• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

IDS Yīnghuā - Log 1.0: Swift as the Wind and Quick as Lightning (風馳電掣)


Staff member
Wiki Moderator
Empire of Daqin,
Pínqióng (貧窮) System
The Forbidden City

With the great flurry of activity, months all flew by fast. Even by Daqinren standards! They were all instant celebrities for the strike in FTL, a historic first among all nations. There were press conferences, interviews, sponsorships, VR game skin DLCs...Hoshiko even had a model of The Great Wall series of truck made after her! And of course, Jun's wedding to Hoshiko's cousin, Tāo (濤)! As far as the Tigress was concerned, he was a bit of a runt who kept to themselves. It would do him good to be dragged outside.

That aside though, they had all gone their separate ways by now.

At least, until Hoshiko's entry code repeatedly began applying itself to their data gateway, the equivalent of someone frantically mashing on the doorbell to be let in! Sakamoto was the first to let the princess in, the tigress suddenly appearing in a small, intimate party full of handsome chongw males all trying to vie for Wu's attention. Sakamoto herself was eagerly jotting down notes as she played around with a familiar double helix floating in the air.

"Ara, what a pleasant surprise!" Sakamoto began. "And who else is there behind you?" she rasied an eyebrow. Behind Hoshiko she was doing the same exact thing to several others at once, numerous doorways and instances of herself frantically ding-donging them all to drag them into an impromptu group-chat.

"We got something spicy happening, right now!" the tiger princess exclaimed excitedly.
Jun would appear almost immediately, wearing a thin pow-print bikini and a collar with a cowbell on it that looked incredibly appropriate for a honeymoon with a prince and incredibly inappropriate for 'whatever this was'. She grabbed Hoshiko's shoulders, desperately asking, "WHATS THE PROBLEM WHAT'S GOING ON?! IF YOU NEED ME THERE I WILL BE THERE IMMEDIATELY. I'M GETTING A CAR READY NOW!" Jun's avatar moved un-naturally, her breasts only bouncing a little, settling high on her chest, her bikini clinging to her like it was painted on. Small golden circlets and chains adding to the look, and ending up pressed against her skin as the whole outfit was exactly, intentionally, too small.
Wen stood behind Hoshiko awkwardly in the virtual reality, standing near one of the wall, though his large size had him take up half the false hallway nonetheless. He didn't need to be here. Beyond the alien gem implant into his heart, he still had his regular officer duties, taking up a quiet role overseeing the shipment of goods and materials for corvette production, pressured into it by generals who wanted nothing to do with him. However, he was invited, and socially he had little else going for him besides a son and a daughter who he never raised himself, and parents who treated him the same. Thus, he remained present behind the tiresome princess, who he now followed simply out of obligation and historical co work. The bull-form remained silent, dressed in Daqinren naval uniform.

Xian's type the rifle put a neat hole in the center of the target down range. Despite all the smartness of Daqin smart weapons, there was still value in being able to hit a target yourself. In practicing the moves. In being able to make the most use of the smart capabilities. The target would then refresh and move to a new position behind an obstruction.


Xian's bullet would fly upward so that the end of its arc would take it down over the obstruction to slam into the target. As the target would move to its next position, Xian would receive a notification. The 'ding-dong' would be followed by information about just who was doing the dinging.


Xian's perfect shooting record for the day was ruined. For a brief moment she considered not responding... but she could feel the weight of her mother breathing down her neck. She couldn't turn away from her duty. She would have to continue to find a way to protect the Mother-Empress and her children from the Mother-Empress and her children without laying a hand on either of them. Somehow. This would be an incredible challenge.

Even the cow was now a princess...

... and the bull possibly the Empress' Paramour...


Xian would show up in uniform. The bright red on her chest helping her stand out as the rest of the uniform clung to her. It seemed she preferred a subtle default avatar unlike... whatever Jun was doing.
Dai stared at herself in the mirror while a too-hot shower ran empty behind her - doing the same thing she always did in what little off time she afforded herself in the busy times. Staring at herself- nitpicking this new skin she found herself in. Face too young. Boobs too large. It was strange, and even as long as it had been her body it still felt off.

She didn't hate her ‘new’ appearance. It was a gift from Sakamoto!- but it was still taking adjustment.

