====Personnel Registry====

Name: E4-F2 Unit #595
Age / Gender: 6 / Female
Nationality: Hawkingese
Species: Echoni
Sub-Species: High Devil
Occupation: Bioweapon
Originator Code: LavaLung
-Physical Description-
595 is a lithe and ghostly unit. Extremely tall, with angular features and pale skin. They earned the nickname 'Cignet' by being remarkably light and graceful, despite the cybermodification of all of their limbs. In the name of maximizing speed and stability, they often attach elongated hoof-like flight legs that incorporate wide variable wings, even forgoing arms to save weight- Other times, they prefer to remain more humanoid and grounded, merely using their anti-gravity powers to perform acrobatic feats.
In any case, they have a bit more of a regal, sharp face compared to many of their sisters, with a glorious billowing mane the colour of white steel. They have gloomy red eyes, a long slender nose, and dark rectangle markings on both cheeks.
In any case, they have a bit more of a regal, sharp face compared to many of their sisters, with a glorious billowing mane the colour of white steel. They have gloomy red eyes, a long slender nose, and dark rectangle markings on both cheeks.
-Personality Description-
595 is thoroughly a 'second generation' Echoni, more rigorously indoctrinated into the Magnetic Assembly's cult aspects, and thus 'psychologically hardened' against outside influences. This makes them a mixture of obedient to SEER, but also very vain, actively wanting to become stronger than both humans and earlier generations of Echoni. This can make them a little too strict with protocol and OCD when it comes to the smaller details- And desperate for attention and praise, when they put their all into a mission.
Unlike some others, their limbs were not replaced due to an accident. They volunteered given the chance, both wanting to embody the Magnetic Assembly idea of a 'machine idol', and also because they were afraid that other Echoni might have unfair advantages over them.
Real world experience is a little limited. They can be emotionally fragile in situations they do not understand.
Unlike some others, their limbs were not replaced due to an accident. They volunteered given the chance, both wanting to embody the Magnetic Assembly idea of a 'machine idol', and also because they were afraid that other Echoni might have unfair advantages over them.
Real world experience is a little limited. They can be emotionally fragile in situations they do not understand.
-Advantages & Disadvantages-
+ Gravity manipulation powers make them extremely fast and lightweight, capable of flight with a specific limb setup.
+ Can also carry integrated weapons.
+ A budding melee fighter with great reaction times.
+ Reasonable Zero-G Ability, skin hardened against high altitude exposure.
- Lightweight structure results in poor physical defence.
- If they go with full flight attachments, it vastly decreases their melee ability.
- Inexperienced and very little exposure to real combat situations.
- Ranged ability not great.
+ Can also carry integrated weapons.
+ A budding melee fighter with great reaction times.
+ Reasonable Zero-G Ability, skin hardened against high altitude exposure.
- Lightweight structure results in poor physical defence.
- If they go with full flight attachments, it vastly decreases their melee ability.
- Inexperienced and very little exposure to real combat situations.
- Ranged ability not great.
-Service Notes-

Internal service notes are AUTHORIZATION LEVEL ORANGE. Do not share with unauthorized personnel.
- Dr. Barkley Note #1
After the fallout of Echoni units projecting dangerous and uncontrolled powers, the involved genetic strains were isolated. Unit 595 has good recorded stability levels, but in terms of being prepared as an active combat unit, this data cannot be trusted long term. I am recommending them and nine other units (see attached) are assigned to storage units until Exemplar Doris Muller's Heavy Echoni Z-Type program is established.
- Dr. Berkill Note #1
The controversy following 444's defection and Doris Muller's ejection from SEER somehow managed to make the logistics here even worse. Immediate cybernetic upgrade seems like harsh treatment for units that have not actually encountered an accident, but what choice do with have? Exemplar Caxia wants results, and those Yelton Veda cultists are cropping up everywhere.
Did these units ever had the chance of a better life? It's better just to standardize their frames and make their problems manageable, at least the cult will support them and allow them to go out in public, rather than being stored away...
- (Reply) Exemplar Linelayer
The council has approved authoritive cyber-enhancement measures for stored Echoni units as of GSC 15/02/2321.
If the AU forces manage to land on Hawking, there won't be an MA or a SEER. Bio-weapons like this won't be allowed to exist at all.
Besides, weren't the Echoni supposed to set an example for the virtues of the pro-mechanica ascendant? It's about time your company started building more than cybernetic pop stars and glorified science projects.
- Dr. Vincent Powel Note #1
Unit proved very ready to volunteer, and was brought up to F2 standards with communication implants installed, then immediately transitioned to full limb modularity pattern with Exophage organ direct linkages, as was described under the Refined Heavy Echoni Program case #6 agenda. All fourteen units subjected to this situation are showing remarkable stability, and will be transferred back into the upgraded training program and psychological screening program.

- Supervisor Fang Yin Zhou Training Evaluation #1
No anomalies detected in the operation of any of the new F3-series units. They completed both training courses in and around Concourse Alpha.
If anything, I would note that their psychology seems a little too command dependent and unquestioning; Is this really what the leadership wants in units that has taken them six years to get to the field? They are loyal, and met all criteria for body stability, but this feels like an accident waiting to happen...
- Dr. Vincent Powel Note #2
As the unit has showed outstanding loyalty and self control, they have been granted authority to select their own limb-units going forward. It would seem they often select humanoid components, despite their pro machine personality... Further investigation might be required to examine the exact virtues they are trying to espouse?