicable desires,” the Daqinren Rooster held up a single feather from her wrist like a finger counting tallies, “And with life-crippling effects on her own self as a result of her forced vocation,” she held up another colorful feather to count.

“And, I remind you, this is on top of the fact that we - the GREAT AND NOBLE DAQINREN OF THE EMPIRE - have scooped her up from her fate in the streets to give her employment,” Sakamoto melodramatically counted off with another feather. “I could go on, but I believe having our dear Wu Xiǎojiě plays the cripple card, the sex worker card, and the employing-the-homeless card.” She paused for a moment and rubbed her chin in thought before lighting up like a bulb, fist smacking into hand in realization. “OH! And she also effectively plays the racial card, giving us plenty of leverage and allowing us to be supremely politically correct.” Smug in her analysis, she reminded her superior again, “Do remember that her presence is a blessing on our operations against the humans, my lady.”

The intelligence officer would hold her tongue. A tacit admission that she was not the expert in these matters. Her eyes never bothered to look in her direction, staying on topic with Sakamoto.

“Very well. I would not want to accuse you of intentionally failing in your duties here. My Mistress is undertaking a great battle against overwhelming odds. Not all within the Empire think she will succeed. There are even distasteful rumors that another of the Five Tiger Generals is playing the long game by planning for her failure. Of course, she will address that once she has returned from Sol. The Daqin who have done their duty will be rewarded. There should be no doubt why she is the First among Equals.”

Wu also kept from speaking, quietly suffering the stings of being looked down upon.

“Of course. I believe you will be very pleased to know what I have already set into motion,” Sakamoto smugly smiled.
“This way please…”

Sakamoto and Wu were led through the Administrative complex. The Blonde woman leading them wore a rather tight fitting pencil skirt and jacket that helped accentuate her form, heels that added a little bit more height to her already impressive form, and a complex set of gene-mods that gave her a perfect ratio of dense muscle to soft body fat.

She was one of the Chairman’s most trusted Secretaries.

And she was also one of Sakamoto’s Agents. Happy to do her part for a shot at a life in the Empire.

She would take Sakamoto and Wu deep into the structure, walking them past security screens, armored walls, the small army of guards protecting the complex, and the larger army of lobbyists waiting for their turn to influence the local government.

When they arrived at the Chairman’s office, they’d find the portly man laying back on a large sofa sprawled out in the room, his head resting on another one of his secretaries’ laps as another one fanned him as if he was some opulent god-king. Despite his aspirations for divinity, he did recognise when the feather’d merchant entered the room.

“SAKAMOTO!” He said, snapping his fingers at the blue haired secretary with the fan to send her off to grab glasses and a large bottle of Atlantica’s finest. “You know I’ll always make time for you. Just what is it that you need?”

“Ara, ara, it seems it’s almost time you all headed off!,” Sakamoto happily remarked for the secretaries, and secretaries only. Like a ghost, she stepped away from herself and examined the Chairman closely, scrutinizing his features and what they could mean about him. “Though, ‘with the chips on the table’ as an American may say, a single wrong will undo all your hard work,” she noted. Time for humans was bound to flesh, but the Daqinren could always make some for themselves, and Sakamoto needed every advantage she could get. “The rescue of the Empress will need fuel, supplies and more, but I imagine he’ll be reluctant to provide,” the Rooster turned her gaze on the three. “What would pressure him the most, for an occasion as important as this?”

“His appetite for women is unending,” The blonde said through their virtual connection, arms crossed as she watched the other two taking care of the Chairman’s needs, “He asks us to wreck these trashy swimsuits for him… and perform humiliating dances. Even the lobbyists from the Union have learned to wear shorter skirts when approaching.”

“He enjoys Alcohol and Food a bit much. It makes him Handsy… and the snob won’t touch a bottle unless it costs at least a week of our pay! The dick doesn’t even share! Brags about his collection of alcohol to feel like the big man at social events… he’s a terrible entertainer.” The blue-haired secretary said as she set out a pair of cups and poured a glass of something for both the Chairman and Sakamoto.

