• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.


" - of Life pours magic into the galaxy and its many worlds through points along its limbs known as Nodes. These Nodes are the points at which the tree touches reality, dispersing magic in the process. Some are stronger, and some are weaker in their radiance, however, they all - "

- Planet Lihana. Surviving Manuscript Segment 14.4D, "Précis of Nodes"

Nodes are an integral bodily component of the subject otherwise known as "The Tree of Life", "Yggdrasil", "Odhrom'nimloth" or any number of other designations. Like the subject itself, Nodes have multiple alternate designations such as "Burl", "Knot" and "Knob", which continues the tree analogy that is commonly found across civilizations. Nodes can always be found at the end of the subject's branches, with a star system acting as a convergence point for additional nodes and associated branches.

OOC Notes and Old Stuff


"The Tree of Life pours magic into the galaxy and its many worlds through points along its limbs known as Nodes. These Nodes are the points at which the tree touches reality, dispersing magic in the process. Some are stronger, and some are weaker in their radiance, however, they all roam, revisiting key, important locations depending on the seasons of the planet they are located on, as well as the alignment of the planets in the system that they are located within. These Nodes are typically invisible to the naked eye, however, their presence can be unmistakably sensed by all magic users as what they truly are - parts of the very source of all magic. In addition to this, the very passing of a Node has subtle effects on space, time and causality due to the increased concentration of Primordial Magic flowing out and into reality. Though this is specifically harmless, a phenomena unique to the Primordial Magic directly coming out of the Nodes themselves, numerous irregularities can be perceived. From afar, animals herald its coming with song while plants begin to flower and bloom. Nearing closer, individuals may even notice that luck begins to turn in their favor. It's only standing directly before a Node that its nature begins to show itself in full as strength and vitality flows into the limbs of those who behold them directly."

- Surviving Manuscript Segment 14.4D, "Précis of Nodes, Incomplete"


"Those that are sufficiently brave and skilled may be able to perceive the Node being a part of the greater Tree of Life, and in doing so, realize that they may call for The Tree to lay down its root or branch so that they may walk upon it through magic ritual and incantation. These may vary from civilization to civilization, but inevitably all lead to the same result: a portcullis of brilliant white light appearing for a period of time. Travelers may enter into this light, and on emerging from the other side, realize that they had taken a hundred trillion steps and more along The Tree itself in a trance-like state, only to emerge out of another portcullis in a distant land or even world in the blink of an eye. However, the time that passes between travelers and loads entering one side and exiting at another is measured in less than a second, with no wear, tear or exhaustion being noted. Perhaps even more perplexing are the claims that some travelers may have the vague recollection of occasionally spotting other travelers making their way on their own limb of The Tree. This method of travel using the Node and The Tree is inaccurate however, with arrivals easily being miles away from the intended location. As naturally occurring Nodes of all different sizes exist, their ability to transport people and goods directly corresponds to their size. All civilizations aware of Nodes and their potential for transit typically categorize them by the distances they are capable of covering, with the smallest typically being capable of transporting individuals several hundred miles. Slightly larger ones can cover the spans of entire continents, while larger ones still can bring people from one world to another. These have limits in the amount of matter that can be transported at once however, and those loads that are too large 'slide' either through or out of the light.

The very largest and most capable Nodes however, are located within the seas, oceans and even in space itself, with their ability scaling upwards and in this order. They can take entire vessels, however, the amount of matter that can enter transit is still limited despite the increased capacity. However, the greatest distinction of these greatest of Nodes is the journey itself. Time continues to pass, and though occupants and equipment are able to witness their vessel sailing through the sea of stars, details vital to navigating outside of The Tree are completely inaccurate. The time spent in transit varies with the distance being covered as well, with shorter distances scaling upwards, and longer distances scaling downwards closer to an average transit time that can range anywhere from a few days to a week."

- Surviving Infoslate Segment (Unpowered) 5.8B, "A Traveler's Guide to the Galaxy, Incomplete"


"For most great civilizations, the natural state of Nodes and the unpredictable access to The Tree they afford is unacceptable, and as a result, those such as we often produce Node Facilities of some shape or form. These stop a Node from wandering, making access to them much more consistent, and in addition, have automated ritual and incantation systems in most cases. These facilities can be relatively utilitarian and light in tonnage, or just as easily be massive star ports that send and receive numerous travelers. Such facilities come in terrestrial, sea, oceanic and space varieties, with their size typically increasing accordingly. In addition to acting as a vital piece of infrastructure, facilitation of a Node increases the amount of magic that flows out from it, an act done by The Tree itself to compensate for the fact that the Node is no longer wandering. These facilities are often vital to economic trade and commerce, and as a result, security is just as high. Despite this however, they are still mortal constructs and vulnerable to acts of sabotage, which are made even more rare due to the potential risk for damaging The Tree and its Node. This has not stopped such attempts entirely however, and there are such moments in history scattered across the galaxy at large, much to the chargrin of any force of Order."

- Surviving "Scroll for Primitives" (Tube Intact), Excerpt 8

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