• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Dark Horse

Dark Horse

Tiger Class Battle Frame "Dark Horse"

This is the personal mecha of Dav Steinbar

The Tiger Class Battle Frame is a large Line-of-battle Mecha with emphasis placed on firepower. Recreated by Augury Moonbeam Lynn 69-2114-3289 and Blackwell Defense Industries in 2318 with the Kotoku Data Core, this chassis is the first produced with an eye to claim market share in the Mecha market.

About the Tiger

The Tiger's mission profile is designed to act as a main battle mecha. With a ground speed of 75 Kph, solid armor, and heavy weapons loadout, this Mecha fights with overwhelming firepower. With a modular weapons array, like all Battle Frames, the Tiger can bring optimal weapons for the mission. The Tiger carries a comparable amount of weapons as the Lion Class Battleframe, enabling this chassis to pack a powerful first strike.

Key Features

Average speed, moderate armor and extensive weapon systems are the hallmarks of the Tiger. While capable of use in any environment, including underwater, this mecha is best used planet-side. Outfitted with a quality targeting matrix and larger weapon load-outs, this mecha wins by shooting first. With the modular nature of this mecha's weapon arrays, you will find dozens of variants within the same unit, each unique to both the pilot and the mission.


With the recovery of the Kotoku Data Core, Jimmy Sorano saw an opportunity to revolutionize the face of modern warfare. Larger, more powerful, and most importantly, more durable battle frames would allow for many groups to engage in battle. The nearly indestructibility of the open style frames allows for a savvy tech or pilot to take a nearly gutted chassis and repair or refit the mecha to nearly new.

Initially, the Great House of Virtu ordered one dozen, mostly as show pieces. The Baba Yaga Space Group, seeing a worthwhile investment, purchased as many as their new Dropships could hold. These would help expand their reach to the harder to access, but more profitable, ground targets. Thus, a new market was born.

The Tiger is one of three new Battle Frames being produced by Blackwell Defense Industries. This particular Mecha was recovered in an operation on Vice during the founding of the Blood Cross Company.


Like most of the Reservoir Battle Frames, the Tiger towers above other Frames with a height of 12 meters. Boxy, angled plate armor covers the Mecha. A variety of weapon ports, such as direct energy weapons, large cannons, and missile launch tubes can be found dotting the Tiger. Digitigrade armored legs support the hunched torso as well as two boxy arms attached to the shoulders.


Statistical Information

Organization: Blackwell Defense Industries
Type: General Combat Use Powered Mechanized Frame
Class: BDI-M808B Tiger
Designer: Augury Moonbeam Lynn 69-2114-3289
Manufacturer: Blackwell Defense Industries
Production: 120 initial run, with more buyers interested
Price: 9,913,533 W-Credits
Crew: 1
Maximum Capacity: 2
Passenger Capacity: None
Width: 8.5 Meters
Height: 12 Meters
Mass: 85 Tons


**Ground speed: ** 75.5 Kph
**Jumping speed: ** None
**Air speed:** None
**Range:** Intercontinental
**Lifespan:** 5 years

Damage Capacity

* Body: Medium Armored Large Mecha


The standard cockpit is situated between the shoulders of the mecha, accessible from the top of the mecha via gantry or cherry-picker lift. Pilots can also climb aboard when the mecha is kneeling.

Weapons Systems

With the modular nature of the Battle Frame system, The Tiger can carry a wide variety of payloads. Instead of fixed weapon systems, the Tiger has a variety of modular hard-points fitted with weapons per the pilot or mission requirements.

The hard-point locations and space available:

* Left Shoulder: 4 Tube Small Missile Pod
* Right Shoulder: 4 Tube Small Missile Pod
* Left Torso: 100mm Coilgun ammo [30], Extra Light Engine (2)
* Right Torso: 100mm Coilgun
* Center Torso: Point Defense Coilgun
* Left Arm: Battle Claw, Mech Heat Sink
* Right Arm: Light Plasma Thrower, Light Plasma Thrower, Light Plasma Thrower
* Left Leg: Mech Heat Sink
* Right Leg: Mech Heat Sink

Onboard Systems Descriptions

The onboard systems of the Tiger Battle Frame.

Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

Systems directly pertaining to the chassis and hull, as well as defensive systems.
Hull and Chassis
The Tiger is well defended, with a resilient Energized Tungsten outer armor, and a sturdy internal Skeleton.
Frame Internal Skeleton
Roughly analogous to the bones in the human body, the frame's internal skeleton chassis consists of a honeycombed nickel core covered with various composite materials, wrapped in woven carbon fibers, and clad in titanium-alloyed steel. Due to the more simple nature of the design, less bones are used in the manufacture, which results in less flexibility and articulation than possible with the human skeletal system.
Frame Musculature
Nano-muscle fiber clusters are an artificial analog of biological muscles with a greater strength to weight ratio. They are engaged with electrical current and its strength depends on the amount of fibers activated, not the current provided.

Nano-muscle requires large amounts of electrical voltage to function, with the larger "muscles" obviously requiring more energy than smaller. This does however grant an advantage as Nano-muscle cannot be stunned by electrical discharges, even more so as ceramic armor and composite skeletons have a high electrical resistance.