“The Chairman is very concerned with his business interests. Stock in some local companies, and a bank account that he checks regularly. He couldn’t afford to entertain the way he does without all the new money flowing into Atlantica. Stellar is paying him to look the other way as they form their own paramilitaries, the Union is paying him to slow the Assembly, and he’s using the Assembly to threaten the Union interests so the money keeps flowing. His self-worth is tied directly to the numbers in his account.” The message from the woman who’s lap the Chairman was still resting his head on seemed nice enough, though in virtual space it was clear she wasn’t a big fan of having to babysit this man.

“Ara-ara!~” Sakamoto’s musical voice trilled. “You always have some of the very best on hand,” she noted, lifting the cup up to her nose and breathing in its fruity scent. Taking a sip, she sighed as its mellow taste flooded her mouth. “Though, I can’t linger too much on the niceties,” the feathered woman began to bring the conversation to focus. “Have you watched any news concerning the Empire as of late?” she asked, handing the wine over to Wu. “For you,” the woman smiled to her Chongwu secretary. “It’s quite good.”

“I can’t say that I have,” The chairman said, sitting up for a moment and watching as the Chongwu took the glass of wine. He seemed quite curious, observing Wu as she sniffed the drink, then took a timid sip. “You must understand how busy things are around here. Atlantica suddenly finds itself at the center of civilization. Everyone wants a piece of us. A few members of the board are even nervous about all those Daqin warships visiting the outer-colonies. Everyone is much happier when it is the merchant fleet visiting… even if they have to play up how much they distrust your kind.”

“Oh, I know,” Sakamoto lamented, understanding his pain quite well. “I would like to have more merchant ships coming too, but with our Mother-Empress being kidnapped by those awful Republicans, everyone is in a hurry to rescue her!” the merchant-rooster began. “I’ll definitely keep these little details in mind. Fortunately, I see your hard work paying off soon - and without any ‘extra’ services for this man being necessary if I have my way,” Sakamoto encouraged the secretaries. “It’s an awfully long trip to Earth, so having a place to supply and refuel without those horrid people bothering us will be a great help.” Leaning in, she whispered, “I’m certain the Empire will make it worth your while,” the rooster tickled his ear with her breath.

“Yes… long trip…” The Chairman said, sounding just a bit melty now that he had Sakamoto so close to him. ‘I uh.. Expect your countrymen will still have to pay a fair price for their supplies.” He said, trying to hide that his eyes were entirely focused on Sakamoto and doing a poor job of it, “it is not… up to the American Union who we sell to.”
The messages in the virtual space came quickly.

“Stick a pair of boobs in his face and that’s all he can focus on.”

“He’s spilling his drink…he could have given it to me.”

“He is also receiving a cut of the sale of supplies. It is in his best interest to keep them flowing.”

“Without a doubt,” Sakamoto continued to hover near, her scent sweet. “We want to remain friends, with plenty of benefits. And of course, the better a friend you are, the more benefits,” she reminded him. “Couldn’t you…I don’t know, make sure we get the first pick of the goods?” Gently reaching out, the rooster righted his drink, shooting the other Daqinren a thumbs up in their virtuality, just as her finger was wet with wine and made the glass hum. “Special privileges deserve special privileges, naturally. Maybe even let us get your SLE back? Good as new?”

The Chairman nodded,

“O-of course.” He swallowed hard, quickly downing his drink and setting back on the table for his secretary to refill. “The AU has been driving up prices, desperate to get anything they can… they won’t be happy about it but I can make sure your people get first choice… and the SLE?” He asked, thinking about it for a few moments. “That’s the seat of the Assembly’s power in the system… could you really do that?” He asked, pausing for a few moments as he considered what it’d be like to be the king of his own star system, “Could we even hold it against everyone? Our orbit-guard and local militia isn’t ready to take them on.”

“He’s more shaken by Sakamoto talking to him, than he was when I wore that string-bikini…”

“Don’t let him spill that!... He sometimes lets me take home the leftover alcohol.”

“I don’t think he was supposed to say they have their own militia. The Union doesn’t like them having their own military force.”

