• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Chicago Night Life [NSFW]


Wiki Moderator
Chicago, American Union

Bark started their stroll by having them take a ride into the city through one of the trains, which along the way the would catch a whiff of chocolate from one of the candy factories nearby still working in the city. He would direct them out of the train station and give money to one of the few homeless in the area who wanted to act as a tour guide. "First we're going to take a look at the Chicago Bean as I call it. I think it's officially called just The Bean. However it has been a marvelous sight to behold and they've kept it up since 2006!"

He was excited showing them some of the various spots they were passing up going along the way. Also showing them the new transportation systems that they were trying to implement, which of course money being the issue for why they weren't put up sooner.

Shade kept her arms crossed in th everpresent crowd of the city, eyes darting around every few minutes in some degree of paranoia. "Why would anyone build a bean? Is it's only purpose aesthetic?" Shade did not change hr outfit, wearing the same style as before. Black skintight bodysuit, long coat over it, and a datapad on her back.

"That's resturants for you," Bee said, putting her arm around Bark's as he led the way. She wore a white longsleeve sweater, black skirt and stockings, her red lipstick the only spot of color. "Hopefully their food outshines the 300 year old aesthetic."

Bark blinked a little, as he was partially distracted by Bee and her outfit, even a little by Shade however he stayed on point explaining. "No, no, no don't tell me you've never heard of The Bean? It's not food! It's a sculpture that reflects! Kind of like a shiny and metallic mirror, but it's in the shape of a bean!"

"So... it has absolutely no purpose?" Shade said, unimpressed. "Why build a bean? Beans imply food, agriculture, but there is none? It is chrome, shaped like a bean, but... why?" It's existence confused her, and she was already in a sour mood.

"Ohh," Bee said, thinking if she'd heard of the scultupre. "I don't think so? Maybe when we see it?" She gave an apologetic shrug and squeeze on his arm. "We almost there though?"

His tail wagged at what seemed like a hundred miles per half minute. "We're almost there, I made sure to let us off not too far from it! The bean was built as a result of a design competition I think? Something like that. It's art Shade, so it could be many reasons for it I think." His ears perked up, as he kept his ears open to listen for people. "Oh before I forget did you want to go around Shade? Less crowds that way." His cheeks were flushed a little at how forward Bee was, primarily being in the presence of Shade during all of this.

She looked away from him, growling lightly, embarassed at the offer of help. "I'm fine. There's just... too many of them. Wild, chaotic, unpredictable." Self-conscious, she kept walking. "Just lead to me to this pointless Bean art."

His hearing picked up on her growl, even if it is light, but he wished to respect her wishes at least to a degree. "Hey it isn't pointless! You won't believe that when you see it!" He now was a little self-conscious primarily because he hadn't shown much physicality with Bee during this. Until now when he placed an arm around her waist to hold her close. His tail still wagging as he led them on. Soon enough they reached the Bean through a path that had less crowds, with it's metal shining with their reflections.

"Behold! The Chicago Bean! You can see your reflection in it and see how beautiful you both are! All your glory in it!" His tail wagged as he stared up at the reflection. It was something similar to a puppy discovering it's first chew toy.

"Ohhhhhhhh, tha'ts what this is called?" Bee asked, taking a step to get closer to the metal, her hand still on his arm. "Okay, I've seen this before in movies. Thought it was supposed to be a cloud or something."

Shade meanwhile had been entirely blindsided by being called any reference to beautiful with such casual tone of voice by him, and so her cheeks had warmed, hidden by her fur. She looked into the bean, arms still crossed, and quietly huffed, "It's technically impressive," she admitted as her tail twitched happily before she managed to halt it.

"Let's go under it," Bee said, pulling Bark along as she went to stand under the sculpture. She smiled as their reflections twisted and multiplied as they stood under the concave surface. "Very technically impressive."

Bark smiled as he answered her question first. "No I never liked calling it that Cloud Gate or whatever. Look at it from a further view it's clearly a bean. Although when I first saw it? I thought it was some oddly shaped and lazy egg." He turned for a brief moment to Shade seeing her tail twitch happily. "Yes it is---" He was pulled all of a sudden after being told to go under it. "Yes! It is impressive Bee!" He stared for a brief moment at their reflection loving this moment, but also seeing other reflections that unfortunately weren't there anymore. It had been so long since he'd been here. More so not being by himself. "After this I can take you both over for some food or we can enjoy some more sights together."

Shade slowly followed the other two under the Bean, watching her reflection warp as she stood under it. "I am still hungry, yes," she said simply as she looked at herself. She looked over herself with an appraising eye, turning around as she judged herself.

"We can always look at more stuff after food," Bee suggested, smiling at Shade's antics before looking to Bark. "Think you said something about the pizza rivalry or something?"

Bark gave a small and almost comedic huff with his nose. It is possible Shade would recognize the telltale signs of a pup Chongwu who was certain of something in an almost childish way. "Pizza rivalry? No more like pizza victory! Chicago pizza will always triumph over New York pizza! Also yes we can eat first before exploring more." He chuckled a little, but did notice Shade's look into The Bean, curious but definitely wasn't going to say something. After all his big mouth said some words before and erased a smile in roughly what felt like an instant. "I'll take you both to Giordanos, which they might have changed the name but my Handler referred to it as such so I kind of just did."

Shade stopped looking at herself to refocus on the conversation, and her arms crossed again. "Then take us to your American food, Bark." She gave a final showy glance to herself for herself again, before she left the Bean's shade. "We will eat excessive amounts of carbs and shave a few seconds off our lifespans. As is the American way."

"We can always eat a salad when we're not in foreign lands," Bee said, nodding in agreement.

"Salads are for omnivores with no self-respect," Shade mewed. "We will eat meat and pizza because we are free."

Bee looked like she wanted to delve into what the low-calorie diet looked like in a carnivore's eyes, but decided to shurg it off. "Lead the way, American," she said, sliding up to Bark's side again.

Bark smiled having Bee at his side, as he offered his arm once more for holding. "Hey! We don't mention the excessive amounts of carbs, it makes us self conscious of our weight! Although for once in a long time I have to agree with Shade. Salads are nasty, may as well be punishment food. However if you add some bacon and bits of meat in the mix? Not too bad." His ears twitched, as he looked uncertain. "Er I don't think I'm the American here in these parts." He chuckled a little and led them to the Giordanos or whatever name the place may have called itself now. "Hey does Jacob Marques still work here!? Food for an old friend, that iron didn't eat itself out of him!"

He seemed excited and spoke slightly different referring to the man, but sure enough to find a half-circle booth with space for all three of them and menu's were given. "Choose whatever you want on the menu and if we're lucky? It'll be free, if not? Probably half off." He chuckled already figuring out what pizza they most likely were gonna get.

"I do not need handouts," Shade said grumpily as she sat at the booth. She looked down at the menu, eyes drifting along it for food. "Are we ordering independantly, or are we sharing something? That's far cheaper."

"I mean, if we're all good with a deep dish with meat, think we can share," Bee said, sitting down next to Bark.

Bark squinted at Shade with her mention of not needing handouts. "No it isn't a handout, but it is a reward for a job well done with a hundred percentile of success." It may have seemed odd, but even he could use big mathmatical words. Not very often because it wasn't his job to be the smart one. "Although if that is what you all wish? I can order a deep dish with meat. Maybe three meats? Unless you both want more."
"I mean, as long as it's not anchovies, I'm good with as much meat as they'll put on it," Bee said with a shrug, looking at the menu.

"I like meat," Shade said flatly. "Three is perfectly fine." She set her menu down and began to look around, taking in the sights. Her eyes glowed lightly as she gathered information, as though she was still on the clock.

Bark had an idea of how Shade would feel about physical contact, but in this case? He figured it related to safety. He gently tapped his hand on one of hers, which caused her to yank her hand back towards her and zero her gaze on his as she processed what was happening. She stared at him in confusion as he continued. "Be careful with doing that here too much...Particular elements know about augments and assume someone is looking into their information. Anyway okay then I'll order the three meat and be ready. It'll be alot of pizza...I don't think it'll taste as good if we get it to go."

"I'm sure you'll finish off what us ladies don't get to," Bee said, closing the menu. "I mean, you polished off all the leftover pizza the morning after we ordered it."

Shade was still recovering from the shock of being touched, holding her hand as her eyes faded to normalcy. "I was just looking around for threats. This is a city, every third person is a potential threat." She crossed her arms defensively, or as it seemed to be for her: first position.

Bark was a little surprised at how soft the fur on her hand felt at least in comparison to his. It could be it had been so long feeling the fur of a Chongwu he hadn't known. First he turned to Bee and chuckled a little nervously. "Heh I might have a big appetite...I-I try not to around company or as Ted would say ladies more so." He chuckled a little at the memory." He turned to answer Shade and shook his head. "Around here? That could be taken as you're working for a gang and scouting to make a hit...It's not as bad with the communicators or little miniature computers. Uh sorry if there's something wrong with my touch Shade...I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's fine," she huffed. "I just wasn't expecting it." She leaned back in her seat, looking at the two of them trying not to seem like a gang member by looking elsewhere. "Interpol is just an interplanetery gang with esoteric rules anyway. Your touch is..." she wasn't sure where she was going with that assurance, and so she just stopped talking.

"Soft?" He smiled a little wondering if that was the word she was looking for, as that was the first word that came to mind. "I do my best to make my fur soft, as that can get awkward touching someone else with fur that is far more coarse I suppose? W-Which your fur is soft Shade."

Bee kept quiet, smiling as she looked back and forth between the pair.

Shade was trapped, staring at Bark with a look of confusion and embarassment. "I don't... know how to answer that," she whined. Her ears were pinned back and eyes wide, unsure of how to proceed. "I was trying to mind my own business by looking for threats."

Bark shook his head. "I-I apologize if I cut off your words and kind of, er, substituted for what I was thinking. I hope I'm not making you uncomfortable am I?" Since he was a Chongwu himself and worked with other Chongwu, he knew some of the physical signs but every Chongwu was different. Many even made different. "Sorry for interrupting that, but I wanted you to be safe you're a member of the team and I care about you." His tail although slowly was wagging a little.

Staring right at him with that same wide-eyed stare, Shade growled sightly as she recovered her composure. Slightly. "You don't know me, you don't care about me. You have to know someone to care about them," she shrank in her seat, "You're just..." she was losing her ability to speak, brain processing too many things she wasn't used to processing.

His ears were perked up listening to every word she said, which he shook his head at them. "You don't have to necessarily know everything about someone to care about them...I might be naive or perhaps foolish maybe? However it doesn't change how I feel caring about you. That's why I would like to help you...At least a little, if you'd let me." He waited wondering what exactly her words were going to be towards him, although a part of him was shocked he hadn't heard some kind of groan or perhaps the common phrase of shut up.

"I do not understand you," she sighed. "You are too earnest for someone who has seen conflict, and yet too good of a shot to have seen much else." Still in her slumped position she looked up at him with a more neutral face, but one still marred with confusion. "How would you possibly help me? We're already working together."

For a brief moment he thought a bit logically, but he threw that out in his mind. That thinking wasn't worth it nor was it necessary. "Any way I can? When you care about someone you don't think exactly about how at least, unless it is a gift maybe? Perhaps with what they tell you to help them with...I'm earnest from being apart of a team, which by extension was a family. We even had what we called our own 'currency' a bunch of favors essentially." He shook his head, as he couldn't allow himself to go off topic. "Anyway I'm not sure of the how, but just in case I make any mistakes that result in any groans of disappointment? You tell me how I can help on and off the job."

She looked at him with a pained looked of misunderstanding, not fully able to process how he just wouldn't stop talking, and somehow sounding caring the entire time. Now it was getting infuriating, and so she picked up her menu again and placed it directly in front of her face. "I'll let you know when the time comes," she said with a decree of flatness to her words. The tip of her tail, just off to the side, was gently twirling around on its own.

He smiled a little, as he felt he was making some progress? Steps? Towards knowing more about Shade and perhaps her accepting him. His happiness could practically be heard with the thumping of his tail against the seat. "I'll be happy to help when the time comes."

"You're an overly earnest fool," she growled softly, hiding from him behind her menu.

"Okay that one hurt a little. I'm used to myself calling me that, not you doing that." He chuckled a little, but she seemed kind of cute in her own way hiding behind the menu. "Have you decided what three meats are going into the pizza?"

"We we're waiting for you to order," she told him, "you're the one with pizza connections. You pick the meat to give us."

"True but I prefer to get something towards your liking or Bee's liking...Unless you put pineapple on it, then your opinion is unfortunately forefeit." He gave a nod of affirmation on his judgement.

"Well of course I don't," she lowered the menu to show her eyes roll, "I'm not a psychopath."

"Ah a true intelligent being of culture. I knew you were sane unlike some people." He eyed Bee for a brief moment before looking back at Shade. "Pineapple on it's own is good however."

"Yeesh," Bee said, smiling as she shook her head. "Psychopath? Oof. Anyway, maybe pepperoni, sasauge, and bacon? And make it snappy, you got two hungry ladies on either side of you," she added, moving a hand to scratch his leg. "Don't know if you'll like us if we get hungrier."

"We would most likely just wait longer," Shade said, not getting the inference. "Not desirable, but understandable. We will strive to be patient. We are intelligent beings of culture, after all."

If it were regular or perhaps random people? The touch on his leg would have been more awkward, but because of it who it was and maybe what they were implying? It caused his tail to stiffen a small shiver to go up his spine. "Y-Yes! I can't keep ladies waiting, that would be rude to both of you. Waiter we're ready, Steven and don't become too distracted with flirting! You made me wait roughly about thirty minutes last time! Long time back, but I still remember starving!" It sped up the waiter to take their order for the pepperoni, sausage, and bacon deep dish pizza.

Soon enough in almost record timing a deep dish pizza was given, steamed and fresh with what seemed to be extra ingredients given in the pizza. Also along with the pizza were plates given with silverware just in case for those people who attempted to eat pizza 'proper'. More so concerning the bacon parts of it inside the pizza. His tail started wagging at the smell of the pizza. "Dig in people---wait I forgot I don't want it to be messy for two beautiful ladies here." He took the time to cut the deep dish into an even pieces of about ten slices. He would have went for just eight or possibly seven slices, but he figured it would be far too thick of slices for Bee if he had done so.

"Probably for the best," Bee said, taking her plate and sliding a slice onto it. "They really do put all the sauce on it, huh? Is that why there's a fork and fork? Or are you supposed to just eat with your hands and clean up later?"
"That is what the crust is for," Shade said as she bashfully picked up a piece with her fingers and began to nibble on it. Admittedly pizza was something of an exotic food to her, something she'd heard of from passing Union folk back in Hawking. Besides, she hadn't taken such time to just sit in a diner before. And on top of all that, this stupid dog won't stop calling trying to flatter her, leading to her bashfully eating with no current escape plan.

He laughed a little at Bee's question. "Truthfully? Both of you are foreign so they probably added silverware just in case. It's meant to be handled by hand, but also technically for children? They might need it to eat big slices without leaving it all messy." He looked at Shade and blinked at her nibbling on the pizza? It seemed odd for a feline Chongwu to nibble on pizza, at least to him. "Er is everything okay Shade? How does it taste?"

She blinked, caught in the act, but even she didn't know what the act was. "I am not of a mind to devour the meal like a barbarian, without some semblance of dignity. Besides, this is a new food to me." She ate more pizza, but made an effort to take slightly bigger bites to avoid being talked to. Not that it would work.

Bee followed suit, though she wasn't as careful as Shade and thus had some sauce stuck to her upper lip. "Very good either way," she said, going in for another bite.

While they were busy talking? He was busy eating making sure to take gigantic bites that he could. However he was so used to pizza, that shockingly he knew how to keep clean without the sauce splatting to a mess out of his muzzle. He was keeping his eye on both of them waiting for Bee to get done with another bite, before wiping her upper lip. "Sorry I want you to enjoy the food Bee without worrying over the clean up, if I can help it." He turned to Shade and shook his head. "It's fine if you take big bites out of pizza, it's uh not quite what one would call elegant kind of food. Nothing wrong with you yourself being too elegant for it though." He smiled a little, but soon turned into some canine monsterous void with his muzzle and devoured another slice of pizza.

Bee shook her head after he wiped her mouth, going back in and getting a similar line of sauce. "It's called waiting between slices, silly," she said, before returning to the pizza.

"I cannot tell whether you're flirting with me or not," Shade sighed, a serious admittance of confusion as she pulled a plate and took a couple pieces from the pan, seeing that Bark was a ravenous animal and would probably leave nothing for her if allowed.

"What'd you do if he was?" Bee asked, finishing her crust and wiping her mouth.

Bark was busy devouring his food until he stopped mid-bite as he listened to Bee's words. Which a part of him was confused for a moment, as he was out with both of them and figured compliments were apart of being a gentleman of sorts. However deep down if he were being honest? There were a few things he liked about Shade, but he normally couldn't see such things as a groan or some sort of negativity or question of his motives would stop it and or hide it. He finished his bite and shook his head to get his mind focused on the present, was he flirting with Shade? This was something altogether new to him brought on by feelings that were far less controlled than they used to be. For once he would stay speechless and wait on some kind of response from Shade.

Shade looked at Bee with renewed suspicion, eyes narrowed as she tried to form some sort of response. "I... would understand the attempt, as I am fantastic and capable of much damage to the world. It is only natural." That answer allowed her to not actual answer the question, while retaining some semblance of control over the situation.

"Fair," the other woman said, nodding as she took another slice. "Honestly, I can't tell if he is? Usually takes two to tango and Bark's asking to dance while you turn up your nose at the suggestion."

With a blink, Shade ears flattened as she sat there like one caught lacking. "Then, just ask to dance... or, whatever the fuck the metaphor is! I can't be responsible for not returning something not constant."

Bee nodded in a greement, but when Bark didn't immediately reply, she frowned, looked over at him, and then lightly kicked his shin.

He was stuck in his own mind, perhaps if there were some psychic medium here who could delve into his subconscious? There would multiple Barks, stuck on probably judge-like podiums offering thoughts, suggestions, rules, morality of what was right and wrong. Until his shin was kicked, which made his fur frazzle for a moment and his tail stick straight up once more at attention. He was initiatlly confused at the gesture, but realized upon seeing her frown? It concerned the situation and with him needing to respond to it. This was awkward. Really awkward. A part of him now realized the complicated feeling a Chongwu went through with being 'bait'. Awkward term, but given the context of old missions? Made sense.

