• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

IDS Yīnghuā - Log 1.0: Swift as the Wind and Quick as Lightning (風馳電掣)

"Ara-ara!" Sakamoto lit up with delight. "I just happen to have a very fine genetic bank to draw from! You'll only find the very best if you shop with me," the merchant rooster smiled, eager to sell Jun her wares.

Xian's flashbang clicked and then soared through the air in an underhand. Just as it looked like it would 'enter' the right doorway, blinding white flesh snapped closed around the device like an amoeba and pulled the device into the center doorway. There was a barely seen flash and bang somewhere up the stairwell, and a horrific, rumbling screech. Both the doors to the left and right had vanished.

"Ew!" Hoshiko shuddered.

"What the fuck!" Sakamoto recoiled, clutching her Wu.

"That. That is new, but unsurprising given the nature of Magic," The Caster remarked. "I was hoping it'd charge and attack, but this one seems to have a snare." She shrugged. "Well, shall we press forward?" As she said this, one of her companions found something under the water in the central dias, and pulled the rod up by its recessed handle. Carefully placing a heartstone in and sliding it back down, red lights came on, emanating dimly from the still remaining gemstones above. "Ah. Let there be light."

There was now only one doorway and stairwell leading to the command center.
Well, if the mission is to keep these Aos Si alive for information later, he better protect them, Wen thought to himself as he stepped forward with his pistol. He made some hand gestures to Hoshiko and Xian, the two other trained combatants, signaling them to cover his advance as he carefully stepped past the open doorway. Another ultrasound scan revealed no anomalies in the vicinity, so he continued up the staircase, training his pistol on the long sight lines.

What he found peering up was a small fortification, useful to shoot down the stairs. "What is this?" He asked rhetorically out loud. "Usually guard posts aren't set up within installations that are fully secured. Were the previous inhabitants expecting their outer defenses to fail?"

With nothing else firing at him, he continued upwards, stopping in front of a set of double doors that seemed jammed, but were slightly open enough to be could be pried apart.
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"Lets finish the creature off before we conjur any further problems." Xian stated simply, urging her Aos Si body shield to head up the staircase as she pulled out another stun grenade. She'd quickly look at the angle of the slightly open doorway, and toss the grenade so that it would bounce as far into the control room as possible. The Daqin would time her arrival so that the grenade would go off right before she entered the control room itself, bypassing Wen on the basis that they were still injured.

"Wait, so Doors can kill us now?" Jun asked, "I mean, that's kinda cool. Do we shoot it and mount it on our fireplaces? Is that a thing we can do?"

Jun would quickly swap into a tight fitting Safari outfit with pith helmet, the front few buttons unclasped enough to provide just enough of a hint of her body. The boots also made her legs look ready to stomp on something. She'd put on her monocle, and aim an elephant gun at... well just kinda off into the distance. In the virtuality there really wasn't a 'thing' to aim at just yet and she wasn't going to spawn in a Turbo-Elephant just for this bit.

"Wait, if we kill it and mount it would it just look like we mounted a door on our wall?"
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The spearman, having finished placing his Heartstone, humored Xian's orders and came along.

"A Node on the Tree of Life's roots acts as a portal, and as such, can be compromised and attacked from the other end," The Caster explained to Wen. "The ancient scriptures described this facility as 'economy travel' with 'economy security', which apparently includes heat-beam projectors amongst its features," she added.

"It's a creature that makes illusions to trick people and attack them," Hoshiko tried to be patient with the space-rock-scientist. "They've so far made illusions of a lost child and the doorways." Hands on her hips, she stared a few daggers at Jun. "I swear Jun, if it's not space-rocks or rock-related, you practically have rocks-for-brains."

Seeing Xian pull out her stun grenade, the spearman understood and reached an arm out towards the sliding doors to move one aside for her throw. Grasping the marble-like door by the edge, it warped and wrapped over his arm, suddenly yanking him around the corner as a screeching bellow came from the room beyond

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" The sound of teeth grating against chain-mail could be heard as the Aos'Si screamed.
Xian seemed satisfied with this result, tossing her stun grenade into the hallway, aiming to get it right next to the Aos'Si as it exploded. Her free hand would go to her survival axe as the other would start firing her weapon. The Daqin 'laser rifle' could be easily held one handed, tucked in near her waist as she instructed the weapon by viewing its own targeting feed in virtuality.

In Jun's spa, the view down the hallway was being shown, and Xian was marking with a laser pointer the parts of the creature she wanted shot, letting the laser weapon make the precision shots.

She would advance forward after the Aos'Si, looking to finish off this creature.

"I've got a degree in rocks! Not in running off to magical resort planets with rich humans. I gotta find my adventure somehow" Jun responded. "... so then if we're not mounting a dead door or a dead lost child on the wall... what does this thing look like? You know, after we kill it?"
Xian's stun grenade flew down the hallway and skipped off the ground. Entering the command center and curving around the lip of the doorway, the grenade vanished from sight as Xian dashed forward. With a tremendous flash and bang, the tigress rounded the corner. The mass of tarry black flesh and its massive maw of pale, white daggers stopped crunched down on chainmail to spit, sputter and screech.

