• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Coniglio Class Battleframe

Coniglio Class Battle Frame

The Coniglio (Rabbit) is a scout role Battle Frame originating from the Great House of Diligenza.

About the Coniglio

The Coniglio fills the need for an easily producible all terrain, all environment scout unit. Unlike most modern Battle Frames, the Coniglio’s systems are almost all hardwired, the reasoning being this machine was designed for one job, and only one job, at which it excels. It is designed to travel great distances quickly, almost always across hostile terrain, while searching for mission targets. Its stealth features allow it to get far closer to the enemy than most machines, where its sensors and e-war systems go to work painting targets and hashing electronics for its allies. When the shooting starts, a wise Coniglio pilot will run and hide, and then attack opportunistically.

Key Features

  • High speed
  • Jump capable
  • Small profile
  • Stealthy
  • Advanced E-War Systems
  • TAG
  • Full head ejection system


Something... something... we need hostile environment scouts for use anywhere, thus Coniglio. Combat capability is an afterthought.


The Coniglio is a strange machine by the standards of the Reservoir system houses. Firstly, it’s something of a hybrid between humanoid and a little laquine, with a head that looks to be encased in a helmet, a slim profile body with humanoid torso twist, generally humanoid arms without hands, and animalistic tri-section legs ending in a complex and stable foot structure made for running, jumping, and sticking the landings. The machine features a backpack assembly with armature mounts at the top for back mounted equipment pods, ammo bins, or larger over-the-shoulder weapon systems. The back of the machine and the legs are lavishly equipped with jump jets. The machine is remarkably sleek compared to its contemporaries.

The head, which sits atop a fully articulated neck that has an armored collar around it for protection, appears to be helmeted at a glance. The ‘eyes’ are a solid sensor visor situated above a water-shed style lower face guard, and under what appears to be a movable armored visor studded with camera lenses and sensor plates henged at the ‘ears’. Sticking out of the sides of the helm at roughly where the ears should be, and where the visor is hinged at, are a set of antennas encased in a protective armor covering on a small armature to control where they are pointing. The default position of the antennas is at rest against the side of the head, and angled back so as not to cause too much drag.

The arms are vaguely humanoid, but end in a set of over-under weapon bays with shuttered gunports rather than hands. They do kinda look rabbit-y.

As mentioned before, the legs are tri-section digitigrade models, which start forward, then angle back, and finally angle downwards and forward again, mimicking the internal structure of animal hind legs, but with actual feet attached. This gives the Coniglio the ability to jump without jet assistance, and the feet are made for sticking all but the most unsavable of landings. This definitely looks rabbit-like overall.

Statistical Information

Organization: Great House of Diligenza Military
Type: Scout Role Customized Battle Frame
Class: Coniglio
Designer: House of Aspettare
Manufacturer: Agrotec Interstellare
Production: Unknown
Price: 7,550,000 W

Crew: 1
Maximum Capacity: 2
Passenger Capacity: 1

Width: 5.5 Meters (shoulder width)
Height: 9.2 Meters (head height)
Mass: 35 Tons unarmed, 66 Tons maximum at 1G


Ground speed: 162 Kph
Jumping speed: 108 Kph

Range: Intercontinental

Damage Capacity

* Body: Heavy Armored Small Mecha

Note: Heavily armored for its weight. The armor is not impressive in absolute terms. All components are maxed out on protection for the frame’s class.


The cockpit is situated atop the slim body of the Coniglio, and is a fully eject-able small craft powered by an ASRG. It is accessible from the front by a built in cable lift, or from the rear of the mecha via gantry or cherry-picker lift. The cockpit interior is a suspended linear control seat model with an in-line rumble seat behind the pilot. The interior is a virtual cockpit with panoramic monitors, though a direct view through polarizing armored glass is possible by disengaging the face shield, and allowing the monitors to slide out of the way. There is an access hatch on the back at the base of the head, and the entire armored canopy at the front can hinge open if the plate coverings are disengaged.

Modular Systems

The Coniglio trades away most of the modular versatility of more well known Battle Frames, but has a limited ability to customize its loadout for missions in ways more general Battle Frames are not equipped for. Non-critical equipment, such as smoke generators or flare launchers, is simply externally mounted.
The hard-point locations and space available:
* Left Arm: 2 pod slots, size 1 limitation
* Right Arm: 2 pod slots, size 1 limitation
* Back Unit: 1 pod slot
* Left Armature: 1 hardpoint, size 2 limitation
* Right Armature: 1 hardpoint, size 2 limitation

Note: The Coniglio cannot mount Melee Weapons
Note: The arm mounts are inside pre-made bays, limiting their size to 1
Note: Hardpoints can accept only 1 piece of equipment, no matter the size, up to the stated limit

Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

As previously mentioned, most of the Coniglio’s systems are hardwired.
  • TAG (head)
  • Advanced ECM (left torso)
  • Advanced ECCM (right torso)
  • Advanced Com Gear (head)
  • 14 Heatsinks (fusion reactor, all torsos)
  • 8 Armored Jump Jets (legs and torso)

Frame Internal Skeleton

This machine uses the same internal construction techniques and materials seen in most Battle Frames in the Reservoir system.