He would take a brief moment to wipe his hands, which he would take a deep breath and for an imagined moment of safety would clamp his claws a little into the booth table. Bee liked him, the initial fear was asking her out and hoping it wasn't deep down some kind of tease with some imagined evil laughter at the end. This was entirely different, Shade herself was entirely different. This felt like comparing an earthquake to a tornado. He began to speak, as he put on a brave face. "I suppose I'll stick to the metaphor? I...Would like to dance in a sense? You said something along the lines of me being conventionally attractive? Well I would like to say you're uniquely attractive? However I'm no, er, expert on relationships. I do know I would like to get to know you better in the hopes of becoming closer?"

A brief moment he would take a look at Bee hoping she could see a silent question on his face and in his mind. He assumed she wasn't psychic, but he did consider himself in a relationship with her as well. That was going to be an awkward conversation. Really awkward. One hundred and ten percent awkward.

Bee winked at him and then waited to see what Shade's reply was going to be.

Shade's eyes darted between Bee and Bark, as what was previously unsaid was thrown on the table and presented like a science experiment. Admittedly, she'd never "danced" in such a manner for real. There had been too much to do, and she'd been too standoffish to get any such attention for any longer than a couple interactions. In some cases it suited her just fine, but now she was trapped. She could have fought harder, but it was true, he was attractive, even though when she'd said it days ago it had been a backhanded compliment.

"I was being sneaky," she said slowly, "When I called you conventionally attractive, despite it's... technical accuracy. I was being mean, in a kind way, and... I apologize." Her ears were pinned back, face apologetic as she processed this entirely new situation.

Bee stepped Bark's foot to keep him from replying as she asked, "So, how do you find him? Average to very attracitve?"

Shade whined as she was forced to actually say something that involved an actual admittance of any feeling. Not looking at either of them, instead staring the pizza on her plate to death with her arms crossed, she replied. "His earnest manner, despite it's annoyance and number of appearences, is a refreshing difference to my previous coworkers. Physically, he is capable, which is, rationally, found attractive in individuals." She'd managed to try and say nothing, stating facts as though it was a presentation she wasn't ready for.

"He's a big beefcake for sure," Bee said, patting his shoulder. "So, here's the question. He said he wants to see how close you two can be. Do you want to know as well or no?"

With a frustrated meow, she stopped, processed, and smiled a small smile. "I'm uniquely attractive?" Bashful, yet somewhat encouraged, she gave a shrug. "I can't tell if that's an innuendo or not."

Bark stayed quiet as in a way directed by Bee, since she was the pro on these matters at least in his eyes. It was like speaking to a world leader who had experience at firing a nuke and knowing where to put it. Then it was his turn to speak or at least he assumed so, which this was kind of odd in a sense. It felt like there were steps to take and at the same time no steps to take. However there was one thing he could do with no hesitation. Speak from the heart with how he felt. "I suppose I was thinking of it being a creative take on the words you said to me? Without any negative connotations, but also because well it's hard to put into any conventional words of your attractiveness to me? I didn't mean any innuendo by it, but if I were to try to explain? You have a cute smile even if you may not like to show it and a beautiful figure to match with it...If I dare say you do have a sexy accent. It is something I did while undercover to play the role it is better to mix it with some truths. I put it in a nice way with Ted's flair, but I did mean it all the same." He stopped talking being self-conscious if he was saying far too much.
Bombarded with compliments and kindness, she squirmed under the two other's gaze. As her brain worked through the information, she had a sudden realization. She had spent all this time reacting naturally, but... honestly why shouldn't he think she was attractive? She was, scientifically, she'd checked herself via multiple magazines and intensive research, she was attractive. Or at least she thought so. But when someone else said it to her she was wriggling like it wasn't true, and she didn't know why.

Sitting up with some degree of confidence, she looked at Ngao. "Well it is only natural," she said matter-of-factly, "I am attractive, and those of a mind of desire are bound to see me and think me a creature worthy of such affections. You are... attractive as well. To me. And probably others, somewhere," she added quickly, "though that is a moot point. Your earnest nature, as I said, is refreshing even if I don't understand it. I only fear that such feelings are unprofessional," she said, eyes darting to Bee, "and I would not want to cultivate a reputation of an easy woman. Especially with... the literal captain right there."

"About that," Bee said with a chuckle. "Me and Bark have actually been dating for a couple of weeks now. So, to check off your concerns, as long as the relationship doesn't affect your work performance you're fine and before you ask, I'm very willing to share him. Even join in if you want me to, though then we'd have some paperwork to do. So, with that out of the way," she added, elbowing Bark's arm.

As bark thought of his next move, Shade was struck with a confusion. They had been in a relationship the entire time? Since when? Wait, the entire time she's been here?

Bark was conflicted on many things and he wasn't sure what was the correct thing to do. He shook his head, as that felt like the wrong way to think about this as there couldn't be any kind of correct way to do this. If a situation seemed chaotic? It was best to follow a path and figure things out, as much as many wanted a pattern in the chaos. He took a deep breath and finally after all of this? Let go of the table as some kind of odd, hard wood security blanket so to speak. He sat up a little with renewed resolve, as he had things to say to both of them. He placed a comforting hand onto one of Bee's and what he hoped to be a comforting hand near Shade's, barely letting their fingers touch. Since he didn't want her to leap out of some fear.

First he turned to Shade, which he smiled. "I appreciate that you find me attrative without any negativity hinted this time. I hope we can get to know each other and become closer and you can show me more of the smile you're hiding under there. However I would never think you as an easy woman, your beauty matches your strength. Although that may lie in other areas I lack? You're strong and not weak nor easy. I do hope you will feel comfortable someday allowing me to touch you at least to hold hands." He kept smiling the entire time, as his tail wagged. Right after? He turned to Bee.

"Bee I do find you attractive, but I imagine you already know that?" He smirked for a brief moment, as he rubbed at her hand. "You're as beautiful as you are sexy and there is no way to dispute that claim at least in my eyes. However I would like to get to know more of Beatrix under there. Not that you aren't showing me anything amazing, but I would like to see more parts of you. Whether they are bad or good, but a relatonship needs everyone to see the other even parts that they may not easily reveal...Also I do hope both of you can see something in each other? I like both of you, but I hope you two can find something in each other to like. Hopefully see what I see in both of you." He was turning to both with a smile. Soon enough becoming dizzy doing it too much.

Shade looked bashfully to Bee, then to Bark, and she let her hand be close to Bark's own. Not touching yet, but close. She had to admit, the fact that he took her reactions into thought was appreciated. "I... did not realize I was being appropriated into an existing relationship." She narrowed her eyes at Bark. "How many others have you seduced?"

He blinked, as the cheeks under his fur flushed enough for even Bee to see. More so for Shade to see. His almost what felt like heroic composure from earlier cracked with that question. "S-Seduced!? I-I don't seduce others! A-At least I don't think I do u-unless it is my clothes? P-Physique?" He took his nose to his armpits and sniffed for a brief moment. "S-Scent?" He was surprised by that notion, as that implied he somehow was gaining romantic and or sexual affection on purpose at least in his mind.

"Honestly," Bee said, patting Barks' shoulder as she looked over at Shade, "Once he made the first move, I did more of the seducing. It's essentially his first time."

With that admission, Shade then turned to Bee with narrowed eyes. "How many others have you seduced?" she asked with the same cadence as the first time she asked it.

"Uhh," Bee said, narrowing her eyes as she started counting on her fingers. "A dozen? Couple other office romances, but they moved first, so not sure how to count those?"

"Currently?!" Shade asked incredulously, as if Bee currently had a dozen lovers. "You don't mean Desk-Man do you?"

"No, not currently," the other woman said with a laugh, "in the last eighteen years. And no, Jeff never suggesting anything and I really don't know what's going on in his head half the time, so wasn't particularly interested."

Bark was finding this strange to talk about, as he hadn't realized she had a dozen. He blinked not knowing how to consider that. A part of him hurt and the other part impressed? This was of course coming from someone who was nowhere near well-versed on romantic matters. "I don't remember being told a dozen unless I didn't ask? I probably got lost in her eyes, hair, and everything else..."

"You didn't ask, sweetheart," Bee said with a shrug.

"Even while being insecure," Shade said with a roll of her eyes, "He still manages to compliment you. Truly a man of words. I can't wait to expeirence this talent."

"He's also very good in bed," Bee said, winking at the cat-type Chongwu.

"What is he doing in a bed- oh," her entire body burned with embarrassment as her eyes widened, and she stammered, "You can't just say that! We're in public!" She couldn't make eye contact with either of them, though she kept glancing at Bark for "whatever reason." It wasn't just to look at his eyes, but glimpse at the rest of him too as a stray thought informed her that this information was good to know actually. Outwardly of course, and most of her inner thoughts were entirely flustered however.

Bark was at first responding to her comment about him being truly a man of words. "I-I try my best so others don't feel insecure and try to tell them what I see that they're beautiful and---" He was cut off upon hearing he was good in bed, which he was flustered. Shade drove it home, as he realized he was in public and worse there was a good chance some of these people knew him, at least a few for a fact. A part of him was a little self-conscious noticing Shade glancing at him and taking glimpses since she had never done that before, at least to his knowledge. "M-M-Maybe not in the way she's implying, I just...Follow my instincts on what m-m-might make someone happy during that time! G-G-Get creative!"

The small pup known as his brain ran for awhile in it's processes, but slipped realizing none of that or at least partially some of that sounded wrong given the context. "I-I-I think that may have sounded wrong, b-b-but it's the thought that counts? T-T-Thought that c-c-counts."

"None of what you said countered what she said," Shade whined, "all it did was sound like you were affirming her words!" Utterly flustered she began eating her remaining pizza again, eyes staring at the table. She spoke quietly, nervously. "I'll just... take both of your words for it. Currently. Until... further research can be done."

Bark gave a nod that seemed like it was going a mile a minute, as he focused on his pizza and devoured another slice in what felt like an instant. However his brain caught onto something she said. Originally he thought research as in her computers, probably online research. Something he hadn't considered, at all really. Then it clicked what that could mean and more so on the subject. "F-F-Further research? W-W-What do you mean by that?"

She stopped in her tracks, pizza halfway to her mouth, and stared at him. Slowly, she took a bite, chewed it, swallowed, and sighed. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm," she whined, unable to speak. "Just... shut up, Ngao, you're foolish. You're a silly creature." She was deflecting his words hard.

He listened to her words and blinked at them a little on edge with what she meant. However she was being innocent with them...Probably. "O-Okay I'll be quiet and watch you two eat the rest of the pizza? P-Probably can't say any foolish things that way nor be silly...P-Probably."
She narrowed her eyes at him. "Do not assume what others say about you is fact. You are free now. Do not roll over like a defeated dog because someone has said something unkind to you, nor should you allow yourself to be silenced. If you wish to gain my respect in this world, you will stand up straight and remember that you are a person of means and heart. So don't be a bitch, or all existence will walk over you with delight. Silly dog," she finished, eating her pizza with a renewed sense of self. Finally, a topic that didn't involve something so mysterious to her as feelings.

His ears perked up listening to her words, which he was hinging on every last one until he heard the word bitch which he face planted his head onto the table for a brief moment. "You would use that word given I'm a canine Chongwu." He raised his head off of the table, which he shook his head to regain some of his composure. "Anyway I figure some 'battles' aren't just worth fighting over? Also I don't want to say anything too mean to anyone, since those can have consequences unseen. Sometimes can't be taken back."

She blinked once, thinking about her words, and slumped in her seat a bit. "I was not making a reference to your form by calling you a bitch, as I was using it's more modern meaning. I was not thinking. I apologize. I will use pansy from now on, until you prove truly that you're not willing to be talked down to. Or I'll just..." looking down with shame she sighed, "attempt to use kinder wording. I apologize."

He looked at Shade a part of his mind wondering if somehow this pizza placed him in an alternate reality? Alternate Earth perhaps? Perhaps in some version of Bark that was far more braver? That was the movies and books, as this far as he could tell was reality. Which he smiled and shook his head. "No it's fine I just...Never cared for that word. I do accept your apology, but your words aren't exactly wrong. I am free yes, but some old habits are just hard to break I suppose? It pertains particularly to never wanting to be brutal, unless there is no other choice or perhaps that brutality protects others down the line somehow. Everyone has different personalities, different feelings on matters and whatnot I don't want to say the wrong thing, but at the same time I could use defending myself more. I prefer you to be you, it's a part of what has made you, well, you far as I can tell. Strong in your words."

She didn't say anything for a bit, thinking to herself as she ate. "Defending yourself need not be brutal or horrific, but can be kind. And you are... already such. Kind, I mean. I will attempt to match that, someday. I will fail several times before success. Old habits die hard. When eventually you learn not to take my harsh words so seriously, you will have earned my respect and my body." She blanched, before forcing her composure back into place. "Of... research I mean. My body of research. Very extensive."

He was smiling at most of it until that odd slip up, very odd slip up however he got the gist of what she was saying, at least he thought so. "Er I think I know what you mean? I'll learn to become braver and not so sensitive, at least your harsh words...Does this mean you'll probably still groan when I talk to you vocally instead of by messages? I really can't type as fast as you or rather think as fast? Do you type using some virtual keyboard thing?"

"I type using my mind," she huffed. "It's fast, like thinking a thought and watching it be transcribed. So, when ordinary people then talk to me directly I have to wait longer for communication. I am streamlined. It is just a difference we both will have to accept. I will also groan when your relentless positivity rears it's head. Do not stop, however. That would be... a loss, I think, if you stopped entirely."

He couldn't help but laugh a little at that, as his tail wagged a little. "Ironically I was going to defend myself and tell you there is no way I can't not be positive when you do a good job as you did. More so because I know, well, logical thinkers can at times focus on their negative results and less of their positive results...I might be looking a bit too much into things with that. However I will say once more you did good on that second mission, your expertise with machines is something to behold. A different strength than mine, but a strength nonetheless."

Bashful again, she crossed her arms and stared at her dwindling pizza. "Shut up... flattery is too effective of a tactic to be fair. You talk so much. It's like you're shotgunning words in an effort to say something someone will like."

"He's very good at that," Bee replied with a nod, having stuck to listening and eating pizza.

He chuckled a little, which gave a nod. "I suppose to a degree, but I prefer everyone happy if that makes sense? Also nothing wrong with telling the truth of how I feel on matters...Don't let the pizza get cold. Although thinking about the recent, er, I suppose revelations today? I'd like to know some things you like in general If you'd like to share."

She thought for a moment, trying to figure out what exactly to say. "My name is Fel Shade, I chose that name myself because I thought it suited me, I spent some time intimately tied with technology and now I am powerful." She tilted her head to the side, thinking further. "I am awesome, and I like to think the reason I was hired was out of fear of my continued freedom in the galaxy. I could destroy nations with some luck and time, not that they need any help with that. I am beautiful, and I can sleep anywhere if need be. Very useful when running from authorities."

Bark blinked at what he was told, as this all sounded like an interview and less about things she liked such as a hobby of computer gaming. "That's good to know and I do agree with the beautiful part, no contest. However I was meaning things you like as in hobbies maybe? Things you like to collect? I might be speaking out of turn, but I think you like computers so maybe games with those fancy rigs on the head?"

"Oh." She sighed, her dramatic spiel for nothing as he moved on quickly from her power. "I have not had much time for pleasentries as such, but rarely I indulge in playing such games that offer unlimted power in some regard. I also collect rare computer viruses, and when I have time I further the power of my Avatar, my drone. It is my child, and is very helpful. Though the targeting systems will no doubt need a reboot after the last display of pathetic failure."

Bee blinked as Fel listed off her hobbies, her head turning as she thought them over. "Guess you focused what little time you had on things that were adjacent to your survival," she said. "We'll have to introduce you to movies as well."

"Oh!" Shade said, perking up, "I am familiar with movies. I can play them and ignore them while I do other things. But I did watch '007: Furever Shot,'" she said with a hint of heat to her cheeks. "For the technology, of course."

"Good to know you already know about the James Bond franchise," Bee said with a smile. "Hold on, isn't that the one where a dog-type Chongwu plays the part of Bond?"

"His first entry in the franchise yes," Shade said, eyes darting to the side to avoid proving she knew more than that.

Bark was taking this time to kind of watch between the two of them. Since he was not really one for movies, at least not yet. Also he might have been far too distracted the first and last time he saw a movie. However he did interject for a brief moment. "Good to know you like movies, I'm uh getting used to them? I hadn't seen one till about two weeks ago?"

"Your lack of cultural education is noted," Shade said flatly. "We'll fix that. There are many such of the artform that gave inspiriation to the technology world of today. Required viewing for any techno-witch."

"Uh, if I may ask what kind of artform do you speak of? Like actual movies or do you mean something like art museum? Books? All of the above?" He blinked as he thought about all of these things, given he's seen they exist but never truly interacted with some of them such as movies.

"I was talking about movies," Shade affirmed. "All of those other places have too many people. You can just see their exhibits online, travel is pointless as such."

"Don't know if I'd go that far, but all those media are art in their own way," Bee said, finishing her crust. "Some are more fancy then others, but the point is to enjoy them."

"I can't really comment on that, but if I go by life experience? Seeing it over a computer or a brochure isn't the same as looking at it. I suppose an analogy concerning the Chicago Bean would be like kind of saying seeing a picture of a mirror is the same as looking into a mirror. You can see it's make and get a feel for it, but you miss out on the other bits by not being around it? I think that makes sense." Bark gave a nod, as his ears perked seemingly proud. However he did notice Bee finished her crust and wiped her mouth once more with a napkin. "Right timing I think this time." He smiled, as he sat there and was ready to listen to both of them.

"Yes but if I go somewhere there's going to be people there," Shade whined. "Crowds of huddled masses, any possibly armed. In the AU, most definetely armed. For legal reasons that's a joke. Mostly."
"Which is why it's good to go with friends," Bee said, leaning against Bark. "Think I'm full, you guys good?"

Bark gave a nod, but he tapped a claw on his muzzle to think about that predicament. "Well maybe we could try to arrange a private visit of sorts to a museum? Late hours so it might be far less people or just us." He placed a hand on one of Bee's giving a small squeeze. "I'm full a bit, but are you sure you don't want to sit and let the food settle?"

Shade finished her meal then, and sat there looking at the two of them. This was a fascinating and very overwhelming predicament she'd found herself in. She was now, for all intents and purposes, in a relationship? At least with Ngao, which forced her to admit that he was attractive. It was imperically true, scientifically. At least as far as she was concerned. But she had no idea how to deal with this. Maybe that was something to work on. Maybe it was about time she tried to date someone. Test the waters, see what happens. It can't be worse than some of the relationships her friends had experienced.