“Oh, that’s perfect,” Sakamoto noted in their virtuality. All the while, Wu tried not to react, standing by while her mistress spoke. Sure, Sakamoto was a First-class citizen, but she wasn’t that much different than her was she? Wu’s body had been designed to hold the attention of men like him and yet it was Sakamoto who could have him trembling with just a word. Wu should have been just as compelling, yet the Daqin seemed more disgusted by her than attracted.

“I would never lie to you, Chairman. The SLE was made in America, and it belongs in American hands, not those horrible machine-cultists,” Sakamoto replied. Ideally, he’d be hyped for as much of this as possible. “We can give it back, and all it takes to hold it is just a little shuffling of funds. Maybe some patriotic recruitment into the local guard,” the feathered woman suggested. As the Chairman of the system, he was more like a head of a board of representatives in a company, not a directly voted in governor or president. “If you make it harder for the Magnetic-types and the Republicans here, I’m sure I can send a few extra ‘gifts’ over too,” she offered.

Gifts could be gifted to others that kept him in power, naturally. And if his constituents were happy, then he was happy.

“Of course of course…” The chairman said, seeming to regain his wits a bit as Sakamoto continued to speak, “...we’re already recruiting as fast as possible. Instituting a draft would be quite difficult… conscripting local merchant-ships into the local militia could work though. Just what could be worth offending all the starship captains in the system?” He asked.

"Those planetside care little for those in the few space colonies… don’t offer him too much…”

“Of course,” Sakamoto reassured the three women she had recruited. “And, I’m well aware that some of these gifts would be things he has to spend on others too,” the feathered woman reminded them, her virtual form sitting down on the arm of the couch, legs crossing. Even so, her large, raptor-like toe claws twitched in excitement despite the air of calm. A warning, perhaps? “Now, an important question,” the Rooster looked at them all with a smile. “Who here would be willing to go All The Way with this man for the sake of the empire?” the woman asked, the question as grave as it was lighthearted to the ear.

“How many more indignities do you expect us to endure?”

“I haven’t had enough to drink for this… you’d have to pay me a LOT more for that…”

“He is… not the kind of man I take interest in. Even putting up with his head on my chest is a bit much..”

“I’d want a really nice car, like NICE.”

“I do tire of him groping me when he is pretending to be asleep.”

“And a house. A BIG one.”

“Perhaps if you could get me out of here afterward…”

“... and it has to have a wine cellar.”

“And promise I’d never have to see him again.”
“Ara, ara,” Sakamoto frowned with concern. “You are worried they will get too angry?” her hazel-gold eyes shined at him. “Why don’t you do the usual? Tax cuts, maybe some deregulation, waive some fees? It’s not only something they’d appreciate, but it’s all profit for you if you get the local corporations on your side,” the colorful woman began to fan him with her feathers. “Isn’t that right Wu?”

“They should be grateful for the jobs you are providing. The money that Sakamoto brings into this planet would lift those that work for her out of poverty. They will certainly be grateful to you for providing such an opportunity,” Wu said, remaining in place near Sakamoto as the number of women tending to the chairman increased.

“Well, we do have lots of people sitting idle. The unemployed on basic assistance could be conscripted without much fuss… but getting star ships… well… if we borrowed those ship and then lost them I would have made an enemy of many powerful people. Perhaps if things don’t go well I could have a position ready under your employ? I would also hope that the Daqin Empire would honor my bank transfers…”

“Of course. We aren’t the aggressors after all, and are welcoming to the most capable of people like yourself,” Sakamoto encouraged him. “But this is still troubling, seeing America doing business with the Republicans. Can’t you do something like an embargo? Tell them they’re not welcome in the system at all?” she leaned in close, pleadingly. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t have you all take in This Thing of all things. Let me see what options I have on hand…”

“We can refuse them service, but won’t the Assembly just facilitate any purchase they need?” The Chairman asked, his senses coming back to him just enough as the smell of money started to become overpowering. He even sat up, bringing his head off the chest of his assistant, “And a number of our board members side with them. Blockading the Assembly from Atlantica would lead to Riots. We’d need to make sure the local police and business leaders are well compensated for their help.”

