New Cambridge
New Cambridge is the Main human settlement on the Planet Hawking, and houses the vast majority of the human population on the planet. This creates a very dense city, with population housed inside of towering archologies clustered near the coast. The city was developed around the initial planetary survey camp, and houses a disproportionately large number of educational and science facilities.
Affectionately called 'Robotown', this area of New Cambridge is almost exclusively occupied by heavily cybernetic individuals. Many of those in The Magnetic Assembly have personal space here, and much of the infrastructure in the area caters to their specific needs.
Robotown has many Cybernetic focused features that include.
- Sixcog labeled vending machines nearly everywhere
- Lots of art painted in the Ultraviolet or Infrared spectrum that is only visible to enhanced individuals
- The 00000101 star restaurant 'MEATBAGS'
- Sometimes LSD is sprayed in the air to ward off unaugmented humans. This is a major attraction for some humans.
- Capsule-apartments for individuals who spend most of their time in VR.
- Expansive Augmented-Reality recreational spaces
New Cambridge University
One of the leading sources of research and study in human space, NCU's main campus is housed entirely in one of the New Cambridge Arcologies and maintains numerous satellite campuses throughout human space. This organization has ties to private industry, government, and military groups, often assisting with research projects or placement of individuals looking to further their own research.
While NCU pushes the boundaries of what is acceptable, it takes care to follow all laws and regulations of the organizations it works with.
New Cambridge University's mascot is Shroomie the Shroom (Go Shrooms). This character is based on the Atomic Mushrooms of the planet Hawking, a seemingly miraculous radiation absorbing fungus that is somewhat ubiquitous around nuclear sites.
The Yellow Zone
The Yellow Zone is the name given to the hundreds of square kilometers around the city of New Cambridge on the planet Hawking. While the border wall around the city itself marks the start of the city of New Cambridge proper, the actual end of the Yellow Zone is a bit harder to define as some small signs of civilization such as roads, structures, and people can be found several kilometers out.
The Yellow is defined by the heavy security, including numerous stationary monitoring posts, patrol robots, and sensor systems. Grawla in this area are quickly identified and often approached by security forces to establish what their intent is in the area. While humans are discouraged from living in this area, some do choose to. Beyond the Yellow zone, there are no real roads or civilization built by humans.
Archology 12
A massive medical complex, Archology 12 mostly houses a hospital complex and a number of assorted medical research facilities geared towards life extension, cybernetics, and researching reactions between humans and the native biology of the planet Hawking. Several floors have also been converted into temporary Echoni medical facilities.
Archology 24
One of many situated along the coastline of New Cambridge, Archology 24 is primarily a residential area. Formerly, many American Union soldiers were housed here, though after the New Years Revolution many of the floors were converted into high security living areas to keep the multitude of AU prisoners comfortable during the following year. Many members of the Magnetic Assembly and New Cambridge's leadership also call Archology 24 home.
Archology 44
Primarily a residential area, and former home of Dorris Muller. The expansive penthouse area at the top of the Archology has been given over to the Echoni for their use and the lower levels of the Archology house many of the Echoni's followers.
Archology 65
Situated a bit further in from the coast that most Archologies, and directly adjacent to 'Robotown'. Archology 65 is generally regarded as 'the bad part of town' in New Cambridge. Prior to the New Years Revolution at the start of 2320, Anti-American Union types, 'individualists', and those generally wanting to stay out of sight of the local government would make their way to Archology 65. The local population had an affinity for graffiti and damaging the local surveillance equipment, which often required a semi-armed response from the Hawking Gendarmerie. Following the New Years Revolution, the Magnetic Assembly decided to just stop replacing the damaged equipment.
The current Archology 65 lacks the tracking hardware that the rest of New Cambridge has, and has extremely limited network connectivity. Warnings are placed for areas that are 'off the grid' though this is about the only place in New Cambridge that one can find good dive bars.
Situated in Archology 65, Trollies is a dive bar that funds itself though both alcohol sales and data-collection. Users are presented with a terms of service when they enter, and they receive free-offers for drinks if they answer a series of trolly-car questions with more complex trolley-car questions leading to more complex drinks.
Chongwu District (Official title pending)
Built in the older skyscrapers of New Cambridge, the Chongwu District is being constructed to accommodate free Chongwu, refugees, and underground anti-Daqinren freedom fighters. Currently, the district houses several thousand Chongwu stemming from over fifty uplifted species, a few stemming from non-Earth fauna samples. Given the huge diversity of subspecies the Chongwu encompasses, a dedicated team of ergonomic engineers is currently employed to design the arcology, designing unique accommodations unseen anywhere else in human space.
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