Verbally, however, she said nothing, eyes on the table as she philosophized to herself.

"Fair enough," Bee said, looking over to Shade. "Earlier, you said Furever Shot was the first entry of Peter Perry in the franchise. Which is your favorite?"

"Favorite what?" Shade asked, suddenly aware of the question. "Movie? Actor?"

Bark blinked and simply watched both of them talk about this movie. This was probably a bonding moment for them and he couldn't get in the way of that. He was a canine, with manners.

"Peter Perry, 007," Bee said, "Which is your favorite? The Cat who Loved Me? License to Pur?"

"... I can't help but to think that these are very pointed," Shade said suspiciously. "My favorite is the first one, Furever Shot, as they didn't try to force a love interest. They should allow him to just have a short casual relationship over the course of the movie, then vanish off. He doesn't need every woman falling over him with their heart and soul. There's a difference between sexual liberation and unhealthy clingy behaivor. Girls need to have some self-respect, fuck him, and get on with their lives being mysterious, like he does."

Bark simply watched them keeping his ears perked and open, as he listened. Once he was starting to get the gist of what was going on? For a brief moment he wanted to comment, but an instinct deep down told him this wasn't for him. This felt like a moment for ladies talk. Unless he was directly asked, then he wouldn't have had a choice rather felt like it at least.

"Sadly it's misogyny is one of the downsides of the whole James Bond franchise," Bee said with a sigh. "Got a favorite movie overall? I'm a big Back to the Future fan, but didn't want to potentially confuse Ngao with the time travel stuff."

"I am fond of movies that feature technology," she responded with a shrug, "But I haven't had time to see much else in depth. Always something that needs to be done to survive. Always need to remain vigilant."

"Well, hopefully we can help ease those concerns," Bee said, squeezing Bark's hand back.

He smiled feeling the squeeze back on his hand, which he looked over at Shade and gave a nod. "Well we'll make time to see movies or anything else you find interesting, even if that means having to stay up till late to finish...Uh just in case are we allowed to call off at work?"

"I can do work while doing other things," Shade mewed smugly. "I'm a machine, capable of working remotely with just my eyes and a screen. And... a direct connection to the office. However, I am still impressive."

Bark's ears twitched, as he shook his head at her affirmation. "I agree you are as impressive as you are beautiful. However watching it alone and while doing work isn't the same as watching it with others and relaxing...Maybe save some movies for us to watch together?" He placed a hand as close as he could next to Shade's, but kept a smidge of distance so they weren't touching. It wasn't holding hands nor touching, but he hoped it was close enough.

"At the very least you need popcorn," Bee said with a nod. "Cuddling under blankets is good as well."

Her eyes were looking at his hand keeping it's respectful distance, her own hand barely twitching away. She stopped it, to the best of her ability. She couldn't say she was going to try a relationship and not hold his hand at some point right? It was absurd, but her body fought her brain on that front. "I will be sure to allow myself to watch a movie with you without distractions, as intended."

He smiled and seemed to be nodding a mile a second. "Good! I'll do my best to keep up with movies even those with odd concepts! Like multiverse concepts and all that!" He noticed her hand didn't seem to be twitching away as much, but he was respecting her condition and wasn't going to cause her to jump or possibly be uncomfortable. "I do agree with Bee though cuddling under blankets while watching movies is really great---" He was going to say something else, but held himself back. It maybe was going to concern her living conditions, but that wasn't his place to say. "--maybe we could make sure to do that as well when we watch movies?" He stopped himself not wanting to potentially make another mistake.

Shade didn't think it would happen soon, but she couldn't say no. She couldn't allow herself to not feel some sort of intimacy forever. "Maybe," she shrugged.

"Could see if there's any other sites to check out in the Windy City while we're here," Bee said.

"Hmmm well we could go and take a look at the Lurie Garden? It should be near here, as I remember it not being too far from the Chicago Bean. They may have changed it some since then, but it should be nice to see. Less people there I believe." Bark said thinking on the matter and trying to think of other places for them to visit as well. "We could also check out the Navy Pier, various attractions there and maybe could take a ride out on one of the ships and get a view of the water from there."

"I will follow you," Shade said quietly. "It's safer that way. Though a garden sounds nice."

He raised an eyebrow at the quiet answer, curious about the way the response told. "If you have any ideas about any kind of places you'd like to see Shade, you can tell me."

"I literally have no idea what is here, and I do not care to find out." She crossed her arms, her hand no longer near his. "I will follow the two of you until such a time as you get bored walking in a city infested with danger."

"Oh..." He had to think back on that matter and it didn't really occur to him at all. After all his handler was well known around here and by proxy wasn't messed with, unless someone wanted to start trouble. One way or another that trouble was going to be fixed and a message to accompany it. "I apologize Shade I hadn't considered your feelings on this. We'll check out the garden then? See how you feel about it. I don't want to make you feel paranoid or trapped, not if I can help it." He turned to Bee. "If that is okay with you Bee?"

"Some place nice and quiet sounds good," Bee said with a smile.

"Fine," Shade said, starting to slide from the booth. "Onward. I follow you."

Bark gave a nod and slid his way out of the booth, for a moment being goofy and sliding straight down under the table and to leave from under it. "Old game for being the middle person in the booth." He chuckled, which he held out his arm for Bee while on the other he waved his hand a little for Shade to be closer on the other side of him.

Bee shook her head as scooted out of the booth and held his arm."You could have just asked for me to move, silly," she said.

Shade watched his request as she somewhat held herself, and moved to stand next to him, careful to avoid touching at the moment.

Bark chuckled once more and shook his head. "Miss out on me being silly? That's kind of impossible for me to do." He looked over at Shade and smiled. It wasn't handholding, but she seemed to be close enough to infer as such which was good enough for him. Now he started making his way to the Lurie Garden, which some parts seemed to be in sections on purpose. However there were various plants in there and even better this time of day it seemed to be far less people, most people crossing around it to get to their planned destinations.

There did seem to be a new edition next to it with plants melded with tech and giving various neon lights and reflections of the sun and other neon lights. "This is the Lurie Gardens with the one section that was added many years later, by a different artist who wanted to give a different take. A more futuristic one."

"Very 2240s," Bee said, looking around while putting an arm around Bark's waist.

Shade, a far cry from her previous disposition, let her tail twitch happily as she approached the tech-flora. "Lattices like that of a peacock, or a solar panel, catch the light from the reverse and show the color the creator of the piece wanted to show." She leaned closer, smiling to herself as she examined them. "Then the neon of the neon-flower comes from the synthetic cloroplasts, which does make them very poisonous to most forms of life. They can only exist here, most likely."
Bark's cheeks started to flush a little, as he wasn't used to the arm over the shoulder maneuver. He did as such with Bee, which he gave a nod and paid attention to both of them. "Yes I suppose it is very 2240's, but it is interesting in comparison to the natural garden. It could be seen as an analogy of life through history in a sense? Plants originally had to be grown and tended to, it was life manipulated in a sense, but ultimately it came from the earth itself. The technological aspect can be seen as life being created, but I suppose in a different way with the machine aspects to it. It comes from sentient life in an attempt to imitate natural life." The interpretation probably shockingly was coming from Bark who didn't seem to be quite that deep. Until now.

"Art has many layers," Bee said with a nod. "Extra meaning just adds to its beauty."

"I want to take one," Shade whispered into a flower.

Bark gave a nod, as he looked at both sets of flowers. "There are extra meanings in art, more so when they make a point about life." He looked over at Shade and shook his head. "Let's not take one of the flowers...Besides I think they might have a gift shop or a designated spot where you can pick one or two."

"Probably needs a power source at all times to make sure it doesn't die too," Bee said, looking at the flower's stem. "Don't want to kill it, after all."

Shade was focused on the colors of the flower, as it shifted hues slowly. Her eyes were alight with delight and the red overlay that let her see the technology within. "But it's pretty. It's like synthetic life will always mimic natural life, in some shape or form." She was kneeled down, bending forward as she followed the flower as it gently swayed. "Natural life, even when making something unnatural, can't help but make it look like its natural counterparts."

Bark gave a nod at Bee's words, which made him wonder if he should figure out how to get one for Shade. A genuine one perhaps and not one in it's likeness or worse a fake one with just pretty lights. She was a tech genius and could easily see it wouldn't be the same. However he did pay attention to her words and think on them for a brief moment. "I suppose that is one way to look at it when you focus on it's similarities, but when you focus on it's differences? It could be said that it is trying to mimic something that it can never quite be. Most plants only shine in the sun and not on their own, they follow the instinct of life and hence don't follow quite any fixed time table on things. Also most importantly there is a cycle of life to plants so to speak, an organic design where every thing is to be of use to something else." He thought of something that had been on his mind on a little concerning all of this.

"I suppose in a sense it would be as if there were a natural and divine entity. A deity of sorts, which you would have to ask yourself how would sentient life copy it? They would use many methods, a good portion of them mechanical and perhaps other portions biological with genetic manipulations..." He shook his head that was too deep of thinking and wasn't needed. "Apologies if such discussions are kind of, er, boring. It was something that was on my mind at one point." He squeezed Bee's shoulder a little.

"We all contemplate deity at some point," Bee said, leaning her head against Bark's side. "Even if it's just to think of ways they fucked up and you could do better."

"I would be a great goddess," Shade said, slowly pulling herself from the flower. "I am already feared in several forums, like most religious figures. I am probably hated somewhere too!" She looked down at the flower, then back to Bark and Bee. "Had you been touching each other like this the entire time I've known you and I just never knew?"

"We didn't do it at work, so it's understandable that you didn't notice," the other woman said with a shrug. "And you probably didn't notice the gossip either. Or Zima's snide remarks."

"...Odd as it may sound? I never really thought about myself doing better than a deity. I made mistakes and viewed myself as flawed, too flawed to figure out unforseen mistakes. One example might would be if you made everyone nice for example no deeper thought process behind it. An immediate mistake could be by proxy certain boundaries we have developed may not exist that normally would be there." It was clear Bark thought about such things, to a far deeper extent than some.

However his train of thought was broken paying attention to Shade asking if they have been touching each other like this the entire time? His cheeks flushed, but he let Bee explain as he nodded his head. "I-I-I might have started taking ideas on looking up greasy food when she has bad days at work. I figure hugs aren't allowed, but affection in other ways are allowed?"

"PDAs are a no-no, yes," Bee said, now realizing why she'd been eating such rich foods lately. "Guess my point is to not make it too obvious?"

"I will endevour to remain my usual self," Shade confirmed. "What else is there to see here? I have had my fill of nature, because the other nature here will not satisfy my need for tehcnology. And further because I am not allowed to steal the techno-flower."

"Hmmm there might be one more thing to do here I'll be right back." He unfortunately had to leave Bee's side to go find some place he was looking for. It took him a little bit, which he had to use his ears but he saw a gift ship nearby. He made his way quick and looked to see if they had the flowers for sale there. There was a variety, but fortunately he knew which ones to pick and even came with gift boxes for each. He made his way back on purpose as out of their sight as he could be.

"Random-ish, spur of the moment, but the gift ship did have the flowers. Techno and natural. I didn't want to spend too long with the choices!" His tail wagged happily, as he handed each one their box.

"Aww, you shouldn't have," Bee said, taking her box. Opening the top, she revealed a dark red petaled specimen, it's veins pulsing with a brighter red light. "You even got my favorite color." Reclosing the box, she gave him a one armed hug, holding the gift close.

Shade had never been given a gift before, not like this. She wasn't the sort that generated enough goodwill in others for that. Holding her gift box she opened it, revealing the vantablack synthetic orchid within. The stem was lined with cheap solar panels to power the reddish color pulsing from the center, and her eyes were wide as she looked at her present. She took it in her hands, feeling it's weight, before she slowly placed it under her goggles behind her ear. She closed the box, and placed it in one of her many coat pockets.

Despite the tears of joy in her eyes, her voice remained level as she said, "This is a very thoughtful gift, despite the wasteful use of personal funds displayed here."

Bark first returned the one armed hug to Bee, which he nuzzled a little on her cheek happy to have gotten both of them gifts. "I'm always happy to give gifts and make you happy Bee and that goes for you too Shade. However." He left Bee's hug to get close to Shade and waved a finger in front of her nose. "I might be naive and some might say a hopeless romantic, but I refuse to think of these personal funds as wasteful on you. You're worth every last credit and far more if I could think of other things you'd love to have Shade. It's worth it if only in the hopes I get to see that smile again. Bee's smile is gorgeous and so is yours so I'll keep trying to see it no matter how hard it is." This moment he seemed to have backbone and wasn't taking any kind of negativity or any semblance of it.

With a bashful whine Shade was under attack from positivity again, mind running a mile a minute as she fought to understand this oddity. Finally, she could think of no useful words to say. Nothing snarky either. So she looked up at him and sniffled, and hugged him tightly.

He was shocked to say the least and for a brief moment did a double check by looking down. This wasn't Bee hugging him at all, this person was a Chongwu and this Chongwu was Shade. This wasn't even something like handholding, but an actual hug. It might have been a bad thing possibly, but consequences be damned. He returned her hug with one of his own holding her as close to his body as he could, which his tail was responding by wagging miles a minute in the air. If he had two of them, he probably could fly. It was nice to feel her fur against his, as he felt it being soft at least to him.

And for a few seconds she let him hold her, before with a catlike agility she slithered out of his grasp. Standing a few paces away, face heated and bashful, she composed herself, arms crossed before her. "That's enough now. Thank you. Where will we go next?" She couldn't quite match his eyes, shifted slightly to the right.

"Doing pretty good so far," Bee said, giving one last squeeze to Bark before taking a step back.

He was smiling at Shade, as he knew that had to be a big step for her even if it was just a few seconds. He rubbed his cheeks to keep his mind back on track of things. "Next stop seems like the Navy Pier, which they should have a variety of things to check out and see. Hopefully they might have added some technology worthy things for Shade to see as well. There might be some museums, but I imagine they won't be as fun for Shade." He chuckled as he once more held out his arm for Bee and held out his arm for Shade, but given her embarrassment? He figured she wasn't going to take it.
Shade was tempted to take his arm, she wanted to actually, but she stopped herself. She stood by his side, flower on her head, and kept her arms to herself. The hug was too soon, she lamented, but what else could she do? She'd had no words. "Mueseums are fine. I will survive. Unless someone tries to kill us. Then that certainty is placed in jeapordy."

He tapped his muzzle to think of a museum for them, but their tastes were in different things more so concerning a museum. "There is the Art Institute Of Chicago and also the Museum Of Science And Industry? Where would you two like to go?" His tail was wagging simply having a good time and early memories were in some of these areas.

"Either works for me," Bee said with a shrug. "Will see some ancient stuff either way."

"I want to see humanity's inferior technology," Shade demanded quietly. "They put their old things in buildings to gloat over their ancestors, until one day they will be displayed in turn."

Bark chuckled a little at Bee's response, but nodded his head at both of them. "Alright then I think we'll check out the latter and then the former?" He started taking them towards The Museum Of Science And Industry, but not before this time kneeling down. "You can go on my back Bee if it's starting to get tiresome to walk so much. It could be a good for a little break." He smiled, as his tail could be clearly seen wagging at the innocent thought.

"Sure, unless you want to ride him Shade," Bee said, smiling as she looked over at the other woman.

"Not particularly," Shade replied with a huff. "I'm sure you've far more practice than I, regardless."

"True," Bee replied, handing her flower box over to Bark, before putting her arms on his shoulders and hoisting herself up. "Onward, horsey," she said, chuckling as she wrapped her legs around his waist and arms around his neck.

Bark blinked a little Shade's remark, surprisingly being a bit too innocent. That one flew over his head and considered it some odd remarks between them. However he did as instructed, as he rose up and began to walk with Bee on his back. "I'm almost shocked you didn't go for the doggy word instead of the horsey one." He held onto her legs making sure she wouldn't fall, as he soon had them heading to the Museum Of Science And Industry.

"Dang it, I knew I was missing something obvious," Bee said, laying her head against his.

It was a huge museum that from the outside looked something similar to The White House or even a Greek or Roman building, but the inside? It was all too different with various areas showing off different ideals of science from different eras. All the way from the early ideals of the wheel to the advanced ideals of space travels. An unfortunate circumstance of this museum there were some crowds, some places a bit more crowded than others however some areas had far less. Soon he had to stop himself from attempting to nuzzle his head against Bee's, not necessarily to speak, but to form coherent thoughts. "Alright we can check out various spots, but maybe we'll focus on areas less crowded?"

Shade followed the two as they insisted on thing silly game they were playing, her typical stance defending her from the world as they ventured onward. "I cannot tell you what to do," she said quietly. "I will follow, despite the amount of people." Her choice was clear, but she was reluctant to actually voice it.

"Let's go less crowded," Bee said, kissing the back of Bark's neck. "Less noise is always good."

Bark's body shivered at receiving one of Bee's kisses, but he kept his focus. "Understood! We'll check out one of the other areas not at the beginning." He moved himself over to one of the more later areas, as this particular science seemed more probably common place these days. This was the exhibit that gave a look at the early versions of genetic modification and the artificially created human genes. Also the subject was probably a little too complicated for the young to grasp on a field trip. "Seems like there really isn't too many people here."

"Ahh, your grandparents," Bee said, adding one last kiss to Bark's neck before lowering herself down to the floor. "Or how many grands you need to add from the early Chinese experiments that led to the Daqin."

"It's a family tree in name only, or perhaps more so in concept alone." Shade looked around, but the genetics research did not entirely interest her. She knew the concept, but more than that she knew the result that came of it. Such as herself. "Mechanical technology is the future. Genetic tampering only ends with you creating your own downfall by hand."

Bark blinked and looked a little confused on the information, but gave a small shrug. "I'll be honest I'm not certain of the specifics, but I only know of the Daqin's physical capabilities. What they're capable of, but I never looked at them as family? Strange as it might be to say, but family is various things but I never looked at it as Creator, Progenitor, nor Bloodlines I suppose? I look at family as those you're close by, fight with, and perhaps bleed with for those in such professions literally and metaphorically for those in stressful enough professions and or lives." He turned to Shade and said something that came to mind on the matter. "Well if we're the result of genetic tampering? I'd say it's given rise to one of the most beautiful people around and I don't think it's me." He smiled, as it was too easy to come up with but it seemed good given the situation. "We can move on from here to another quiet exhibit."

