• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.





Atraxians are a variety of green-skinned people that reproduce sexually, so named for the first known planet/system of this race to be found in.

Primarily meant to be a GM tool for "instant antagonist," though unique characters/NPC are encouraged.


Give an overview of the history of the species. This section can be expanded upon in a completely separate article if so desired. Include their first appearance in the RP, pre-RP history, and their previous national affiliations (if applicable).


{{ :species:atraxian_1000.png?500|}}
Atraxians are a variety of green-skinned humanoids.

Physical Attributes

  • Height Range: 4 to 8 feet on average
  • Weight Range:80 to 300 lbs on average
  • Typically able to bench press: 250% their own weight.
  • Typically able to lift: 180% their own weight.



Can see in a wide band of the electromagnetic spectrum of light, from ultraviolet to infrared.


As a predatory species, the Atraxians have sensitive hearing. They have long pointed ears on the sides of their heads. These large ears function to focus even distant or minute sounds and direct them into the ear canal. Their sense of hearing was used in conjunction with their excellent sight in hunting and detecting and avoiding larger predators or rivals.


Being a predator that hunts by sight and sound, the average Atraxian has no better sense of smell than your average human.


The Atraxians do not generally consider the taste of a thing before they eat it. As omnivores and voracious ones at that, they will generally consume most anything/everything organic, including their "offspring" in times of scarcity.



Atraxians have round-shaped bioluminescent eyes. They do not have a black pupil in the center of their eyes, rather a bioluminescent pupil, whose glow radiates out into intricate patterns in their iris. The sclera is most commonly white with red streaks. In some cases, it can be black or a darker version of whatever color their iris is.


Atraxians have long, pointed ears that project out from the side of their head. These ears average four to six inches in length on adults and can stick out to the side or angle back closer to the head. These ears are free of any hair or fur.


Atraxians have four fingers and an opposable thumb. Their fingers and thumb are powerful. They are also tipped with strong claws used for grabbing and securing prey.


The Atraxians have wide feet similarly shaped to those of a human, with long, strong toes.


The Atraxians have leathery, tough skin that comes in a variety of shades of sand/browns.

Skeletal Structure

The Atraxians have dense, strong bones. They come from a world with higher gravity, and these more rigid bones are needed to support the weight of their large and powerful frames.


Atraxians have always been a physically strong people. As a predatory species living in the lands of a harsh world with high gravity, they have had to. Their limbs and fingers are mighty.

Internal Organs

Atraxian internal arrangement is generally similar to most other humanoid species, heart and respiratory system in the chest, stomach, digestive tract, and other belly organs.
As they grow, their organs grow larger as well to accommodate, Especially the heart.


While the Atraxians are a predatory species and obtain most of their energy from meat, they are omnivorous and can eat plants, grains, fruits, and anything else they can get their hands on.


Atraxians can live and thrive in almost any environment hospitable to either plants or animals. Atraxians are a nomadic tribal species; thus, their architecture reflects a sense of impromptu. Most structures can be broken down and loaded either upon the backs of the smaller Atraxians or other vehicles owned by the Warboss, and his subordinates, of the tribe.

Life Cycle

Like most mammalian humanoids, Atraxians reproduce sexually and give birth to live young. The life cycle of an Atraxian starts when a female Atraxian chooses to align herself to the most powerful male she can find. The strongest males will accumulate as many females as possible to their households. After coitus, pregnancy occurs with a high frequency and typically lasts four months. Females of the species are the exclusive caretakers of Atraxian young, while the male must provide resources for all females in his household As they reach physical maturity, the Atraxian males will join the tribe's warband. Those who are unfit will quickly die in battle with other tribes and be consumed for their water and protein.

As they reproduce quickly, if an infestation gets on a habitable planet, little Atraxians start to grow and multiply, usually in the wild or away from population centers. Once a large enough tribe of Atraxians have matured, the largest of them beats the others up, taking over their "tribe" and begins a new cycle of wandering, raiding, and consuming.

