• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Chicago Night Life [NSFW]

"Is that a challange?" she asked, raising an eyebrow as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Maybe I'll just add some scars of my own to your tapestry."

He chuckled a little, but shook his head. "Not necessarily a challenge, but I won't lie it's sexy in it's own way to be scratched by you."

"I'll keep that in mind," she said, chuckling as she kissed his nose. "Guess we'll just have to wait the normal time for you to loosen, huh?"

He gave a nod and nuzzled his muzzle into one of her cheeks. "I suppose so unless you want me to use the ice again. I don't mind if you'll be more comfortable that way."

"I'd be giving and asking for more blowjobs if I didn't like the feeling," she said with a chuckle.

He chuckled but flustered a little under his fur. "I can't describe it, but your...Blowjobs you call them? Also your hands are kind of out of this world to say the least."

"Do you say that to every girl?" Bee asked, her hands moving up to rub his ears.

He smiled, as he rubbed her cheek with his hand. "You're the only lady I've ever said it to, but I haven't said it to any girl yet." He chuckled a little at his statement.

"Captain Obvious over here," she said, shaking her head. "Though, that does bring up age somewhat. how old are you?"

He looked a bit nervous concerning his age, but he gulped and spoke. "It might be awkward to say the least given by technical age standards I'm not even old enough to drink by American Union laws, but I'm 20 years old on the nose in fact."

"The fact that they didn't change the law based off of something biological is silly," she said, shaking her head. "To be honest, older than I expected. Kind of relieved too. Weird pillow talk to find out you've been fucking someone younger than half your age, you know?"

He blinked a little, but gave a smile at those words. "Good to know it doesn't freak you out or anything...Although given your bit of explanation on that, did that happen to you once before?"

"Yeah, rolled around with this ripped tiger-type and found out that he wouldn't be old enough to drive here," Bee said, blowing a piece of her hair away from her eyes.

Bark chuckled a little at that, but shook his head. "That is an awkward thing realizing your years of existence don't match up with your biological age. It's something you get used to, but it becomes awkward seeing the technical age for things...I was curious how many Chongwu have you been with? I like that you're open with Chongwu because I know some aren't open with Chongwu and can look down on us."

"Remember that polycule?" she asked, running her hands up and down his back. "More than half of the participants were Chongwu. One of the girls was a snake-type, very unique positions."

He blinked and wondered why that seemed familiar to him and it shouldn't because even on his team and family there wasn't a snake-type Chongwu. A komodo dragon, but not a snake type Chongwu. Then it clicked in his head why that seemed familiar. "I might be reaching a little, but is that a part of the reason why you were looking at the porn the one night? It was lesbian Chongwu's and I believe one of them was a snake...Unless that was her?"

"No, that would be hilarious though," she said with a chuckle. "Her breasts weren't the size of watermelons, for better or worse. Couldn't imagine the back problems that'd come with. One of the guys tried to film us for porn, but we put a stop to that."

He smiled and gave a nod, which a part of him was proud of that. Since that would be awkward to say the least if someone recognized her from a porno vid. "That's good, I'm kind of glad all of you put a stop to that...I was curious about something, what are some things you like about me? Your attraction to me kind of came a little left field so to speak."

"Let's see, you're funny," she said, punctuating each point with a kiss, "You're really tall, well built, caring, sincere, brave, good at listening, embarrass easily, forgiving, treat my feelings and needs as important, soft fur, a good kisser, a good fuck, cool scars..." she trailed off, thinking if she was missing something. "Probably more, but I'm not sure if the stuff I'm thinking of fits in what I alread said." She shrugged and pulled him in for a longer kiss.

He reciprocated her kiss in full wanting their lips to be stuck forever if it was possible or at the very least the feeling to never be gone. Soon he pulled away from the kiss. "T-Thats a long list, I'm flattered to say the least. I don't feel very brave though when I'm embarrassed and I like you far too much treat your feelings and needs as anything less than important."

