Liam Forester
Liam was born in one of the big cities on earth in 2250, to difficult parents. He had a younger sister and two older brothers. Father was an abusive alcoholic, mother was too set in her ways to listen when his father would abuse them. Liam left for the military as soon as his sister was old enough to leave the house, and had settled in to find her own place. He rose up in the ranks in the American Union military to the rank of captain after many years of hard work. He is gruff, demanding, has a keen mind for tactics, and is good at listening to the needs of the men and women under his command.
In social settings most would call him prickly. He is terse and to the point, saying what he thinks when he thinks it's important. He's the kind of person that when he is looking at you, he’s likely glaring, and if he’s talking to you, he's more talking at you. He expects you to do what he says. This is not to say he’s an asshole, he just tends to not put up with anyone's shit and expects things to get done when he says to get them done. When not on duty his soldiers tend to like him. He is good to share a drink with, and loves a good game of dice or cards.
- Build: Extremely athletic, 270 Lbs, of muscle and sinew
- Facial Features: Most would not refer to him as attractive, especially not with the large scar across his face, but that’s not to say he is ugly, he’s just not traditionally attractive
- Hair Style: Short Military-style cut, clean shaven
- Distinguishing Features: A large scar across his face from the shrapnel from an anti personnel mine that was triggered near him during the New Years Revolution.
When he was younger, he peered over every online article, and book, memorizing and analyzing weapons, differing calibers, but unfortunately that's where that ended. His curiosity was killed by his father, and instead, he put the knowledge he was gaining to a more practical use, and joined the army.
Liam would work his way up through the enlisted ranks of the American Union’s military, with assignments spanning the homeworld, New Texas, Atlantica, and eventually Hawking for his years of experience on multiple worlds. He would be assigned to run Fort Barrera’s armory in 2317.
His loyalty to the American Union was deemed high enough due to his age that he was not approached by members loyal to the Magnetic Assembly prior to 2320. When the New Years Revolution started Liam fought on the side of the American Union, taking charge of AU loyalists in Fort Berrera’s armory. His reason for fighting on the side of the American union was one of ease, as opposed to allegiance. Though he was able to gather a sizeable number of soldiers and avoid being incapacitated during the opening moments of the strike against the American Union, he would find himself cut off from support and eventually overwhelmed by Green-Squad’s stun drones.
After this battle he was held under house arrest for a few months in New Cambridge before being approached by the Magnetic Assembly, and offered a position in the newly formed provisional security fleet. After proving his worth there, Liam would be assigned to the Edward Deming at the start of 2321, and would be tasked with helping rebuild the ship’s onboard security unit after its original security was reassigned to building the Provisional Fleet. His affinity for technical work with weapons would also see him assigned to work with the various development groups of the Magnetic Assembly in relation to weapons projects.
Custom M-17 Modular Assault rifle, Extended Magazine, Optical Site, Heavy Barrel
Combat Knife
Union Void Combat Uniform (Always on)
AR Glasses
Custom M-17 Modular Assault rifle, Extended Magazine, Optical Site, Heavy Barrel
Combat Knife
Union Void Combat Uniform (Always on)
AR Glasses
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