• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Echoni E-2 Cybernetic Enforcement Drone

===Echoni E-2 Cybernetic Enforcement Drone===

An ubiquitous design of the SEER corporation, the E-2, sometimes known as the “mushroom head” or “truffleclub”, is an earlier model of the more publicly recognised and humanoid E-4 series.


It has superior agility and intelligence compared to many comparable drone designs, and is one of the first practical uses of Exophage technology.

General Information

Name: E-2 Echoni Cybernetic Enforcement Drone

Operators: SEER / The Magnetic Assembly

Manufacturer: SEER

Height: 2.7 Meters


-High flexibility and dexterity.


-Strong anti-infantry/projectile weapon does not require ammo.


-Relatively lightly armoured.

-Starting to show it’s age in terms of intelligence.

-Not all that fast, a large target in open spaces.


Development of the original prototype E-2 started in 2301 and ended in 2305, all within the walls of Concourse Alpha on Planet Hawking. SEER was financially struggling at the time and needed a practical application for the Exophage technology they had already developed there. The E-1 was a simple bio-reactor, so development of the E-2 required the rapid development of a synthetic musculature system and semi-organic power distribution system.

The resultant soldier was intentionally made humanoid in order to fit in with SEER’s long term transhumanist intentions, but the dexterity and agility also meant it lent itself to being used as a security drone or urban combat weapons platform. Few other units on the market at the time could match it’s agility or intelligence network (about on the level of a dog).

Sales were not particularly forthcoming due to the high individual cost of the unit versus the intended role, regardless. It is also possible that the organic movement and uncanny valley effect also hurt private sales and public image.

Only during the New Years Revolution, nearly 15 years later, did the unit finally end up catching a break when SEER merged with the Magnetic Assembly. A mad rush for robotic ground units ironically ended up seeing this unit produced on masse over the far more advanced E-4 series, probably due to that series’ lack of obedience and unpredictable power output.

For better or worse, the modern version of the E-2 is still almost identical to the original security versions.


A toweringly tall humanoid cyber-organism filled with green jelly-like genetically modified zooids and a pseudo-organic looking glossy black metal exterior. It is a rather lanky skeletal in frame in order to keep weight down, bearing little more than pressurized tube sections in order to attach the neck and waist together.

It has a large dome-like head with one large fixed camera on the left side, and four smaller sub-camera slits in the middle for tracking multiple targets at close range. The right arm is usually a clawed manipulator hand, and the left is a high-powered thermal laser gun, with power cables travelling directly to the unit’s chest power source.

Overall it is an extremely flexible unit that moves with a series of distressing squeaky noises, not particularly tough but extremely fast and strong. It can even heal itself to a limited extent by the zooids producing silica-based ‘bone’ casting around any cracks and fissures, though this process weakens the unit overall, and is not a true replacement for metallic components. It can run and leap about 30 km per hour, and requires refuelling by mineral and protein compound blocks per every three days.

Deployed in teams of two to four, they can either be remote controlled or left with a few simple commands which they will carry out very literally.



A version equipped with a plastic concussion launcher instead of a laser weapon, for dealing with targets non-lethally. This version often has bright yellow and black hazard stripes.


A version that has altered joints, so that it can fold down completely flat for ease of storage. The resulting ‘flat packed’ drone can be attached to the side or bonnet of a car, instead of requiring a specialised transport. In all other features, it is identical to the standard model.


A ‘stop gap’ model that was produced for a brief period, when components for the laser weapon were prohibitively expensive during the New Years Revolution. It is grey instead of black, has two manipulator hands instead of a built-in weapon, and carries a modified long-barrel version of the AR-6 MG. Often stationed with Hawking Defence Force operations crews because of the compatibility of ammunition, it often ends up including a Kevlar vest and/or armoured skirts added by overly anxious ground crews.

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