"Was thinking more about combat bravery originally," Bee said with a chuckle. "But, you have to be brave to push through the embarrassment of almost being pinned by someone half your weight. Your turn to flatter me."

Bark blinked at the statement and placed his muzzle between her breasts and nuzzled in on both of them before coming back up and placing a kiss on her nose. "I can be wrong, but I don't believe being pinned by those nor you would be an embarrassment." He chuckled a little. "You're more outgoing than me, but very considerate, lets not forget the soft skin you have and you're tall for a lady which is great for kissing by the way. Sexy in combination with being considerate in bed? There was no way I could say no to my first time, which I would never change a thing." He smiled at his list, as he could think of more but figured he could save them for another time.

"Usually guys motorboat to avoid a conversation instead of starting with one," she said, smiling as she rolled them over so they could both lay on the bed.

His ears perked up at that, which he blushed a little. "S-Sorry if that was weird, but I wanted to tell you in probably a weird way I like you not only for your physical sexiness, but your beautiful personality as well." He looked at her smiling as well, as her smiles were usually infectious at least to him.

"It's fine for me," she said, tucking her head underneath his chin. "Just don't do that to Shade. Most girls don't like that."

He smiled and gave a nod. "I didn't plan to do that to Shade...I don't think she could take that kind of contact. Maybe someday I bet as a joke of sorts, but I'm afraid she'll have the potential to get revenge on that." He chuckled and held her close to his chest, allowing her to rest on him.

"If I ever see some more claw marks here, I'll know what they're from," Bee said, kissing his neck.

Bark chuckled at that, but his shivered at her kiss on his neck. He held onto her hand rubbing a little at her nails. "Careful you could have left marks of your own just hidden under my fur."

"Apparently," she said with a chuckle. "Wait, did you go up to see Shade and not wash out my lipstick first?"

He blinked as he thought about that. "I thought I did when I changed my clothes, but I think I wiped it off? Not necessarily washed it off...I was trying to save on time and I was worried."

"Guess she didn't notice," Bee said, letting out a sigh of relief. "That would have really fucked things up. But she kissed you, so guess that's just something to show she really likes you."

Bark gave a nod but he flustered underneath his fur just enough for even Bee to see. "Y-Yeah which is nice to know...I thought she wouldn't like me much at all."

"Thankfully, you don't know when to quit," she said, chuckling as she kissed his cheek.

He smiled and rubbed his muzzle along her cheek being happy at her words. "I-I'm glad being stubborn paid off and didn't make me look like a fool."

"Stubborn earnestness can get you a surprising amount," she said, emphasizing her words with another line of kisses.

He smiled and flustered a little at the line of kisses. "Thanks for noticing some of my qualities and not seeing them as negatives, as I've been afraid of that for a long time." Right after that? His knot was maintaining vigilance from the constant kissing and flirting until finally it couldn't keep up anymore and deflated.

"There we go," she said, wiggling free before sliding over to his groin. She licked his shaft til it was relatively clean and then crawled back up the bed. "Want a taste?" she asked, sticking her jizzed up tongue out.

Bark blinked and looked at her tongue, which it was sexy to say the least. However he maybe didn't want to taste those contents on it. "Uh would it be rude to say no?"

"Ehh, it's why I asked," she said, swallowing the mixture before returning to snuggle. "I'd push a little if you hadn't gone and licked my asshole clean last time. You've shown you can stand gross out, so nothing to prove there. Really comes down to if you enjoy it or not at that point."

He chuckled a little at the memory, which he held her and rubbed softly at her back to make her more comfortable against him. "Well I do enjoy your pleasure Beatrix and I do mean that. You seem to shiver alot when things happen back there."

"You're going in places where usually only stuff comes out," she said, rubbing her nose against his chest. "I'd have to have no nerves there to not react.'

