• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

The Kingdom of Vice and Virtue

The Kingdom of Vice and Virtue

The ice of Acedia almost seemed to glow under the Gallant Unto Fail as the shuttle rocketed over the plains. Karathor stood with his brothers in battle and blood as the shuttle landed with a shutter. For the first time in many years the warrior was nervous, not of death like he had been when he had begun his mission to earn his name, not of the killing of others as he had felt before his first battle, not of how he would survive without the backing of his house, but of how he would face his father.

The shuttle's rear ramp lowered and the light of Acedia’s icy ranges nearly blinded Karathor through his visor. However the sight was unmistakable, two lines of warriors stood creating a path to the keeps entrance. Swords of all types silently flew out of their sheaths as the warriors of Acedia saluted a great warrior.

Karathor’s first step was that of a hesitant child, short, scared and weak, but Hedramen placed a gauntleted hand on his shoulder and spoke softly. “We’re right behind you.” The sound of those words echoed throughout the comms channel as it had through every battle the warband had ever entered. Karathor’s next step was that of a warrior, his armored steps spoke of strength and honor as his warband followed him through the silent corridor of steel.

Before the great doors stood one man, Balrog Diligenza, a tower of steel and gold and it was all that stood between him and his home.

Thousands of warriors Karathor had faced and none stood up to the one that was awaiting him. Unlike those many years ago, Karathor looked the armored man in the eye and stood his ground.

The world seemed to hold its breath as the Prima of the Great house stood judgement. The silence invaded every inch of the ceremony even as the sword of the house was drawn. The massive blade was a bar of shadow against the golden pillar of its wielder, with movements of a master the sword swung through the air too fast for Karathor to react.

The sound of ice shattering and steel screaming were heard even in the frozen vacuum and Karathor waited for his life to end, his armor to fall away, his body to fold over, anything. But when nothing happened he saw the sword was standing out of the ground and the booming voice of his father echoed through his helm.
“Welcome home Karathor Diligenza.”- Annuls of the great Wokeskald Pistonemius, 19th of his name.


The Kingdom of Vice and Virtue is a collection of nested feudal households spanning a small mining family beholden to their debtors to the Great house of Virtue, controller of the Crown and numbering hundreds of families arranged in a Byzantine network of blood and financial ties. While still mostly centralized in the Reservoir system, The Great Houses of Reservoir have begun to expand their holdings in other nearby systems, if sparsely populated and claimed.


The History of the Kingdom of Vice and Virtue


The Culture of the Reservoir System and the Greater Kingdom of Vice and Virtue is one of depth and development unhindered by the past of their Earthly roots. The Vendetta allows for all to know who is right and strong, blessed by the saints and god's artillery.

Social Strata

Political system is feudal at its core. However, to keep open conflict in check, there are three mechanisms to allow for peace.

1: Peasants may declare freeman status unless they are indentured at any time. They forfeit security for freedom. Sometimes a person will choose to stay a peasant for the benefits ownership to a prosperous house can bring. A peasant cannot be granted freedom, merely their debt forgiven.
2: power shifts gradually based upon Great House Seat proximity to the Throne. The specific chairs themselves are measured, not the person or family holdings. While there may eventually be houses outside of the Reservoir system, the proximity system keeps power centralized in the home system.
3: All disputes can be resolved through a formal battle between parties, called a vendetta. The appointed or requested and agreed upon judge generally limits the scope and collateral damage. Often the disputing parties will sell holovid broadcasting rights and hire professional warriors.

Otherwise, feudal standards apply with various ranks within a Great (and usually subservient houses) determined by size of holdings, alliances, and contacts in a Byzantine web of political intrigue.


The economy of the Kingdom

The Werner

The cornerstone of the Kingdoms economy, the Werner is a unifiying currency used as a standard most local currencies are subjected too.


The Fold Drive : The massive ship engine used by foldships to instantly fold space and translate a foldship and connected vessels to their destination.

The Battle Frame : War machines of varying size, these pieces of mechatronic and weapons engineering are the key tool for many things in the Kingdom, from politics to policing to industry.

Notable Vehicles

Various vehicles used regularly in the Kingdom, either by the crown, the other great houses, or by private entities.

Fold Ships

Space Ships

Frames (mecha)

Other Vehicles


The Kings Army

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