Great House of Diligenza
At the edge of the Reservoir system, the planet Acedia rests. As an ice and rock planet, Acedia has a minimal, frozen atmosphere. House of Diligenza ,the caretakers of Acedia and the first line of defense from out-system aggressors, have multiple bases across the Oort cloud as well as an underground colony housing the noble family, primary colony, and Fabbrica Sacra (Holy Factory). Martial ceremony and history form the foundation of this house and planet. This house forms the core of The Shield of Reservoir, and is funded primarily by the crown in a centuries long contract of defense.
About The Great House of Diligenza
Formed during the Second Founding of Reservoir, this Great House is the primary line of defense for the Reservoir system. Dealing in marital assets, this house and it's subordinate bannermen serve primarily as mercenaries for hire. It is often said the only counter to a company of Diligenzians in a formal Vendetta is another company of Diligenzians. With the vast Fabbrica Sacra providing arms and munitions to the mercenary companies, their experience in war is largely unrivaled. Only their strict honor code and exorbitant prices prevent this house from monopolizing the Vendetta market or conquering the whole of the Kingdom.
The ice of Acedia almost seemed to glow under the Gallant Unto Fail as the shuttle rocketed over the plains. Karathor stood with his brothers in battle and blood as the shuttle landed with a shutter. For the first time in many years the warrior was nervous, not of death like he had been when he had begun his mission to earn his name, not of the killing of others as he had felt before his first battle, not of how he would survive without the backing of his house, but of how he would face his father.
The shuttle's rear ramp lowered and the light of Acedia’s icy ranges nearly blinded Karathor through his visor. However the sight was unmistakable, two lines of warriors stood creating a path to the keeps entrance. Swords of all types silently flew out of their sheaths as the warriors of Acedia saluted a great warrior.
Karathor’s first step was that of a hesitant child, short, scared and weak, but Hedramen placed a gauntleted hand on his shoulder and spoke softly. “We’re right behind you.” The sound of those words echoed throughout the comms channel as it had through every battle the warband had ever entered. Karathor’s next step was that of a warrior, his armored steps spoke of strength and honor as his warband followed him through the silent corridor of steel.
Before the great doors stood one man, Balrog Diligenza, a tower of steel and gold and it was all that stood between him and his home.
Thousands of warriors Karathor had faced and none stood up to the one that was awaiting him. Unlike those many years ago, Karathor looked the armored man in the eye and stood his ground.
The world seemed to hold its breath as the Prima of the Great house stood judgement. The silence invaded every inch of the ceremony even as the sword of the house was drawn. The massive blade was a bar of shadow against the golden pillar of its wielder, with movements of a master the sword swung through the air too fast for Karathor to react.
The sound of ice shattering and steel screaming were heard even in the frozen vacuum and Karathor waited for his life to end, his armor to fall away, his body to fold over, anything. But when nothing happened he saw the sword was standing out of the ground and the booming voice of his father echoed through his helm. “Welcome home Karathor Diligenza.”- Annuls of the great Wokeskald Pistonemius, 19th of his name.
The ice of Acedia almost seemed to glow under the Gallant Unto Fail as the shuttle rocketed over the plains. Karathor stood with his brothers in battle and blood as the shuttle landed with a shutter. For the first time in many years the warrior was nervous, not of death like he had been when he had begun his mission to earn his name, not of the killing of others as he had felt before his first battle, not of how he would survive without the backing of his house, but of how he would face his father.
The shuttle's rear ramp lowered and the light of Acedia’s icy ranges nearly blinded Karathor through his visor. However the sight was unmistakable, two lines of warriors stood creating a path to the keeps entrance. Swords of all types silently flew out of their sheaths as the warriors of Acedia saluted a great warrior.
Karathor’s first step was that of a hesitant child, short, scared and weak, but Hedramen placed a gauntleted hand on his shoulder and spoke softly. “We’re right behind you.” The sound of those words echoed throughout the comms channel as it had through every battle the warband had ever entered. Karathor’s next step was that of a warrior, his armored steps spoke of strength and honor as his warband followed him through the silent corridor of steel.