Bark chuckled, but seemed to be smiling as he felt her nose rub against his chest. "That is true, which you have plenty of nerves back there. I did want to tell you, you can always be open about what is pleasurable to you and I'll do my best to give that to you. I wasn't lying when I said I care about you and I know that makes you happy and by extension makes me happy."

"Well, if you ever get bored when we're together, just know I'm always up for some mutual cunnlingus," Bee said, putting her arms around his chest, her fingers barely touching.
Bark smiled and shook his head. "Me being bored when we're together? That is impossible far as I can tell...Do let me know if I'm saying anything wrong Bee."

"I will, don't you worry," she replied, resting her cheek against his chest, moving her hands to more comfortably rest on his sides.

He smiled and placed a comforting hand onto her cheek rubbing it softly to make her more comfortable. "I'm content laying here with you like this. You didn't tell me you were an expert cuddler."

"Best way to test if the other person's out of gas or not," she said, lightly touching his shaft with her thigh.

He shivered and his shaft seemed to twitch at the attention once more, which he chuckled. "I still have more gas you know, but just in case we should conserve our energy...Also we might not want the room to permeate of nothing but our lovemaking."

"I suppose," Bee replied, relieving the pressure on his shaft while lightly scratching with her nails on his waist. "Well, if we're not going to do more, how about you go take a shower and I'll follow along in a bit?"

Bark shivered more upon feeling her nails on his waist, which his shaft responded by almost getting stiff. He chuckled, but gave a nod. "I'll take that shower."

He made his way to the bathroom with his tail wagging as various happy thoughts were going through his mind. This was exciting to say the least, but it was going to be hard to keep that excitement separate from work. After all his old job Chongwu on the team and being a family were practically one and the same, unlike official organizations at times. He made his way towards the shampoo and taking his time to wash out all of his fur.

Bee settled in, pulling a sheet over herself to stay warm. After a moment, she pulled her phone over and started typing a message to Shade. "Hey, so what did you want to talk about?"

A few moments passed before the response came, and again the texting indicator appeared and dissapeared a few times. "I had wanted to talk about your experiences, as I am attempting to navigate the notion of personal and romantic relationships alongside professional ones, as this concept is, while familiar to me, still alien as well."

"Sure, do you want to talk about it over the phone or what?"
Bee typed.

"I would prefer to talk alone," was the response, "without the addition of Ngao, in person."

"When do you want to do that?"
Bee typed, raising an eyebrow at the last comment.

"At your earliest convinience, as was my intention when informing Ngao that I wished to speak to you in the first place."

"Think there might have been something lost in the delivery of the message,"
Bee typed, smirking as she shook her head. "So, your preference would be, like, tonight?"

"My preference was 35 minutes ago, but yes. Otherwise I would have just spoken to you tomorrow."
The vague sense of frustration spille through the text.

"Yeah, that intention was lost," Bee typed, getting out of the bed. "I'll be up in a minute. Got to do a few things. What's your room again?" Knocking on the bathroom door, she said, "Turns out when Shade says 'no rush', she's just being polite. Going to go talk to her, girl to girl. Pick out a movie to watch or something."

"I am above you." Was the either poorly worded or subtle shade reply from Shade.

"Huh," Bee said, now wondering how thin the floors were in the building.

Bark upon being done with the shower? He was taking his time looking over at any communications and trying to review the reports from the interrogation. All the while making sure to brush his fur and get rid of any excess. After all no one likes dog hair all over the place.

Putting on the clothes that'd been discarded earlier and pulling her hair back in a ponytail, she grabbed the hotel key and walked out and to the elevator. After walking over to the similar room number as hers, she knocked on the door.

The door opened, and Shade peeked out from a room lit by the false window. She was no longer wearing her coat, leaving just the body suit on, and she looked down both hallways before she opened the door further. "Come in, please." She stepped back, the drone splayed upon the table and the bed undone as though someone had began to fall asleep.

"I have two chairs, if you wish to use one."