Regardless, she did all her best work staring at herself. Alone. Wasting hot water. None of the voices of her younger, bickering coworkers could find her in her steamy sanctum.

— Except by call.

The equine doctor popped into the call- her avatar dressed in her tight uniform and labcoat combo. It was professional, appropriate, and still different enough to set her apart enough to remind everyone exactly what her role was. However useless it was to do so. “Spicy? Someone better be dead- or else this be very, very compelling.” In spite of her almost venomous words her voice was light and playful- and a calm smile pushed the corners of her lips up, “I was moments from a breakthrough.” - a breakthrough the curtains and into the shower.

Wu stood awkwardly in the throng of chongwu men gushing over her and introducing themselves, wearing a fancy dress that Sakamoto had gotten her to try. She seemed uneasy with being the center of such attention, before everyone's attention was quickly drawn to the digital door-knocking and the sudden appearance of one of the Empire's princesses.

She took the opportunity to slip away from her newfound fans, moving next to Sakamoto quietly as the Daqin woman greeted their unexpected guest, eyeing Hoshiko over to see how she was dressed and what she was so excited about, listening to the group-chat.
"J-Jun?! What did Ttāo..." Hoshiko stuttered. "What did - bwhaahahahaha!"

"You look pretty down Wen,"
Hoshiko pointed at him with a smile. "I'm sure we can fix that," she pointed the way.

"Someone's getting popular," Hoshiko raised an eyebrow at Wu. Shooing all the boys away, that left the Americanized Chongwu alongside Sakamoto. "I'm gathering up the crew - there's big bucks if we figure this one out!"

"Not bad Xian. Hope you're as good a shot in the field though,"
Hoshiko commented, popping off her own shots. Adjusting the leather coat on top of her command-red bodysuit, she stood aside to show the others gathering.

"It'll have to wait, this is something you're gonna want to bring the science equipment for," Hoshio encouraged The Doctor.

"Cha-ching!" Sakamoto hopped onto her feet, dollar signs sparkling in her eyes. The feathered woman too Wu's hand and made to lead her along out the door, waving an excited greeting to Royama the moment she saw her. The scene in front of them all was like something out of an escherian painting, their own individual 'doorways' each opening up into a small, circular room. A circular room acting as a hub for all of them, and consequently, filled with a crowd of Hoshikos', each 'ringing' their respective doors and greeting them all. But once the initial hellos were done, all of her instances walked into one another, merging into one before the tiger princess brushed her leather jacket.

"All I know is that this is the biggest mana spike we've ever seen! Come on!" Sci-fi doorway popping up behind her, she lead the way into a briefing room. In meatspace however, they received route info to send their flesh and blood bodies - straight to one of the imperial city's hangars.

There was a planetfall capable dropship waiting for them.
"What?!" Jun asked, it took her a few moments to figure out what was going on. She realization that she was wearing an avatar meant to appeal to Ttāo's desires, "OH FU-"

Jun would T-pose and then disappear as she disconnected from the call, frantically changing her presets before rejoining.

When Jun reconnected, she was wearing something more professional: the usual Daqin armored bodysuit that still accentuated her form without showing too much.
Jun would miss most of whatever it was that everyone was talking about of course.

"OK! Back. What's actually going on and why are we going to this hanger?"
"Dumb cow got fucked so hard by her new husband she turned deaf. Or left with a single neuron." Wen jeered in virtual space as his physical body mechanically prepared his suit and equipment for an orbital drop. With every heartbeat, the muscles in his chest ached and his rib cage strained, as the trapped souls lodged in the rock wailed. He didn't fully understand them, but he knew at a fundamental level that they were hungry. Whatever was going on, he knew he needed to be there.

"Mana spike. Some magic bullshit is happening planet side. We're going to go check it out."
"Ara, ara," Sakamoto hid a smile behind a veil of feathers. "That's an awfully impolite way to say that we will be having new heirs to the throne," the merchant prodded at Wen, fully aware of his overly stiff propensities.

