Justice Class Frigate
With the ceasing of hostilities in 2323 between the American Union and the Magnetic Assembly, ISOC HQ took the time to rethink their fleet composition. In the age of thousands of missiles in one salvo and lasers powerful enough to knock them down, the need to have every cruiser on the frontline was apparent. The Whip class could take the lighter patrol duties off the Statesmen class, but there was a need for a larger ship with longer loiter times. The Justice Class was designed to fill that role, trading single strike capacity for internal storage.
With the ceasing of hostilities in 2323 between the American Union and the Magnetic Assembly, ISOC HQ took the time to rethink their fleet composition. In the age of thousands of missiles in one salvo and lasers powerful enough to knock them down, the need to have every cruiser on the frontline was apparent. The Whip class could take the lighter patrol duties off the Statesmen class, but there was a need for a larger ship with longer loiter times. The Justice Class was designed to fill that role, trading single strike capacity for internal storage.
Name: Justice Class
Operators: American Union
Length: 150 Meters
Diameter (Radiators): Meters
Diameter (Main Body): Meters
Propulsion: x ULA Mark 17 Fusion Drive
Max Acceleration: 1.38g
Range: ~4 month before requiring resupply
Electronic Warfare: MK 23 Naval Bastille Frequency Generator
Operators: American Union
Union Launch Alliance (ULA): Hull / Drive system
Jovian Propulsion Labs (JPL): Sensor Systems
Stellar Arms (SA): Weapon Systems
Length: 150 Meters
Diameter (Radiators): Meters
Diameter (Main Body): Meters
100 Ship Crew
Propulsion: x ULA Mark 17 Fusion Drive
Max Acceleration: 1.38g
Range: ~4 month before requiring resupply
JPL Block 12 Optical/Thermal Sensor Systems
JPL Block 3 Ship Radar
x 3 UG-301 2.5mm point defense coilguns
x1 UG-3001 Launch System
Electronic Warfare: MK 23 Naval Bastille Frequency Generator
The New Years Revolution was an eye opening experience for ISOC. A century of assumed space superiority was destroyed in two battles and barely won back with three more counter strikes. The Statesmen were officially outdated, defeated by armed merchantmen and cyber attacks. During the first two years of the war, the Speaker, Serviceman, and Conestoga classes were made from Mk1 Statesmen hulls, each trying to fill a role that the old design lacked.
After the cessation of hostilities, new projects were spun up, from new missiles to new ship classes. This included the Justice class, designed to hold territory and free up larger ships for the front line.
After the cessation of hostilities, new projects were spun up, from new missiles to new ship classes. This included the Justice class, designed to hold territory and free up larger ships for the front line.
Lacking the room for the artificial gravity systems of the Statesmen, the Justice Class is laid out like a building, taking advantage of the acceleration under thrust to orient the ship's interior. This does lead to zero-gravity conditions when the ship is not accelerating, but commanders of the vessel usually keep a low level of thrust going unless a specific orbit is required.
UG-301 2.5mm 'Sandblaster' Point Defense Coilguns

The Primary weapon system for dealing with threats close to the ship is the UG-301 coilgun. The circular bank of coil guns near the front of the ship fire unguided, relatively fast, metal slugs with a high rate of fire.The small projectiles are well suited for destroying targets such as missiles and can chew through even heavy starship armor at close range very quickly. Due to the unguided nature of the weapons they are not very suitable for attacking targets on long range.
For more see: UG-301
UG-3001 Launch System

Proposed by Stellar Arms, the UG-3001 is a massive launch system designed to fire projectiles at extreme speeds. The weapon is intended to help deal with the range advantage of the Magnetic Assembly's laser weaponry, though the actual effectiveness of fast moving projectiles that can be targeted by lasers is somewhat dubious. Regardless of the effectiveness, the weapon was included by the American Union who is eager to find an advantage in space combat.
For more see: UG-3001