"Honestly a much more healthy mindset on family than most people have," Bee said, taking her flower back as well as one of Bark's arms. "Lead on, to something with more metal."

Shade grumbled at the compliment, lamenting her inablity to counter it with sass in some way. "Let's go elsewhere, see something more interesting. And less dire and troubling."

Bark gave a nod with a small chuckle, but did answer Bee first. "Heh I would like to take credit for it, but to a degree it's just some of the circumstances I was given? My handler believed sentient life needs experiences to make up it's own mind. Go through enough things as a team? Well you become closer and know things about one another, even some things you may not want to know." Although he tapped his muzzle for a brief moment. "If I may ask however what is the exact history of the Daqin? Far as I knew? They were a grave threat to my handler and by extension to the team I worked with to protect him and fight for him depending on the situation."

While asking the question, he made his over to another exhibit that seemed a little more crowded but far less in comparison to others. The exhibit he brought them towards was one of the ideal of transportation in the future, the various design changes and inner workings that changed along with materials. Some of the switch from gas to electric.

"Short version," Bee said, looking at the 19th and 20th century artifacts, "the old Chinese superstate made the Daqin to more easily colonize their holdings to keep up with the Americans. The Daqin didn't like being slaves, so they overthrew the Communist rulers and left to fully colonize their home system. Then after a while, they made you guys for similar reasons. Cause history doesn't repeat, but rhymes."

"History is a flat circle screaming on a table," Shade said, "trapped in an endless loop of similar lyrics in a song of pain." Shade looked on the history of technology, not impressed but understanding. "Like the transporation machines. The design changes but they often share a name, and while the specifics change, the method only changes when enough pressure is put on those who profit from the previous method. So it will be forever."

Bark listened to both of them interested in both topics, but the Daqin one as that to a degree was apart of history for him. It didn't feel like it, as it wasn't like he woke up in some Daqin facility far as he knew, but it was nonetheless apart of history for him. "That is an interesting part of history, but odd they would repeat the cycle...Then again it is possible they only knew what they were taught. Perhaps to a degree the incapability to actually know better?" He paid attention to the transportation exhibit. "Maybe but some of the design changes had to happen, as people adapt to changes and I imagine some things became far too obsolete to keep using...Imagine using ancient computers?" Now he took them over to another exhibit that went over various scientic materials in general and the changes of use, of what was old and modern. Different metal usage, various cable changes and even safety equipment changes.

"I mean, the inventor of the seat belt gave away the design and it took government regulation to make car manufacturers use it," Bee said with a shrug. "Everything is in tension between various parties, all influencing each other to various degrees."

"I should just control everything," Shade decided firmly. "Much more streamlined, and I'd finally get a statue of me somewhere as recognition of my power." She battled the urge to reach out and touch the different materials, glaring at the "No Touching" sign near the exhibit."

"You'd just need an army of Ngaos to protect you from the ungrateful masses," Bee said with a nod, looking over an ancient toaster.

Ngao blinked at both of them as apparently history seemed to have darker and or more annoying things that he didn't see. Perhaps even things he didn't want to see. However he shook his head at the thought. "I'd hope Shade you would be be glad to have a spot of recognition in my heart, but I don't think you'd be satisfied with that...Also I think I'm fine with just one of me, er, I suppose two of me? That is complicated and can get awkward to explain."
"Two of you?" Bee asked, smirking as she looked over at Bark. "So both of us could have one of you to ourselves?"

Shade sputtered, the idea causing her some distress. How the Captain could say such things with that much ease astonished her. It had taken Shade all her strength and no small amount of spite to allow herself to make the riding joke earlier. "Oh look, a microwave oven. How quaint. I could probably turn it into a robot with some time."

Bark's normal response might have been to be flustered and embarrassed at the notion, but perhaps because of who it concerned? He gave a loud laugh and continued to laugh with even a small canine-like snort at the end of it. Finally the laughs died down, as he finally could speak on the matter. "I doubt it, I highly doubt it in fact. I don't think my sister even goes towards ladies in that way, curious maybe and that is a big maybe. The most confident of us and very sexually liberal, but I never heard of her into ladies...Also if she were? I think she'd clash with Shade right away. Always competitive between us and trying to get any rise out of me." He shook his head. "Anyway you mentioned a microwave oven---wait how do you turn one into a robot?"

"Nevermind," Shade sighed, walking away from the machine, "you somehow talked your way out of both the Captain's attempted sexual jab and my resulting awkwardness by talking, unpromted, about your sister. No one asked about your sister, the 'two of you' concept assumes a clone of some sort. Maybe multiversal travel. Some foolish plot device with much more work required than many authors and writers care to give it."

Bee tapped her chin, plots dancing through her head. "That was my assumption yes, but good to know," she said with a smile. "Where's your sister at these days?"

Bark blinked at Shade, which he shook his head. "Hey she mentioned cloning many of me, which I can assure you, would not be a good idea. I don't think so anyway, but that did make me think of my sister." He looked over at Bee and blinked, as he thought about that answer. "I'll have to get back to you on that, but she moves from time to time concerning her new job. I think she has something up recently being a bit too dodgy, even by our usual standards. For me I'd have many reasons, but for her? That's narrowed down by alot." He gave a nod and focused more on the exhibit. "I'll get back on that matter a little matter and you have that strange look like you're up to something Bee...I've seen it before, vaguely." He remembered the shower, but wasn't going to mention that.

Soon he led them to another exhibit concerning various tools and how they have changed over time. Physical workers tools and onwards towards even military tools, a mini exhibit to express 'digital' tools so to speak as computers evolved so much over time.

"So young," the cat said as she looked at the weakest machine ever created. "Built upon a subpar system of interconnectivity, with what they had on hand. I could build something better than this over lunch while sleeping. Humble beginnings."

"Back in the days when debugging a system meant pulling out the flyswatter," Bee said with a chuckle.

"It's weird seeing this, the monitors being so gigantic in comparison to more modern takes on them. Like a miniature ancient TV...I do like old keyboards though, love the sound of buttons pushing. Holographic interfaces are fine, but feel weird at times." Bark had shown them another mini-section within the exhibit showing various game consoles.

"The future is thinking alongside the machine," Shade noted. "You'll get there someday." She almost pat him on the back, condescendingly admittedly, but couldn't.

He chuckled a little, but shook his head. "I think I'll, uh, leave that one to you. You're better with the machines and are a goddess with'em, I'll just sit back in worship?"

Shade groaned, the constant heat to her cheeks making her feel vaugely vulnerable. "Well good, that's the required state of being." She adjusted the flower on her head, looking around quickly. For a moment she'd allowed herself to be at ease, or at least as at ease as she could be in public. "What do you wish to see? I feel as though I am being catered to."

Bark noticed Shade's words, which he shook his head. "Well I did say I want you to be happy Shade, but I do appreciate the gesture. However I believe we have seen enough here? Unless..." He noticed one more thing that could be of note and that was clothing, which was a new exhibit showing the science in new fashion. It was strange a little for him seeing clothes that were sewn and of shoddy material to clothes that could have various technologies of sorts in them.

"Hmm," Bee said, looking at the new takes on dresses, the fabric shimmering from inlaid lights. "Kind of like the flowers. And easily programmable."

"And yet, pockets remain elusive in women's formal wear." She gestured to her coat, plenty of pockets to go around. "This is better. Though... I do wonder if I can upgrade my coat. Not with lights, that's stupid, but something cooler."

"Could always go the meta-material route for invisibility," Bee said, pointing out another dress that seemed to fade in and out of existence.

"That's..." she narrowed her eyes at the outfit, "even more expensive than I can afford. That's Empire techology, until it natually disperses into other technology pools. This is probably fake, or would be utterly uncomfortable. I will find a better option."

Bark was afraid of even commenting his thoughts on the material, after all he knew even from a combat standpoint? His thoughts were kind of simplistic on the matter. However he did offer his input anyhow. "I never looked into the capabilities of material in fabrics really, except for those strong ballistic fibers. Try to have it focused on the most important points." He did think for a moment concerning the invisibility material. "Actually...I do wonder if the group we were after may have access in their warehouses? If we find another one that is. Could possibly get one there or perhaps they may have a prototype of some kind to copy it? If so you could find it and perfect it perhaps."

"We'll have to see," Bee said with a shrug, going over to a blouse with color-shifting fabric. "This kind of stuff I find silly. If you have enough money for this, you have enough to just buy the colors you like."

"It's... it's neat, but impractical," Shade agreed. "I wouldn't wear it, but my reasons for wearing a dress are few. Not like I'd have anywhere to put it anyway."

"Any dresses you two put on? I feel the dresses themselves might be flustered I'd imagine...I was never one for fashion? They used to make jokes about me just wearing military wear just about anywhere. It took me a bit to get used to regular and plain clothes, with no ballistic fibers added at all." He tapped his shirt out of an old habit.

Bee narrowed her eyes at Shade's apparent lack of space for a single dress, but shook her head at Bark's comments. "I'll help out in that department," she said with a smile.

"Besides, I prefer what I wear," Shade looked down at herself, swishing her coat about. "But you can feel free to wear something more flattering, Ngao. At present you look like an average strongman with no fashion sense."

"Yeah, we'll have to work on that if you want to go undercover as anything other than a Southern redneck," Bee said, her smile turning into a smirk.

"As convincing as your performance was," Shade added with a smug smile.

Bark blinked at both of them, at this team-up? Cohesion? Cahoots? Then he remembered his words on that undercover op and all it came together. "Er fashion isn't my strong suit? I'll just use Teddy as a cover, I'm certain he appreciates that. No one hates Teddy nor his fashion sense. Besides his ladies at home make everything 100% easier, gives him something to fight for...Don't tell Zima I--er Teddy said that."

"While we only give you trouble?" Bee asked, walking up to him and running a finger along where she knew his scar was.

Shade rolled her eyes, not quite confident enough to follow suit in any similar manner. "I think I'm particularly helpful actually. Without me you'd be soft and squishy of character."

Bark's ears perked up, as his tail was frozen stiff. His cheeks were flustered, but just short of being visible. "T-Trouble? N-N-No not at all! Shade I'm c-confused on what you mean being s-soft and squishy of character?"

"You are literally trembling right now," Shade said, arms crossed still, but now her stance was different. Smug, confident, and enjoying his torment. "Understandably, but that's not even the worst of it. You have been catering to my preferences without thinking of yourself this entire time. I told you, I am willing to brave the crowds of the more popular exhibits for a time, and yet you were hesitant. Soft. Squishy."

"N-No t-thats me trying to be c-compassionate and considerate, also you a-already have catered enough by giving me a hug. Highlight of the day so far. Unless you don't want me to be Soft and Squishy? If not...Then we can head to one more exhibit I have in mind." He said however he didn't dare move long as Bee was running that finger on him, while his body kept shivering here and there. Fortunately he was able to keep his composure, for now at least.
"Sure," Bee said, tapping his nose with her finger before turning to Shade. "I don't know if squishy is the right word? I do agree that he needs to add some more assertiveness to back up his compassion though."

"He is squishy of character, however, yes he is... physically capable." The cat sighed. "I will entertain the idea of finding a more fitting descriptor. Ngao, you wished to see something? If you're done vibrating in place."

Bark blinked at this odd team-up against him? Maybe it was for his benefit? "Yes I suppose I did, it concerned my profession so I paid more attention to that section than I should have." He made his way to the exhibit concerning weaponry and it's changes over the years. However this wasn't a weapons expo, so much of the explanation was vague. It did go over some of the scientific aspects of the weaponry with their materials and the various processes and ideas that went into some of the weapons. All the way from carved stone spears to the M17 and beyond.

"Seems like the Daqin don't have a problem with showing off their tech in places like this," Bee said, looking at the alien looking Type 3 assault rifle. "Just screams, 'I'm not even concerned at showing off, cause you're no where close', huh?"

Bark seemed to walk all over the display taking in all of the weapons. He made sure to take his time going through various people before reaching back with them to respond. "It does scream their superiority, but that is something I found oddly special with weaponry and certain particular tools through history. It isn't like the ancient computers that could only handle so much, so if you wanted to put world history into as little of a data drive as possible? You couldn't use an ancient computer at all. However when it comes to weaponry? If a spear made from nothing but rocks or perhaps even sticks is cut or stabbed in the right spot? It can still do something, not convenient for modern warfare, but still the fact that it can be used? It is staggering to me to say the least."

"Modern warfare is dominated by technology," Shade said, looking up at the bladed weapons with appreciation, "but we are not soldiers fighting soldiers. And a blade in the right spot, as you said, will kill you all the same. Something we must still worry about, despite all we have, is a madman with a sharp stick."

"Modern warfare is dominated by technology true, but ironically many of the strategies developed and the theories of battle and war? Their base ideals haven't changed." Bark looked over at the various weapons in WW1 to WW2 finding differences and similarities.

"More things change, the more they stay the same," Bee said with a nod, looking at a WW2 bazooka. "Usually just get bigger and more expensive."

"Very expensive," Shade agreed. "Odd how popular the more violence based exhibits are," she added, eyes darting as she checked for danger. "If I were smarter I could say something profound, but instead I will admit that it's neat."

"If we didn't, we wouldn't be in the business that we are," Bee said with a chuckle. "Plenty of jobs where you don't have to worry about being shot at."

Bark chuckled and shook his head at that statement. "No thanks, I figure there is more good to do with my capabilities in this kind of job. Also it might be awkward learning another profession." He paid attention to the various melee weapons, but paid more closer attention to the shield weaponry. "These exhibits garner some attention so many get an idea of weapons they might think about attempting to buy, legally or illegally depending on the circumstance."

"Just don't ask how 90% of the stuff in British museums got there," Bee said, shaking her head.

"They were just lucky enough to be the dominant power at the time of museums, when the concept was gaining favor. It's no excuse, certainly, but if not them, someone else would have done the same. They just got to most of the stuff first." Shade leaned against a part of the wall that wasn't overtaken with neat weaponry. "To see a warrior in full armor, shield and spear in hand, how fascinating to think on." Strong, well built, and Shade immediately stopped that line of thought before it kept running along.

"Agreed, pretty easy to have a thing for guys in armor," Bee said, looking over at Bark with a wink.

Bark was looking at the shields, but did focus on them upon hearing more of their conversation and saw Bee's wink. He was flustered, as he came to a conclusion that they maybe were talking about him? "W-Well heavy armor does look awesome to say the least. I wish some of those classics had modern equivalents with their unique designs, imagine fighting with one of those round or square shields these days?" He smiled with his tail wagging and thwapping through air.

"I mean, your shield is their great-great-grandchild," Bee said with a shrug. "You can always just use videogames to play out those fantasies."

"Or just carry more shields," Shade commented with a chuckle. "Be covered in shields, completely untouchable. Regardless, you could use more armor."

"I might have tried that once and it didn't work out, but good for some laughs though. The weight and hold of two shields is very tiring." He chuckled a little. "Playing with those shields in video games just isn't the same? The ballistic shield is more of the great-great-grandchild of the tower shield, meant to be block and not quite be used for much else. The other shields were meant to block as well as attack if need be, however they were a product of their time when melee weapons was the dominant weapon in many cases. The projectiles to defend against were arrows, big and far more easier to see."

"Not to mention not being able to pierce the shield that well," Bee said with a nod. "Still, your shield will stand up to far more abuse than these would. A hull cutter would tear these apart like butter."

Bark returned her nod with one of his own. "True I doubt these shields could stand up to modern weaponry and if so? Not enough. I just wish there were a more modern equivalent to the medium shield, but it wouldn't work maybe for the superhumans in Epsilon? Daqin perhaps? They can probably track the bullets and block with their shields. Then again like that one phrase? 'Be happy with what you've got'. Now we can make our way to the Art Mueseum? Unless there is something else both of you would like to see here?"

"I would like to see what you consider to be art," Shade said. "Or at least what the city of Chicago considers to be art."

"I believe it's a look at the classics, but more modern art has been put in there as well," Bark said.

"Modern as in today modern or modern as in late 20th, early 21st century modern?" Bee asked, raising an eyebrow.

Bark thought about it for a brief moment, as he was wondering how to answer that. "Uh...Both? We'll go with both. I usually got lost in my thoughts with art in trying to figure out the message it conveyed...I might have not taken a look at any years or plaques telling about the art piece...A-Anyway front seat ride or backseat ride Bee?" He smiled, as he was getting ready to lead them to the museum.

"You sure you don't want a turn, Shade?" Bee asked. "Great view from up there."

"I'll walk thanks," was the response from the rather unenthused cat. With a shrug, the other woman retook the summit of Bark, looking over his shoulder as he carried her forward.

Bark began to make his way on over to the Art Institute Of Chicago, which was a bit farther away. However he made certain to take the less crowded places he could, unless they took time in which case he had them go through a couple of crowds. Once they were in view? It had the similar design structure akin to the previous museum, except there were two majestic lions outside of it. Technically four, but two were holographic representations of the old stone designs. While the other two real ones were made from metals, shined down to have a shiny almost marble-like effect.

"Guess they're wanting to go for the modern look instead of the old-fashioned one, huh?" Bee said, her mouth quite near Bark's ear.

Shade awkwardly followed Bee and Bark, feeling somewhat like a third wheel on someone else's date, with some secondhand embarassment at the concept of them being seen and her being seen with them. "Clearly the old was out of fashioned. Old is for the mueseum apparently."

Bark's ear perked up at hearing her words and her breath on his ear, but he noticed Shade seemed to be awkward. Then again she was new at relationships and technically he was as well. He spoke, as he started to walk them into the museum. "Everything alright Shade? Sorry if it's the crowds, I tried to avoid them."

She blinked, not expecting to be spoken to about her awkwardness so directly. She'd have to amend her expectations. She thought about speaking her mind, as she'd done so far, but she suddenly considered the situation. Could she really say something about this? She was uncomfortable with their openness, but if she said something about it he was so soft and squishy of character that he'd probably stop, and that wouldn't be fair to the Captain, who appeared to be quite enjoying herself.

"You did fine," she said after her initial surprise wore off. "The crowds are a constant, and so I will handle it. I am doing my best."

He smiled, as he gave a nod to her words. "I appreciate you going through it and being here with us." Once they made it inside? He knelt down giving Bee the opportunity to get off of his back. "I'm not sure where exactly to go in this place of arts, so I might be following one of you more or less...Could go from more old stuff and down to modern?"