"Sure," Bee said, taking one of the chair and sitting on it, crossing her legs. "Sorry about the miscommunication. If you need something right away, just ask, alright? I'll let you know if it doesn't work and try to come up with something else to help you out."

Shade sat in the other chair, eyes not looking at Bee's as was usual for the cat. "I had assumed the message was clear, but I was incorrect. I... wanted to engage in conversation with you as to the understanding of this... relationship Ngao wishes to form. Where both you and I are prospective partners, at the same time. The idea is alien to me, as I said, even if the concept is familiar. Do you... truly find this agreeable to you? My inclusion?"

"Yep," Bee said, smiling as she leaned forward, resting her arms on her legs. "I got some experience with polycules and thus sharing partners. I know we haven't known each other for long, but what I do know and have seen? I do think Ngao is a perfect match for you. I like him too, which is why I'm not just backing off, but yes, I'm perfectly willing to share."

The heat that found her cheeks was less identifiable, the fur her only savior in that case. "In that case, I have yet more questions. I..." she crossed her arms and hung her head, sighing. "I have no experience in even a 'traditional' relationship, and so this relationship is beyond even that. My biggest question is: What is the right path forward? Is it your path? Of flagrant sexual desire? I feel lost before an expanse of feelings that I am not prepared to fully understand."

"You don't need to go my way," Bee said with a chuckle. "Just start where your comfortable or at the very least where there's fewer variables. From what Ngao said, you want to take things slower on the sex stuff. Believe it or not, I used to be where you are, though I had other, more monogamous examples to draw some info from. Guess I'm saying to start by having Ngao take you on a couple of dates. A dinner or a movie date, something simple like that. From there, move as fast or slow as you want. He's got time for it, honestly I'm kept busy with work most of the week, so you can have him fairly uninterrupted for most of that."

Shade nodded slowly. "Alright. Thank you. My further questioning involves my confusion with the concept of seperation of professional from personal. In my time, there was only ever one or the other. My personal experience, anyway. Chongwutown has different rules than many other places. I suppose my question is actually: How do you do it? I assume it's just a matter of denying favoritism and doing one's job as normal, but... I can't help but feel there's suddenly a new layer to every interaction."

"Honestly, if it's just the two of you, I wouldn't worry about it too much," Bee said with a shrug. "So long as you're not making out in meetings, getting other work done, and following orders on missions, no one's going to look too askanse at you two being a couple. The rank difference isn't that bad for one.

"If you ever want to move from us sharing Ngao to us three being a thing, then that'll be different," she continued with a sigh. "To answer your qustion, how I do it is to keep work at work and relationships out of the office. There's going to be that new layer, no matter what you do. But its my job as Captain to both direct everyone on and off missions and keep all of their well-being in mind. I've seen situations where that wasn't the case and it ruined things and got people hurt, emotionally and physically."

With a nod, Shade looked at Bee. "Understandable. This was my typical plan anyway. But... you and Ngao have made it abundantly clear that the option of joining as the three of is us available. What would happen then? What is the procedure? What changes? On the very improbable off chance that I accept that in the first place," she added quickly with a bashful huff.

"Basically," Bee said with a smirk, "You'd sign some docs that put you on a promotion board that didn't include me and throw some other procedural changes and waivers to cover Interpol's ass, 'you understand that despite the relationship, the Captain will put the job first', typical coporate bullshit. Hopefully you'll sit down with the in house lawyer to go over it without me having to schedule the appointment myself, like I did for Ngao." She rolled her eyes at the memory. "He's far too trusting at times."

"Yes, I am aware." Shade agreed. "The Chongwutown underground folk would have devoured him alive, attractive and trusting as he is." She blinked. "Am I even able to be promoted? Where does the rank come from? I am not a soldier, I am a technician capable of technological murder, with no prior experience in official military organizations."

