• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

VotO Book 2 Chapter 6: A troubled Summit


Staff member
Wiki Moderator
October 15, 2321
Olympus Mons

"I'm not saying you look unfashionable. The whole suit-jacket thing is a new look for you, very daring, it just isn't you. It looks like someone dressed you to look nice. I can tell you wouldn't buy that yourself and anyone who matters is going to see the same thing. Drop the suit jacket, just stick with the vest if you really want to look like you fit in, otherwise just wear your usual. I think we were all expecting you to give the finger to convention." Ein said as both himself and Wazu approached the HFR's offices. Both men were still suit'd, though each had their own ways of wearing it. Ein's choice was far more traditional, Wazu's was a bit more eccentric, and the American Union security officers trailing behind them wore theirs cheaply.

"Next time I'll just wear my purple robe and slippers..." Wazu replied.

"I'm SHOCKED that the Assembly uses that in a serious capacity."

"You're trying to blend in, we just want to be comfy."

"Just come over to my side already, you know their going to try and grab you at some point today." Ein said, his tone getting a bit more serious now that they were at the doors to the HFR's office.

"I used to work with them. They couldn't grab me without ME helping THEM with the grabbing. Unlike the Empress we came prepared for that eventuality." Wazu replied.

"You still think she doesn't have anything up her sleeve?"

"Hoshiko didn't last time. The Daqin seem to think they can style their way through any problem just because they've got better wetware than the average human." Wazu would turn and wave at the American Union security officers 'trailing' them as he spoke. He knew they were just waiting for the word to come down so they could get started.

"Wanna put your money where your mouth is? I've got mine on body-double... or some kinda remote-operated-daqin-body-thing." Ein said, seemingly unconcerned about the men following them.


"Not a betting man anymore?"

"Fine. Usual bet." Wazu relented.

"Great, that'll make this more exciting. Go in. Talk up the HFR. Avoid a gunfight with my own security guys. Win this bet. Then we should get food... be thinking about what you're hungry for." With that Ein would open the doors to the HFR's diplomatic area and take himself inside, "Hey there, any chance Kal is ready to take visitors? We've got a lot to discuss."
Two Thunder-class marines eyed Ein and Wazu solemnly, guarding the door that led to the presidential suite. Their yellow and black suits were form fitting, the closest to armored body suits in the human sphere, besides the Daqinren. Their thin visors were tinted a deep blue, metal mouth plates guarded the lower face, the rivets purposefully mimicking teeth. Each carried a light assault rifle - a high rate peashooter - while holstering two-handed, armor piercing revolvers at their waists for bulky targets.

One of them mumbled in muffled Korean-Mandarin. After a few seconds, the two parted to the sides of the door, which opened up automatically. The interior of the presidential suite was bathed in soothing, gold light, adorned with small, potted trees, redwood bookshelves and couches, a desk at the far end, behind it sitting President Kal himself. He quietly gestured to the couch, then spoke up with a small smile. "Ein, Wazu, your reputation is now infamous across the HFR, considering what you did to the Union Senate. As much as I'd like to probe the thought process of such an action, considering that we were on the receiving end of such... decisiveness over a century ago, I believe you have separate matters to discuss, albeit related." The translator spit his words out in English.
The American Union's security people would wait a decent distance outside of the HFR's own space, clearly not wanting a fight.

"I am here to observe. Ein is the one with the proposition." Wazu replied in Mandarin with a suddenness that seemed to catch Ein by surprise. Wazu seemed to be fluent enough, even if his speech was completely formal which betrayed he wasn't close to being like a native speaker.

Ein took a moment for his translator to catch up with what Wazu had said, and then would proceed as if Wazu had said nothing at all, "We're all making history here," He started, "No one has ever arrested a head of state while at Olympus Mons. You've got the GDW and the Soyuz looking at each other and thinking through their options. The Ambassador from the AU's already got some half-baked plan to kidnap our mutual friend here," Ein said, pointing over at Wazu.

"Please. Do not worry about me. We already have a plan for dealing with the plan of the American Union." Wazu nodded,

"Of course... but you did come here with a plan," Ein continued in English, his attention shifting back to Kal, "...and so did she, if that body you have is even really the Empress. She will use this as an excuse to sow further division between the powers of the Human Sphere and upend the peace settlements we've reached here. Your timetable for war is now in her hands, and the rest of the Human Sphere is wondering how they are going to get their money out of her when she's in your prison. There are better ways to play to your audience at home while still being able to lead the Human Sphere."
Kal simply smiled back, hands clasped in front of his mouth, watching Ein like a hawk, then snorted knowingly. "You mean the Americans. The Americans will be divided from the rest of the Human Sphere. The Americans are wondering how they're going to get their money back. The Soyuz have never liked the Daqinren, and for the GDW, the political cost of continuing business with them outweighs the economic cost of breaking ties. The HFR is simply fulfilling a promise here, that we'll arrest and put on trial the original perpetrators of Zhongzhi. Our actions go beyond petty economics and political incentives. We have a mission."