"Sure," Bee said, running a hand along his shoulder before she walked to the entrance. "Let's see, could go for the classic movements, Baroque and Neoclassical?"
Bark's body shivered once more, but he stayed composed thankfully. "That sounds like a plan." He continued smiling ready to lead them primarily through crowds since he was the tall one out of the three. He made his way through to the more classic movements of art not sure what art piece or pieces counted as Baroque.

Shade did not really know what to make of art. She'd only seen some movies, most in the corner of her eye as she did other more important things. Actively going to see art that wasn't in support of a friend was alien to her. She didn't have issues with art, not yet, but it seemed like something that only someone with far more patience than her could enjoy. So she followed Bee and Bark, looking at the art pieces and gauging their reactions for the proper ones.

"Looks like they got some loans in from other museums," Bee said, lookin over the options before walking up to a piece that depicted the biblical Prodigal Son. "Can't ever go wrong with Rembrandt. Looks like they even got one of his early self-portraits."

Bark looked over a couple of the art pieces taking them in and trying to get a read on them. He focused on their expressions and the colors, some parts were a little confusing however some things were a product of their own time. "He has some interesting pieces, but I am a bit confused by the Prodigal Son piece. If I go by the title? It looks like they should be happy, but their faces don't show happiness nor joy? Then again royalty was in dangerous times back then, so hence the serious expressions?"

"I mean, if you read the Biblical story, there's a lot mixed emotions to go with in the first place," Bee said, admiring the brushwork. "Think the main point is to compare the finery of the rest of the family to the rags of the Son. But art can take a lot of different interpretations. Rarely can one be wrong at the end of the day."

"That rings true for art, but I suppose I'm looking far too much into the title and less about the story it's based on? Another downside as well with interpretations is trying to plant some of ones' own life experiences into a piece that may have nothing to do with that." He turned to Shade. "What do you think about this art piece?"

Shade stood before the painting, looking up at it. "I am not familar with the story, but the title suggests that the ragged man has returned to his father. Evidently whatever he got up to elsewhere was underwhelming at least. Technically the painting leaves some quality to be desired, but it was thousands of years ago probably, so it can be excused." She looked to Bark before looking aside. "It is better than my own skill, so perhaps my thoughts mean little."

Bark blinked at her words and shook his head. "I don't draw at all Shade, I'm a terrible artist but your thoughts mean alot at least to me. I can't speak for others...Although thinking about it, do you do any art yourself Shade?" He said while looking at her.

"I've..." she thought for a moment, blinking slowly."I've never had the chance to try. There's much work to be done, and taking hours to days making something is not conducive to a productive life. My mentor's boyfriend is a painter, and that's most of the exposure to art I've had."

"Never to late to try," Bee said with a small smile. "Just need to find a stable place to do it. You find an apartment yet, by the way?"

Shade's body shifted to practiced neutrality as she responded, "Not too many options available at my price range, but I've got my eye on a place. I'm saving my money, as a point of preparedness."

"You could just use the allowance the job offers, you know," Bee said, shaking her head. "If it's a pride thing, could even pay it back. Just don't want a team member without a roof over their head."

"I'm fine," she hissed, "My priority is ensuring I'm ready to complete the job at hand, and so my focus is on my technology. Oh look, more... art." She huffed as she walked towards the next piece of art.

Bee frowned but followed, looking at some French neoclassical pieces, both pieces of 3D art.

"Oh look, a rare marble statue without a flacid penis," Shade hissed, "How brave. Watch as they defy tradition. His hat is stupid."

This was an awkward moment for him, as he was afraid of this. Shade was too prideful, while Bee was confident. It was similar to those martial artists story one of his family would speak of each being far too confident and not willing to let up on the other. "Uh it's strange and surprising at the same time because isn't Mercury essentially Hermes? Unless I'm getting deities mixed up?" He watched and heard them both. Hiss and frowns weren't good.

"Essentially," Bee agreed. "Apparently this is in part showing off his side as the god of merchants, though I'm not really sure how? Honestly just always impressed by stone sculpture. Being able to hew out an idea from a slab of marble? Before the advent of modeling software? Pretty incredible."

"Why does this clock have smaller clocks on it," Shade asked gruffly. "A basic clock serves it's function, adding more clocks just makes it redundant."

"Apparently it's an astronomical clock?" Bee said, looking at the sign. "So, probably showing phases of the moon and other stuff. A way to show you were into the sciences when this was the cutting edge. Somethings never change."

Bark thought about both works of art taking a look at both. "Well given that it was ancient times and whatnot? It wouldn't be too far fetched, as he was the messenger of the gods. Nowadays being a merchant and some kind of mail-person would be vastly different, but then? They were to a degree one and the same pretty much. The hat looks and feels like a uniform of sorts concerning he is a deity perhaps?"

He focused his attention onto the clock. "It looks kind of cool with various smaller clocks on it, but kind of redundant. Then again if they were used for astronomical signs? It makes sense couldn't just change your digital watch to different timezones or set alarms for things."

"Timezones have nothing to do with astronomy," Shade said in annoyance, as she marched towards more art. "His hat is still stupid."

"Oh...Apologies, I was referring to the fact of them needing multiple clocks essentially. The hat is an interesting touch since I don't think most if any of the Greek and or Roman deities used hats." He followed Shade, but kept a watch on both of them just in case and it didn't help being pulled two separate ways.

"Oh look, some old 21st century memes," Bee said, looking around a room lined with screens, each steadily flicking through a seemingly endless supply of images and clips. "Back in the old west days of the international network."

Shade watched the reel of memes, and was so confused at the content arrayed before her. "The concept has remained the same for centuries, and yet this is utterly meaningless to me. It is nothing but garbled information, which once held meaning. Perhaps nothing holds meaning forever. Maybe one day the concept of a shield will be just as alien and untranslatable as this garbage in front of me."

Bark blinked at what seemed like nothing more than brutality against this assortment of memes. However he watched the memes chuckling at a few of them. "Some of them are far too old not knowing the context, but a rare few still apply to the world today...Although I have to disagree about concepts holding no meaning. Some concepts will hold meaning until, unfortunately, sentient life somehow and someway is gone or perhaps irreversibly changed to something entirely different. I refuse to believe the concept of a shield will be gone. Long as someone has something to defend? That concept will never die, at least not with me I have two important people to protect and the common people? Folk? Er forgot how quite how that line went."

"I mostly find the quantity of this and future eras interesting," Bee said with a shrug. "Sure, 80% is garbage with no meaning to us now. But the evidence that nearly everyone could get into the medium? Just goes to show that anyone can make art."

"Especially considering how low effort some of these are," Shade said, walking through the Hall of Memes or whatever it was. "Anyone can be an artist, most people just suck at it. I could make better art than this. Is there any technology in this art museum? Something interesting? I should make that, other's works are most likely subpar anyway."

"Think I saw something?" Bee said, going over to another hall. "Got the classic 'self-lubricating arm', couple of Rube Goldberg machines. Kinetic art is an interesting version of 'old' modern art."

Shade reluctantly followed Bee with the promise of seeing more things, and stood before the self-lubricating arm, a replica that looked far shinier than the original. She stared at it, watching it move, silently. Until, "Why do you exist? Is this all you do?"

Bark watched them a little interested, but it didn't excite him like some of the other arts. "These arts seem odd, but cool in their own way?"

"Something about the futility of life or something like that," Bee said with a chuckle. "Apparently this one's a replica, but the original from the 1990s is still going at MIT."

Bark chuckled a little, but gave a small shrug of his own. "I suppose it makes sense, but as a Chongwu? That feels a little...Too real I think?"
Shade was still staring at the machine, watching it work. It kept working. It kept working. It wasn't allowed to stop. The only purpose it served was to ensure it's purpose was served. It was trapped. Almost imperceptively, Shade's breathing quickened. Why would someone make this? Why would someone subject this machine to this existence?

Bark's ears perked up as he heard the quickened breathing, which was distinct as he wasn't used to that coming from Shade. He turned to Shade and his usual instinct would have been to tap her on the shoulder, but he remembered she wasn't used to touch. "Shade? Is everything okay?"

She finally blinked again, looking towards Ngao. For a few seconds her face was without a mask, eyes wide, tears in the corners of her eyes before by sheer force of will her face turned neutral again. With the barest hint of a shiver in her voice, she replied, "O-of course. Just... thinking about my drone. It could be more self-sufficient."

"Good art does that," Bee said, resisting the urge to pat the cat's shoulder. "Makes you feel things."

Shade narrowed her eyes at Bee, the neutrality moving quickly to hostility. "I feel only an overwhelming feeling of wasting my time in a building designed for feelings. It is a hall of emotions, and as such remains pointless. I hope the two of you enjoy your afternoon." She turned around, arms crossed in front of her, and started walking towards the exit.

"Damn it," Bee said, scratching her head. "Guess I shouldn't have said anything."

Bark could see the distance between the two of them growing and this wasn't seeming good. Worse this was a predicament he wasn't prepared for, at all. "I'll try to talk her Bee, but I want you to be close. I'm hoping I can get through to her." He kept his ears perked and watched the work of art for a brief moment, trying to gain an idea. However it clicked, a similar idea but it was from a different point of view.

He caught up to Shade, with Bee following a little behind, and started walking beside her. "I think I might have an idea of what's wrong, but I would like for you to explain what's wrong, if you feel the need to. If not? Well we'll be right here beside you...Those tears weren't for nothing and I'd like to help in any way I can."

She stopped next to one of the holographic lions and turned on her heel to glare at Ngao. "I am fine," she said too harshly. "The world is not yours to perfect. You don't need to fix everyone you see. It's not normal. Just because you find me attractive does not mean you are required to make all troubles affecting me melt into nothing. Attraction is not love. Lust alone is not love. You do not love me." In a rare show of vocal volume, she was actively working to keep herself from yelling, resulting in a hoarse speaking voice. "It is not your responsibility to help me. I will help myself or I will eventually die."

Self-conscious, her eyes darted around before she stopped quietly yelling. "You have found a relationship, and you cannot be expected to manage two. I refuse to be a potential pressure point on something that already exists." The tears were back, held in the corner of her eyes and not allowed to actually fall. "I just want to go to my hotel room and tend to my Avatar. You are allowed to enjoy your afternoon with your girlfriend, and seeking common pleasures of whatever sort you please."

Ngao listened with his ears perked up taking in all that she said. Some parts hit him, almost as hard as a powerful Daqin giving a full blow. However he stood and listened, waiting until every word was said and done. "If you need me to take on any aggression of yours? That is fine, I can do it...I suppose I'm not normal and I'm uncertain if I have ever felt normal. However you don't get to choose what is or isn't my responsibility. That is my freedom to choose just as it is my freedom to care about you." He gave a nod, as he thought of other things to say while remaining calm.

He began to speak again while remaining calm. "You aren't a pressure point on this relationship, I can assure of you that. Also even if you were? I can't allow myself to walk away when you're about to cry, you're strong in your pride. I might be too naive, too stupid, too dumb, a dullard and other annoying synonyms, but I am smart enough to know it is not okay to leave you like this. Also smart enough to know I can't control or hide how I feel, but I can decide on what I do with those feelings. If I'm not allowed to help you with your robot? Allow me to take you to the hotel room. It's the least I want to do."

A few of the tears fell from her eyes as he clapped back with earnest assistance, and she hung her head with shame. Still, she wouldn't allow herself to cry. Not in public. Not even in private, really. She'd rather be swallowed by the void. "I apologise for my words. I cannot control you. I apologise for ending the museum visit early. Please, could you escort me back to my hotel room? I would be grateful."

"No need to apologize Shade, the museum wouldn't have been as fun without you...I meant what I said I'm here if you need me. Whatever might that be for, even if it's for some odd experiments with machines? Drone shock weapon? I just ask not to be shocked too much." He told a small joke in the hopes of lightening the mood, but he turned them around to make their way back towards the hotel. Once more taking the least crowded ways, but he made sure to walk next to Shade. He couldn't hold her hand, by being her side? That was going to be good enough for him.

As they started walking back to the hotel, Bee walked up to Shade and said, "I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable with all the questions." With that, she walked a little slower until she was a step or two behind the pair of Chongwu.

Shade was nearly overwhelmed with guilt, but she let Bee walk a bit behind them. She semi-led the way to the hotel, partially moving on autopilot until she walked with them into the elevator. Finally, with some degree of privacy, she said with a whimpering voice, pointed to Bee though Shade didn't look up at her. "I apologise for my conduct towards you. It seems I am... not as well off as I believed myself to be. This day has... revealed much. About me to myself. I do not like it. That remains no excuse. I was... unprofessional."

"How about we forgive each other and let bygones be bygones?" Bee asked, shrugging her shoulders. "At the end of the day, I think we both want what's best for the team overall. We just need to find a way to get there together. Fair enough?"

"Yes." She nodded, head still hung. "You are strange to me, but... not as strange as I thought. You are like most Chongwu of Hawking. Professional in many cases, and yet shockingly unprofessional outside of work. It confused me then, and it confuses me now. Someday I will ask your assistance in understanding this."

The elevator dinged gently, and as the doors opened she left the elevator and kept walking towards her room.

"Take care," Bee said, as Shade walked away.

Bark was staying in the elevator and listening to them, wondering if there were any words that would help? Probably not, that seemed to be a reocurring theme. "Have a goodnight Shade and I'm sorry if I did anything, wrong or stress inducing..." He was going to keep it simple and hopefully not complicate things.

She stopped right outside the elevator door, sighed, looked down both halls twice, then turned around. She didn't know how to say anything at this point, something to exonerate him of the things she said to him, so instead she took a cue from her mentor. She leaned up and gave Bark an inexperianced kiss on the cheek. Bashful again, she power walked down the hallway towards her room.

He froze in place, as his body shivered and his tail stood straight up. The kiss was nice, but it was different and unexpected from Shade given how bad she felt. He was happy and kind of goofy, as he waved bye at her until the elevator closed. "S-S-See you later!"

Once the elevator closed, Bee groaned, leaning against the side of the elevator rubbing her forehead. "Well, thought I'd fucked up everything right up till the end there. Still, sorry for almost sending her off forever."

Bark looked over at Bee and placed an affectionate hand onto her cheek and shook his head. "It's fine, I think, I can be wrong but I think it was more of the art evoking feelings of sadness...We Chongwu normally are made with a type of function, but for some in my case? We tend to think of ourselves as just sentients, thoughts and ideas and probably question our souls given the circumstances of our birth? Creation? I think in her circumstances she thinks more as the machine, so it...Might have looked like torture perhaps?" It was obvious to see he was thinking alot about this and was worried.

Bee sighed, putting her hand on top of his as the elevator started to climb. "Guess I should be more careful of what I say around her," she said. Looking up at him, she asked, "This kill the mood enough that you don't want to come to my room?"

Bark smiled and moved himself down to nuzzle his cheek against hers. "No I'd be happy to go into your room, I wouldn't want to leave you alone...Unless you want to be?"

"No, I'd rather have company," she said, turning to kiss his cheek as the doors to the elevator opened. "Come on," she said, walking out of the elevator.

While on his way to her room from the elevator, his tail was wagging as he had a thought. "Heh I assume this put some stress on you? You'll probably need another massage? I'm charging Paid Time-Off. Yep. I'll have months of vacation that I will probably never used all saved up." He chuckled

She chuckled as well as she pulled out her keycard. "Honestly? I'd rather do what I was planning on doing while we were out, before I realized that Shade was going to be with us the whole time," she said, opening the door.
Bark blinked at what mentioned not realizing she had an idea. "If I may ask what were you planning to do? I think the Navy Pier idea is probably off of the table. It wouldn't be the same without Shade but maybe someday we can all go back there again." He smiled at the thought, but was waiting to hear of her plan, as he followed.

"Oh, just something to do with my lack of underwear," Bee said, smiling as the door closed.

Bark blinked, as he became flustered under his fur. "W-W-What? L-L-Lack of U-Underwear? This entire time!?"

"Yeah, got a little cold at times," she said with a sigh. "Feels kind of weird to be having you all to myself when I know there's another lady here that awkwardly wants the same thing to some degree."

He became composed after hearing that, which he hugged her and held her close to him. "Well today has been awkward with trying to treat both of you, which I felt I was...Unfair to both of you in various ways. I apologize for...Not being good at this and being kind of weird."

"You think you can do anything for Shade tonight?" she asked, returning the hug, her breasts pressing against him.

"I can try knocking to talk to her? I don't think she'll want to talk though...She's strong and also prideful." He rubbed her back still keeping Bee close to him.

"In that case," she said, her hands moving to his pants and pulling down his fly. "Think you could serve me?"

He froze a little, with his tail stiff he should have been used to her initiative by now, however he wasn't at least not fully. "I-I-I can and I-I'd be happy t-t-to." There was twitching down there already.

"Then let's move over to the bed," Bee said, leading him over as she pulled out his shaft. "Just sit down and keep the clothes on though. Got something in particular that I want to do."

Bark blinked and was now curious why she wanted his clothes on instead off, but he gave a nod and sat down. "I-I'm now a bit c-c-curious."

"See," she said, getting on her knees as she started stroking her hand up and down his dick. "What I was thinking was heading to the Navy Pier, getting on the Ferris wheel by ourselves, and having a little stealth sex. Maybe have some hilarty of you being stuck in me when it was time to get off, etc. So, I was thinking we could recreate that, but since we got the time, might as well get some extra lubrication going," she added, her other hand reaching under her skirt to stroke herself.

He blushed at the thought of such a thing, which his shaft responded by growing at her touch and the idea itself. "R-Recreate that?" He chuckled a little. "I-I'm shocked you didn't do anything in the hotel hallway. You seemed a little antsy at the pizza place touching my leg." He rubbed his hand through her hair with a gentle touch, making sure to keep the hair from her eyes.

"Yeah, well that was before you put the moves on Shade and I got invested in that," she said, leaning in to his touch. "I meant what I said by the way, I'm very much wiling to share," she added, before licking the tip of his shaft.

He moaned once she licked it, which his shaft responded by twitching more as little droplets were coming out. "G-Good...I-I suppose one day we'll need to sit down and talk about it. I think we all have d-different views on the relationships." He continued to rub through her hair and at times rubbed along her cheek. It was a little odd with him doing this, treating her like a pet almost however it was the only way he could think to show affection in this position.

"True," she said with a sigh, still stroking her hands against both their genitaila. "This polycule's going to be a pain and a half to set up. Be easier if us girls could get along better, but I'm not really sure how to pull that off." Her part said, she leaned forward and put her lips around his shaft, her lipstick leaving red skidmarks as she pulsed her head forward and back.