"It's fairly rare, but yes," Bee said with a nod. "Every quarter or so, a board will make an appointment with you and go over your conduct. I'll be on it unless our relationship has advanced to the point where I'd be considered biased. Based on how well you do and the requirements for the next rank, you can be promoted fairly quickly. Privates don't stay privates for long usually, and stuff slows down a lot after you hit sergeant, but that's the general process. Raises are mostly tied to rank, but can be raised if you do a good enough job. Like soloing an interrogation and turning a source for example."
Shade sighed, the subtle praise not lost on her. "Regardless, I had those questions and felt you were best to answer them. I apologize for misleading Ngao with my words regarding my desire to speak with you, I misunderstood his... understanding of my words. I imagine you would think it is hard to feel bad considering what happened in those 35 minutes, which I suppose is understandable."

"Guess these floors are pretty thin," Bee said, shaking her head. "Honestly, I should have texted at the very least to see what you meant by 'no rush' before getting...distracted. Apology accepted and I hope you accept mine. I made it clear to Ngao and I'll make it clear to you. I'm not to be held at higher consideration over either of your feelings and wants. If there's disagreement between us, we can work it out to where we can come to an acceptable compromise. Alright?"

"I was only partially apologizing to you," Shade said, letting a short exhale tell of her frustration. "I did it again. I will rephrase. Ensure Ngao understands that I am apologizing to him through you, and also apologizing to you for the misunderstanding we brought upon you. I will most likely seek your out in future for answers, should they be needed. Thank you for talking to me. You are no longer required to stay, as I have very little to my name or in this room that would contribute any entertainment value, meaing there is no reason to stay."

"I'll let him know," Bee said with a nod, before thinking it over. "If you want, you could come up and watch a movie with us. Have some popcorn and couple other snacks as well. No pressure, I can understand if you're tired or want more time to yourself."

Shade was surprised at the invitation, and thought about it for a second. "I fear that I... would not know how to act around Ngao in a personal setting, after... earlier." Shade didn't know how much Ngao told Bee of he and Shade's relatively chaste kiss, but she had to assume something had come up. "So I am unsure."

"Whatever you're comfortable with," Bee said with a shrug. "Could sit in a chair, could sit next to him on the bed, even snuggle if you're comfortable enough. I can do the same, if you get distracted by me being too close to him. To be clear, he said you were 'divine to say the least'. But I trust him to respect whatever boundaries you set."

After those words and some more thought, Shade stood up and flipped her coat over herself. "I will follow you, but if the movie is stupid I will make my opinons known."

"Fair enough," Bee said with a chuckle, leading the pair back to the elevator. "Again, no pressure, but I think he'd love it if we were both snuggling against him. But that's up to you," she added, hitting the button for her floor.

"I... I still have some reservations about touch," she said in reponse, "But I will try. He is warm."

"And comfy," Bee said, nodding in agreement as the elevator climbed. Once the doors opened, she led the way to her room, opening it with her key card and opened the door to see if Ngao was decent.

Bark seemed to be distracted on his communicator looking up any potential crimes or groups that have come up recently. He spoke to himself concerning various criminals and groups. "Peeping toms? No not worth our time. Plushie thieves? Adorable crimes, but no not worth our time. Cart thieves? Make money off of the carts? Nope." He was was about to put on his underwear, but it seems he got distracted out of the shower.

Bee looked over her shoulder at Shade with a smirk. "I know you said you have reservations about touch, but what about sight?"

Shade was confused why Bee was just standing in front of a barely opened door, and this question only confused her even more. "What does that have to do with anything? I'm looking at you right now, perfectly aptly. My sight work fine."

Bee shook her head. "No, like how'd you react to seeing Ngao in the nude?" she asked, pointing a thumb through the door. "Should I tell him to get dressed before you come in?"

Shade's eyes widened immidiately, speech disabled for a second as her brain restarted. "Uhhh. Yes, please." A second later, she realized she hadn't been specific, "I would... prefer him to be clothed please. Looking now would be unethical."

"If you're concerened about him, we can just ask," Bee said, opening the door enough to slip in, leaving it ajar. "Hey, got the other member of the Ngao appreciation club outside," she told the dog-type, pointing over her shoulder at the door. "She's not sure if she wants to come in with you being all naked though."

