• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.



Bullroarer is a roleplayer that joined the site on September 15th , 2020.

==== About Bullroarer ====
Bullroarer is a 38 year old Father of five and long time gamer and role player

His/her interests are ... Epic gaming, D&D, and FUMBBL

Bullroarer found Role Play by ... word of mouth

==== What kind of Dungeon Master are you? ====
So have you ever been told in the past that you’re a hard DM? Have you ever been told that when you DM you’re a soft-touch or don’t lay down the law enough? Never heard either of these critiques? Well here’s a little quiz you can take to find out just where you fall on the DM scale. Write down your answers for the calculator at the end and please do your best to answer honestly. After all, lying to yourself is the first step towards total insanity.

Q1 - When making a character a player comes to you and asks if they can re-roll their ability scores after rolling really poorly the first time. What do you do?

A) I say no. The rules are the rules.

Q2 – When making a character a player comes to you and asks if they can create their own original weapon/armor/item. What do you do?

C) I say no but allow them to modify something in game that’s similar.

Q3 – You discover on the first session of a campaign that one of your players has legally min/maxed their character to be very over-powered. What do you do?

B) I let them run with it.

Q4 – After a few sessions you notice that one of your players is cheating on their rolls. What do you do?

A) I immediately ask them to leave the game. No place for cheaters at my table.

Q5 – After a few sessions you notice that one of your players seems to dislike the campaign. What do you do?

A) I ignore it. If they got a problem, they can leave.

Q6 – One of your players is constantly arguing with you about the rules. What do you do?

D) I patiently listen, but make my own decisions since it’s my game.

Q7- One of your players is often rude or insulting to another player. What do you do?

D) I bring it up in private and ask them to cut it out.

Q8- During a must-win fight you notice that your players are losing badly. What do you do?

A) If they can’t hack it, they die.

Q9- You notice that one of your players has been deliberately sucking up to you. What do you do?

C) I politely tell them that flattery will get them nowhere.

Q10- Near the end of a campaign one of your players decides to stab the rest of the party in the back causing a crisis. What do you do?

A) I do nothing. It is what it is.


You are a bit more tough than fair. You like to uphold the rules most of the time but will concede on a few points when you feel it is necessary. Your players have confidence that you will run a straight game.

=== Player Rights ===
Players in my plots have these rights in addition to those common on the site (These rights apply to active roleplayers who have participated in the roleplay within the last 30 days or who are on an excused leave of absence.):\\
1. If a character dies permanently, the player has the right to create a character of similar or lesser ranking and status.\\
2. Players have the right to take their character with them to another plot if they have problems with their current plot or its game master, without worry of the plot GM using his position to get revenge.\\
3. Players have the right to refuse any roleplay that makes them uncomfortable, especially sexual or strongly violent role-play, without negative consequences on their character or themselves.\\
4. Player rights do not protect characters from bad things happening to them, including injury or death, or from criminal charges stemming from illegal actions (including deserting the military).\\
5. Players have the right to maintain sole control over their character's development and nature. No one may alter their character's personality or history without their permission, except \\
* to correct factual errors in contradiction with the site canon as overseen by the Quorum (this includes site-level retcons).
* history edits due to plot-level (GM) retcons of recent posts due to a player rights violation or general agreement of the plot's members.
* to add historical events that have already occurred in the roleplay
* to bring the article in line with site rules (removing profanity, etc)\\
6. In a situation where a player has been missing for a few weeks and hasn't actually posted anything at all (and thus, has not said she/he isn't coming back), her/his character(s) should be moved off the plot and left somewhere out of harm's way (but not somewhere from which they cannot easily join a new plot (or return to their old one if it's still around) if and when the player comes back).
==== Contact Information ====

* Timezone: Eastern U.S.
* Discord: Bullroarer4 #4897

==== Plots ====
The Blood Cross

====== Bullroarer's GM Guide ======

How to do the thing well.

===AMA notes===

Starting a plot
* need passion
* single idea
* be able to explain it in a paragraph
* lay a foundation
* start writing

* dont worry about it.
* be upfront about expectations

Managing plots
* set rules and enforce them
* guide rather than dictate
* keep up with your players
* be reasonable

* don't worry about it
* do not pander!
* those that are interested will stay, and those that aren't will leave, natural circle of life

Large plots
* considered more than four players
* need better organized framework
* using a pad/shared word processor like google-docs
* set down where each person should post, and follow up with the order/timing in the reply
* make sure players understand that you'll determine the flow of events, not post order

Meta gaming
-what is it
-how to work around it

* maintaining fourth wall
* keeping it real - suspension of disbelief
* research the subject matter
* maintaining it depends on the plot, some keep it, some don't

===== Dealing with Problem Players =====

* Best done over voice, as text doesn't carry the nuances necessary to properly communicate something as complex as this
* Often times, trouble players will not realize/know that they are problem players
* Problem players often have some sort of underlying IRL issues that are bothering them, which bleeds over to RP, but not always

==== The Monty Hall Type ====

* Type of player that focuses more on gathering stuff rather than RP
* Don't give them stuff, since it just rewards that bad behavior
* Focus on character interaction and plottage, get them to move away from getting stuff for the sake of getting stuff

==== Overly Aggressive Player ====

* Ask if they are enjoying the plot
* Troubleshoot, figure out what's going on/causing this behavior
* Consider asking them to leave

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