There is no known limit to how old an Atraxian can live. With a more peaceful lifestyle, Atraxians could potentially live for thousands of years. However, most are killed in battle or by tribal rivals within a few decades of life. Those that rise above or are particularly strong, savage, or intelligent may live as long as a few hundred years.


Generally a nomadic species. Leadership is taken by the largest and generally the strongest of the tribe. As an Asexual species, the tribe is wholly devoted to the gathering and consumption of resources. Value is stored in teeth, which Atraxians are constantly growing. Often a victor in battle will take the teeth of his enemies. The humiliation of a rival for a particular item or slave will also involve forcibly removing the rival's teeth. To be called "toofless" is a grave insult, and those who are toothless are generally outcasts until their teeth grow back. Feats of strength and competition are favorite pastimes, as the traits of violence and savagery are encouraged. The three exceptions to this overwhelming savagery are the tribe's shamans, mechanics, and witch-doctors. As Atraxians pass their knowledge genetically to the next generation, these keepers of the various genetic knowledge are mistrusted and ignored, left to pursue their respective genetic drive to store and grow the tribe's knowledge. As Atraxians have not yet established a written language or care about such things, all experimentation is unique and often lethal to the participants.


the general look of this species is "cobbled together." The equipment looks very worn, piecemeal, and is prone to break down easily and often. Threadbare clothing, often taken from their victims, is the most common. Scraps of metal are also worn as armor as well as trophies of conquest. As an Atraxian grows in stature and size, they will carry more and more trophies, even having a mechanically inclined Atraxian fashion a sort of ad-hoc power frame enabling the wearer to carry even more trophies. The largest of the Atraxians may have extensive full-body modifications allowing for thousands of pounds of armor, skulls, chains of teeth, weapons, and other trophies adorning his body.


Atraxians foods still tend to lean more towards cooked meats and fermented drinks over vegetables and fruits. A sample meal might consist of a roast worm, spice beer, and heavy biscuits.

The Atraxians also are fond of their alcoholic drinks. They enjoy beers from grains and tubers, rums, and other fermented drinks. It is not uncommon for an Atraxian to consume a large amount of alcohol with meals. Atraxians will feast as often as they can, with the largest eating first, though the smaller Atraxians will steal what they can get as often as they can get it.

Naming and Language

Naming practices of the Atraxians are very crude, often just a collection of common adjectives until such creature has earned some unique description. With crude language skills, most communication is some variant of "Hey yuz guyz! Go do dat over der!" so names are rarely needed until an Atraxian grows to a leadership position.


For the Atraxian, politics is simple: the strongest rule over the weak. The larger Atraxians bully or kill, the smaller ones forming tribal units of descending size/strength. When many tribes come together under the banner of a particularly large or violent Warboss, they form a super tribe called a Warband, or colloquially, a "Waaaaa."


Rather than advanced technology, these creatures have a "racial" memory, encoding all of the basic techs in their genome. Some of the more intelligent or naturally gifted mechanics, often dubbed "greezy gits," will construct large war/raiding implements out of available salvage. Red and green paint is often used to decorate these artifacts of the tribe, as "da red wonz go fasta."

Space ships are not native to their species and are a product of theft/salvage. The usual purpose of a spaceship of a smaller tribe is to land/crash on a new planet, thereby spreading the tribe to new areas to grow and expand.

Brutish weapons, big guns, and explosions are the hallmarks of Atraxian technology!!!


When a particularly wise Warboss leads tribes, low-level barter or trade may occur. Teeth are used as their currency, often traded for another tribe's excess weaponry, loot, slaves, or other foodstuffs. Of particular note is the Dark Moon tribe, who have a genetic malady that forces these Atraxians to grow teeth twice the normal rate. While "richer" than other tribes, these Atraxians are in a near-constant level of pain and employ more witch-doctors who, through various experimental treatments, extract the bothersome teeth. This wealth is often used to purchase better technology sources and an Atraxian workforce in the form of more intelligent mechanics and witch-doctors.

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