• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Ossataru Class Foldship

Ossatura Class Fold Ship

The Ossatura class fold ship is primarily a survey vessel for The Kingdom of Reservoir.

About the Ship

Built primarily for exploration the Ossatura has deviated from the normal foldship designs and is based around long term habitation. The solution decided upon was constructing an O'neil Ring as the base of the ship. To fuel and maintain attached drop ships the ship is loaded with massive storage arrays above the drive systems

Key Features

  • O’Neill Habitation Module
  • Fold Drive
  • 2 Rotating Docking Rings w/ 4 Dropship Docking Ports
  • Point Defense Grid

Mission Specialization

The mission specialization of the Ossatura is for system survey and exploratory dropship carrier


O'Neill ring surrounded by storage spheres with a massive ring on the end.

History and Background

Hasn't been built yet

Notable Ships in Class


Statistics and Performance


* **Class:** Ossatura

* **Type:** Survey Vessel

* **Designers:**

* **Manufacturers:** Nanotrasen

* **Fielded by:** Corporate/Exploration/Kingdom


**AI Suite:** 1

**Crew:** 30 onboard crew

**Maximum Capacity:** 200-800 maximum capacity


* **Length:** 450 meters

* **Diameter:** 250 meters (O’neill Ring 100 meters)

* **Mass:**

Propulsion and Range

* **Hyperspace Fold Drive:**

* Max range per jump: 75 LY

* **Sublight Engines:** 0.01g Acceleration

Inside the Ship

Inside the O’neill ring varies depending on the section. From residential to farming areas the ring is rather park-like and with the help of the internal sky display monitors and life support systems it can be anything from a nice sunny day to a foggy cold night.

The more maintenance sections of the ship tend to be, mostly depressurized, long corridors between the storage spheres and the engineering sections of the ship.

Compartment Descriptions

A list of the Compartments and their descriptions


The Bridge of the vessel is down the center of the ship. It is a very heavily defended area and is able to control and monitor anything in any section of the ship that can be monitored.

Emergency Systems

The following is a list of emergency systems used by the Ossatura.

Section Lockdown

In the case of a breach an entire section of the ring can be locked down with several emergency lockers for anyone that is inside a breached section. This can be employed in several situations, major fires, structural failure, toxin leaks, etc.

Emergency points

Due to the size of the ring instead of employing lockers there are bunker sections of the ship where people inside a locked down section can go and hunker down. These bunkers are filled with rations of oxygen, food, water and life support gear which should last for a few weeks until the section can either be evacuated or unlocked.

Life Support System

Life support comes from a combination of stored material and recycling to maintain the atmosphere inside the ring. Farming and atmosphere recycling systems are the main ways the ring maintains a breathable atmosphere.


Fusion Power Plant

The ships main form of power generation is the massive fusion reactor in the core of the engineering section.


The ship sports a wide variety of electronics. From the displays on the inside of the cylinder that act as the sky to the many autonomous systems that allow the ship to run and even the basic industrial set up.

Propulsion and Drive systems

Fusion drive

FTL Drive

A fold drive ring generates the energy pulse that the ship rides to move at FTL Speeds

Weapons Systems

The only weapons systems on this fold ship are point defence weapons.

OOC Notes

Created by Piston1937 and PaladinGreco on 12/28/2020

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