Bark blinked for a moment, as he wasn't paying attention when she first spoke. Until he listened a little bit more, but wasn't quite understanding what she was saying. He smiled and gave a nod. "Of course she can come in here with us to see a movie! Why would she not be allowed?"

"She's not sure if you're okay with her seeing you..." Bee said, looking down at his hanging shaft, "in all your glory."

Bark blinked at her words, kind of confused at what she was saying. "Glory is nice and American I think? Also of course it's okay if she sees me, we can't watch a movie without being in the same room...I don't think?" He was still confused.

"He said it's okay," Bee said over her shoulder. "Just up to you if you don't want to see him naked or not."

From the outside of the room there was a low whine, long and frustrated. Shade was utterly conflicted. She'd hoped he would not want to be seen in the nude so that her dilemma would be entirely solved, but instead she had to fight herself about whether she wanted to see him like that. The short answer was yes, absolutely, she needed to know about the rest of him. The long answer was harder to grasp, more complicated. If she did see him naked, bare and free, what on earth would she even do about it? Nothing? It still felt somewhat... wrong to view him like that at this moment.

With another long whine, she pushed through the door and stared directly at the floor. "I w-was here for a movie, unless it is boring. I will make my opinions known during the movie."

Looking at Shade's refusal to look up, Bee shrugged and pointed at Ngao's clothes. "Think she wants you to put on some clothes first," she said.

"I didn't say tha-" Shade very nearly blurted defenisvely, but she realized at the end: defensive of what? "Uhh. Do whatever you want, I am not bothered either way," she said, as she slowly navigated the room to find the couch, still staring at the ground.

Bark this whole time was confused until he looked up and saw Shade was in the room---How--When? He grabbed his boxers and ran into the bathroom, practically doing a baseball player slide in there. "Ahhh! When did Shade come into the room!? I thought you meant she was going to come in here a bit later! Also no one says 'in all your glory' anymore for meaning naked! That line is ancient!" He put back on his boxers and fortunately his pants were in the bathroom, but not the shirt. He made his way now out of the bathroom giving a small sigh of relief. "O-Okay good news I now have pants, but no shirt."

"I said she was outside, silly," Bee said, shaking her head as she sat down on the other side of the couch from Shade, grabbing the bags of popcorn.

Shade had found the couch eventually, sitting down and still staring down until he came back, assuming he was dressed until he reported his failure. She sighed. This was more doable. She finally looked up at him, eyes grazing across his shirtless torso before she very quickly realized oh no, this was only slightly more doable. He was still attractive.

"I apologize for that not being clear, I should have spoken sooner. Nor should I have walked in at that time. My sudden confidence was misplaced and... foolish."
Ngao shook his head at her words. "N-No your confidence wasn't misplaced nor foolish. I should have been paying more attention, as I was taking a look at the reports on that group. Then I got curious and looked up other reported crimes, small time to be sure and didn't seem to have any nefarious organization to them." He went over and picked up his sweatshirt, putting it back on. "S-Sorry if I caused any trouble being naked or even half naked."

"It was... I just wasn't sure how to feel about seeing you like that, mixed with an odd desire I've yet to act on before to see you... like that." She was staring at the screen, and a part of her was disappointed that he'd put the shirt back on. "The captain was little help, and thus in the end I somehow did neither of the available options by very nearly doing both."

"Sorry for leaving you out to dry," Bee said, with a shrug as she turned on the TV. "Was having a little fun at Ngao's expense."

Bark chuckled and shook his head. "It's fine Shade, but what movie are we watching exactly? Unless you brought that collection here Bee?"

"If you give me a minute I can hook up to my home server," Bee said, looking over the local options. "Got a few thrillers and rom coms here, if any of these look good to you two."