He moaned far more as he looked down at what she was doing, which the view was sexy to say the least to him. His shaft was twitching at all of the attention, which soon he placed both hands onto her head. One of his hands rubbing through her hair and the other to rub along her cheek in the hopes of sending the message she was doing more than great on him. However he gained his composure to speak for a moment, as best he could.

"W-Well---" A moan came from, but he composed himself better afterward and continued speaking. "---I-I think for it t-t-to work? W-W-We view it differently I-I'd like all t-t-three of us to l-love and a-a-appreciate each other i-if possible."

Bee gave one last long suck on his shaft before pulling back, leaving wet with her saliva. "I'd like that too. Imagine having two girls to love on you like this. You'd love that, right?" she asked, standing up and turning around, pulling up her skirt to reveal that she indeed had no underwear on.

Bark chuckled a little at the thought, which he placed his hands on the back of her thighs and dove in his muzzle right in. He lowered himself as much as he needed to and began to lick her down there not only as payment for what she did for him, but also because he loved seeing her in pleasure.

"Thanks, but you're interrupting me," she said, giggling as she pushed his muzzle away. "Don't want to let you dry off. Makes it more uncomfortable." With that, she leaned back agianst him, her back rubbing against his chest as she lowered herself down, her hand pulling up his shaft to meet her. She sighed as he entered her pussy, her legs straddling his. "And this is where you'd have been like, 'But Bee, what if I get stuck in you and we can't get you off before the wheel stops,'" she said, her voice deepening to mimic his.

He chuckled a little, but he moaned upon feeling his shaft go in her. "I think I would have pleasured you, at least a little." He placed affectionate kisses on her neck, which he started to get himself wrapped up in the scenario. He placed a hand on her waist and started to pump himself in her at a strong rhythm instead of building up. His other hand moved to her breast and squeezed with a strong grip, but not too strong.

"Good, I'll keep that in mind when we go out next," she said, moaning as he started up the rhythm. Her hands reached up and around his neck as she started mirroring his thrusts, bouncing up and down on his legs. "Maybe we can just go behind some bushes and do it there," she said, turning her head to kiss his cheek.

While they were in the act, he blushed a little at the thought. "You want to go out real quick-like and do this in public? I-If it's what you really want. W-We'd better stop for now unless you want to do it back around home?" He placed a kiss on her cheek as well, as he soon stopped waiting for an answer from her.

"Ehh, need to find the right place ," she said, her breathing picking up as they continued their mutual thrusting, their shirts rubbing against each other. "Don't actually want to be visible to other people and don't want to get pricked by thorns. The ideal would be some clearing a forest, a picnic on one side and no one around to interrupt us. Kind of hard to find that though, you know?"

He moaned as an idea came to mind of a place. "I-I might know of a place. Some of the a-apartment complexes are undergoing renovation. W-We passed by it somewhere around Lurie Gardens. Question is do you want to do it Bee? Can you wait?" On purpose he came to a complete stop and placed his hand onto her chin, turning her towards him and kissing her for awhile before pulling away.

"Hmm," she said, wiggling her hips around. "Depends on how fast you can put a picnic together, I suppose."

"That'll involve a little grocery shopping, but there's a place nearby for that. If you really want it." His body shivered a little feeling her wiggle around, which his hand started to play with her breast once more. "Also don't think I didn't notice how much work you put in to hang with me today. Lipstick and everything."

She sighed as he played with her, leaning back against him. "Wanted to make myself very desirable," she said, turning to kiss his neck, the remnants of her lipstick staining his fur. "Think I'll take a rain check though, love. Not sure you'd make it to the door with how you've got me riled up," she added, her hands moving up and massaging his ears.

He moaned a little as his ears twitched, but he chuckled a little. "Your lips are desireable with or without the lipstick Bee. Anyway we'll keep that on the rain check." He turned her once more to him, as he kissed her and used his tongue to explore. While he started to pump once more into her establishing his strong rhythm once more.

She pressed her tongue against his, moaning as the rhythm picked up again. One hand moved to the back of his head, pulling down to put more pressure on the kiss, while the other continued playing with his ear, grasping it with her fist.

He moaned once more and was starting to get closer and closer, but first he squeezed down onto her breast after his hand slid under her sweater, while his other hand moved from her waist and reached the nub. He squeezed it a little between his claws trying to get her as close as he was. All the while his tongue moved to entertwine with hers pressing as hard as he could into their kiss. His rhythm didn't seem to stop, only increase.

She groaned as he grabbed her clit and the shaft grew inside her. She turned up the pressure, renewing her own bouncing as well as digging her nails into the back of his head as the make out session continued.
He moaned loud into their kiss, as he felt her nails digging in. However he continued his barrage of pleasures while delaying the inevitable, as his hand moved onto the nipple of her breast and squeezed on it between his claws. Soon starting to put as much power as he could into his rhythm inside of her. The shaft was growing more and more.

Bee was the first to give, moaning with pleasure as she squirted, the liquid spraying against his hand. Satisfied, she went for the finale, her hand leaving his neck to grab his testicles, pressing her nails against his balls.

Bark was happy for a brief moment taking part in her bliss, until he felt her nails against his testicles. Which made him give a loud moan and all at once the knot was formed giving her the full payload and leaving her stuck once more to him. She hit a weakspot towards his pleasure, as his shaft didn't seem to want to stop shooting for a little bit until it stopped and relaxed in it's temporary home.

She sighed as he filled her with his cum, melting against him. "You're getting pretty good at this," she said, kissing under his muzzle.

He blushed a little, as he placed a few affectionate kisses onto her forehead and onto her cheeks. "I wasn't lying nor waxing poetic when I said I want you to be happy...N-Now that we have clearer heads. I want to know something Beatrix what does a polyamorous relationship mean to you? All of us loving each other or just all of us having fun with each other? Both?"

"I'd like both," she said, turning so she could lie against his chest while running her hand down his scar. "Can't just build a relationship on sex. Though I have been pushing that, haven't I? Sorry if there's been less romance than you were expecting."

He smiled as he placed an affectionate kiss onto her forehead. "I-It's fine it just left me a little worried that's all. For someone new to relationships we kind of just...Started with the sex. I was hoping for more romanticism, but I think we'll get there...Also I just might be odd in that regard perhaps? I know most people are open to this and then getting closer at the same time. I'd be lying though if I said there weren't some sparks in the very beginning." He smiled and leaned down to place an affectionate kiss on her lips before pulling away.

"However I do think you need to show more of your affectionate side? I usually see a fun Bee but not a vulnerable one unless key moments. Also at some point I believe Shade will need to see that too...You'll have to go far slower with her I think she's entirely new to connections I believe at least as far as her having them." He held one of her hands in his, affectionately thumbing at it.

"You're right," she said with a sigh. "Think I'm too used to focusing on the fun parts since I broke up with my last long term boyfriend. Honestly, I think you're gonna have to get your relationship going with Shade first, whille I focus on becoming more friendly with her. For that, I'd suggest hanging out with her more than me until you're solid. I got a lot of work to catch up on anyway."

He placed a finger onto her lips and shook his head. "I can be wrong Beatrix, but that sounded like an escape or perhaps a runaway...I'm not certain what exactly went down with your last long term boyfriend, but I'm not stating a serious issue. I like you being fun, it's a part of you as a person. I suppose to make it a little simpler, I like Bee, but I'd like to see more of Beatrix if that makes sense? We share each others struggles and small gestures mean a lot, truthfully I hadn't seen how stressed you were at work until Zima shed a little light on it and what you eat when that happens." He smiled and raised his other hand to her cheek and rubbed at it softly.

"I'll make time for both of you, but maybe I'll attempt to hang with Shade separately. This way I can get to know her more better as a person. Perhaps we should attempt to do something more fun and stimulating with the three of us next time."

"If you think she'll be ready for it," she said with a nod, her hand going up to hold his. "In which case, I think I'll let you set the pace. I'm a little too 'go in guns blazing' kind of girl and I agree that Shade's not quite ready for that show."

He chuckled, but he raised her arm with the one scar and placed an affectionate kiss onto it. "Also I'm not abandoning you Beatrix and please don't punish yourself deep down and think I don't like you being fun. It's...Amazing to say the least."

"I'm glad," she said, using that arm to pull his muzzle over for her to kiss. "That was my first instinct, so thanks for catching that. I do really want Shade to be able to be in some kind of relationship and I think you'd be so cute together. Matchmaker in me wants to pull back and make that happen, but I don't actually want to lose you."

He engaged in the kiss first putting much passion into it before pulling away and responding. "I'm glad I caught that, but I don't want you feeling down on yourself. It's just something to improve on I suppose? More of something I want to see." He couldn't help but blush at her matchmaker comment. "I'm glad you think we'd be cute together, but I also don't want to lose you either...I might be selfish, but I want both of you. I want to confirm you're not some fling to me, as I don't really do those. If I did? It would be only to make you happy and most likely because you set it up." He chuckled, but held her close to him. "I-I'm sorry if that sounded too assertive of me." He said a little embarrassed with the statement of wanting both of them.

"Nah, that assertiveness is hot," Bee said with a chuckle. "Show that fire around Shade and she'll stop saying you're 'squishy of character'. You're just lucky you picked the girl that's cool with polyamory. Guess that's what you get for going for an ex-Mormon."

Bark blinked for a moment as she said that, which he raised his hand to her cheek and moved the hair from her face getting a good look. "Being beautiful, sexy, and gorgeous all in one? I wouldn't have thought you used to be Mormon. I've heard things about them, but never looked into the religion..." He smiled at her earlier words. "I think I'm the lucky one truth be told, as I'd never thought I would find relationships. Ever. If I even had sex? I was going to bet it was because my sister set me up with someone as a part of a bet...She'd split it probably 50/50 or 55/45 depending."

"Are you identical twins?" she asked, a smirk on her lips. "Cause I got to say, the image of a big boobed version of you is pretty attractive."

He laughed a little and shook his head. "No...It's complicated. When he makes bodyguard teams? My first handler would center them around a particular theme. Always Chongwu because less trying to pick other races and species, beats interviews too. His theme with me and my team was software. A strange word, but he made Chongwu's similar to each other in mind. It was called a mind meld I believe? However the I'll say sibling is made to go the opposite direction in personality. I'm more soft-spoken, kind and keep bad words to myself. She is far more brash, speaks her mind directly and has little patience. The point of the mind meld is we think alike, but are just different enough to resonate in combat." He tapped a muzzle to think of a scenario.

"It would be like the first raid mission I suppose? If it was me and her? We would have been confident in going forward. Our ears have range but because we think alike? We wouldn't have to necessarily speak of going right and left or listening right and left we would kind of just know to do so...What makes it awkward is some social things. We'll know or can figure out in short of time what's going on with each other unless it's something downright crazy or we're being super secretive. Also talking to each other is very different from talking to people. It's like talking to yourself, but not so some things you might be willing to say to yourself? You won't say to other people."

"Huh," Bee said, pouting as she thought it over. "I'm not sure I like the ethics of the idea, but the implimentation sounds effective. Why'd you stop being together then?"

Bark chuckled a little and thought on something else. "Well some things are nice about it, you can essentially become therapeutic towards each other. One example I'll give is when you took to me to your apartment. If one was made say in your likeness of personality, a little bit shorter, and they made her southern? Her personality would have been more sensitive to you. She probably would have told you to reconsider or even could give ideas of small gestures you would do."

Now however he thought of the question she posed to him. "We worked good together and had a good family relationship, but the one who I'll call the second handler. The one who stopped the mad scientist and let me be free? He's working something of his own, attempting connections with various groups and is working with the Chongwu the mad scientist was working with. For once we hit a true ideological wall with each other. I wanted to work something fair and far less shady, but a good cause. She wanted it to be something we did similar with our first handler, but for a for sure good cause but no laws or at least far less laws to get in the way...A shame I miss her sometimes. I still send her messages calling her Dingo Berry. She's a Dingo Chongwu."
"Cute," Bee said, putting her head against his shoulder. "Guess that fantasy will remain a fantasy then. Oh well. Can you help me take off my sweater?" She lifted her arms up in preperation. "Kind of toasty between being close to you and all the warm liquid you filled me with."

Bark smiled and gave a nod, as he placed his hands at the bottom of the sweater and pulled it off of her, revealing a white sports bra. "Heh I won't lie I'm getting warm myself still in this shirt." He now took the time to take his off a bit awkwardly though. Then he proceeded to hold her close to him once more. "Also careful calling her cute...She might spar with you over that without holding back."

"Think she'd fall for me like you did during the spar?" she asked, smirking as she ran a hand through his chest fur. "If the mindmeld still holds, wonder what your sister'd feel when we were like this."

He chuckled a little and shook his head. "I doubt it? It's hard to say but the mindmeld is more of a metaphor kind of. We don't feel what the other feels directly, but we just know many things and reactions the other would have. What makes me doubt it is because I could have sworn she was into men, but like I said she was far more active than me. It wouldn't surprise me if she tested the waters and found it fun dominating people...Like I said she was always competitive. It is one downside as well to us sparring, is that it forces you to learn different styles of combat to win. You have a high idea of not only the type of fighting style used, but the timing andeven if it'll be left or right hook. She got mad when I had to learn more than Judo to win."

"Sounds like she's a lot of upkeep," Bee asked. "Overall, how do you enjoy us so far? Anything you want to add besides being a little more communicative?"

Bark smiled and placed an affectionate kiss on her cheek. "Alot, I'd possibly even say infinitely but that might be too strong of a word. I enjoy us *alot*. Anything else to add? Erm nothing much, but to ask is it okay if I order you food at work when you're stressed? I know you want romance to separated from here and work, but I do care about you while you're even at work."

"Hmm," she said, frowning as she thought it over. "I guess so. But make sure you're ordering for Shade as well. And let me know if it gets too expensive, I can always share my much too large wealth with you."

He smiled and gave a nod. "I've bought her lunch once or twice already...Also I know you must be frustrated that she refuses to use the allowance to find a place to live. Don't become too frustrated at her."

"I just hope she's not slumming it on the streets, sleeping on a rooftop or something," Bee said with a sigh. "For one, as her Captain, I think she'd do her best being able to sleep without worrying if it was going to rain. As someone who's attracted to her, I want her to not have to worry about being safe. I see her eyes darting this way and that and just want to wrap her up in the softest blanket I can find. You know?"

He smiled and gave a nod, as he found someone who could relate to him on this matter. "Yes I know all too well...I got told off a little for offering my apartment to her. I tried to appeal to her pride and told her she could spend funds on the living expenses, I even gave the ultimatum of me not being there so she would have it all to herself. No dice on that however...We'll get through to her, slowly, but it has to be at her pace. I almost didn't want to let go of her during that hug."

"Hopefully we'll get to the point where we could all just live at my place," she said, running her finger along his chest scar again. "Big enough for three people, if only just. And plenty of room for me to get you new clothes too. Hmm, it it childish of me to want to dress both of you up? Kind of seems so, now that I say it."

He chuckled a little at that and gave a nod. "A little, but I think you just want all of us to wear those matching shirts one day, as we're walking around. Perhaps there could be a more serious explanation?" He knelt down and nuzzled his muzzle into her cheek. "You don't want to be alone?"

"That obvious, huh?" she asked, her hand reaching up for his neck, lightly scratching as it went up and down. "Spent way too much time alone, second guessing every decision I made. Much better to have a sounding board, especially one as handsome and fun as you are."

Bark blushed a little, but gave a nod. "I've never really cared for being alone either...Interpol was the first time I felt alone a little starting all over again. Entirely different people, mindsets, and regulations as well." He placed an affectionate hand on one of hers rubbing it. "I don't mind at all spending time at your place and I especially don't want you feeling alone...I'm here, even if you leave work late sometimes."

"Make sure Shade isn't feeling that as well," Bee said, looking him in the eye. "Hell, she's had it way worse than I ever did. Honestly, can't imagine going through what she did and staying sane."

"I'll do my best to make sure of it Beatrix, but I can't say I know her story much...I can only infer based on certain signs I've seen and small other signs she has given." Bark looked back in her eyes and could tell she was serious about this.

"The little that she has said scares the shit out of me," she said, shaking her head. "I hope that she's okay under that facade of hers."

He listened to Bee and rubbed at her cheek once more in the hopes of calming her down and consoling her. "I'll try messaging her through the communicator, but I surmise she'll give a one word answer or two." He let go of her and started typing into the communicator on his wrist to Shade.

"Hey are you feeling alright? I know you're dealing with something hurtful, but we're here if you need anything."

Bark worded out his message, so Bee could listen to what he was typing. "She doesn't care for me talking too much, but this will let her know we're thinking about her. We do what we can." He placed his hands back on her trying to keep her more calm and focused on the moment.

The response came slowly, a far cry from her usual texting speed even without being in the system itself. The indicator that she was typing appeared and disappeared a few times over the course of a minute, until eventually Shade returne: "I need a snack, I have no food in my room. I do not want to leave."

"To the mini fridge," Bee said to Bark, pointing at the appliance. "So we can get me off you."

Bark almost just wanted to take Bee up there like this, but that would probably be bad. Really bad. Super bad. Hyper bad. The ice on his nuts had a good cause, but it was also kind of bad. "I'm on it!" He got them up and made his way to the mini fridge to gather some ice cubes, wrapping them up in a paper towel and sitting on it with his nuts. His teeth chattered, but soon enough? His knot subsided and allowed Bee freedom. "F-F-Freezing."

"Better change your pants while you figure out what she wants," Bee said, their clothes being flecked with their sexual fluids. "I'd say take a shower, but that'd probably take too long."

Bark blinked and shook his head. "I'll probably have to change many things, she might have a heightened sense of smell." He made his way over to some of the clothes he left here prior, primarily from being a gentleman and bringing both of their bags here. It was quick, as he changed his shirt and pants to a normal pair of cargo pants and a sweatshirt he had. He took a quick glance to see if it was Interpol shirt and thankfully it wasn't. He went to his communicator and messaged Shade once more.

"Anything you have a taste for involving snacks? Sugary snacks? Food snacks? Anything you ask for? I'll get and if I can't? I'll try."

"I need a microwavable chicken noodle soup from that small food location in the lobby," came the reply, faster than the last.

"Gotta love a lady that knows what she wants," Bee said, looking over his shoulder.

"Phew better than me wandering around and buying many things for snacks." He chuckled and started to make his way out, but first stopped and turned to Bee. "Anything you want from down there?"

"I'm honestly still full from lunch," she said with a chuckle. "Maybe see if there's popcorn so we can watch a movie?"