“Ara, ara. Have those horrible machine worshipers given you trouble too?” Sakamoto asked with motherly concern. “I think we can do something about that,” she began, quickly drawing up plans. “If the Magnetic Assembly starts supplying the Republicans, you can say they’re supporting the war mongers that started this whole thing,” the feathered woman pointed out. “And, add that they’re threatening to pull you right into the whole fight. If anything, you can even start targeting these machine supporters with propaganda about how they’re traitors and secessionists.”

The chairman nodded, “That does make sense, we can frame it as not wanting to get drawn into another war… but the Assembly will challenge that. They have no respect for our laws or norms. We will also need to increase the prices on our goods if we are to lose the sames we make to the Assembly.” He said, existing in a state between infatuated with women and infatuated with money.

“Oh, we can most certainly provide you with goods to make up for it,” Sakamoto confidently replied. “You know what they say, ‘All the best stuff comes from the Daqin’,” she reminded him, a pleased, smug smile on her lips. “And it’s only natural that the Assembly will challenge you on this, but it’s also what you want them to do. After all, you can then point at what they’re doing to give you trouble and say to the public that they’re the bad ones for doing it,” the feathered Rooster added. “But, if I had to guess, this all sounds like a lot of work, and no play, yes?”

“Yes, I’d need quite a bit of play to get the rest of the board to side with us…” The Chairman said, sounding like a kid about to open a present. “Maybe you could introduce me to one of your princesses? Getting to retire into Daqin Royal-Luxury would make this more than worth it.” Hearing him say that though, Sakamoto couldn’t help but laugh, its bright tone ringing like pleasant chimes in the ear.

“The Empress may have had many daughters, but I doubt I could ‘procure’ you company like that on such short notice!” the feathered vixen laughed again. “Though, there is something else I can offer, especially if you ‘take care’ of your more objecting peers during the riots.” Leaning in closer, her sweet breath brushing against his ear, she added, “Some very fine company, that I can procure for you on shorter notice. And would stay with you in a much more…long-term friendship,” she smiled.

“Sakamoto,” The chairman said, leaning in a bit closer to her so he could rest his head on her chest, kicking his feet up onto his assistant that he had been lounging on earlier, “You’re asking me to risk a very profitable, and still relatively stable position here on Atlantica. Sure there is profit in it, but I also need to be looking forward to my future. Whoever wins here, it’d be nice to have a fallback plan… I’m sure there must be some lesser princess looking for a husband? You know, when all this is over… and I mean, as much as I trust your taste in companions…” The chairman said, looking over at Wu, “....mostly… you don’t buy the cow when you can get the milk for free.”

“Oh, my poor dear, you don’t know?” the feathered woman replied, gently stroking his head. “The Machines and Republicans are going to be coming for you,” she smiled, eyes narrowed with sinister glee. “It’s only a matter of time, considering how pivotal Atlantica is. But I can’t bring you into The Empire, even though that would guarantee my ability to arrange a marriage for you,” Sakamoto lamented. “I need you here, to do things for me after all. So,” she paused for effect. “What I can do is make sure you have a friend. A friend who will care for you, and protect you, and give certain benefits that others won’t,” the Rooster glanced at the assistants present.
Sure enough, none of them had gone that far! The assistant on the sofa with him looked skeezed for a moment, before going back to hiding her thoughts.

“He’s only thinking about what he can get out of you.”

“Marry him?! Like… forever?! I don’t care how much you pay me…”

“The Chairman overestimates his talents with women… probably because we keep feeding his ego.”

“I mean… maybe if you paid me A LOT… but no more than a week or two of that.”

“He’ll probably want us to watch too…”


“Perhaps this is why Lady Sakamoto brought the Chongwu?”

“Oh! YEAH! She’s probably used to this kind of work. Have her do it!”

“If it is only a matter of time, then it is all the more important that I have something waiting for me in the Empire when this is all over. If your empress doesn’t think I’m worthy of a princess then perhaps there is someone else you could arrange for? The Empire does have smaller… what are they? Kingdoms? Duke-doms? Maybe set me up as governor of some station somewhere out of the way for when this is all over? You won’t have to worry about whatever partner you find liking me. I have a way with women you know…” The chairman said, the entire group around him discreetly cringing while he wasn’t looking. “You take care of my long term needs and I’ll be sure that you get everything you want from Atlantica.”

