Classical Militarism is a style that uses modern materials and methods to create clothing and other items that carry on the militaristic style of clothing from around the 1950s.

Classical-Militarism was coined in the 2300s, but could first be seen as early as the 2010s. In an attempt to exploit the positive feelings about the second world war, the American Union would create uniforms using colors and patterns reminiscent of those used in the 1940s and 1950s. While these throwback styles would always eventually be replaced with something more current, every few decades there would be a resurgence of this particular clothing style among American militaries.
In the 2300s, SEER would also start adopting this particular clothing style. The shapes, colors, and connotations of the clothing all supported order and hierarchy. The rather baggy nature of this type of clothing would be well suited to the non-uniform shapes of the cybernetic members of The Magnetic Assembly. This would make the style a good fit for the members of The Magnetic Assembly who would assimilate into SEER in the 2300s as they would constantly need to work with both less-cybernetic humans and the child-like Echoni.
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