In a way, Nano-muscle is the reason Battle Frames are the advanced war machines they are; the Nano-muscle is an extremely efficient and load-bearing form of locomotion, but cannot be used in a wheeled, tracked, or airborne platform due to the nature of its operation. As such, even though Battle Frames present much greater surface area that must be armored, and much more structure to be carried, Nano-muscle still allows them to bear more weapons and armor per-ton than any other form of armored fighting vehicle.

The Frame moves it's limbs with numerous nano-muscle fiber clusters, each one enhanced by hydraulics and electric motors. This system gives the Tiger the ability to move its extremities.
Energized Tungsten Armor
Energized armor is composed to two separate plates, separated by an carbon weave reinforced ceramic layer. One of the armor plates holds an enormous electrical charge, while the other acts as a ground. When a penetrator pierces the insulating material, a connection is formed between the charged plate and the grounded plate. This releases the enormous electrical charge through the penetrator, causing it to vaporize instantly. Converted to a heated gas the penetrator becomes effectively harmless.

Lower capacitor charges can vaporize pre-heated matter, such as explosive shaped charges and plasma weapons. At higher charges, the discharge can also vaporize solids such as projectiles. Unfortunately, energized armor offers little in defense against energy and mass-less weapons.
In an attempt to compensate for this weakness, Blackwell has began manufacturing energized armor with tungsten composites, rather than the usual carbon nano tube style. Tungsten has a higher melting point than any other non-alloy in existence, as well as robust durability on par with that of depleted uranium. By using tungsten composites, energized armor has a much higher resistance to energy weapons than it would otherwise, as well as a healthier defense against projectiles.
The end result is known as Energized Tungsten Armor. The relatively low cost of tungsten combined with the simplistic design of energized armor results in a cheap and easy to produce defense superior to other low tech armors.
Life Support
The Tiger has a standard life support system, with a pressurized cockpit, oxygen scrubbers, and a temperature-humidity regulation system. The Tiger also has an inertia control system to keep the g-forces on it's pilot to a minimum.


The power supply for the Tiger Battle Frame.
Primary Power
Because Dav demands more speed and armor, the Dark Horse uses an upgraded Blackwell 400 Extra Light Nuclear fusion reactor, located offset in its chest, to generate the majority of its power, as well as to generate plasma for weapons. The Tiger's reactor requires Deuterium-Tritium solid fuel in order to operate. The Tiger carries enough fuel for six months of operation. To make space and weight available for the enormous new power plant, the secondary power sources were reduced to one small SRG.
Secondary Power Sources
As a backup, the Tiger has a single Stirling Radioisotope Generators (SRG), which is used to ignite the primary reactor with normal operations. During an emergency, the SRG can be used to power the life support of the pilot for a short time as well as providing power for a limited frame movement and sensors, though there is not enough power for combat operations.
Plasma Conduit/Cooling System
In order to transfer the plasma and power from the nuclear reactor to weapons and auxiliary thrusters, the Tiger has a series of Plasma Conduits which transfer plasma and coolant from the nuclear fusion power plant to the Frame's systems, as well as smaller auxiliary thrusters which line the back of the frame's legs. The parallel coolant conduits help regulate the temperature of the overall chassis as well as the fusion reactor during peak performance, such as in battle.
Electronics and Control Systems
The Tiger uses an On-board AI systems suite to assist the pilot, easing his workload and making him/her much more effective in combat. This mecha's AI is designated "Sweetie".
The heart of the On-board AI suite is an extremely advanced quantum computer, capable of performing nearly endless amounts of data-churning and possessing untold memory. Quantum computers, unlike old computers which could only process 1 and 0, can process an effectively infinite range of digits. The Tiger's computer is located in an armored box, just below the cockpit seat.
The On-board AI suite has sensors which, in passive mode, can detect things up to 100 miles away, and in active mode can detect and provide information (Heading, velocity, size, ship type, energy signatures) on objects up to 55 miles away. All of the Tiger's sensors are located inside the frame's main cockpit housing with secondary optics on both sides of the head, in the chest, and back shoulders. The Tiger has a variety of sensors including:
* Electromagnetic sensors
* Neutrino sensors (nuclear reaction sensors)
* Visual sensors
* Mass Detectors
Targeting control
The On-board AI Suite has a targeting control system that can give detailed information (Heading, velocity, size, vehicle type, and energy signatures) on ten targets, as well as position and orientation (IFF) on up to 25 more targets.


For close-range transmissions, it is more difficult for the enemy to intercept, because they have to be in the area of the beam. Also limited to light-speed.
Full spectrum, Dual-Modulation, range theoretically unlimited except by interference. Practical range is short, since the waves only travel at light-speed.
Control Systems
The Frame uses a Mind-Machine interface control system, linking the pilot up to the Frame directly. Interface is achieved when the pilot dons the specialized helmet. The mind-machine interface is a step above manual controls, and allows for pilots transferring to the new frame to have a shorter time to synchronize with it. The Interface also gives the frame faster movement and quicker reactions times due to linking with the pilot's neurological system.
Stability and Movement Management System
Another design feature of the Frame is the SMM System. The heart of the SMM System is a large gyroscope located in the lower center of the Frame's torso. The gyroscope serves to keep the Frame steady during aiming, movement, and maneuvering.
OOC Notes
Bullroarer created this article on 2018/05/06 10:45.
Art by Gloombloom
"Grandfathered" by [[users:bullroarer4]] on 2019/12/07.

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