“Oh, I’m not saying a princess wouldn’t! It’s just that you’re living here…in Atlantica. In America,” Sakamoto pointed out, her finger lazily tracing circles in the air. “Until you’re able to fully complete your obligations here and move to the Empire, I’m afraid I can only offer so much,” she apologized. “Even so, my offerings are top of the shelf,” the feathered woman veiled her eyes with a smile. “Would you care to try a sample?” she offered.

He leaned in a bit more closely to Sakamoto, “Would the three of you give us the room for a moment,” He said, sounding eager to get to it but waiting for the room to be cleared out before continuing. This left just himself, Sakamoto, and Wu together in the office, “Just what did you have in mind?”

“Knowing several princesses, I want to show you that they’re overrated,” Sakamoto temptingly leaned in, a sly smile on her lips. “Once you settle in The Empire, the goods and services you’ll get from me will come to an end, but out here? As you keep working for The Empire?” she paused. “I’ll keep giving you more~~<3” she sweetly whispered into his ear. Drawing back and sitting up as the proper lady she was, Sakamoto turned her gaze on her secretary. “Wu, would you be a dear and keep our precious Chairman company for the night? You both have been working so, so, hard,” she began, bonus PTO starting to pop up on the Chongwu’s smart tool.

Wu didn’t quite know what Sakamoto was asking of her yet, but she accepted anyways. Ever since their encounter where Wu was able to leave the armed forces to become Sakamoto’s assistant, she’d been enthusiastically loyal.

“Of course Mistress,” Wu said as she checked her smart tool, checking off the assignment provided to her before sitting down on the sofa on the other side of the Chairman… all the better to keep his hands off of Mistress Sakamoto. She would even reach for the chairman’s wrist, gently moving it to her own leg just below the hem of her skirt. “I’ll keep the Chairman entertained for the night… I’ve been wanting to see what kind of power the Chairman has ever since we got here.”

She had a pleasant look across her face, even if the thought of being with someone other than Sakamoto disgusted her.
“Overrated?” The chairman asked, finding himself drawn in by Sakamoto until he was awkwardly balanced, having to lean more and more forward as she backed away. “Daqin women are known for their beauty… and a little bit of time with your princess’ and I’m sure I’d be a part of your royal family. My own family is known for having lots of children!” He looked a bit disappointed as his hand was brought to Wu’s lap, like a kid being told not to touch the expensive displays at a store, “Spending the night… with a Chongwu though?” He asked, “I’m not sure about that… I mean… I always thought my first time would be with a Human or Daqin… I had a few dreams about the Empress… I hear a Chongwu can’t match a Human, much less a Daqin Princess.”

“Ara-ara, I see someone’s been listening to fibs,” Sakamoto playfully fanned the man, the tips of her feathers brushing his chest. “Most people don’t understand that Princesses are born for governance, with pleasure coming as a secondary,” she pointed out. “But with Chongwu? Who does it serve if they’re no good? Doesn’t it sound like your parents telling you pretty girls are icky?” the feathered rooster grinned. “A princess? She’ll run your workplace, and the local military too. But Chongwu? They’re made for pleasure and service.” Sakamoto leaned in again, nudging him towards the ivory furred woman. “Go on, rub Wu behind her ears. She loves that. Or better yet, put your nose into that valley and take in a good breath. Don’t you wonder what she smells like?”

“I think it would be better to have that in common with a partner, understanding the importance of politics and governance,” He said, his attention being shifted towards Wu as he reached for her ears while pushing his face against her.

“Mistress Sakamoto, I think—” Wu’s speech was cut off as she felt his hand starting to rub her behind her head, getting her to tilt her head back for best effect, one arm ending up around the Chairman, keeping him pushed up against her as she looked over at Sakamoto.

“Faintly of strawberries…” The chairman said, seemingly finding quite a bit of interest in the woman that was now holding his head down against her, “Are you telling me the princess’ aren’t like this? Though… isn’t this kind of thing dangerous? We’re often warned about…. Chongwu… and….” His voice trailed off a bit, the Chairman seemingly taking great enjoyment in being smooshed against her. “So is this why you keep this Chongwu around? I would be interested in finding out what you consider worthy of your time.”

