• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.




The MAG-12 is a weapon family developed by the Magnetic Assembly in 2316 and would be entered into the American Union inventory as the UG-12 in 2317. The weapon would continue to be developed after the adoption by the American Union, though in 2320 the New Years Revolution would see the American Union discard the weapon system into civilian hands while the Magnetic Assembly continued development of the system.


In 2316 the American Union started to deploy handheld directed energy weapons to the majority of its personnel. This would cause problems for American Union Marines in Green Squad assigned to the Edward Deming who would find themselves unable to get ahold of the variety of specialty guns that they were used to operating. The expeditions of the Edward Deming also required a range of smaller personal defense weapons that were easy to operate by non-soldiers who might find themselves in harms way.

To resolve this problem, Green-Squad would collaborate with Heram Wazu to develop a reliable, conventional, gun system with a variety of interchangeable parts that could fit a wide range of uses.

By late 2316 the various versions of the weapon were in use throughout the Hawking System and the Magnetic Assembly. The wide scale use of the weapon would then cause the American Union to formally add the weapon to their arsenal in 2317 where it would primarily see usage among ISOC units within the American Union. The weapon would not be largely adopted by terrestrial units due to the poor penetration characteristics of the ammunition used, though conversely this same characteristic would make it desirable among space-based infantry units looking to minimize the damage caused when firing the weapon inside of a ship or starbase. Various specialty versions of the weapon were developed, and over the next few years a series of improvements on the basic assault rifle variant of the weapon would be produced. These would largely be small incremental changes to features and the end result would be a system with built in suppressor, ambidextrous ejection ports, and improved reliability.

The AR6 version of the weapon would be ready towards the end of 2319, however due to the New Years Revolution the weapon would not end up in the hands of the American Union. Instead The Magnetic Assembly would continue to develop the system under the MAG-12 name and continue to employ the weapon with forces in the Hawking System.


The weapon system is primarily made from a generic handle grip with a battery in the hand grip, and a fire control assembly slightly above it with a safety/single/automatic fire select option. An ambidextrous ejection port is located right behind the pistol grip, and an ambidextrous charging handle is located just above that so that the weapon can be manually cycled in case of system failure. An integrated, flip up red dot sight is located on the front of the weapon, and a pair of canted rails are located above the pistol grip to mount equipment or optics. Another rail is also located along the underside of the weapon for mounting of additional equipment or grips. The weapon's stock is a single piece with shock absorption built in, and the barrel of the weapon has an integrated suppressor system.


Though the weapon can accommodate a range of ammunition, the Mag-12 typically fires subsonic rounds tipped with a HESH explosive. This makes it most suitable for short-range fire and indoors combat as its rounds typically create a very powerful but very shallow wound channel without over-penetrating into anything behind the target. The standard round also performs very poorly against armor, but will still usually injure the wearer and chip away at the armor with multiple hits rather than being defeated entirely.

This makes the weapon well suited for use in ship to ship boarding actions, urban combat, or confined spaces. The low recoil and ease of control also makes it very suitable for use by minimally trained personnel.



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