Frame Musculature

Heavy Myomere: Even though the Coniglio is one of the lightest Battle Frames in active use, it sports the kinds of Myomere one would normally find on a 70 ton Tigre. This gives the little mech explosive muscle power, and explains much of its high speed and mobility. They are quite power hungry.

Magnetic Socket Joints: A relatively new application of magnetic field technology, the Coniglio has electromagnetically suspended joint sockets with a graphene polymer gel lubricant filling in the gaps. This is also a key reason for the Coniglio’s speed and reflex response. Requires a constant supply of energy to be effective.

Hydraulic Shocks: The Coniglio’s speed, and the frequent impacts the frame sustains as a product of that, are mitigated by sets of hydraulic shock absorbers. The chassis would buckle without them.

Anti-Energy Lamellar Armor

The Coniglio is covered in Lamellar consisting of thin repeating off-set layers of Stellite Alloy tiles, rubberized polymer mesh, carbon fiber reinforced ceramic tiles, and more rubberized polymer mesh. The result is an armor that is lighter than steel, but is both stronger than steel, and is also incredibly resistant to electricity, radiation, and heat. It is not as resistant to kinetic penetration damage as energized armors, nor as good against shaped charges as reactive armors, but it is hard to beat when it comes to resistance to energy weapons of all kinds and it does really well at dissipating blunt forces. Also, thanks to not being an energized armor type, it can be stealth treated.


The Coniglio features an electro-reactive photon scattering polymer nanoweave made of radar absorbent material, reducing its RADAR signature drastically and disrupting LIDAR targeting systems. It also makes the machine more difficult to visually focus on, but not invisible, which ruins imaging recognition target acquisition on advanced missile guidance systems.

In addition to this, extra reactor shielding has been applied to eliminate the Coniglio’s passive nuclear radiation signature. Understandably, this provides no benefit once the unit engages with energy weapons fire.

All arm-mounted weapons are contained within closed bays that only open for the weapons to fire, and then close again afterwards (this is why there is a size limitation on the arm mount weapons). Back mounted systems enjoy similar solutions, but they vary greatly depending on what is mounted.

All jump jets have slats that open when in use, but close again when the jump jets are not operating unless the mech is starting to overheat. These slats can provide some degree of thrust vectoring, but are mainly used to keep the exhaust ports protected.

Life Support

The cockpit of this machine is a miniature aerospace craft. As such, it comes fully furnished with a pressurized cabin, air scrubbers, heating and aircon, water filtration, and a small stash of emergency supplies. It is rated for space, most hostile environments, and even splash down in water. Pilots can plug their suits to the life support system to extend their operational time.

Primary Power

This machine is equipped with a powerful fusion reactor in the central torso that provides power to all systems and weapons, except those in the machine’s head.

Secondary Power

The head is powered by an ASRG mounted below the cockpit. This model of ASRG is 5 times more efficient at power generation than the best RTG, and is capable of producing up to 32 times as much power for the same quantity of fuel as an RTG while only taking up the space of 3 RTG housings. This is more than enough to power all of the systems in the head of the Coniglio, even after separation from the body.


This machine is equipped with a quantum processor, supported by four multi-cored binary processors for different tasks. Each processor has its own dedicated memory bank. This and the attached drive bank are located under the rumble seat in the cockpit. The quantum processor handles the mind-bogglingly complex tasks, while the binary processors handle many simpler tasks at once. This arrangement reduces strain on both pilot and, especially, AI, by eliminating the processing bottleneck generated by only relying on a single beefy quantum processor or just quantum processing in general.

Note: Quantum processing is great for handling massive datasets and simultaneous calculations, but good old fashioned binary processors are better and faster at dealing with deep stacks of simpler sequential tasks that cannot be done all at once. A quantum processor would bottleneck if faced with the latter, or worse, try to process all of it simultaneously if the software wasn’t restrictive enough, which would fail and also probably end in disaster.


The Coniglio is outfitted with an impressive array of sensors. The internal displays feature a mode toggle that translates sensor data into a visual format that allows the pilot to ‘see’ what the sensors see in real time.
  • IR
  • LIDAR (+UV)
  • Microwave
  • X-RAY
  • Neutrino
  • Visual

Targeting control

The Coniglio’s targeting system features enhanced optical zoom and predictive aim for direct fire weapons and point defense systems. The targeting system is tied to a TAG system and the advanced communications array, which enables it to paint targets for and share targeting data with its allies and any semi-guided munitions they might fire.


The Coniglio is fitted with a robust multi-band radio system, and is able to socket into a tactical network with multiple simultaneous connections. It is also fitted with multiple tight-beam whisker laser emitters on top of the head for more secure transmissions. The comm system is powerful enough to cut through low to mid level jamming, and can intercept enemy communications, though this does not mean it can crack their encryption.

Control Systems

This machine features an intuitive linear control setup in addition to a neuro-helm interface. The passenger seat is generally reserved for an electronics specialist on the occasions a Coniglio is outfitted with extra e-war systems for communications interception, hacking, and so forth.

Stability and Movement Management System

The Coniglio was designed for use on land, in water, and in space, under a variety of gravity and atmospheric conditions. As such, it is fitted with not only the standard gyro balancers of all Battle Frames, but also has the capacity for AMBAC by utilizing its limbs and any movable mounted gear to orient itself in low, micro, and Zero-G situations. The 8 hard-mounted jump jets give it even greater options in all regards.

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