"I knew Tāo wasn't a very interesting cousin, but I didn't think he'd be a Hiki-NEET Coomer too," Hoshiko remarked with a sneer, tossing around the Nanmin slang. It was a reminder that the only proper Han descended Daqinren seemed to be Jun, Xian and Wen himself. Hoshiko, Koyama and Sakamoto were part of the Japanese descended Nanmin, and Royama was a Xīnwài from America. Oh. And there was Sakamoto's Chongwu pet from America, Wu.

Even as they all suited up and eventually converged in meatspace on the way to the Hangar, they made for a very odd group. Inside meatspace however, Hoshiko rubbed her hands in excitement, only for one of the other doors to open - once again, they were greeted by Zuǒshǒu and Yòushǒu, the empress's bodyguards and hands.

"Greetings everyone, Wen's suspicions are correct," the two began, their voices indistinguishable from one to the next. A geological survey of several caves appeared on the main holoemitter as they came to stand. "This involves your mother as well Xian, so it is only appropriate you come," Zuǒshǒu noted. "At the time-date stamp noted here, this anomalous portal or "Node" has opened between Tiāntáng and Atlantica, with sea water pouring into the cavern system," Yòushǒu continued. "However, that is not your concern. Its anomalous effects have forced numerous personnel to undergo repeat gene-therapy to compesate for...changes," Yòushǒu paused, the lull ominous. "The Tiger General herself included. She is currently finishing her third genetic therapy cycle due to insisting on being in the field." Zuǒshǒu turned the expressionless glare of her helmet to Xian expectantly. "The local Aos'Si are congregating in a nearby ruin, and have not suffered the same issue. Find out why. Retrieve information and samples if needed. Are they're any futher questions?"

"Are our laser guns ready? The Chongwu should have one too!" she pointed at Wu.

The two imperial bodyguards looked at the princess in silence. Maybe seething silence? Or annoyed? They could have been aghast as well. It was hard to tell with Zuǒshǒu and Yòushǒu.
"Imperial Command is making dangerous choices here," Wen commented. In meatspace, he suited up into his environmental protection gear and strapped into a flak vest. "You are not only allowing a high ranking officer to be present in a hostile, unknown environment, but also authorizing the presence of two biological members of royalty, and one who married into the family, no matter how much I find that decision inappropriate."

He checked his laser rifle carefully. It was an honor to use a prototype weapon like this. He thumbed over it gently, as if he was holding an ancient Chinese Baojian. In virtual reality, he plucked the survey of the holoemitter, and converted it into a walkable environment, with best guesses on the color and texture of the terrain. In doing so, his own form jittered in and out of existence for a few seconds: scars that he will bare for the rest of his life.

"With my opinions out of the way," Wen stepped through the caverns, stopping at the lake of saltwater that was forming, saltwater from another alien world dozens of light years away, "I expect that this will be a capture mission. Do we know the strength, numbers, and equipment of the congregating Aos Si?" He threw up some visualizations of the Aos Si, imagining them in archaic robes, huddled around the source of the saltwater in dogmatic worship. From there, he postulated best plans of assault and apprehension.
"XIAN! TAKE HIM AWAY!" Jun shouted, pointing at Wen for his outburst. How DARE he insult a princess of the Daqin empire like that!

Xian had to consider things carefully. Of all the things that her mother had instilled in her, learning how to handle the house of the Empress was the most important. Her words had to be chosen carefully, as fault should not be laid upon members of the imperial family themselves or upon herself and the military. She also had to be careful about placing authority for the situation upon someone like Hoshiko who would be immediately put on the spot.

"Princess Jun, our crew for this mission is already locked in. I will have a formal complaint filed and deal with this through the channels available."

Sure, the princess wouldn't be happy about that response, Xian could see her fuming already.... but Jun was quite far from the throne. Perhaps if Xian was lucky she would be able to make it out of this situation without making any enemies.

Possibly also alive.

"What kind of support can our group expect when we reach the surface?" Xian asked. She knew she couldn't question the decision to only bring two soldiers to guard a group of three princesses and a merchant but she would certainly voice her concern. "Moving with such a small group will limit our capabilities for scouting, preparing camp, and responding to changing conditions."

She took a long deep breath as she prepared herself. Using the moment to run the old exercise to calm her mind and body, to prepare herself to take on her new assignment. She could feel her physical form settling into a more comfortable stance that she could maintain for hours, if need be, even as her mind sank into the remote connection, her consciousness stretch reaching out from her body, across the network, to integrate its self with the virtual reality construct of the meeting, already ongoing.