Bark blinked looking at Bee like she was crazy, as if she was asking a child to face a boxing champion. "Errr I don't think I would know what's good. I've seen only one movie? Maybe two ever in my life?"

"I am not equipped to make an informed decision," Shade said, "but I am not in the mood for something thrilling. It would cause me some upset, at the moment."

"Fair enough," she said, patting the couch cushion between her and Shade. "Come and sit down, Ngao. As for romance comedies, looks like we have one set in modern day, one in the 21st century, oh, and one of my favorites, an English Regency flick except all the actors are Chongwus. Purr and Prejudice."

Bark looked at both wondering which one to pick, but instead he looked over towards them as he finally sat down between them. "Ladies' choice I think on this?"

"That last one. I suppose," Shade finally said. "Can't be that bad, if bad at all. I want to see Chongwu in old outfits, that would be hilarious."

"Sure," Bee said, hitting play on the movie and handing Ngao the popcorn. "So we can all reach it," she said, leaning her head against his shoulder as she ate some popcorn.

Bark chuckled a little, but gave a nod. "It makes sense me being the Popcorn Man." He blinked and turned to Shade. "Uh Chongwu in old outfits? Like tuxedo kind of old outfits?"

"Just watch the movie," Shade said, "You'll understand." She remained separate from the other two as the movie played, arms crossed and staring at the screen, but her eyes couldn't help but start droopin. Not really because of the movie, but because that day had been racing for her. Slowly, she leaned closer to Ngao as he radiated warmth.

Ngao smiled and gave a nod, but noticed her leaning closer to him. His tail was wagging a little at the question he was going to ask. "Um Shade? If you want to, you can lean against me and get comfortable. Also warm, but more so comfortable."

She gasped as she was awoken from her daze, and she straightened up. "Apologies, I am merely tired after today." She probably couldn't lean on him of her own accord, awkward as she was, but soon she was dozing again and slowly drifted towards his shoulder again.

"Just let her do it on her own," Bee whispered, eating more popcorn as the movie continued.

Ngao smiled looking at Shade and gave a nod to Bee, as he kept himself generally stil so they could be comfortable laying against him while staying focused on the movie.

Eventually, half-asleep and barely paying attention to the movie, Shade was leaning against Ngao's shoulder. Soon she had snuggled up next to him, eyes closed as she felt his warmth. She felt safe for once, the large canine more than enough to convince her sleeping mind that she could be at ease.

Ngao smiled and wanted to do something, but was afraid of waking her up. He allowed Shade to snuggle up to him without trying to move so much as an inch, as he didn't want to disturb her. He turned to Bee and nudged his head over in Shade's direction. "She's very cute asleep."

The other woman nodded, snuggling into him as well, before returning her attention to the movie.

Shade slowly slid down to lay on the couch, curled up and her head resting on his leg. Every once in a while she'd whine, turning over in her sleep.

Bark listened to her whines and was uncertain of what to do, afraid to touch her in case she jumped far too alarmed. He placed what he hoped would be a comforting hand onto her shoulder lightly and slowly.

She whimpered, tensing up at the touch, but her eyes opened and saw his hand there. Her safety confirmed, she closed her eyes again, and her hand reached up to hold his there.

He smiled and kept his hand there to keep her comfortable, but it made him question what could she be dreaming about? It had to be bad, but he was going to do his best to keep them both happy and that meant doing his part. He reached a hand over to Bee placing a hand on her shoulder as well. He paid attention to the movie understanding the premise, but also keeping an eye on them just in case.

Bee looked at Shade for a moment before looking at Ngao, winked, and then leaned back against his arm and closed her eyes, her breathing slowing.

He smiled and winked back for once, it felt weird but in a good way. He stayed where he was enjoying the movie, but he couldn't help but lower himself and place an affectionate kiss on Bee's forehead. Then continued watching, but soon he was starting to get comfortable and sleepy. Since he'd been on such an adrenaline-happy high for a long while. Soon his eyes couldn't fight to stay open and soon sleep took hold.