The president shrugged, "Am I dealing with a CEO here, or an actual, American ambassador? It seems the distinction is almost non-existent here. If that's the case, then I heavily advise you to stay out of this due process for justice. If my intelligence is correct, Atlantica is a neutral zone now and New Texas is looking for independence as well. You have a lot on your plate. You're better off training your Statesmen against the Daqinren than put them up for any ill-fated interference. The divisions in the human sphere, you're the one holding the knife now, Ein. Total war with the Daqinren was always inevitable. Surely even you understand that doing business with the Daqinren would ultimately end in disaster, or have you not learned your lesson dealing with our predecessors? Or are you going to continue siding with a blight on humanity?"

"And you," He turned to Wazu, "I always got the impression that you had love for neither the Union nor the Empire. Your high cyborg methods of thought intrigue me. What are your thoughts? Do you think that the arrest was rushed or justified?"
"The Soyuz are looking for their own revenge. The GDW are looking to rebuild their infrastructure. The Union is looking inward. You are setting yourself up to fight the Daqin alone. That new shipyard Stellar is building in your space won't do anyone any good if the Daqin start attacking ships in that system." Ein said, struggling to find some leverage to use here. This whole thing had blown a hole in his long term plans and he didn't have the political capital to fix it.

It seemed the thing to do was shut up and think.​

and he hated doing that...​
"Discussions under a flag of truce are generally respected. Arresting the Empress in this circumstance means everyone will have to consider that future negotiations may be undertaken in bad faith. Future meetings will have to include additional assurances that fighting won't break out as parties look to arrest one another's leadership. That said, we expected that the American Union would try something. We also expected that the Daqin would have taken their own precautions. Either they are foolish and overconfident, or they have not yet revealed their countermeasures." Wazu said, providing his assessment of the situation.

"Or her plan was to let herself be captured." Ein added, Wazu seemed just about to speak up before Ein continued, "You've done it before James, the ol' get captured and then talk your way out."

Wazu would nod. "If they were surprised by this, then I would have expected her people to try and storm the mountain. Since they have not tried to storm anything yet, I would think we do not fully understand their motivations in this situation."

Ein's eyes lit up as he heard that last bit.

"... That said, perhaps we could speak with the Empress? See if we can get her to slip up and reveal something?" Ein asked.
Kal shook his head immediately. "Zhuli Number Four is currently a prisoner of the HFR. Under maximum security protocols, no one outside of the HFR are allowed to speak to her. Even military personnel must have maximum security clearance. We as the HFR understand the Daqinren better than anyone else. We've spent decades preparing for full blown conflict, the same amount of time stamping out their sponsored piracy within our borders. Having the CCM, AU, and the GDW as allies would be a great boon, but unnecessary. Our people are willing to pay the ultimate price for vengeance, I can assure you that much."
Ein didn't hide his expression too well, an expression that said:

Is this guy a fucking communist?!
Did he not understand that Ein had factories opening in the HFR? That his own revenue stream would be endangered if he did something like help the Empress escape? He didn't want to go free the Empress himself, he wanted Kal to free the Empress and then take credit for it. Certainly the only way he couldn't understand that was if he didn't understand who stood to get rich off all this.

"Consider it professional curiosity. You are holding the Empress, and your potential allies still have questions for her." Wazu said, maintaining an even tone as he continued to speak Mandarin, "... Many of us have scores to settle."

Ein cheered up a bit as he heard that. Wazu was being useful even if he didn't want to help! "It will be an easier sell for the Union to get involved on your side if you're providing access to the Empress."
Kal mused quietly, looking at Ein and Wazu both non-comittally, only for a couple of seconds. "Please understand that this level of security is for exactly that: security. Not that we're concerned that anyone could somehow rescue Zhuli Number Four by force or stealth, but that her words alone could be dangerous. As we have just witnessed, the Daqinren were able to start a war between two nations with limited grievances between each other, in no small part due to their physical charisma, psychological manipulation. Our officers are trained against such influences; you, I'm afraid, are not. However..."

He offered a compromise. "Should you insist on answers, you may provide a list of questions that we will ask her during interrogation, then paraphrase her words back to you."
"We'll get you some questions," Ein replied, now looking for a way out. It seemed that he didn't have the leverage to get what he wanted here and sticking around any longer was a waste of his time. "James, you got anything else?"

Wazu would shake his head no.

"Then I think this conversation has reached its end..."