She was late. She despised being late, but the timeliness of her attendance had been out of her control and the meeting was already underway. She pushed that frustration to the back of her mind, filing it away for later as shr let out the breath and finished centering herself and logged in.

In the meeting space...

A woman resolved into being among those gathered for the briefing, of average height, with a build that was both pleasing to the eye, but also that of a well honed physical strength. Her softly angular face was crowned with almost electric blue hair, cut into a short jaw length bob and was accented by striking violet eyes with a slightly dispassionate look to them. Her brilliant hair and eyes stood out in contrast to her creamy pale skin and long pointed ears. She was attired in the dress uniform of a Marine officer, crisp and tailored to profection, even though this was a VR avatar, one could assume the physical original matched.

She cleared her throat as she stood to attention, facing her new commanding officer "Please pardon my intrusion. Duìshuài Yamashiro Sakura reporting for duty" Sakura introduced herself with a crisp salute.
"Let us not totally lose it on Wen, Princess. Let us remember he is acting for two. He is not quite himself- I'm sure. Surely you can find it in your heart to muster up a crumb of forgiveness" Dai rolled her eyes while still managing a polite smile and friendly return wave back to the rooster and her chongwu coworker

"Yes Ma'am. I figured I'd be lugging along some manner of equipment with this uptick in magical phenomenon. I can bring some manner of equipment to assist with any genetic.. abnormalities. At this rate I might just be able to add being an expert in the field to my CV. Guess we'll have to learn how to inoculate against.. magic. Won't that be something?"

A private message was sent along to Wu, "If you need me to start literally beating the men off of you, just give me a ring. Running around with Sakamoto playing the celebrity seems positively exhausting."

While in meatspace she hurriedly turned off her shower and bee-lined for clothes her Avatar regarded the room curiously- thoughtfully considering and sorting the rambling trades from the actually important information- with some crossover. "If you're worried about scouting I can modify my form to something a bit more qaudrepedal. It will delay my arrival, but it might behoove us to have those capabilities. The amount of gear I can take and the ability to take myself and a possible passenger on a literal scouting run could lend a considerable hand. Wouldn't be terribly out of place to have a proper centaur along for a mission involving magic." The thin, polite smile on the doctor's face grew into a genuine grin at the thought of taking part in a real life fantastical quest. The thought was admittedly childish, but no less delightful.

As their late arrival showed up to the meeting space Dai offered her a quick finger wag, "Welcome to work, Dear."
"Greetings, Yamashiro Sakura," Zuǒshǒu and Yòushǒu greeted the blueberry haired feline. It was as good an excuse as the two could find to not immediately reply to Hoshiko's demand for Wu.

"And send Wen into Mother-Empress's Dungeon? As planned?" Hoshiko shot a glare at Jun. It was a definite no. "Think of it this way Wen," Hoshiko set a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We're essentially Kheshig or Varangian Guard. With how many siblings we got, we're important enough we can boss people around to get what Mother-Empress wants, while still being expendable," she pointed out to him with a smile. It soon faded as her weight started to lean on him in their virtuality. "Ugh. That came out bleaker than I would have liked," Hoshiko slumped with a sigh.

"The force numbers of local Aos'Si are currently unknown," Zuǒshǒu tried to keep things on track. "They have been spotted primarily using 'manually powered kinetic weapons'," Yòushǒu euphemistically informed them. "However, there have been sightings of the 'relic weapons' of the type seen years ago during the siege of Xīng Luò (星落)," Zuǒshǒu added with a hint of caution in her voice.

"Ara," Sakamoto cut in. "I assume we are to 'relieve' them of anything interesting, like plasma casting spears or hardlight projecting bows too?" she mischeviously smiled. The cocky rooster was clearly intending to shake the boat just a bit and make the meeting just that much more serious with the potential threat that they could be facing ahead. The siege of Xīng Luò, the sole city on Tiāntáng, had not been bloodless for the Daqin.