"One of these days we're going with pretzel bites instead or just with pretzels. Better than popcorn." He chuckled in return, but made his way out of the room after picking up the key card. Which he messaged Shade. "On the way to get chicken noodle soup." After finishing the message? He sped up and made his way to the elevator and made his way down to the lobby, which he made his way down and gathered 2 things of chicken noodle soup, 2 things of microwavable popcorn and a few other candies. Once he was done? He made his way back to the elevator and stopped on Shade's floor and soon enough found her room. He knocked being a little hesitant, as he wondered if she was okay.

"I've got your special delivery of 2 chicken noodle soups, and a couple of candies if you want them..."
Shade had been standing at the door for ten minutes, waiting to hear footsteps. When she heard the familiar footsteps of Ngao, she stared through the peephole just to confirm before she opened the door a crack, red eyes, unlit, peeking out from a pictch black room. "Thank you," she said quietly, "but I only asked for one. I will repay you in time."

Bark noticed her red eyes, which almost made him react of going into the room sensing some danger is afoot. However there was no danger, at least not one that he could physically face anyway, also he may have made a mistake in that red being just her eyes. "No, no this is a gift Shade and you don't pay back for those...Is everything okay? I...Want to come in to speak with you, to be there for you and to help you. However I respect your wishes above what I want." He held out the two cups of chicken noodle soup and two bars of chocolate candy. One of them even salted caramel.

She looked down, then behind him. She looked down both hallways, before she opened the door further, backing up. "Thank you." The room was utterly dark, Shade not being fortunate enough to get a room with a window in the interior of this large building. Instead it had a panel on a wall that simulated the outside, and directly under it was a familiar drone with a side open, revealing the tech inside. The simulated window was dark at the moment.

She sat on the bed, which hadn't seemed to be touched for the entire stay save for the imprint of a cat person and another imprint of a familar drone. She crossed her arms. "Place the items on the table. Use a chair if you wish. Lock the door behind you."

He blinked at her demeanor, but listened and did as he was told. He closed the door behind him first and locked it, which the darkness normally would have been jarring for him. However he was used to being in darkness, after all that involved training in his hearing being as attuned as it was. He seemed to find the chair near the table, which he pulled it up and placed the items on the table. "Pardon my manners I forgot to say you're welcome." He chuckled a little, but looked towards Shade. "I...Wanted to ask is everything alright? You seemed to be sad and a little distraught earlier...Did you want to talk about it?"

Her eyes glowed in the darkness for a second before the simulated window "opened," letting in the light and revealing a fictional city of lights and flying cars. "I don't know how to explain me." She stood up and took the soup can from the bag and put it in the mandatory hotel room microwave, and watched it spin as centuries of quick heating technology worked in her favor. "I should not have lashed out at either you or the Captain, and I should not have let such a mundane and inane piece of art technology affect me in such a manner."

He listened with his ears perked up, but was slightly distracted at the simulated window revealing the fictional city of lights and flying cars. This was impressive in it's own right. However it didn't divide his focus on Shade. "It's fine we both know you were going through something, but I realize I wasn't wrong in thinking it related to that piece of art technology? I...May have an idea on it, but may I speak about it?" His ears were perked at the noises of the microwave and hearing the heat do work.

"My worldview has been narrow," she said as she watched the soup spin. "I have existed in one state of being my entire life, changing contexts as required." Her head hung, and she allowed herself to take a deep breath. "You may speak," she said. "You're so prolific in such, as is known."

He gave a nod, as he listened to her intent on trying to word what he thought about the situation. Which before he spoke on the topic, he chuckled a little. "I wouldn't say I'm prolific, but just had to get used to figuring out people things? A-Anyway you did speak about being the machine before...I believed it to a degree more metaphorical, with you being entwined in the machines and being divine in working with them. However, I think you were being literal and we're Chongwu so to a degree you could relate to the machine working tirelessly not to necessarily just to complete a function, but for it's very own survival...If an organic sentient were in such a situation? I don't think there would be any planet or universe where we wouldn't have felt emotional...I'm sorry for not understanding you sooner at a critical moment, if that was the cause..."

"It's not your responsiblity..." she stopped, growling to herself. "You didn't need to understand me. It's not your fault you lacked context that no one was going to tell you." With a beep, the machine offered a cooked soup, and she pulled a spoon from the tiny kitchen. She sat on the second chair and sipped from the bowl. "I am a machine. I was created with a mind designed to work intimately with computers. I was sold to a man who needed such abilites, and I suspect he commissioned my existence. As what could be counted as my adolescence, I was plugged into a server and set to work tirelessly to build a home for a collection of paranoid minds."

She took another sip, the warmth of the soup giving her strength. "I... do not feel capable of continuing that story. Not right now. But a machine, built only to keep itself alive, is far too close to what I would consider home. Because it is me. Even without the valid literal telling, the analogy continues to work. I keep working. I don't leave the office. After the rest of you go home, enjoy being alive, talk to people who's company you enjoy, I remain in the office alone. I continue working until I can work no longer, and then I leave, find an elevated corner, and sleep."

She hadn't looked at him as she spoke, not able to handle the eye contact at the moment. "And then, pretending the crowds didn't terrify me, I stood before a machine that represented my existance and was forced to reckon with myself." Tears fell again, drowned in more soup as she sipped it from the spoon loudly. "And... I don't know what I've gained from this. I've been enlightened, but I cannot tell in what way. I was shown the truth, but I do not know what to do with it."

He shook his head, as he gave a small sigh of defeat for a brief moment before responding to other parts of the conversation. "It isn't necessarily my responsibility no, but all the same I feel responsible because maybe there was something I could have done. Like this food maybe? Could have brought it sooner. Also I maybe didn't need to understand, but I wanted to understand...I'm not certain how to help you, but I'm here to let you know once more I'll do what I can to help even if that means being your food grabber or crowd breaker if need be...I do want to spend more time with you, as I don't view you as a machine but more so as a person. Different maybe and different isn't bad, as I'm sure you've noticed I'm different and not quite normal."

He watched the tears, but realized there was nothing he could do that could help the situation. Since touching her might would have her drop the chicken noodle soup, which would be a worse outcome. However he did on purpose place his hand as close as he could on the table, it wasn't much but hopefully it counted as gesture of closeness. "...Would it be okay to work with you in the office during those days? So you aren't alone?"

"No," she sighed. "I will not allow you to work late into the night just because I am there. You would become bored, tired, and you'd miss out on whatever relationship you have with the Captain." She looked down at the bowl of soup on the table, one hand holding the spoon while the other had rested on the table. She looked at his hand, and with a shiver of preparation she rested her hand on his. "I... I want to at least try. I have never been in a relationship before. None that I would count, for a variety of reasons. I find you attractive, physically, and I think I enjoy your... counter to my... I suppose most would call it negativity."

Her hand shivered, and it almost pulled back instincively. She couldn't allow herself to do that, not now. "A machine can be a person. Many machines in Hawkings are people, in their eyes. I am not as much a machine as I say, I suppose, but... I would rather be both."

His hand shivered a little at his touch, which he was going to interject for a brief moment until that happened. He was tempted to move his hand, but was afraid that would make her jump and move the hand altogether. He couldn't help but smile at her words, which he listened until she finished making sure to take it all in. "I'm glad to hear you find me attractive...I find you physically attractive as well, which I find your I'll call it cold strength kind of endearing to behold...Machine being a person, a person being a machine or an amalgamation of both? It doesn't change how I feel, which I'm not certain if I can help with the machine part...I'll do my best to make you happy if I'm able and I'm allowed..."

He continued to smile letting a little silence fill in before commenting on the first matter. "I will work with you late into the night, but only some nights? Beatrix matters to me, but so do you...I may not help much, but I can get you the food you need or carry heavy computers."
She lightly held his hand, though she still didn't look at him. "I... appreciate it. And I feel as though I cannot stop you, and further, I feel as though I shouldn't stop you from helping me." Taking in the soup again, she blinked the tears away. "So... what do you..." she huffed at herself, trying to gather her confidence. "Do you really intend to... pursue a relationship with me while doing the same with the Captain?"

He froze for a split moment to think about this or more precisely how to word this. After all such a relationship could be seen as wrong by more traditional standards in various areas. On the other hand he could say what he was feeling and what was in his heart. That was his usual route, but with far less confidence or perhaps not telling to the full extent. He took a brief moment to move his hand slowly and turn it around to hold her hand in his palm, on purpose taking his time and not making any fast or sudden movements.

"Yes I really intend to, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't. I'd also be lying if I said I didn't have feelings for both of you...You're both beautiful in different ways, but beautiful all the same and I feel the need to make both of you as happy as possible. You're not flings to me nor some conquests, as I've heard a few players say...Some day I hope to stop those tears from falling if not by touch then by my own actions or words, even if that means speaking less but with more impactful words." The last part may have sounded a bit silly at making a remark of her mentioning he talks too much, but he sounded confident in his words and unwavering.

She gave a small nod. "Back in Hawking, most sexual relationships were fairly open. In Chongwutown, in New Cambridge, it is not uncommon for groups to gather into orgiastic meetings, and for lovers to experiment with other people. Monogamy is uncommon, but..." she tilted her head to the side, "I never entertained the idea of a relationship of any sort. I was busy working. I have been, this entire time. I got bored there, and sought a more dangerous game. I..." she looked up from her soup to him. "I don't know... what to do. I don't know if the Captain's method is right, or if I should follow one of my mentors' example. Well," she sighed, "both are similar actually. Sexual, quickly. I don't know if I can... do that for you. At the moment."

He shook his head and smiled at her. "No not at all, I'm not in the relationship for sex Shade. N-Not that you're not exciting for that, but I like you for you and not just your body. We don't need to be sexual quickly...I want you to be happy above all else, I'm fine holding hands or even having our hands be closer to one another. Happiness in a relationship is a two-way it's not a one-way, at least that's what I believe and what I would want." He continued to smile at her, but was straining a little to hold his tail from wagging. That thump noise would kill the mood. "I want you comfortable, we can wait and get you accustomed to touch, until you're ready. I will not rush you...Even this is making me happy with what leaps and bounds you've made right now."

"Thank you," she sighed with a smile. There was relief there, some small semblance of peace on her face. "I... I want to set a couple rules. For now. First, if you intend to touch me, please say so beforehand. A surpise in that manner would cause me to react negatively, and I would feel terrible about it. Second, I will initiate sexual relations when I feel I am ready. Scientifically and... personally the idea is..." she stared at her half devoured soup, embarassment flooding her, "...desireable, yes. Maybe one day I will... entertain the idea of... personal relations with the Captain. The idea is alien to me. Even this, is alien to me. It is unprofessional, but... I am not just a machine. The Captain, for the moment, is a step too far from my understanding of life. I will attempt to integrate myself positively into... this... alien and odd relationship."

Bark's ears perked at all of this taking this good news, which his tail finally started to wag after so long of being restrained by willpower. Soon though he held it again keeping his tail as still as it could be focusing on all of this. "Those are fair rules, but I will follow them to the best of my ability...If I may ask what kind of touching is allowed? Handholds? Hugs?"

"I will allow a hug," she said, "in sufficiently private locations. You... may hold my hand in similar situations. I ask that you, in spite of your tail, manage to maintain profesionalism in public and in the office. I also ask that..." she looked back to him with a half-smile. "I wish to be dated. With... dates and such. As per a relationship as I am aware of one." She tilted her head aside, thinking to herself before she added, "A further addendum, you may kiss me if the touching has continued for an extended period of time."

He was listening with such intent, this was almost like when his first handler laid down the rules of what his life would be. What his function would be. The intent was serious and he was going to deliver as much as happiness as he could---The thinking cut off, as he heard of the last part. Their hands were touching for an extended time right now. Could this be a sign? Perhaps a divine hint from a goddess? "I-I will do my best to maintain professionalism a-and hug and hold your hand in p-private. I-I'll love to take you out on dates, b-b-but do I get to kiss you right now?" He was brave up until this point, scared to take action if it meant breaking the rules so early.

She looked at him, confused, until her eyes looked down to their hands. Admittedly, she'd gotten comfortable on his hand. She hadn't felt the urge to pull it back as he spoke. Two-fold surprise caught her off guard. "I... I did not forsee this." She looked at him, taking a breath. "I... would allow this."

He blinked not expecting a yes, more expecting a remark or perhaps some smirk and telling about him getting antsy. He was ready to kiss her, but was uncertain if she wanted it on the lips or the cheek---No time to think or else he wouldn't act at all. He reached over and pressed his lips slowly against hers making it a light kiss before pulling away. It was intoxicating to say the least, but he didn't wish to linger and make her unintentionally scared.

When he advanced upon her she gave a very quiet squeak, something stopped by a quick kiss. Heart beating quickly, her eyes were wide as she stared at him in surprise. She was speechless, chest rising and falling quickly with her breathing growing faster. "And...that is the proper... amount of time before a kiss is acceptable." She blinked. "I..." the heat of her cheeks was overbearing. "I require one more to ensure the validity of the quality."

He could hear her breathing and was shocked she was speechless for that amount of time. More so given what it concerned, but first there was something to do. "I'm going to touch you here..." He reached close and placed slowly an affectionate hand on her cheek before reaching close to lock his lips with hers. This time he wasn't making it quick and letting his feelings and heart take over, not wanting to let go and not knowing what the right time was to even do so.

Shade didn't know what to do with her hands, sitting there awkwardly as she was kissed. Actually kissed! A new experience confronted her, and she did not want it to stop. Uncertain and unprepared, her returning kisses were inexperienced but she tried her best to feel this out. She put a hand on his shoulder, eyes closed as she basked in the feeling. A minute felt like forever, until eventually she pushed him slightly back. Breathlessly, she looked into his eyes. "That... will be sufficient. Thank you."

Ngao made certain to break the distance once he felt himself pushed slightly back, but only just slightly back. He looked into her eyes seeming to stare into them and by extension her. "That was divine, you are a goddess..." It might have been lame, but it was true at least to him. He was tempted to kiss her once, but he didn't wish to push it and make her uncomfortable. However he did stay close liking her touch and leaving his hand on her cheek, on purpose giving slow and soft rubs along it.

She was trapped, but it was a cage she delighted in. A compliment of that scale went directly to her head and heart. She looked into his eyes as he held her cheek, her head leaning into it's gentle grasp. For another moment she held that contant, until she pulled away. "I... thank you for the small meal. I... should not keep you any longer. When you return, please inform the Captain that I would like to speak with her. There is no rush, inform her as such."

He was stuck staring at her for another minute, until finally he squeezed his cheeks to keep himself focused on what she was speaking. "No...Thank you for sharing that kiss with me...I'll let her know you would like to speak with her." He was still dazed until squeezed his cheeks. Again. "D-Did you like the kiss? I-I got lost in it and the feeling of being with you."

She chuckled, and finally she smiled a full smile. "I greatly enjoyed it yes. I look forward to more at a later time. I am... unable to express the delight I felt. Perhaps this will be fixed in future."

He couldn't help but to focus on her smile, the first time he had seen her fully smile. "Your smile is divine too, is there a new profession for deity?"

She scoffed, still smiling, as she lightly pushed him out of the chair. "Leave now, before you lose yourself in my presence. I have powers even I don't comprehend yet, apparently."
He chuckled a little, as he made his way from her chair. "It's good to see you happy and embracing your divinity. I knew you were holding back divine powers of affection, hiding it behind machinery." He chuckled once more, but made his way back to the door. "Have some good sleep okay? I, uh, might be divinely inspired with dreams."

She did not know what the hell that meant, but the implications she took from it made her blush. "I will do my best," she said, and when he left she felt a full body shiver overtake her body, culminating in a giggle that surprised her. She finished her soup with a smile, and when she returned to her Avatar she began working once more.

Once he left? He was staring up for a brief moment lost in that moment still, but shook his head to keep himself focused. This was going to be hard to deal with, but he would figure it out more so because it concerned her happiness. Which he for the second time today felt unstoppable in that regard. Soon he made his way back with the remaining popcorn and other candy snacks back to Beatrix's room, fiddling with his hands to find the room keycard. Which he came in with a smile. His tail openly fighting the air in a boxing match it was trying to win. "I, uh, might have had a divine evening earlier." He smiled while blushing, which given their relationship? It was understood something really good must've happened.

"Oh," Bee asked, apparently having just gotten out of the shower, with just a towel around her. "I guessed something was going on when I didn't hear you come in earlier. Looks like it went better than might have been expected?"

Bark almost in a goofy manner nodded his head a mile a minute at the question. "Yes! I was able to speak with her and get her to open up about what happened. Me and her in a relationship came up, which she was willing to. However she can't become sexual quickly. Well...She laid down the rules and one of them came up, so we kissed...It was divine to say the least. Cosmic perhaps? Is that above divine?"

"Ohh?" she asked, grinning as his infectious enthusiam. "That's great. Good to see she warmed up to you that fast. Guess you just have that effect on girls, huh?"

He looked at her and blinked, which he blushed and shook his head. "W-W-What? N-N-No I'm just, uh, me?" He shook his head staying focused. "Oh! I almost forgot she wants to speak with you, no rush."

"Take the compliment, sweet heart," she said, pulling out some clean sweats and shirt and dropped the towel to the floor. "It's not too many guys that could turn a girl from a crying mess to being happy with a first kiss. How'd she mean that, by the way?" she asked, looking over her shoulder as she put on the sweats. "Like, as a fellow Ngao appreciator or as her commanding officer?"

Ngao was distracted for a moment looking at her put on the clothes, which he shook his head to compose himself once more. That was probably the third or perhaps fourth time he has needed to. "S-Sorry I just feel like I do my part so to speak? It's everyone else that does the hard work." His ears perked upon hearing that. Ngao Appreciator, that had a nice ring to it and affectionate too. "I'm not certain...I think both? Ngao Appreciator? She mentioned being involved in the relationship with us. Maybe she wants to get to know you?"

"Fair enough," Bee said, putting on a shirt before walking over to him, a smirk on her lips. "So, above divine kiss, huh? How does that compare to mine?"

Bark thought about this for a brief moment, but put a finger on her smirking lips and shook his head. "I refuse to compare, you're both divinity and above divinity. I haven't forgotten the taste of your lips let alone the lipstick or that fantasy..." His body shivered thinking about it and on purpose moved his legs to hide the reaction down below. "I just don't want to get these in public..." He coughed to change and or focus on the topic, as he placed two hands on her cheeks. "Please don't compare yourselves, you're both important to me and I like both of you...I've gotten lost in both of your eyes. Think about what I can do to make both of you happy and to stop any problems in your way if I can help it. If I can't stop it? I'll hold both of your hands to let you know I'm there with you."

