Echoni Stories

Making weaponized creatures using barely understood 'exophages' seems like a great idea until you realize you've got to raise them! Echoni Stories follow various Echoni as they are brought to life and start understanding the world around them from inside of Alpha Complex.
Plot Style and Expectations
Plot Style: Slice of Life
Plot Speed: 2 posts a week
This section should include a paragraph discussing how often posts are expected.
Violence levels and plot content should also be included here.
Suggested Character Origins
This plot follows the Echoni, and though there is room for caretakers along with other supporting characters the main focus is on newly created Echoni.
See: E-4 Echoni Operations Manual
See: E-4 Echoni Operations Manual
The Story Thus Far
The Magnetic Assembly searches for understanding, and that search has brought them to the Exophages on Planet Hawking. These bacteria put out incredible amounts of energy and it seems that only integration with living things allows for some measure of control over that energy. With promises of super-soldiers and advanced weapons SEER started the Echoni program, and has been developing increasingly complex biological systems.
But those systems don't know the politics behind their creation, they don't even know how to speak at first!