Before the great doors stood one man, Balrog Diligenza, a tower of steel and gold and it was all that stood between him and his home.
Thousands of warriors Karathor had faced and none stood up to the one that was awaiting him. Unlike those many years ago, Karathor looked the armored man in the eye and stood his ground.
The world seemed to hold its breath as the Prima of the Great house stood judgement. The silence invaded every inch of the ceremony even as the sword of the house was drawn. The massive blade was a bar of shadow against the golden pillar of its wielder, with movements of a master the sword swung through the air too fast for Karathor to react.
The sound of ice shattering and steel screaming were heard even in the frozen vacuum and Karathor waited for his life to end, his armor to fall away, his body to fold over, anything. But when nothing happened he saw the sword was standing out of the ground and the booming voice of his father echoed through his helm. “Welcome home Karathor Diligenza.”- Annuls of the great Wokeskald Pistonemius, 19th of his name.
House Crest
{{image of house crest}}
House crest: A goat dexter courant on a split field of light blue and gold.
House crest: A goat dexter courant on a split field of light blue and gold.
House Motto
"My honor above all"
General Information
^ Great House of Diligenza ^^
^ Prima | [[ |Balrog Diligenza]] |
^ Faction | Kingdom of Vice and Virtue |
^ Prima | [[ |Balrog Diligenza]] |
^ Faction | Kingdom of Vice and Virtue |
Social Structure
The social structure of the Great House of Diligenza
Prima : House Leader
Vidat : House leader Assistant (Normally has an emotional attachment to the Prima)
Mancani : The wife or husband of the Prima (Child bearer)
Rabbia : House military advisor
Avidità : House economic advisor
Amore : House liaison
Nascosta : House Spy Master
Pilastro : A ruler of a city or group of cities
Knight : A warrior of the house
Places of Interest
The home colony is located on Acadia.
The Sedia Sacra a Spada
The Sedia Sacra a Spada, or often called The Sedia Sacra, is both the high seat of the Great House as well as a historical object. As a chair of melted relics of past Primas and notable heroes of the House, it is a physical embodiment of lineage and history.
Halls of Goradon
The temple to the god of Honor and Warriors, Goradon. Any honorable warrior can find a bed and food in the halls no matter what times belay them. Dishonored warriors can also come and prove their honor or die trying.
Shadow of Acadia
The sword wielded by the first Prima of the House.
The Great Beacon
The beacon that is under the care of the house to alert the entire system in case of a major attack. **** "The beacons have been lit" ****
Notable Holdings
These are the holdings of the Great House of Diligenza
Acadia in the Reservoir system
Reservoir Oort Cloud
Nights Vigil
A large comet orbiting opposite Acedia and Home to the Minor house of Volonta
Lucks Will
An eccentrically orbiting comet that runs in and out of the system. Commonly used to travel outside the oort cloud when its orbit comes around
Products and Services
These are the primary products and services the Great House of Diligenza is know to produce or sell.
Mercenary Bannermen Companies
Thundering Dawn (A red warhammer on a fractured black background) : Lead by Karathor Diligenza
Sons of Ice and Steel (grey Silhouettes on a light blue background) : Lead by Marteeth Diligenza
The Guard (a gold eagle on a green sheild over a red background) : Lead by Kellin Diligenze
Sons of Ice and Steel (grey Silhouettes on a light blue background) : Lead by Marteeth Diligenza
The Guard (a gold eagle on a green sheild over a red background) : Lead by Kellin Diligenze
Arms and munitions
Function over Form
Most goods created and used by this house work for their purpose perfectly, however not all are eye-catching in the best use of the word.
Associated Subject Minor Houses and Notable Bannermen Companies
Minor House of Volontà
Owns some of the Oort cloud fortresses and rules from Nights Vigil
Minor House of Determinare
Owns the eccentric orbit comet Lucks Will that flies through the system and out of the oort cloud.
Minor House of Moderazione
Rules over some of the cities on Acedia and are closely tied to the Pantheon and specifically Goradon. Most non warrior members become monks in service to Goradon
OOC Notes
created by Piston
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