Unseeing white, milky eyes wept blood as a pair of clawed hands pulled the maimed Aos'Si out of its mouth. As Xian brought her laser rifle to bear, a fleshy white lure on a black stalk flashed, an out of place, skewed wall appearing. She fired anyways, and moments later, a smoking, hole riddled corpse lay on the ground.

"Clear," Hoshiko followed up, noting the room was now properly empty. The Aos'Si Caster reached into the maimed spearman's pack and pulled out a glass vial. Watching with interest, the princess leaned in as the liquid was poured into his mouth, the hideous slashes across his face bubbling and mending. "Healing...potions?"

"Healing potions? How?!?!" Sakamoto leaped in. "We could merchandise this with advertisements everywhere! We'll make a fortune!" she realized.

To her credit, the Caster looked horrifically confused.
"We want the formula and whatever method you used to make this healing potion." Wen simply demanded, as he looked around the room, kneeling down to make another ultrasound scan to make sure there were no more surprises. "You have something that the Daqin Empire wants, and we shall have it." He stood up, then walked behind her, pushing his pistol against her back.

"Now go, do whatever you came here to do."
"Again, Sorry, He's the team idiot. We keep him around as a joke." Jun called out, "Or maybe he's having mood swings from the Aos Si in his head. It might have gotten him pregnant or somesuch... We uh, totally do want to know about the potions though."

Elsewhere, Xian was switching around to the spike on the other end of her hatchet and looked to give the monster a solid whack in its brain to make sure it was going to stay dead.
The creature's enlarged, toothy head stared up with pale, milky eyes that seemed to not see as Xian delivered another blow to its tough head, just to be sure. Like an angler fish that had grown long, gangly arms and claws for catching maiming and mauling, the rest of its fish-like body did not look like it was built for speed - rather, it was more like a merman meant to wait and pounce. Now however, their sensors gave them the faint sensation of cooked and burnt fish.

"Let's stay focused everyone!" Hoshiko raised her voice. "No hurt feelings, our first priority is the portal shutdown thing!" Hoshiko loudly proclaimed. Sakamoto visibly made to look like she murmured something to disapprove, but at least kept her mouth shut and politely bowed. Seeing them somewhat fall into line, Hoshiko reached out with her free hand and pushed the grumpy bull's weapon away from the Aos'Si. "And - " Hoshiko smiled, " - given we're dealing with horrific interplanetary forces and strange creatures from the deep, we should be nice and polite to each other!" she then winked, cranking up the saccharine payload.

"Healing potions are always in every person's self-care bag, so I would imagine they are available for negotiation," The Caster brushed herself off, occasionally slowing her speech as she picked the best words she could to convey the concepts. Standardization of first aid kits was not easy to communicate. Turning to the stone console, it's face gilded with gold scripture and gemstones, she began to work, her hand placed on the cold surface. "I had my suspicions, but it would appear that the horned man has consumed others?" The console's central, raised face spun and sunk, revealing an indentation for another heartstone. This time, the one that she carried, larger than the rest. "The belief that they vie for control - silence that thought immediately. Replace it with the belief that you are the one in control and that greatness is your destiny."

The other Aos'Si that they could see from within the command center had finished their work below and stood at the ready, and with the placing of this final heartstone, the facility seemed to properly come to life. Dormant crystals lit up, the emergency red lighting fading away to be replaced with the famliar glow of daylight. But more importantly, several displays appeared across the stone face like holograms. Fingers dancing across the lighted stone, the 'keys' vibrating to her touch, The Caster set something into motion.

"Ara! There's a faint rumble in the stone," Sakamoto remarked, shuffling closer to her Chongwu for safety. Needless to say, meters of solid stone shouldn't rumble, and in moments, water began rushing into the portal room below as the origin point floated across the air before reaching the center. The Aos'Si below were struggling to stand against the tide, but soon enough, even that ceased, the torrent of seawater tapered down as island scenery came into view on the bubble of warped space. "Maybe a beachside resort after this is in order," she mused with delight. "At least, once when we figure out if those red lights in the water are good or bad indicators," the rooster merchant pointed.

Sure enough, down below in the portal room, three glowing red points of light could be seen in the dark, murky water. Almost waist deep now, one of the Aos'Si spearmen waded over and made to prod at it with the sharpened point. A jet of water splashed up, and in an instant, his two halves fell apart! A trio of watery colums rose, the red lights casting their baleful glare on the remaining three. Spears at the ready, bolts of silver-blue light leaped out at the aqueus creatures, bursts of steam erupting from where they struck the watery bodies.

"Hurry! You have to help them fight, or we're going to end up trapped here!" The Caster shouted.
This is so fucking stupid. We are risking our lives for these cavemen? Wen maintained his displeasure towards the Aos Si, despite his commitment towards the mission at hand. The technology presented to him hardly impressed him. The Aos Si must have been extremely idiotic and backwards if they have fallen to such a dilapidated existence, in spite of having technology that could create holes in reality. The fact was that the Daqin Empire was resplendent, while the Aos Si are nearly extinct. That alone proves Daqinren supremacy.