“Warned about Chongwu?” the raven haired woman laughed. “And I’m sure your parents warned you about embezzlement as well!” Gesturing at Wu, palm upturned, she smiled, “Daqin Princesses can’t even hold a candle to Wu. They’re concerned more about politics and imperial court intrigue. But Wu? Think of this as a date. Get her dinner. Watch a movie. Get to Know her tonight. And if you find yourself wanting a Chongwu afterwards, I can get you one, made to order.” Sakamoto leaned in to whisper in his ear, her warm breath tickling with temptation. “Imagine, a woman who is Made to your desires. That is why they keep telling you to stay away from Chongwu. Regular, human women can’t compare to what the Empire can offer.”

“I struggle to see how a Chongwu could make up for its lack of family connections with their compatibility…” The chairman said, “BUT I am willing to try and see things from your perspective.”
Sakamoto’s Hotel Suite

Wu returned towards the end of the second night, her body mostly covered by a hoodie and sweatpants, insistent that in her current state she wasn’t fit to stand before her mistress, requiring a rather lengthy shower and ample use of shampoo to clean herself. This was followed by giving care to her appearance afterwards, brushing her fur, dressing in office-appropriate clothing, and ensuring she no longer had the same disheveled look from earlier before returning to speak with Sakamoto now freshly fluff’d.

“I apologize for earlier,” Wu said, bowing her head slightly, “I felt that I wasn’t presentable. The chairman took an interest in having me display his … essence during my return trip. He accepts that I have to return to my duties, but he is eager to know when I will be available next. I believe I have secured his support for your plans, Mistress Sakamoto.”

Wu was certainly reserved in her explanation of the situation, and was avoiding going into details. Many of which had been stored as video files for Sakamoto to use later including such exciting videoclips as Wu cosplaying as the Chairman’s favorite anti-demon ninja, and an exhausted chairman offering to buy her from Sakamoto.

Of course, Sakamoto had politely refused, and instead offered him a dizzying array of Chongwu customization options and price ranges. All this footage was already bookmarked and thoroughly analyzed by the time Wu had made her return. If sweet-talk and offers of rewards didn’t get him to do what was needed for the Empire, then at least there were more pointed options to coerce the man thanks to Wu’s efforts.

“Indeed you did, it was a fantastic job!” the feathered woman smiled at her, the praise eliciting a quiver of pleasure at the thought of having done well. “I hope you at least enjoyed some of it, but I also understand that your job should not be considered a reward.” Picking up a datapad for Wu’s sake, she handed it to her. “These are your earnings, though I imagine you might want to spend them on that enhanced musculature I had mentioned earlier?” Sakamoto added with a smile. “It’ll make weight-bearing much easier,” she reached out, briefly brushing a hand over Wu’s bosom for emphasis.

“Of course Lady Sakamoto,” Wu replied as she examined the Datapad. The number displayed was quite a bit more than she’d made as a soldier, and embarrassingly more than her current sale value.. She was considering all the things that she could buy with this money, things that were priceless like no longer feeling that quiver at being praised by a Daqin, or any of the dozens of changes she could make to improve her quality of life.


She needed Sakamoto’s continued patronage. If she wanted her to get the enhanced musculature then it was important that she do it. She didn’t need to be reminded of just how her top heavy weight distribution could make her feel, and undoubtedly her original owner hadn’t planned on letting her walk around too much. “I will need some time to myself to arrange the mods and schedule time for their integration.” The unpleasant thought of that reality made Wu realize that her shoulders were slouched. Humans were always talking about good posture, and her own original master had problems with his own.

Was Sakamoto trying to look after Wu, rather than just her own interests?

“Oh, no need for that! You’ve been working so hard,” Sakamoto praised her. Though Wu knew she was made to enjoy the praise, a part of her mind asked, was this so strange? Didn’t people normally enjoy praise? “Let me help you schedule some bonus paid-time-off for this. I’ll even come along to make sure everything goes off without so much as a hiccup!” the feathered woman offered. “Besides, I need to visit one of the facilities to see if they have any special stock!”

On the other hand, that was likely part of Wu’s programming too. With how intertwined Daqin programming was, It was hard for anyone to tell.