Kaluga is a Soyuz-based company that has market dominance in aquatic engineering, naval materials and scientific equipment.

Finding its roots in 2070 CE, Kaluga was formed as an offshoot under RosTec as part of a strategy for combating global warming-induced flooding in the Northern reaches of Russia. Initially, it provided innovation in areas of structural flood defence, hydroelectric systems and redirection; its grounding in eco-scientific communities and growth as a business eventually resulted in a new front for undersea operations. Kaluga showed excellence in developing and manufacturing marine equipment, doing so on a contractual basis with scientific institutes and the Russian ministry of defence. Over time, the company grew its roots into naval infrastructure, semi-aquatic and underwater settlements, as well as life support systems and hydroponics when the space program of the CCM escalated in the 2100s. In the 2320s, Kaluga maintains a solid presence on Earth, Kitezh and the minor colonies, dealing with anything concerning water on Soyuz territory.