• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.



The third planet in the Reservoir star system.

Home to the Atraxian species.


Map of Atraxis



Planet Data
3.11 AUs 1.5 G 21 hours 1983 days 200,000 humans, Unknown number of Atraxians 3 moons Several Great Houses of Reservoir
1 BAR Nitrogen (80%), Oxygen (15%), Other (5%) 99% land/1% water 12 degrees 222,000,000 km squared 2(Hot and Hotter)

For as long as space travel has been in this known sector, Atraxis has been a dumping ground for damaged tech, ships, and space junk. After many known wars and battles in space, space debris became a problem to standard trade routes and orbital stations around populated planets. When Atraxis was discovered, it was determined to be the perfect place to dump the collected debris to make routs and highly populated planets safer and less cluttered. Several companies have owned Atraxis over the long history of the planet that would contract salvage ships to collect and bring the debris and bring it back to the planet to be dumped. Most companies maintain the planet and salvage contracts until they make enough money to move on to higher ventures selling the planet and contracts to a new company.


Mostly soft sand desert, with noticeable sand storms.
  • By Day 122 Fahrenheit/50 celsius
  • By Night 14 fahrenheit/ -10 celsius
  • Less than 25 mm of rainfall per year, most evaporating before landfall.
  • Sandstorms with winds as high as 400 kmh/248 mph can last for hours, days, or even weeks, depending on how close to the equator it is.


There is one colony on Atraxis, Diej Prime.

Notable Locations

Notable locations on Atraxis

Diej Prime

The only settlement on Atraxis, the Diej Prime colony, holds 150,000 people. It is a large city encompassed in an environment sealed in by a 310 km²/120 mi² dome from the planet's natural environment. The city has multiple skyscrapers where the wealthy live while the mid to lower class live in slums, small ground-level apartments, or on the streets if they don’t have an income. The colony also uses gravity nets to pull the gravity inside Diej Prime and its facilities to a manageable 1g gravity.

Diej Star Port

A single starport graces the surface of Atraxis. Located just outside the habitat dome, this area is regularly patrolled and secured by Diej security forces.

Diej Heavy Industries Complex

Home to the main corporate offices and the security and salvage divisions, Diej Heavy Industries, maintains a distinct presence on Atraxis.

The Slum Club

The Slum Club is the club that The Desert Gang owns. This club provides prostitution, meeting for Black Market sales, and a front for money movement in the colony.

High Rise restaurant

This is the go-to place for upper-class company owners. It’s not a private club, but unless you are invited or noticeable upper class, you are made to feel unwelcome quickly. This is where upper-class networking and company deals are being made between Diej Heavy Industries, off-world contractors, other companies, or government agencies. Though prostitution is also performed in the restaurant, they are a high-class escort with no chance of disease.


approximately 150,000 inhabitants live and work in the main colony, with another 50,000 living outside the colony. Most races are represented here. Any sentient can work as either a direct employee or sub-contractor to Diej Heavy Industries or one of the support businesses located in Diej Prime, such as various food or entertainment establishments.

There is a semi sentient indigenous population discovered on the planet during the planets' initial discovery and cataloging. The indigenous population is unknown in number, but they reside primarily in the deserts away from the colony or scouting facilities. atraxian, as they are called, are separated into clans scrounging usable tech from the dumping grounds around the mid desert. No humans can live in the deep deserts close to the equator's heat for long. This, and the lack of interest on the part of Diej Heavy Industries, leads most to believe few Atraxians. There are rumors that even among the clans, there is a leader that rules them all. On rare occasions that an Atraxian enters the colony, they are exiles from their clans. They are left alone until they inevitably break the law with their violent tendencies and are executed or expelled from Diej Prime colony.

Present Day Atraxis

Diej Heavy Industries currently administer Atraxis. They manage and direct the contracts for dumping and salvaging of space debris and hold the mining rights to the Wolfleonium. The corporation has a main company colony located on a rock island surrounded by a soft sand desert. The space debris is scattered all over the planet. Because of this, there are scout/ manage installations strategically placed for directing dump ships and monitor ships coming into and out of the planetary atmosphere. Like any company, they are owned through shareholders, a company board, a CEO, etc. The mining division uses mobile metal harvesters deployed to mineral-rich surface veins for strip mine extraction.


All firearms are illegal on the planet other than used by the Diej security. The Diej security has been overzealous with security in the past, but they hold a disciplined military-like authority. Most of the inhabitants in the Diej facilities are employees that direct supplies and manage the colony; there are also employee families or small business owners like any other city colony that provides services. Most employees work their shift and go home or have leisurely activities in the social zone. All tech gathered from the dump and sold from the planet is supposed to go through Diej market. Per the contract, Diej Heavy Industries has ownership of all tech once it hits the ground. There is also an illegal underground black market of tech that is salvaged. This market is generally owned by the “Desert Gang” and pay off officials from the gang’s profit.

On any Diej facility or colony, Diej security has the regulated authority to be judge, jury, and executioner depending on the crime. Most mid to upper-level crimes result in expelling from the colony and all other Diej facilities. Though the security has the authority to make judgments and convictions, they must report to their superiors all sentences. Bribes assist in dropping crimes, but most security holds to the duty of sentencing to mid to lower classes. The upper class almost always get off for the right price.

OOC Notes

Bullroarer created this article on 2018/04/18 09:05.
Uploaded to NoN on 2020/10/02

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