Nobles of Null

Z-9 Printable version

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E-4H #549/Z-9

Biographical information
Concourse Alpha, Planet Hawking

Physical description
Echoni Model E-4
40kg +
Political Information
SEER / Magnetic Assembly
Out-of-Character Information

====Personnel Registry====


-Physical Description-

A short gawky unit with scorchingly strong fey goblin energy, Z-9 has huge mismatched blue-green eyes, pale skin, a twin plumes of bright magneta hair. All four limbs are glossy doll-jointed prosphetics marked with azure industrial patterns, temporary-issue ones due to Z-9's propensity to crash into things and snap them off. She has Z-series 'heavy' unit face markings and can technically accept a wide degree of modular parts.

-Personality Description-

Z-9 had extremely strong exophage abilities from the start, leading them to judge their own self-worth based on their combat ability. For a long time they resented unit 444, but later became much more individual and happy due to taking up singing, eventually becoming an official propaganda musician for the SEER program. Actual effectiveness in this role was mixed, not least because their incredibly powerful eye-laser power keeps causing huge property damage by accident.

Raised by machines, they are pretty obedient and eager to impress anyone with cyborgizations- Though hyperactive and destructive enough to make any such affections as much as a risk as it is a boon. Z-9 also strongly empathizes with other rather beat-up and downtrodden Echoni, becoming outright protective in the presence of Z-23.

-Advantages & Disadvantages-

+ Extremely strong dimensional-shearing laser power.

+ Seemingly infinite energy. Her cyber-limbs never get tired either.

+ A reasonable amount of training in technology and firearms.

- Even fitted with a control collar and brain augmentations, the laser power still inexplicably sets itself off by accident constantly.

- Scatterbrained and impulsive.

- Organic parts are physically frail, and she's accident prone to the point that her cyberlimbs were designed to snap off, rather than cause socket damage.

Combined E-4 Unit 549 Development Notes (Dr. Doris Muller)-


- (2318.04.04) Unit 549 early developed marked by unruly behaviour and a fist fight with Unit 444. Valuable data was gained on gravatic-field projection powers, but Unit 444 still won the fight unarmed. Disappointing.

- (2318.06.04) Engaged in tests to improve consistency of Exophage output. I don't think Dr.Barkley approves, but the disobedience of this unit might make it a total write-off.

- (2318.10.02) Field strength reached meta-132 today. Z-9 sheared tungsten rods 2 and 6, when under stimulation from brainwave manipulation effect D. I have catalogued the materials and requested operable materials in order to make Z-9's brainwaves reach this result reflexively.

- (2318.11.09) Pushed output up by another 20%. Obedience not improving, so had to use direct brain node access again.

- (2319.01.20) Maxed out output at 321%, but Z-9 attempted to manually manifest a secondary power, which warped the projected field. This resulted in serious damage to themselves and the surrounding facility. Dr.Barkley went behind my back to request cyborgisations, in order to assign them to field duty. Very disappointing.

-(2319.07.16) It's been six months, and now I'm hearing that they are mothballing the unit due to an accidental friendly fire incident? Dr.Barkley is an imbecile! He just wanted this Unit due to the high output, but they have no idea of the true potential...

-(2319.11.24) Managed to reassign Unit 549 to the Heavy Echoni project due to the need for specialist troops. Changed nomenclature to Unit Z-9. Disobedience seems to increase when in the presence of Z-23. Still rather accident prone... Even with my position, not sure I can justify them staying on active duty for much longer. Need to find a more long-term solution.

-(2320.02.03) Seems my leaked images have had some effect. Unit Z-9 now has a sizable online following due to their aesthetically appealing nature and rambunctious personality. Dr.Caxia has authority over matters of publicity, so I should be able to get them reassigned to Sayla's protection...

Additional Imagery


Z-9 fitted with SEER E4 uniform, date 2321.03.11


Z-9 under the land unit test program, date 2319.03.22.


Z-9 with Z-23 under the Idol unit test program, date 2321.06.15


Addtional material from the Idol unit test program.