Brief Description
Fortune Favors is a pirate plot that will directly contribute to the escalation of conflict in the human community. The story follows Captain Alex Clyborne, corporate pirate sponsored by Ein Mitra, and his crew aboard the carrier-frigate Audentes, as they engage in missions supported by rogue government elements in the Heaven Forged Republic who seek to undermine the American Union's international postions.
Alex Clyborne himself is a survivor of the Fabron counter-piracy missions, as all of his original crew, including his wife, Mirina Clyborne, along with his previous vessel, the Gold Touch, were all lost to government special forces in the Silbern system. With no love for government in the first place, it has now turned to hatred with the loss of all that he previously held dear. Now, the Captain is more than willing to engage in operations to disrupt the current order.
The Audentes is an old American carrier-frigate gifted to Alex Clyborne, courtesy of Ein. With adequate self-defense capabilities, the Audentes' primary purpose is to carry captured HFR rangers, long range, semi-independent attack craft that will serve as the primary force of Alex's pirate group.
Player Characters
- KB-231
- James Andrew
- Skolos Kesi
- Sovanna
- Cindy
- Marius Noble
Plot Style and Expectations
Game master posts will be made every Monday and Thursday, but that can be changed depending on player enthusiasm.
The main beats of the plot is expected to be a mix between hard-sci-fi space combat and boarding actions, with character development in between missions and sprinkled throughout. The rangers are crewed by 2-3 man teams, so player characters will have to work cooperatively to man their strikecraft, maintain it, and modify it.
Modifications will be a major aspect of the plot during mission downtime. As the plot develops, the group will have captured more vessels that they can choose to use for future missions.
Suggested Character Origins
Given that this is a pirate plot, characters can come from all walks of life from the different nations, but generally a disdain for the current order is encouraged in their personalities. Having skills in piloting and maintaining spacecraft, along with hand-to-hand combat experience, are all highly encouraged. The following are suggested origins:
A past resident in the Silbern system, where living on a space station has induced above-average mental stress among the populace, making them more prone to acts of terrorism and piracy.
A nationalist extremist of the Shen Zhou system, whose donctrination from birth has been one of service for the nation and small degrees of jingoism and xenophobia. Their enrollment could be one of disillusionment of the current status quo.
A Magnetic Assembly member of the Hawking system, which is currently rebelling against the AU. The Assembly would have an incentive to see the Union's forces stretched thin dealing with problems on multiple fronts.
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