"Yes, but to answer the more important question," Zuǒshǒu and Yòushǒu turned to look at Xian. "Support and reinforcement will be routed as appropriate to your findings. But we expect the involvement of military regulars to be kept to a minimum until necessary," the two cooly answered. It was clear that this was not normal business, and perhaps, the Mother-Empress did not wish for the regulars to encounter anything too...irregular.

"Ara-ara, you get to bring your Caboose then Dai-chan!"
Sakamoto slipped in the English word for fun. By now though, their bodies had marched machine-like through the hive of Daqinren in meatspace, only to met up at the hangar.

"This costs more than you do," Yòushǒu explained to Wu, her sister Zuǒshǒu handing the buxomly armored Chongwu her own laser rifle.. "The battery packs as well." Turning to the rest of them on board the dropship, they asked in unison, "Are there any further questions?"
Jun was quiet for a moment. She wanted Wen in a regular dungeon not a sex dungeon. Even more worser was the thought of Wen being in some sort of imperial sex dungeon of The Empress! Her whole plan was to be some distantly in line for something princess that was important enough to not have to work but still unimportant enough that she didn't actually have to the politics stuff. "I'm a princess now, someone with his standing shouldn't b e calling anyone a dumb cow, much less ME. You don't see me calling him a Boobish Bull for getting brainbroken by some twiggy discount dryad." Jun huffed, more to herself than to anyone else.

There was also some important discussion about whatever it was they were doing going on, but Jun didn't seem to be engaging with that. She'd keep the recording though in case she needed to reference something later.
Wen flashed Hoshiko a hint of sympathy from his facial expression. His hand reactively pushed back at her shoulder, but he allowed her to lean on him nonetheless, as he listened the the Right Hand and Left Hand guards of the Mother Empress continue on regarding the mission. Expendable children didn't occur to him until now from the words of royalty itself. With the level of mastery Daqinren had over biosmithing, they could all be mass produced from a genetic template. For all Wen knew he could be royalty by just genetic inheritance as well, created with part of the Mother Empress' genetic template after She rose to power. Still, calling themselves expendable didn't sit right with the bull.

"You hold your tongue before you devalue a fellow sapient," Wen piped up, pushing Hoshiko off of him as he stepped up to the Guards in defiance. "Need I remind the Imperial Guard that our great empire was born in part due to human underestimation of artificial sapients, our mothers and fathers?" He pointed to Wu. "Should you not wish for a Zhongzhi event befall our great empire, yet still condone the production of Chongwu, you would best treat her with the same respect as any of us, for she is as just as capable of treachery."
Sakura inclined her head to the Zuǒshǒu and Yòushǒu, as they greeted her, but beyond that, as the newcomer, and not yet knowing the dynamic of this crew, she remained silent. The blue haired marine fell into a parade rest stance, her hands clasped behind her back as she observed the banter going on between some of the officers as she awaited the mission briefing proper.
"My caboose indeed, Sakamoto. Try not to get too excited." Dai responded with a bit of a tease in her tone. She could hardly blame the rooster if she was, perhaps, even just a bit elated at the idea of the doctor trotting in with all the regalness her quadrupedal form had to offer!
This did mean that she had to rush- and would still be arriving a good bit later than the rest with her caboose in tow and literal saddlebags undoubtedly filled with scientific field equipment that would hopefully come in handy even while under bow-fire and in the midst of very angry elves. Notably the normally just-below-average height doctor was several heads taller in this form.This was no pony-sized centaur-like form. Carrying all of that equipment called for something much larger!

As fortunate as she was to have a truly modular body- the adjustments were not instant and it would take time for her to gather up all of the needed field equipment.
While her physical body in meatspace rushed, the digital one remained relaxed and maintained her pleasant, amused expression.

"Boobish bull.. Very interesting turn of phrase, Princess. However boobish Wen does have a point. I agree with you that the Chongwu should be treated with respect, but I think you're standing too tall on your soapbox at the wrong moment with the wrong crowd. Everyone here is valued- but our fearless leader makes a fine point that shouldn't be ignored- regardless of whatever feelings you have about it." While she spoke she slowly made her way to stand closest to Sakura. The company, even slightly normal -at least until proven otherwise- was a swiftly growing desire while she was amidst the royals and possesed. She just worked here.

"No questions. For now."