Venture Station

Venture Station is a plot revolving around the International Space Station known as "Venture", and focuses on the new recruits, students and trainees from various nations undergoing their courses as well as their day-to-day
Its game master is CadetNewb
For eons, humanity has waged war against itself for numerous reasons, ranging from simple greed, to politics or even necessity and offense taken and more. Despite starting to colonize the stars, the threat of warfare continues to loom overhead. The dream of a united Earth turned out to be just that, and humanity remains splintered. The American Union continues to proudly trumpet its traditions of freedom and democracy while remaining ethnocentric, bigoted and negligent of its own true state of being. Meanwhile, the Gemeinschaft der Welten, for all its good intentions and care that it takes of its citizenry, is a nanny state that refuses to see any narrative other than its blind, progressive optimism. At the same time, the Heaven Forged Republic is rising from the ashes of its predecessor, but is increasingly chafing against its neighbors and refuses to acknowledge the sins of the past. On top of that, the Soyuz Sotsialisticheskikh Mirov's people soldier on through all the poverty and hardship must endure without batting an eye, while a corrupt political elite plot and scheme. And perhaps worst of all, are the trans-humans of the Empire of Daqin. Despite being stronger, smarter, faster than their creators, they are all too human and harbor a deep resentment.
Into this, Venture, the thirteenth International Space Station of Project Harmony was created. It's mission is to promote cooperation, understanding and communication between all nations. But will it succeed?
Plot Style and Expectations
The plot will be focusing on the various recruits/trainees that have been sent to Venture station to complete their courses, and the various interactions and encounters they will have with the other guests present. Roleplay will be divided into two distinct segments, training in VR, and going-about on board the station itself. Though the rating is 333, the focus is not on swearing, hyper-violence or sex, though it is permissible within the context of the story. Rather, the rating is present to allow any developments that occur, and avoid hindering roleplay. Players will be making single posts on the forums during most instances, though Joint Posts made through use of a multi-user text editor are accepted for 'asides' that do not take place within the main story thread.
Suggested Character Origins
The characters for this plot can come from almost any background given the nature of the plot.
Any human is likely from the American Union, Gemeinschaft der Welten, Tian Zao Gongheguo, or the Soyuz Sotsialisticheskikh Mirov, and came here with the express purpose of finishing their military course, vocational training, or college course. Meanwhile, any 1st Class Daqinese individuals are likely sent here as a form of punishment, having to not only tolerate putting up with inferiors with a smile, but also make sure to represent The Empire of Daqin well. 2nd Class, who are people who bought the genetic upgrades to physically become Daqinese, are likely here for more genuine reasons. Any 3rd Class Citizens are likely the best of their lot, and like those from the 2nd Class, are meant to show off for the Empire, whether they realize it or not. The same goes for any Chongwu - uplifted animals - specifically sent by the Empire. Those that aren't however, are likely those that have either escaped or bought by outside parties and eventually given freedom, coming into the program and the station under their own merits.
For the Empire though, 3rd Class also includes the Aos Si, Oruk, Caelumar, Infernumar and Selai. Due to the Daqinese primarily living in space, the planet has seen very little modern development, and remains in the medieval state that it was initially found in to begin with. These characters most likely came to one of the few areas that the Empire has settled and developed due to the tales being told, searching for adventure, economic opportunity and so forth. Alternatively, such individuals could also be in the Empire due to its colonization and urbanization of the areas it is present in, and perhaps not even truly willingly. Nonetheless, if they come from the Empire, they are sent to show off. Those that don't however, are likely those that have left, found education and the like in other nations, and are now part of the program. Aos Si in particular though, can also come from the Soyuz, and are of the 'Snow Elf' variety - with such individuals, the undead horrors they have witnessed and endured in the frozen wastes have not dulled them.
Naturally, extracurricular activities and their associated points are necessary, allowing characters to participate in courses they otherwise would not normally be a part of.