Nobles of Null

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Active Plots

The Edward Deming

  • The Edward Deming


  • Outremer
    • Explore the frontiers of human space!
    • Explore the outer reaches of human space as a crack team of scientists and soldiers, meet new and interesting life, either make friends or shoot 'em dead.

Tai Shun Jo

  • Tai Shun Jo
    • Aos Si seeing their history and dignity trampled by the Daqin Diguo
    • The civilization of the Aos Si has fallen into disrepair, their world invaded, and now decades later, the descendants of the invaders have offered an olive branch to these "Elves" - will vengeance be had?

Fortune Favors

  • Fortune Favors
    • Participate in a motley crew of pirates with a greater political purpose.

Inactive RP

Darkness Down Below

Darkness Down Below

Grau Lancers

  • Grau Lancers
    • Tramp Freighter and Family conflict
    • Pirates and saboteurs are abound in space, and the PMC run by the Grau family are the first line of defense

See:Inactive Plots

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