She sighed, putting a hand up to hold his. "Shade doesn't know how good she has it," she said with a small smile. "You know, I tried a couple of polyamorous things in the past and you're the first guy that answered that correctly without the other party there."

He blinked at more of the dating history revealed, which was in this instance interesting to hear. "You have? That might explain why you mentioned it before or was that the lust talking before for another partner?" He chuckled a little but placed an affectionate kiss on her lips, holding it for a minute before pulling back. "I'm honest Beatrix and I don't plan to make unhappy? Not happy? Not sure of the word, but I'm sure my intention is known...I'm curious what kind of polyamorous things have you done?"

"Mind if we sit or lay down?" Bee asked with a chuckle. "Might as well get comfortable while I regale you with my past conquests and failures."

Bark smiled and gave a nod, as he made his way to the bed all the while holding her. He took the time to lay her down first, which he laid down beside her. His tail thumping against the bed. "You can put on a movie, especially if it puts you more at ease."

"Ehh, you're more than comforting enough," she said, sliding over to put her head against his chest and a hand on his tail, chuckling as it thumped back and forth. "Well, it's all fairly recent, since the long boyfriend thing ended a couple of years ago. I'd gone into that relationship a devout Reformed Mormon and came out of it very ex-member. So I made up for lost time in experimenting. A bunch of one night stands, couple of orgies, etc. That last bit ended up being in a polycule with a couple of guys and a bunch of girls, people joining and leaving fairly regularly. After a while, realized the guys were a couple of jerks that played favorites and left with one of the girls. We dated by ourselves for a bit before I got the job here and went our seperate ways. Then it was just a couple of office romances and then you came in, all eager to get going despite missing the briefing."

Bark chuckled a little at that, but blushing about that situation. "S-Sorry about that, I'm still ashamed for missing that briefing...I'm not that good at reading through the fine print. Far too much jargon for me to get and it wasn't like I signed up with other organizations to know some of it. You had a nice touch though during those moments, silent and almost romantic in a way." He smiled and rubbed his hand through her hair in the hopes of comforting her. "I suppose I should ask this and I'm ashamed I really hadn't until now." He separated them a little so he could see her, as he moved his hand from her hair to her chin rubbing it softly. "What do you want from this relationship Beatrix?"

"To have fun while being treated as an equal," she said, kissing the palm of his hand. "Honestly, the worst part of this job has been the feeling of isolation. Sure, if I wanted I could hop on an app and have any sapient of my choosing come and warm my bed. But it's not the same as having someone you can talk to and they actually care about what you're talking about, you know?"

Bark listened to her, which he gave a nod at figuring out some things. "I was thinking the isolation was getting to you...I can be wrong, but I felt like our talks about you being captain were a bit personal. You're fun Beatrix and much more, but I was wondering if you could expand on the equal bit? Sometimes I feel I'm behind when we have sex. I'm a little...Self-conscious when it comes to that because I'm still, er, technically new."

"In regards to the sex or in regards to the more romantic parts?" she asked, moving her hand to run her nails up and down his back.

His body shivered at the feeling of her nails going up and down his back. "B-Both? Both."

"Well, depending on how you're feeling," she said, wrapping her legs around one of his, "we can work on one of those at a time. So, where do you want to start?"

He was shiveing more as she got closer, as he felt her leg. His brain wasn't running at full throttle, but after a little bit? He was wondering if she meant actually learning while doing things. "W-W-Wait you don't mean start as in d-during sex do you? H-How about the romantic parts first?"
"How else to teach you sex techniques besides while having it, silly?" she asked, chuckling as she nuzzled his chest. "But fair enough. That's part of the being equals thing though. I kind of pushed myself onto you at first, cause it'd been a bit and I was quite horny. But now, especially with you and Shade still in the first stages, I think I want you to take the lead. Anyway," she said, pulling back a little to look him in the eye, "Honestly, you've got great instincts on the romantic part. That's what got me interested within a few minutes of meeting you, to be honest, and I think Shade might feel the same way. Like I said earlier, I think you mainly just need to be more assertive with what you want. Don't over do it, your gentleness is an amazing quality."

Bark listened to her words and a noticeable flush came over his cheeks. So much so it might have been two apples where his cheeks should be. That was a good chunk of praise, probably the most he's ever had from Beatrix. However he gave a nod, but held one of her hands and rubbed it with his thumb. "Y-Y-You kind of did push yourself a bit, b-b-but it was showing another part of yourself...I can be wrong too, but I think you were tired of being lonely and I was happy to help let alone to be in a relationship with you. I-I-If I may ask what kind of assertiveness? Be brave and state what I want without stuttering too much?"

"Ehh, the stuttering's fine," she said, putting her arms around his neck and pulling herself close, laying her cheek on his. "Kind of cute, to be honest. I mainly mean doing what you want to do instead of waiting for the other person to go for it. Respect boundaries, always, but when you're with me, I think you can tell I'm up for whatever, right?"

He smiled and rubbed his muzzle along her cheek, which his tail continued to thump onto the bed. Finally for once it was starting to become tired and stopped wagging against the tide. "It's just I'm usually afraid of failing I suppose? Maybe pushing the wrong button and causing the wrong intentions and or messages perhaps...You just want me to be more assertive about what I want?" On purpose he placed a hand on one of her ass cheeks and squeezed. "I'd like these to be my stress balls some time."

She laughed, turning her head to kiss his muzzle. "Feel free, sweet heart," she said, before returning to lay against his cheek. "But yes, exactly. I've loved it, but you have let me lead the way for these last few weeks, and you mentioned how you want to do more romantic stuff. So plan them and block out the time. So long as no emergency comes up and you give me other time, feel free to set up romantic experiences for us. Set the pace and I'll match it. And I'll try to carve out some time to do more planning myself. Don't want to make you do all that work after all. Probably will be after this current case before I have that kind of planning time though."

He smiled and placed an affectionate kiss on her cheek his tail giving a few thumbs before stopping. "Okay I'll do my best...I know it's asking a lot, but I was hoping to plan something after hours at work? I know you get tired there and you mentioned the isolationism gets to you, but I was hoping to make a happy memory there? It might not be much, but I was hoping it would make it easier establishing more happy memories there." He squeezed once more onto those ass cheeks.

"At work?" Bee asked, her hands moving to rub the back of his neck. "What do you have in mind?"

"A few things, but one of them is an improv fancy dinner there. Also to give a massage as I know those knots always form after work and you can't convince me otherwise...Get a little out of my comfort zone on one thing, but I think you'll like it." He smirked for a brief moment and placed a kiss on her cheek once more.

She sighed, thinking it over. "How about a Friday? Lot of people work from home those days anyway. And in one of the interrogation cells? Less chance of being interrupted there," she said.

He chuckled a little at the thought, but he gave a nod. "I was hoping for your office, but an interrogation cell? That'll work I think, but I better hope no one accesses those cameras...Unless you aren't comfortable with it and we could do it at your home? Expensive setting might work a little better with what I have in mind..."

"Office is a no go," she said, shaking her head. "Way too public of an entrance. And I like splitting work from play to some extent. I'd be more comfortable at home, and you could do it any day there, but if you want it at the office, you can have it there. And I'll make sure the camera's off, unless you want a home video of whatever you're planning," she added, digging her nails in a little as her hands ran up and down his neck.

He smiled and placed an affectionate kiss onto her lips and held it there for awhile, before breaking it and still smiling. "Well this is for you so I'll choose where you're most comfortable. I just have to catch you unexpected so you won't see it coming." Soon he squeezed her ass cheeks digging in his claws a little, doing this to reciprocate her nails running up and down his neck. Which was still sending shivers down his body.

"You sure?" she asked, murmurring as he squeezed her ass. "This is part of the assertiveness. If you really want to do it at the office, we can. Just don't want to make it seem like I'm not focused on the job while everyone else is still working, you know?"

He thought on the moment he was trying to prepare and soon he shook his head. "Well in this case? It wouldn't work as good...I'm one for more picking and choosing his battles. I have used it to my advantage to relent and then use my assertiveness when it counts most...I can be wrong, but I believe that's what might have made Shade feel a little guilty when she attacked me earlier. I became assertive on certain aspects, but didn't attack her on other points. The moment I want to prepare? I want to go all out and it'll work with more space. Interrogation rooms don't have much space unfortunately."

"I'm not sure my office is much bigger," she said, chuckling as she went back to rubbing his neck. "But fair enough. Anything else you want to discuss?"

"Hmmm...What is the most romantic gift you have ever received? I might have to look into surpassing it." He chuckled a little safely assuming it wasn't him at all or rather a gift he's given. It was good to get an idea for future gifts however.

"Hmm," she replied thinking it over. "Most common's been flowers and jewlrey, but don't go for that second one. I have all the jewlrey I need. I really love homemade baked goods, but that's just cause I have a real sweet tooth. Most romantic? Guess there was one the long boyfriend did where he commissioned a painting of us, but honestly that's sitting in my parent's attic and has very mixed feelings now. I don't know, to be honest." She shook her head. "Sorry if that wasn't helpful."

He shook his head and rested his forehead along on hers, which he smiled as he moved his hands over to her waist and rubbed the side. "It's fine Beatrix, really. It just means I have to get creative a little and probably avoid paintings, but that's fine." He chuckled a little, but did think about his dinner gift and if that would be good? Maybe. "I suppose I'm just a little self-conscious being new at this kind of relationship. More used to things than Shade, but still being relatively new...I'm scared of certain pitfalls I may not see coming."

"I'll be gentle and understanding," Bee said, kissing his forehead. "Honestly, it's fun on my end. Used to being the student and not the master."

He blinked a little, but smiled at that. "Odd for me to even think of you as a student, at all. You seem confident and know exactly what you want, but I suppose it took a journey to get here didn't it?"

"You probably wouldn't be able to recognize me if you saw me fifteen or twenty years ago," she said, shaking her head. "Getting out from under my parents helped a lot. Military helped as well, giving me my first taste of danger. Et cetera, et cetera."

He placed an affectionate kiss on her forehead, as his ears perked up at that. "I want to know more about the et cetera, et cetera stuff too. I like who you are as a person and it sounds like it took quite the journey for you to get here where you are...Also I think it's time to expand at least a little on the equal parts in the sex bit...T-That isn't listing kinks is it?"

"Not just that," she said, chuckling as she moved a leg in between his. "Let's start at what you were doing earlier, when I was giving you a blowjob. What were you doing with your hands?"

He tried thinking deep into that moment, wondering if this was a trick question? It could be literal and he was thinking too deep into the question. "I was making sure to rub your hair and rub your cheek, hopefully to show affection that you were pleasuring me? Also I like the feel of your skin and hair." He stayed still not sure what she was going to do, but his body shivered at the thought.

"Which is very sweet," she said, her hands running down his spine as she pressed her leg into his groin. "And when Shade lets you do sexual stuff? Keep that instinct. Don't want to rough her up unless she wants that. But with me? Feel free to be selfish. Really, when recieving a blowjob, your job is to make sure my hair doesn't get in the way and that's about it. When someone's in between another person's legs, it's because they want to provide pleasure to the other person. So enjoy it. If you feel passive, just sit back and let them do the work. If you want to be more interactive, then do it. Thrust into my mouth, pull me as deep as you want into your groin when you're cumming, etc. Make sense?"
His ears perked taking it all in, but however so did the other friend down there as his shaft started to rise to the occassion with the contact and the sexual talk between them. "Oh...O-Okay I think that makes sense, my thought was too it was rewarding you by rubbing your head affectionately. So do you like in general for me to be a little more rougher?"

"That, but it's really more about doing stuff that pleasures you, instead of worrying overly much about making sure I'm having a good time," she said with a chuckle, feeling his shaft grow against her, moving her leg to rub it. "I'll let you know if you're getting too rough or adjust myself if I'm uncomfortable. Not to say to not do stuff that you think will get a response out of me, but go looking for things that will get me to respond in a way that you like. In short? Have fun with it."

He smiled a little focusing far less on the pleasure, but more on her words which he shook his head. "W-Well I-I don't think I can do it a-all the time. It's me doing m-my part to make you happy. B-Besides you always know how to get a response out of me and go after my weak spots." His shaft twitch at the rub. "I-I suppose I could try a few ideas, try to become a little r-rougher and try n-not to hurt you with my teeth if possible."

"That's the main idea," she said, kissing his cheek as she kept up the leg rub. "Guess my question now is if you want to put that into practice now or save it for another day. Obviously, you know I'm up for more, but that's also part of being more equal. Letting you pick the times and places where you want just a romantic experience vs a sexual one. Also the nice part of a polycule, cause if one person's done, but the other two are still up for it, the horny members can keep going."

He smiled and nuzzled his cheek into hers for a brief moment before looking at her. "Heh I know you can get to that point. However I'm always up for making you happy. A-Although I don't think S-Shade'll be ready for that...U-Unless you mean me being the one to go around." He chuckled, but gave a nod. "I'd like to give it a try?"

"Either or, we don't know how her stamina will get over time," Bee said with a chuckle, keeping up the pressure against his shaft. "Feel free to do with me what you will, sweet heart."

He smiled and placed an affectionate kiss, holding it for as long as he could. He pulled away and soon went down to her neck placing kisses and soon switched to giving small bites onto her neck.

She chuckled as his attentions, turning her head to kiss his muzzle, while moving her leg up until her foot was at his groin, her toes playing with his shaft through his pants.

His shaft twitched at the feeling more so than before, but continued to place small bites and kisses along her neck. A thought did come into his mind. "Uh will this mean we'll have to take off the clothes again and you'll have to shower again?" He chuckled a little, but soon was able to slide pants off.

"Depends on whether you like sleeping with a lady with your jizz still on her," she said, pulling off her shirt. "Or if you have other intentions for the shower."

"...Other intentions for the shower?" He thought on it, but would leave it as a thought as he moved himself further down onto her chest placing kisses and bites until he reached her breast. He sucked on the nipple and carefully placed his teeth on it to feel for her reaction. His hands squeezing her ass cheeks once more.

Her breath caught as he suckled her breast, before she pushed her chest against his face, daring him to take a bigger bite. With her hands, she ran her nails against his back, seeing if it'd get a rise from him.

He shivered from her nails against his back, as his shaft twitched and raised to attention once more. He got the message and placed his muzzle on the entire breast, making sure to keep his teeth carefully on the skin. He let his tongue explore along the breast focusing on the nipple. All the while circling a claw on the backhole waiting to see her reaction.

She moaned in appreciation, moving her hands to his waist and pulling him on top of her.

He was pulled on top of her and continued his attention on her breast, while moving his other free hand onto her down below this time going for the front and circling the claw around the nub before giving a small squeeze between his claws.

She followed suit, moving one hand to his shaft to start pumping, while the other raked her nails down his spine. Mewling at his attentions, she kissed the top of his head, before lightly biting on one of his ears.

He moaned onto her breast, but continued using his hands along both holes while using his teeth to dig a little more into her skin feeling for her reaction. While he shivered from her attention on his shaft and ears. The knot was starting to form, as he started to raise his rhythm with his fingers.

"Hngh, you going to push into my pussy with the shaft?" Bee asked, her breathing quickening as she continued the pumping. "Feels like it might start getting too big for that soon."

He moved his muzzle off of her breast for a moment. "D-Do you want to be s-stuck again?" Bark's breathing was quickening as well, but he listened to his instincts and moved his hand and inserted his shaft slowly at first. He put his muzzle back onto her breast. He enjoyed the feel of being inside of her for a brief moment before pumping into her.

"I rather enjoy the sensati-" she started, before moaning in pleasure at his penetration and pumping. She moved both of her hands to his waist to steady herself and started thrusting her hips as well, her mouth moving to kiss all over the top of his head.

The knot was growing more being engaged with the pleasure, but instead of resisting it? He lost himself in it suckling on the breast between his teeth, increasing his rhythm more and more until finally the knot swelled and released inside of her while taking the opportunity to sink his teeth just a little deeper.

She giggled as he filled her with jizz once again, moving her hand to press against her clit, while rubbing his back with the other.

He smiled and started to push a finger into her ass on purpose moving it slowly, as he wanted her in more pleasure. "S-Sorry if I don't hold back? I g-go too fast."

"That's normal for guys," she said, sighing as he fingered her ass, her hand raking her clit, every once and a while bumping against his shaft. "EIther way works, just gotta help me finish next."

He shook his head and before going back to her breast he responded. "I want us both to be in pleasure and not just one over the other." He now put her breast back in his muzzle beginning to have his tongue explore other spots. While grazing his teeth along her breast, while keeping the pressure soft. It was awkward, but he gave a few small pumps with his knot inside of her. Now while adding two fingers to her ass and starting to pump that in and out while exploring from time to time.

She groaned as he thrust into both of her holes, her free hand coming up and pressing his head down against her breast. "Little more rough, please," she said, arcing her back until their groins were so close that his shaft twisted a little and pressed against her clit.

He responded to her words and started to be more rough with her breast pressing his muzzle down a little more. He didn't want to leave any permanent mark on there. All the while using his other hand to smack her ass while he moved his shaft a little more along her clit but trying to be careful to not twist it in a really bad way.

Her breathing quickened as he stepped up, her nails digging into his shoulder blades as she pressed herself against him.

He only lessened with his muzzle for a brief moment to speak. "Your nails are beautiful if not sexy natural or otherwise Beatrix, but this pleasure is all about you. Don't worry about me gaining anymore pleasure. Let yourself go." He now started to go a bit more rough with his muzzle than before. It was only enough to possibly agitate the skin, but not quite enough to break it. His fingers started to pump far more faster of a rhythm in her ass, while starting to move his knot around in a more circular motion inside of her. It was the time to try something new in the hopes she would release faster. Maybe even like the new feeling.

Bee groaned as he pressed all her buttons, including the new one, tensing all her muscles for a moment before releasing, letting out one last moan as she sprayed from her pussy, and drenched his fur.

She sighed as she relaxed down on the bed, smiling as she moved her hands to cradle his face. "Good job," she said. "And to answer your last statement, that nail thing was more an expression of my pleasure than anything. Was kind of worried I was pressing too hard."

Bark chuckled and moved to engage in a kiss with her, which he made it last a while before pulling away. His knot was twitching a little at the pleasure gained during all of that. "My body is kind of tough, you weren't pressing too hard at all. I do like it as an indicator of your pleasure and it does give me pleasure." He placed his other hand on her cheek, on purpose keeping the other one away for a particular reason.