The proud ox-form shoved his contempt into his virtual counterpart, but not before firing off a jab at the Caster. "I have to ask again, how has your kind evaded oblivion?" Referencing the avoidable death that occurred below.

Then, he commanded his flesh to enter battle mode. He raised his pistol with mechanical precision. Remembering Jun's warning of the transparent wall, he instead headed back down the stairwell, stopping behind the double doors that led into the large portal room. "Throwing stun grenade," he announced, tossing a smart grenade in midair, having programmed it to detonate right above the three glowing lights. His visor became opaque for just a moment as the room was temporarily filled with harsh daylight. When his vision returned after a microsecond, he made a snap decision. All he could see where the glowing lights. Without any other information available, he surgically fired off a three round burst at each of them, his legs primed, ready to carry him back up the stairwell at the first notion of an imminent attack.
"I don't think Wen has gone down on anyone which absolutely speaks to his problems with..." Jun started to explain before something clicked, "OH! You mean the thing! That just kinda happened. But that was back when everything was getting weird. It just kinda happened, I don't think he knows how to do that if he tried to do it."

"OH WE'RE SHOOTING NOW!" Jun said excitedly in the virtuality, switching into some military uniform with tight fitting green fatigues and a button down shirt with a plunging neckline. It was remarkably fashionable on a Daqin body, but one might have to wonder just why this uniform was made in the first place? It hardly looked like it would be useful in a fight... She looked into the magic-hole or whatever and let the autotargeting software select...


The Aos Si were on their side right? She shouldn't be shooting them. She needed to shoot.... Uh....


Xian on the other hand was far more useful in a fight. She return to where she had a shot down at the watery things, taking aim at the base of each water-pillar and blasting it with her laser, flash-boiling the water to create a steam explosion, and then setting her laser for a wider angle so that it would illuminate anything in the target area.

She would let the laser do its work, the weapon tracking targets on its own as she looked around to identify where the princesses were, intending to keep them as away from the danger as possible.

Thanks to the hologram systems built into her helmet's exterior, the Aos'Si Caster could see the expression on Hoshiko's face that said something like, 'I'm with stupid -->' in regards to Jun. At least, until she turned her attention to the magical assembly that was being worked on. Soon enough, the 'Node' itself could be seen, and the expression on the Tiger Princess's face grew inscrutable with melancholy. The serene pouring of water was pierced by violence however, and in an instant, the situation went from zero to one-hundred. Just as the Caster was about to lash at Wen with her tongue, something struck him first.

"Quiet Wen! You're no better off!" Hoshiko suddenly snapped with anger. Eyes widening with surprise, both the Caster and Hoshiko at herself, the latter grimaced and gritted her teeth, rushing down the stairs with the others. Hearing Jun's confusion, Sakamoto shouted,

"Shoot the mad water with the angry red eye!" the Rooster turned to point at the impossible scene. Over a story tall each, the three tall pillars of water sprayed cutting jets of water at the Aos'Si, while bolts of bright energy flashed back. Blasts of steam and boiling water spurted from the towering bodies like wounds. Though the Daqin started peppering the raging waters with their own weapons, it seemed to have little effect until Wen's flash-bang went off. The three entities stopped dodging and juking, their watery skins jittering like they had been put under an ultrasonic cleaner.

An explosion blasted apart one of the three as Hoshiko stood, her underbarrel grenade launcher smoking from the shot. The remaining pair of watery masses dived. As the Node disgorged water, the salty brine rose up to their hips. Silence reigned again, and the Daqinren knew that they had all seen this movie before. Hoshiko was yanked underwater and out of view, only to reemerge inside one of the creatures. Its body now more spherical, its diameter visibly enlarged and snapped back down as it tried to crush the princess!

Worse, the second one reemerged, now moving faster like a dolphin. Leaping in and out of the salty churn, it took pot-shots at the Daqin, knocking over Wen and winging Xian enough to rattle her balance. Though they were shaken, their suits held! But imperial armor wasn't going to protect Hoshiko from being hydraulically crushed!
What literal sorcery was this? These things have no apparent skeletal structure, yet they have the strength of pulverize bone and flesh and manhandle a Daqinren. Given their liquid nature, their resistance to kinetic damage was not surprising. Wen wondered if the human, explosive-tipped bullets would have fared any better. The thoughts were quickly shelved away from later as he mechanically stood up, seemingly unfazed by the knock down into the water. His body moved before he commanded it to, wading through the water, relying on his physical bulk to handle the second water weird's onslaught. His organs went into full short term survival, release a lethal dose of adrenaline and other pain killers into his body that would require medical treatment later, but he didn't care for that. Right now, he had a literal princess to save, by the only way he knew how: recklessly charging head on.

Two hands gripped a pair of stun grenades. He signaled to Hoshiko his intentions, before punching into the water weird that was engulfing her. Then, his vision briefly darkened, as he detonated the explosives in his hands.